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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    You mean there’s no tickets to Boozeville in the mailbox, G? Cuz there should be some in your inbox to South America!!
    [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION], I feel sad & frustrated for you that you can’t attend your dear friend & neighbor’s funeral because of another stupid trade show. And as I recall, this is the trade show right before the Big Meeting at work to discuss changes in the company? Thinking of you.

    Lav, hope your patient is being patient with his recovery. You showed good self care by taking a break from him to go visit your old neighbor.
    I made beans in my new Insta Pot, and they turned out great!! Super fast too! Dried beans usually take forever to cook.

    Your avatar is a delight to behold, [MENTION=24351]New Sunrise[/MENTION]! Your MIL must’ve been a saint to handle 8 kids, with six being boys and two sets of twins! I don’t know how those women did it back then.

    I got that all wrong, Ava. You’re trying to squeeze some appreciation out of your workplace! Well, the smoking cessation coordinator appreciates you anyways! I’d want more time under my belt, but I guess it might reinforce your quit if you become the poster child at work for quitting smoking! I agree with Pav’s insight about how the two addictions (cigarettes & alcohol) are treated much differently.

    [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION], I wish you didn’t have to go to work on that day when you were tired and feeling off. Wish you could just have some Rest & Relaxation time for a couple weeks to get your quit well-established.

    Off we go into a sober weekend!
    Last edited by Slo; May 18, 2019, 11:59 AM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Happy Friday everyone.
      Pauly I hope you feel better this weekend, good you don’t drink!
      Way to go Sunrise, missing the AL aisle, that is a big deal.

      Belle, I wrote down a couple of my drunk stories and I go back and read them when I feel like I need a drink. It reminds me what it was like and really helps me not to drink. As you know one drink leads to a real shit show for us.
      Don’t think too far ahead, take it an hour at a time if you have to.

      Have a great Friday, like Pav there are no tickets to Boozeville here.

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Finally some good news - all pathology reports were negative for my husband SO his mood is improving as well. Thank the Universe
        I told him in the beginning of all this that it was way too soon to negative emotionally but that’s what he does, always has. It’s exhausting, honestly.

        Slo, I’m happy to hear about your sister. Sending her some positive thoughts. I really hope she chooses life over AL.
        Instant Pot beans come out perfectly, love them. I freeze some to use later, awesome.

        G, hope you had a good day!

        NS, hope you are feeling more like yourself today. Opiates hit some people harder than others. I sure wouldn’t want to develop that habit either, geez.

        New Sunrise, I live in the southeaster portion of PA where we don’t actually have any bears. I think I’m grateful for that, haha! Of course around here it’s nothing to find someone’s goat standing on your deck, LOL

        Pauly, you know how you are feeling regardless of what your doc told you. Mine tried to tell me the same thing at your age until I proved her wrong with bloodwork results. Take extra good care of yourself, do what’s right for you :hug:

        Hello to Wags, Narilly, Belle, Ava, Pav, Kensho & anyone I’m missing.

        Have a safe night in the nest one & all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Made it to Chicago. Show starts tomorrow. Wish us luck! Hugs to all. Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Evening nesters

            A beautiful autumn day here. Op shopping and brunch and enjoyed the day. I lost my prescription glasses when i went for a walk the other day but went for a bike ride and found them. luck was on my side. I was more impressed that i rode a bike which had gears and didnt fall off.

            Slo i do hope your sister is motivated to stay sober. Maybe you need to go around there and make sure there is no al in the house. Call her on her guilt about the doctors. She is so lucky to have a second chance and my fingers are crossed for her. I was worried Slo about the non smoking and newsletter but it will reinforce my quit and i honestly dont want to smoke now. The lady knows i have been sober 5 years and we have talked about both addictions and how al is treated so very differently to smoking. I have been going to the quit smoking clinic for 3 years on and off so its taken awhile to sink into my thick skull.

            Belle, when i was first sober i expected a parade and dancing girls to mark my sobriety but all i got was life and the shite that went with it. Just take each day as it comes and it will get better. Each quit is different and you will get there. Thank you for calling me a nest mum, i still think i have not had enough sobriety to be given that title ha ha. I would never trade places to have teenagers now but have faith that they become human in their 20's. I drank through my kids teenage years sadly.

            Lav, so glad your hubs results came back negative. A relief i am sure.

            Sunrise my boys were morons too as teenagers, they grunted a lot but the girls hormones were unbelievable. My favourite was i hate you mum, you just dont understand. Im glad those days are behind us.

            Wags, if i dont get this pay rise i will have to reassess my options. this job is perfect now in every way and i love the people i work with now. If the heirachy are sensible they will pay me more, if not it is their loss and i will bide my time looking for something.

