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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Crusader, I hope you can get to the bottom of your issues. Yikes! At least AL isnt one of them now!
    Got a hair cut and color today, always makes me feel lighter. Looking forward to Friday, what a week. My customers are NUTS amd cheap (god bless them.). Hugs to all, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      What a bright & beautiful day we had today, grateful!
      Yesterday’s storm dumped something less than a foot of snow & at least half of it melted today in the sunshine, yay
      Schools were closed but honestly, we found the roads in pretty good condition. My son stopped over with the grandsons so they could do a little sledding on the tiny hill behind my house, fun!

      Crusader, I never had gall stones that I know of anyway. Every problem I had was due to inflammation but it took me a long time to figure that out. Even with my medical background it was just confusing & frustrating. There is so much more information now & I truly believe with have the power to heal ourselves of most things. I do everything I can to stay out of the medical system. & off of pharmaceuticals, ha ha! Now you know how retired nurses really feel about things

      I use ACV for cooking & salad dressings but don’t do shots LC, ha ha! More power to you!
      We are situated where we can be on a beach in Delaware in less than two hours, nice

      Pav, we need to strengthen our boundaries when family & friends want too much. Learning to say no & not feel guilty is a good thing.

      Byrdie, you inspired me to go get my hair cut tomorrow, Lol

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        30 years ago, [MENTION=24140]Crusader[/MENTION], my upper right quadrant pain and intestinal issues turned out to be celiac disease - after they tested just about every abdominal organ and poked around looking for any sort of cancer. On the upside, I was so relieved not to have any of the suspected diagnoses, giving up gluten seemed easy. I hope you find an answer soon.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          evening nesters

          Well i had the days mistaken on the vets so ended up having today off as well to go to the vets. good thing i can work from home i say. We are now on monthly visits unless i think poppy needs to be seen sooner. last night i woke up to her snuggling me and then giving me kisses. she has not done this for nearly a year so i was pretty happy. the vet loved her flowers that poppy bought her to thank her for all she has done to making her life better. next time i dont feel well i will be giving acupuncture a go for sure.

          Nothing to report here. off to the SO's tomorrow and he is having a friend over for dinner which means i will be cooking. he says he will but bet he doesnt. at least i enjoy cooking when someone appreciates my food.

          i could say i hope its getting warmer over everyones way but that means it will be cooling down here so i cant mean it!.

          LC i have heard great things about vinegar but never drank it. maybe chilled would be great, might even join you in that.

          off to do some work for awhile.

          take care xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Re: Newbies Nest

            G'morning, Nesters,

            Sorry to hear about the health issues Crusader. I hope your self care makes you feel a lot better.

            Pav, family guilt trips can be the worst. But remember on this journey we have to do what is best for us, or it will all come down like a house of cards!

            Ava...yes it is nice to cook for people that appreciate it. That said, I have not felt much like cooking anything out of the ordinary lately. Either someone is not home to eat it, or there are complaints. Seems like I have been sticking to the same old kitchen repertoire lately. Perhaps when the kids are out of the house, hubby and I can get back to our interesting cooking days...however minus the booze.

            My sacroiliac joint is killing me. I went through a spell like this in the fall, but it seems to have quieted down until yesterday. I think it is a result of years of undiagnosed scoliosis that I have learned to compensate for. I'm hoping the Advil does its trick so that I can get out and run errands before my daughter goes on her cruise tomorrow. :yikes:

            And let's hear it for the power of the Mom network. I had a feeling there were some teen shenanigans going on night before last. My "Mom Sense" was tingling. We had 2 snow days in a row, so the kids thought they could hang out late. my son *really* wanted to "spend the night at his friend's house". Turns out they went camping. In a tent, on the snow. Two guys and the GF. The oldest trick in the book: my son said he was staying at his friend's house, and the friend said he was staying at our house. Due to friend's younger sister, some info leaked out and the other mom called me last night and said "did you hear about the camping trip?" I know it is typical teen behavior, (and I can attest that I did a lot worst) but it is the deception that has got me reeling. My son was devious enough to leave his phone at his friend's house so if I tracked him that is where I would think he was. Working on consequences........

            I really pray that my daughter's cruise is wonderful for her. I know she is nervous and I am trying to not show her how nervous I am about it.

            Bottom line challenging as life gets, I don't see any way drinking can help. I need all my whits about me. It is like a chess game with these teens!

            Take care all........weekend is coming. No tickets to boozeville here!

