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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening, nesters.
    JVo, I love The Bob Evans. If I am ever faced with having to choose a last meal, it would most certainly include the Wildfire Chicken Salad. Num, num, num. Our local BE closed its doors several years ago, so We have to travel out of town to go there, bummer.
    Had a very good day, good meeting this morning.
    Its only Friday, not a ticket to Boozeville! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone!

      Our camping trip got canceled because of rain. It is the first time I heard a faint whisper of the AV. My husband had made plans to meet up with his friends for drinks, and will no doubt come home somewhat or totally drunk.

      The whisper came to me when I ran to the supper market to collect a few ingredients for dinner (when I saw the AL bottles) before driving him to the train. I can identify this as being disappointed, and not wanting to feel disapointed. I also am feeling other stuff that I can't identify so I'll just call it funky emotions. They will pass.

      My husband and I have been getting along really well and I don't want to turn on him and be mad because the rain spoiled my plans. He made his plans after I made my camping plans with a couple of boyhood mates he hasn't seen in years. So, I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself tonight. My daughter fell asleep at 5 pm. She is still sleeping. This is not a good sign. When she does this she wakes up and then stays awake until midnight or later.

      I was thinking I should get a head start on studying but I don't think Biochemistry will help my mood, as I find it a very hard subject. So I need to do something easy that won't overwhelm me. I've been just doing chores and I think I will stop, I was starting to feel sorry for myself so I've decided- I've done enough for today.

      When I was at the supermarket I turned my head away from the alcohol section. I didn't buy any alcohol. Because the AV was kinda pestering I did buy some items to make myself a mock cocktail. Soda water, lime, elderflower cordial on ice? I'll see how it tastes later.

      I don't want to get drunk, it's the last thing I want to do. I listened to the bubble hour and I feel like that is a good tool to have at my fingertips.

      Tomorrow is 30 days. I'm happy about that and will definitely make it. I'm in for the night. No AL in the house.
      Last edited by Choices; February 3, 2018, 12:57 AM.
      AF January 7, 2018


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi all,

        Had a good - if somewhat random - morning: I left the house this morning just before 10 to get a coffee, and of all things, butter and ended up driving out to the ranges to take a couple of shots of a waterfall. Had a short half hour hike, then ended up driving around my old neighbourhood I grew up in reminiscing about things. I even bought butter from the shop at the end of the road that I used to go to as a kid! By the time I got home again it was after 3pm!
        The weather closed in this afternoon so I didn't mind going back home, but out of nowhere that voice crept up on me and tried to make a case for going to the supermarket and buying some AL. It was the usual reasons: it's raining, it's Saturday, you don't have work tomorrow, it would be nice to chill out at home with some drinks etc etc. So I did something I never did previously and probably should have: I said to myself 'Nah! I can't drink!' and ignored all thoughts, got myself straight home as quick as I could and dove into a bag of chips then crashed out on the couch. I know there's going to be more times when that voice pipes up again, trying to get me to drink (usually happens a week or two after I quit - which is why I've relapsed previously) but I'm going to use the same technique of just ignoring the thoughts and eating something to fill me up.
        I've also realised that I'm only a couple of days away from 13 days AF - bring it on!
        Last edited by K1wiBro; February 3, 2018, 01:13 AM.
        "one is never enough so one is one too many"


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Morning Nesters,

          Choices, sorry your camping trip got cancelled.. I hope you're now cozy at home reading a good book or watching a movie.. how'd the mock cocktails turn out? Elderflower syrup is one of our favourite things to make here and I still have some in the fridge from last year. Really good job on identifying your AV, figuring out what was going on with yourself emotionally.. You'll be very happy when you wake up tomorrow at 30 days af..:hug:

          Kiwi, sounds like you had a nice day! I also came home yesterday and locked myself in the house! :happy2: Sometimes it's just the thing to do. Being overly tired has been a big reason for me to drink in the past.. it's a vulnerable time for us. You've got this, though! Have a good evening.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi LC

            The mock cocktail actually turned out really nice! I had two- and then I was too hydrated to have more. Haha. My husband and I had a date night last Saturday. Our first in 2.5 years! I ordered a mock cocktail at dinner and it was similar. It was really cute. They put three blueberries on a toothpick to decorate it. The blueberries were infused with elderflower and it tasted amazing.