            Take care xx

            Pauly, dont wish menopause upon yourself but you know your own body. I know i am going to live through the warmest winter due to hot flushes this year. blankets on, blankets off. the great news is that HRT seems to be helping and i dont drink which from reading is a big no no.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good Morning All,

              I am up early and not sure why, but I am well rested and I don't need to open windows, so I am quietly on the computer.

              I checked the local happenings and break-ins seemed to have moved to a gated community near here. So much for the gate. I guess they have looked around here enough. No bears, but it is early in the season to catch them on camera. I sure wish I could figure out how to post one of our sightings on here. We did have some possums scurry through the yard last night and that is about it. Lav, we have not seen a goat yet. There are plenty of farms around here. One farmer has a pretty raucous rooster that we see roaming around here every once in a while. I talked to a neighbor about it because I was concerned and he told me not to be, the gigolo always finds his way back to his own hens. We do get lots of sand cranes around here, Frazier and Niles visit us quite often and are always mad at us if we walk in the yard when they are around, they were here first.

              Kind of ridiculous with all the money we just spent on the HVAC, but hubby, daughter and I have decided to take a cruise for Christmas. We can pay for it in installments and it accomplishes lots of things. First, we don't have to worry about buying each other gifts, except for little things. There is nothing we really want and if we need something we just get it so Christmas has turned in gift buying chore for the three of us. We don't have to worry about family coming down to visit. Hubby does have a huge family, lots of older nieces and nephews and we just don't feel like entertaining them at Christmas, we are the Scrooges, or is it the Kranks, just thought of that one. This will keep my son and nightmare girlfriend from coming down. We don't want her in our house and we don't want to insult my son too much. By the time I tell him what we will be doing it will be too late for him and her to book the cruise. We will still be home Christmas Day, but just a couple of days before. He can visit another time, hopefully without her.

              It was good to read everyone's posts...Byrd I am glad you made it to Chicago safely. Now that I am getting to know everyone, you never stop girl!

              Pauly- Docs!!! 45 is not to young to start and it is slow process. I hated the lack of sleep thing along with a lot of others. I am now at the point that I take 15mgs of melatonin at night to sleep, I just don't think I produce it anymore. Doc wanted me to stay at 10 but I needed the extra 5 to give the rest I need. Now I take magnesium and calcium for the bones and potassium if the bananas are all eaten. I am just not holding on to the vitamins, minerals and hormones I once did.

              No sug- the fentanyl! When they did my neck surgery they gave me fentanyl and kind of snuck it in, they never told me that I would be given it. I asked if there was something else they could use instead and it was no, unless I wanted to feel the pain. I have taken few opioids in the past and they are not something that I care for either. I survived and I did not feel the pain and I guess it would have been fairly painful because I did have some bruising that lasted about a week.

              Lav, I am so glad your husband got good news. I know that makes life so much easier for you both.

              Avail, autumn already. In FL autumn is not much compared to NC but I had a love/hate relationship with it. Autumn meant winter was around the corner and I am not a cold weather person at all. FL suites me just fine.

              Off to have a nice Saturday, which is our Sunday, hubby leaves tomorrow for 2 weeks gone . Plan for tomorrow, still no war zone, I don't want to push the plate. enjoying outside, hubby has worked hard out there this past week, and some shows to binge watch. I am proud of myself for the other day, but I am not pushing the plate, I still need to plan for the eventual craving, still have them, but not so bad. Plans really help.

              Happy Sober Saturday to all!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good Saturday morning all! I love reading your posts but I'm still finding my way around here so taking the social thing a bit slow. I'm a true introvert and very reserved when first meeting people. Think of me smiling encouragingly at the edge of the group...

                Still sober, still doing well. I guess about 10 days since my little slip and close to three weeks otherwise. I guess I'm a little reluctant to count days too hard at this point because I know from (repeated) experience that the first few days/weeks aren't a real test of sobriety - not for me at this stage of my drinking career. I'll start being more interested in my own progress in a couple of months.

                But yeah, I think I've really internalized the message that I CANNOT DRINK AGAIN!!!!! I can't be a normal drinker BECAUSE I'VE NEVER BEEN A NORMAL DRINKER!!!! Sorry for raising my voice...

                My first experience with getting drunk was at 13 when I became unable to stand up. But my earliest experiences were 10 years prior to that, as a small child trolling the rec room after one of my parents' parties. Drinking the dregs of the beer out of the bottles - if I saw that as a scene in a movie I'd be shocked.

                Anyway, onwards and upwards. Spring might have actually sprung here and I'll take the dogs for a super nice walk in a bit.