            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              Re: Newbies Nest


              Nice detective work, Belle. It is funny to me that kids think they are pulling something on you when you know all along. They forget to realize that we know all the tricks because we pulled them ourselves! Snow camping seems pretty extreme, however!

              Good to see you, LC. The image of the whole work place doing shots of vinegar at 10:30am is funny. Love it, and I hope it makes you feel better.

              Didn't set full boundaries for this weekend, but I think I at least worked it out so that others are cooking for me instead of the other way around except for one meal. It doesn't help that we have multiple family birthdays in March and April. I've never been a big birthday celebrator, so I think it is over the top to celebrate them all. We're working in reining it all in.

              Friday - ripped up my tickets to Boozeville, but I might have caught the ice cream train...



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning Nesters...Day 36.

                Thank you all for you well wishes.

                Bryd, no alcohol! That would not be wise.

                Lav, I'm with you completely. I have been for a VERY long time. The experiences I've had personally in the medical system as well as others including what they put my mom through last summer is enough to make me run away screaming and swear them off unless I need a test or something I can't do myself. I've handled more than my share of health issues that they were useless in solving. In my current situation, if I can't get things handled with my methods, I will go get some tests, so I know if or what is causing the problems and if it is more serious. Meanwhile, I am with you and doing what I can to help myself. We cause so many of our own health problems through bad choices. If people took better care of themselves, we'd have less of a healthcare crisis in America. I've done my own self harm by choosing self destructive life choices such as alcohol abuse. It starts innocently and then becomes our go to. This latest run I went through which I've talked about here was pretty heavy. I hope it has not done serious damage. Last night I said to my boyfriend, 'be careful what you wish for, you might get it'. My grieving and other life issues had brought me to a very dark place of slow suicide. I was not able to cope with my losses and made bad choices. It's so important to separate our identity and love of living from those we love or unrealistic attachments. If you don't have that sense of self importance outside of others, it can devastate you very harshly. In those times, bad decisions are made. We can't go back, we can only go forward in our truth and sometimes alone.

                NS, thank you for your thoughts. I've been tested for celiac disease. I don't have that, but my digestion can't handle any whole grains without pain. I can eat wild rice, but no brown rice either. I don't know if that is a reaction or a lack of digestive ability. I'll assume it is a reaction due to the immediate pain I feel upon consumption. I can eat white flour. Dairy is another bad issue which is not from lactose intolerance as test have shown. Dairy is such a common problem. Like alcohol, I get addicted to cheese until I eliminate it for some time and the craving goes away. I'm in that phase again now.

                I'm hoping this was all set off by my ice cream indulgences and some other eating habits. I've known dairy products are an issue for me from way back, but when I was drinking, it muted my immune reactions and I was getting away with butter and cheeses and an occasional couple tablespoons of ice cream on a dessert. I have an intolerance to certain foods and some allergies. I noted in an earlier post that they flared up when I quit drinking because my immune system is waking up. Eliminating these foods to none at all now and using other treatments I'm aware of that have helped me in the past is my plan. It may take time to feel better on this path, but there may be something more sinister in the truth. That is something I can't know just yet. I have a plan and will execute it. That's all I can do right now.

                Belle, have you tried some easier exercises? Here is a link that may give you some relief.

                7 Best Sacroiliac Joint Pain Exercises, and 5 to Avoid

                Pav, those traditions get set like habits in our society. Hopefully, you can get a handle on them. I know feeling constant obligations was very harmful to my own health years back. Stress was at the heart of my first dive into drinking. It felt good versus how the stress felt. It was blessed relief at the time. Now it became a curse as we all know. Maybe you all can have one big party for everyone's birthday for the two months?

                Ava, let us know how the ACV works for you. Your dogs progress has been interesting to watch unfold. I tried it years ago and had no success. There are variables of who is doing it and for what I suppose.

                Hi LC and everyone else.

                Love and hugs to all.
                The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Yo! S'up.

                  Hope you can work out the best foods for you Crusader. I'm seeing more and more as i read here, and stories in daily life how impactful and important what we eat is. I think for us, all of that boozing probably masked some dietary/nutritional stuff.