            Well, just wanted to check in. I am through the woods on any AV thoughts now. My daughter and I are watching a movie and I made a huge bowl of popcorn. She is being really sweet. She maybe up late, but I am not drunk or on my way so I am enjoying her and I am so happy to be clear headed.

            Few! I like feeling this way better.

            That is cool kiwi that your outing for butter took you down memory lane.
            Last edited by Choices; February 3, 2018, 03:29 AM.
            AF January 7, 2018


              Re: Newbies Nest


              Happy Saturday.

              Narilly - back atcha.

              I worked a 13 hour, tough day yesterday, but I got through. I actually felt good about my work and myself in my position. I got home and my husband had made a gin and tonic (one of my drinks of choice) that was just sitting on the kitchen counter. I did have a fleeting thought of "oh, that would make me feel good about now," but the thought was FLEETING. I made my current drink of choice (sparkling water with a splash of mango lemonade), ate dinner, and actually squeezed in a bit of exercise.

              Kiwi - that sounds like a very cool day (minus the AV talking to you). I haven't spent a day just meandering in a long, long time.

              Choices - sorry about the camping, but I'm glad those thoughts are gone for you, too.

              Today is a house cleaning/organizing day. It is beautiful outside, so I hope to get on the trails at some point. Happy to be un-hung and ready to face the day.



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Afternoon Nest,

                Quick check in. Doing catch up school work and I must get my Saturday afternoon nap in! I'm looking forward to an evening out. I haven't done something like this in a long time. Dinner and Eddie B comedian downtown.

                Pav, have you heard of this guy? Check him out on YouTube.

                LC, you're sounding good and I'm sure you were grateful you didn't feel like your coworker the next day at work.

                Choices, glad you got thru that wobbly time. I certainly miss those cuddly times watching tv with my son.

                Have a great Saturday All.



                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi peeps!

                  Pav, your new drink sounds yummy! And good for you getting in some exercise. My big goal for tomorrow..

                  J-vo, have a great time tonight.. I looked up Eddie B and he's pretty darn funny.. I also enjoy comedy a lot more sober. Couldn't follow it before!

                  It's been a mighty relaxing day here.. I did a whole lot of nothing. Did clean the house and tried to find a colour to paint in the kitchen.. but I'm afraid it's too dark. I'll see if it grows on me!

                  Tomorrow I have a walk planned with a friend and then to the movies in the evening.. What are you all up to this weekend?

                  I had a bit of a pull with the av today. One of the usuals.. you're on your own this evening, no one will notice. It's usually around 3ish and it passes quickly as long as I don't entertain the thoughts. I've been pretty good about jumping back into the right state of mind after messing up with drinking and I try not to think about it too much.. but I am very bummed that it happened. It did put me back to the beginning as far as the frequency of cravings go.. I feel better able to handle it after having had 10+ weeks without, which is good. And I did learn from it. But, Damn.

                  :hug: all around today..
                  Last edited by lifechange; February 3, 2018, 01:22 PM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good afternoon, all
                    Enjoying a relaxing afternoon watching the boob toob.
                    So glad to NOT be listening to crazy voices telling me to do something I KNOW will kill me. Stay the course, it is worth it! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi! Feeling happy to be with my family on a day without big plans. I've been working harder so the Saturdays are more rewarding!

                      Having a good sober day here. No AV in awhile - feeling happy to be a non-drinker and I don't miss it. I know that can change in an instant - so I'm ready.

                      Off to shower and get ready for mu daughter's basketball game! Have a good day everyone!