                Happy sober weekend!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Morning nesters,shout it out FeralPuppy! Nope WE'RE NOT NORMAL DRINKERS!!!!! Who cares anyways,I was thinking about some prescription meds and wondering why some aren't made OTC and was thinking they just don't want people getting addicted,hurt,dying etc yet alcohol does all those things and more yet we can buy it anywhere/anytime? Stupid really if you think about it,New Sunrise,seems like you're mastering the times when hubs is gone,that's great I don't believe that doc anyways,I know my body and know when things are physically"off" especially something so personal like that,if it's allover the place time wise plus my other symptoms I think I know changes are coming and I'm ok with that but don't want to be dismissed like she did to me, sounds like everyone is doing great! The days keep racking up for us and that makes me happy although I'm not counting every single day I loosely know where I'm at,waves to all and wishes for a great AF day!
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Happy Saturday everyone, happy to be Un Hung this morning. VERY happy, I cannot say enough how grateful I am to wake up and not be sick. That was the story of my life for so many years.
                    Ava, I can’t believe you found your glasses, what are the chances? I hope you get a raise, it is awesome you like your job. Not many people can say that. (Byrdie, Pauly)

                    NS, fentanyl? Wtf? I can’t believe they gave you that. I am so glad you did no like it.
                    Lav, glad your hubs is ok, that is stressful.

                    Puppy, take it one day at a time and pretty soon you will have a bunch of days under your belt. You are doing great.
                    Sunrise, I love the cruise idea. You will be strong in your quit by then and can avoid all the free drinks.

                    GMan, every time I read your posts I smile. You seem so happy. I am glad things are going so well for you, you Raawk!

                    Life, hope you are ok, xo

                    Have a good one everybody and don’t drink today.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      I thought I was going into my mother’s birthday dinner last night strong and not caring about not drinking, but I did care. I felt flat, and uncomfortable about not being able to relax into a drink at the restaurant, and ticked off that they didn’t even have one NA beer on the menu. Oh well, some times are just harder than others.
                      And the other people were sipping their drinks. I would have gulped mine, and be immediately jonesing for another. And then another, which would be socially then what?
                      This d*mn full moon will be over soon, and then I’ll start feeling a little better. Today is a bubble bath kind of day.

                      Hope the interview went fine, [MENTION=1354]narilly[/MENTION]. Maybe easier since it’s a job you might not want.

                      FPup, I’m a severe introvert as well. Alcohol is what helped me be more extroverted. But not no more.

                      Pauly, yes, Perimenopause does take a long time, and 45 is not too early for it to start.

                      NSun, I was wondering how you were going to handle next Christmas, and get out of hosting & buying gifts for your son & that awful GF of his! I’m not surprised at all at your ingenious plan!! Good for you!

                      I needed to use pretty much Vicodin after my shoulder rotator cuff repair surgery, and after my total knee replacement surgery, which are both known to be painful surgeries; and I didn’t have a problem with it. And also Fentanyl was in the anesthetic mix. I guess if you’re using these short term in the appropriate amounts for true physical pain, then there’s a much lower chance of becoming addicted to them.

                      I need to go find some chocolate. Bye for now!
                      Last edited by Slo; May 18, 2019, 11:57 AM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hey, all. Finished my shift this morning at the National Restaurant show. We are next to a guy that’s making wood fired pizza, and two booths down from the best taco I’ve ever eaten. You don’t go Hungary at the food show! What a place, it is HUGE! I got back to the room and took a soak. Walked 3.5 miles, which is a lot for me. That was to our booth and back. We didn’t have any good prospects this morning, hoping my coworkers have better luck.
                        Everyone is sounding strong! I went out last night with two heavy drinkers and stuck with my water. Their bill was $49 and mine was $0. On another note, beer and wine are $9 on a flight now! PLUS, the airline bottles of booze have gotten smaller (if you can believe that). In yesterday’s flight announcement, they said that use of cigarettes, e cigarettes or personal AL was prohibited! Gads, I’d have been thrown off the plane if I were still at it, I used to carry my own small bottles of vodka and go to the bathroom and down a couple. Those weren’t the days.
                        Hugs to all, I’m going to go cater to my feet, who are filing for divorce.
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Byrdie, glad your show is at least tasty! Glad also that you're getting some you-time with exercise and a tub.

                          Slo, I have been having fun ordering mocktails at restaurants. I also get pissy when there's NO non-alcoholic alternative, so I ask them to make up something - ginger beer and other ingredients is super yummy. My husband once asked "How much will THAT cost?!" and I replied, "not as much as the three that you will be ordering...". And that was that. Why should't I be able to enjoy something tasty?

                          I also didn't know there are bears in FLA?!?

                          We visited the farmers market this am and I just had a lovely salad with organic 4-ingredient dressing and it was great. I've been fighting with eating well, and I"m paying for it. I am so tired of being in pain with my neck. Has anyone here had LYME? My symptoms are *exactly* what is listed for late Lyme, and it has me wondering.

                          Anyway, looking forward to getting some rest tonight!

                          Happy weekend everyone!