                  It is so true for us. We need to put the oxygen mask on first and save ourselves before everyone else is ok. Like you said belle, it can all fall down like a house of cards if we don't take care of ourselves first. And that means getting off the turps and staying off. e.g. Do i attend every family/friend/work function and ened up feeling overcommitted, overwhelmed, then crumble and go back to the booze because it all feels too much with people pulling me this way and that? or do i stop, pause, breathe, think and prioritise? I can say no these days. Because if i don't, then i'm fkd. Which impacts everyone around me. Guess what.....They still love me! :yay:

                  I'm a soy icecream eater. Tastes a bit ordinary, but i can eat a bucket of the chocolate version. Dairy puffs me up behind the eyes unfortunately, as does wheat. No other pain or discomfort though, just a puffy look so i generally avoid it.

                  Edit: LC, i have shots of ACV too. Everymorning and later in the day if i remember. Ran out of the stuff and need to get more this weekend. Wonder if it'll ever take off in bars mixed with cranberry juice as some sort of health alternative for us hipsters? I haven't noticed any big difference since drinking the stuff. I have energy, but also tired after a busy shift at work on my feet with people all day. Hard to tell if any effect as i imagine i'm healing from the boozing and my body and mind are getting stronger and healthier as a result of losing the booze anyway. How's your sunday running and meditation going?

                  Someone sent me an E ticket to boozeville today. These spammers will stop at nothin, nuthin i tells yiz. Deleted and blocked. Have a great weekend evabody.
                  Last edited by Guitarista; March 23, 2018, 02:32 PM.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good Day Nesters,

                    Late check in for me at 8pm. :happy2: With exercise and taking care better nutritionally, I've got an excess of energy..which is great.. it crossed my mind earlier today though, that this has been a "trigger" for me in the past.. not to escape, but to come down. I'm a bit manic and I'm trying to slow it all down.. to keep up the positive mood, but not to run myself into the ground which I know will happen if I don't pace myself. Do any of you experience this as well? I feel like I'm hopping/skipping around like a 6 year old and I think I talked my co-workers crazy today, which isn't typically my role..?

                    Belle, glad you've got the Mom network up and running. I'm sure your daughter will have a wonderful time.. what a great experience for her. I guess her nervousness will ease once she's on the ship.. I can't remember what instrument she plays..? My eldest is heading with her class to Saint Petersburg in June, where they'll be staying for a week with the families of kids at a sister school.. then they'll return with those students.. I'm also a bit nervous.. but it's a trip the school does every year with the 10th grade and it's always such a great experience.. Takes nerves to raise kids, doesn't it? I'm with you on doing it with a clear head!!

                    Ava, what are you cooking? What's your favourite thing to cook? How sweet that little Poppy was snuggling and kissing again..that must have felt so good..:love:

                    So, just simple weekend plans here.. falafel with my younger girl tomorrow at the market, a run/gym at some point and a movie Sunday evening with a friend. I feel like I'm finally into and enjoying my new life. Like I'm coming into the light after a difficult time. Last year was hard and I often tried to talk it down to myself.. "ahh, it's not that bad, at least you're not.... you could have to deal with.... be grateful you're not...", which is all true. It often seemed impossible to find the balance. I am very fortunate in my life.. BUT it was still hard! and I think a corner has been turned. I feel lighter. Some things really do need time..

                    I hope everyone has a good Friday.. I tore up my ticket to Boozeville as well, Pav.

                    Edit: Hi G-Man!! I think the ACV is helping with.. I don't know yet! I do know it gives me a kick and makes me feel good.. and I think it helps with cravings.. coffee, sugar, alcohol.? I don't know if that's true.. but none of the above have been on my mind at all. I'm sure it's also the weight training.. it's so good to begin to feel at one with my body again.. Meditation has also been mostly on. Hope you have a great weekend!
                    Last edited by lifechange; March 23, 2018, 02:58 PM.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      G, you got an E ticket to Boozeville? Holy Mother nothing sacred? Glad you blocked it!

                      Ok, the dental hygienist in me has stood still as long as I can. Apple cider vinegar is horrendous for your teeth. It is acid. That said, if you do shots, please brush afterwards! Now we reaume our regularly scheduled programming.
                      To say Im glad its Friday is an understatement! Have a great evening, all!
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Grateful for another sunny day to melt more of this snow, yay!

                        Belle, your Mom radar sounds like it's working fine. Now, for the consequences....... always make them age appropriate & make sure they 'hit' where they hurt the most. Meaning, if your teen is 16 & has a driver's license, take the license & keys for a period of time. If your teen is super focused on money & freedom, they can be taken away quite easily. These methods helped us survive then teen years with our two Good luck!