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        morning nest

                        having a lovely weekend. we had the twin 5 year olds yesterday for a few hours. i made a cake for them with their help and we iced it. not sure why one of them put his whole hand in the icing mix but it was fun and the cake turned out well. its great to have more patience than with my own.

                        the weather has been just gorgeous so have been out walking early and even enticed the SO to come for a bike ride. Now i feel like i have at least accomplished something for the day and soon we are going out for breakfast.

                        Still not smoking and feeling not as deprived, starting to feel some benefits which is a good sign.

                        take care x
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi All,

                          Just checking in. I'm tired from last night saying up until my daughter fell asleep, and I was worried my husband would come home drunk and annoy me. He got home around 11:30 which I don't think is bad at all, and slept on the couch so he didn't bother me. I thought that was quite thoughtful.

                          I'm trying to kinda keep to myself today. I don't feel too well (hormones) and I just feel like pestering my hubby about what he did last night which I don't think is cool of me. SO, trying to just sit with my funky emotions that started once camping was cancelled. I think in the past I pick fights with him as an excuse to let the pressure actually build so that I can have alcohol as a release. I'm not sure if that was concious. So I'm trying to deal with myself not bother anyone. Truth be told I am not enjoying myself at all! I might watch a mindless series on netflex and just wright off today.

                          I don't have any AV voice so I'm grateful. I have a HUGE I NEED CHOCOLATE voice. Maybe I'll indulge in some later.

                          Sorry to be so ho-hum! Everyone sounds good.
                          Last edited by Choices; February 3, 2018, 06:35 PM.
                          AF January 7, 2018


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Choices, chocolate sounds like a great idea, don’t deprive yourself at this point. As long as you don’t drink AL, chocolate is good. Your hubby sounds like a good guy.
                            Ya, watching a comedian and actually understanding the humour is nice. It’s so hard to pay attention when your drinking when all you can think of is the next drink- when is it coming, how many have I had, how many more can I have, am I drinking too much? Ugh

                            Pav, wow, that would have been so easy to have a drink. I feel like I was there. Looking at that gin and tonic and for just a brief second wanting to drink it. Thank goodness you don’t drink!

                            Ava, I’m not gonna lie, I am super jealous of your nice weather. We had blizzard conditions today with -33C windchill. It is f’n COLD. But hey, that’s life in Canada. In the winter anyway. I got my haircut today and had a massage which was awesome. Of course I woke up UNHung which I am truly grateful for. Saturday was always a hangover day for me but NO More!

                            Don’t drink today.

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Bedtime greetings Nesters

                              Ha ha, sorry but it's been a long & very nice day. My daughter & her family just left after a nice visit. My granddaughter is turning 7 later this month & it fun to talk to about everything. It's so nice to be around happy, enthusiastic young ones!

                              Choices, Congrats to you on your 30 AF days, yay! Be proud of your accomplishment - it's big

                              Jvo, I get most of my books immediately - Kindle editions. Occasionally I do like to have a real book in my hand. Either way both of those books helped me thru a very hard time, I hope you enjoy them as well.

                              Everyone sounds pretty good, I'm happy for all of you!
                              Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi all,

                                well I've made it to day 13! Doesn't seem like too long a time - so I can't believe that this was the longest I managed in the last year to go without a drink!
                                Had an OK day - when for a long drive and did a nice decent hike along some cliffs overlooking the ocean - I say it was an OK day because I woke up in a down mood. Not sure what brought it on, but this morning I was really down and depressed. I tried to figure why but couldn't think of a reason, so I did my best to put it to the back of my mind and get on with the day, but it was still there - guess it's just one of those things...
                                Had another drink-related dream last night- only this one was different. In it I was finishing work and going home to my flat where my mates where all getting ready for a big night out. I got home, grabbed a skateboard and told them I'd meet them later as I was going to go out for some exercise. I was thinking in the dream that there was no point hanging around as they'd only be drinking and I didn't. I woke up before anything else happened but it made a nice change from the previous dreams where I AM drinking and remember I shouldn't too late on...
                                "one is never enough so one is one too many"