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Nice day here, very warm for the likes of me, haha! I’m a fan of coolish weather, I can’t lie

                            Kensho, my husband had Lyme disease almost 20 years ago. He had the headache, stiff neck, fever & the telltale rash on his leg. What did he do? He denied it & ended up in the hospital for 2 days getting IV antibiotics. He only had to listen to his wife, the nurse - DUH! You can get a Lyme titer drawn easily enough & be sure.

                            Byrdie, eating your way thru the trade show is much better than drinking your way thru, good choice!!

                            Slo, the full moon has been messing with my sleep too, always does. Pretty to look at but I miss the sleep.

                            Narilly, hope you’re having some spring weather

                            Pauly, self care takes on a whole new meaning at this changeable time of life. Treat yourself well.

                            Puppy, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep moving forward & the time will go by faster than you think. You’re doing great.

                            New Sunrise, I think the cruise sounds like a good idea provided you are feeling strong in your quit. Not sure I’d want to be around all the booze, even now but we’re all different. Whatever makes you & your husband & daughter happiest is great!

                            Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good Early Morning All,

                              Up early again, but really that is my norm. Hubby had to make it out early to the airport and I always see him off. He really looked at his jobs last night and they were all places that he has been before, barring anything unforeseen, he thinks he may make it home on Saturday! The weekends when he is away are always hard, but now I just make plans for what I will do and that is easier. I really felt like I crossed a milestone the other day in the war zone, so I do feel stronger but I will not push the envelope and will stay away today.

                              The cruise! We are so excited! We booked it yesterday and when all was said and done, it did not cost us anymore than the yearly trip we took to the beach in SC every year. We used to rent a condo for 4 days but I still had to cook and we still went out to eat. Hubby and I have been on cruises before and we never drank on the ship. That is how they make their money and drinks are outrageous! You can buy a drink plan and that is equally outrageous so we never did that either. You can bring a bottle of wine on board per person, but we will skip that, hubby is not a big wine drinker, and bring water instead. Water is also so expensive! They do provide coffee, tea, lemonade and juice in the morning. We will be cool there.

                              Slo- Son was the exact reason I came up with the cruise idea. No worries now with him and gf showing up. He lied to me last year and said they came early because he had to work when they had planned all along to go to her parent's house. She ran the bus over the two of us the first day they were here letting me know their plans. It is understandable that she wants to be with her family and I would have understood. Now her family can have them both! I will not tell son about the cruise till Christmas planning time comes and no presents sent back and forth. I will just tell him that we could send him money and he could do the same, but lets cut out the post office and he can spend the money he would spend on us and visa versa. Boom! Done! I hope we all have a nice holiday.

                              Feral- you are doing great and like Pauly said, none of us are normal drinkers! We all have a different beginning, I think, but we all ended with the same result. Drinking made our lives unmanageable. I lived around my bottles of wine, they went too quick and I had to plan my life around getting the next bottle. I made so many trips to the grocery store for unnecessary things and had to make a list. My first stop was the wine aisle and after that I had to remember what else was so important to get. HALT, hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. Loneliness is a hard one for me with hubby away so much but now I am planning ahead to fill the time. I have a cruise to go on now so I need to plan on losing a good amount of weight!

                              Slo- I am sorry about the family situation and having to adjust when everyone else is drinking. These are the people that know you well, but they will get used to you not drinking. If they mention it, tell them health reasons, which is the truth. We are so much healthier when we don't drink.

                              Bryd-I am sorry you didn't get many prospects at your show, but the food sounded great. Trade shows are so much work. Hubby used to have to do their trade show once upon a time and hated every minute of it. He is too valuable out in the field now so they don't even look for him to go, a great thing.

                              Lav- Lyme disease, yuk! I have heard horror stories about getting over it and how it just lingers on and on. You have tremendous patience in caring for your husband and I am so sorry he had that.

                              Now, on with my day. I have to go to the pharmacy, no wine there, and pick up some meds, the pool, my book, and the new season of the Patriot on Prime. The Patriot is a quirky little show, dry humor, but I liked the first season so I hope the second is good. I so enjoyed Frankie and Grace!

                              Good Sober Sunday to all!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Sober Sunday everyone!

                                Lav - glad to hear the good news for your husband

                                Sunrise - whereabouts will you be going on your cruise? Sounds like an excellent decision given all the factors you were considering.

                                Byrdie - hope today's the day your big contract lands in your lap - the one that gives you such a gigantic commission that you can retire into a life of ease Do such contracts exist??? Well, one can dream...

                                Ava, Pauly, Pav, and others talking about menopause - I feel like I've been "approaching menopause" for at least 4-5 years, and still my body can't make up its mind. We will move forward in solidarity against the hot flashes, mood swings, and other fun aspects of hormonal loop-di-loops!

                                Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest. Hope your weekends were fantastic!