                        Crusader, I meant to mention something that has helped me a lot & that's a good probiotic. Find one that has many billions of different strains of bacteria & take it twice daily until yor symptoms resolve. I change brands from time to time, I think that helps.
                        Also, have you ever heard of Amy Myers, MD? She a functional medicine physician & has lots of helpful books & videos out on leaky gut & autoimmune diseases.
                        Amy Myers MD
                        She has lots of her own supplements you may want to check out.

                        Ava, I think acupuncture rocks! So happy to hear your doggie is doing so well

                        Byrdie, I hear you on the acidity of ACV. It is a bit too much for me when taken straight up.

                        Hi there to Pav, G, NS, LC & everyone!

                        No ticket to Boozeville for this nester. I am only 3 days away from my 9 year anniversary.....I would have to be insane to pick up now, ha ha!
                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi nesters!

                          I just can't seem to keep up with everyone. Hope you're all kicking booty alcohol free!! I just wanted to say hi, HI!
                          All is well on my side of the street.
                          Have a great sober weekend.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hello folks. I like to check in from time to time. Can’t believe I’m cruising towards a five year anniversary in July. Lav, 9 years. just wow is all I can say. Nice to read posts from the regulars. Hello No Sugar , Byrdie, Pav, and of course Lav and her chickens. No words of wisdom tonight, but Heck I’m feeling good that I’ve got 4 plus years in the bag after 20 plus years of hard drinking, so to you newbies, no matter how impossible long-term sobriety may seem you can do this. Some benefits to speak about. 5 years ago I was 260 pounds, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver enzymes out of wack, Blood sugar fasting pushing 170, all while on meds, you get the point. Today I’m still taking the meds but I’m at 240, cholesterol is a little over 100, blood pressure is 125/70. Liver enzymes are normal and my blood sugar is nearly normal. Getting sober saved my life!
                            Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                            William Butler Yeats


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy Saturday, Nesters,

                              Nice to 'see' everyone!

                              Can't remember the last time I posted, and I probably said that last time I posted, too! All going okay for me. Though a few months ago I went through a curly phase, where the drinking thoughts were intense. I couldn't stop thinking about it, but realised if I drank I didn't want anyone to know. So I had a plan in my mind that I would go away and stay in a hotel somewhere overnight, so I could drink it up, sleep it off, and then return home the next day. I entertained this idea for several days before realising just how ridiculous it would be. To throw away my sobriety after all this time, for just "one" "party" by myself. WTF would be the point of that?! So I abandoned the idea, with a sense of relief and renewed gratitude.

                              And gratitude is where it's at!

                              best wishes to everyone,
                              AF free since April 29, 2013


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning, Nesters,

                                Made it to the gym a bit before 8 and when I got home my daughter called to cancel falafel.. hangin' with her girlfriends instead. These are the days when I am so grateful for every minute I have with my girls.. I can feel how soon they'll be gone. And though I love how our relationships are developing I'm a bit sad and nostalgic for the little kid days. Especially around holidays like Easter.. they're still playing along with me, but I know they don't really believe in the Bunny anymore..:happy2:

                                Lav, I am so looking forward to celebrating your 9 year af anniversary on Monday.. what a huge accomplishment. We are so lucky to have such a wise, "old" bird in the Nest..:heartbeat:
                                Byrdie, I am so sad to say you are right about acv being bad for the enamel on the teeth.. I loved the shot idea because I can't really taste it.. but I guess it can be hard on the esophagus as well.. so today I diluted.. wasn't so bad.
                                ok. I know this isn't an ACV forum so I'll stop now!
                                TGIF, great to hear of all of your health improvements, being off the alcohol. I appreciate it a lot when you stop by the Nest..
                                Steadfast, thank god you didn't follow through on that crazy (AV) brained idea.. you would have been so disappointed and feeling terrible.. we all know there's no such thing as sleeping something like that off quickly and then just going home. It takes such a long time to get back on track. I totally get where the idea came from.. But we don't do things like that any more. So good to see you here..
                                Good to see you, Roobs!
                                Nar, when are you back from Mexico?

                                and to those missing, you're thought of every day.. J-vo, Moon, Choices, Kiwi.. are those on my mind each day when I check into the Nest. I hope you are ok..:hug:

                                Wishing all you Lovely Birds a nice and relaxing weekend.. I think I might just stay in my Nest today. xx
                                Last edited by lifechange; March 24, 2018, 05:53 AM.

