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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    OMG, Lav, wine juice boxes essentially. Why would you want one of those? What's the actual purpose? No glass? Oy.

    Mr. G - Bon voyage - I am so excited for you (and also a tad jealous). Happy travels, and drop us a line now and again.

    Slo - that actually sounds like a good project and sort of satisfying. I hope you and SiL got along ok, and sorry you had to hit the bars with the friends.

    Nar - sorry about the job situation. I hope something comes along soon.

    My 20-year-old son who I saw this weekend said he didn't realize it at the time when I quit, but now he understands how unusual it is to be an adult who doesn't drink. I do notice more and more celebrities are outspoken about either sobriety or at least quitting drinking for health reasons. I feel like we're just ahead of the curve on the sobriety trend.

    Happy SOBER Thursday,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good Morning All!

      9 weeks!:sohappy:! I must say my days are getting easier but that AV still sneaks in, last night in my dreams! I hate drunk dreams! I was about to wake up and was dreaming that I hung over and finding out all I did the night before as I was waking up! I am so glad those days are getting further behind me, I don't want to go through that again.

      I have had a wonderful 2 days, no family drama, so to speak, daughter is disappointed that she didn't get the camp job but there is something out there for her. Hubby is home again for the rest of the week. Bad weather in the Midwest and North has cancelled jobs. I hate that the weather has been so severe for so many but so happy to have him home. We have just had fun together. Work a bit in the yard and play in the pool, we are so glad we moved to FL.

      Thank you all for your support with my family issues. It has been so nice to back away from it all. Pauly, they do cause so much stress and Pav, people are weird sometimes, even the ones you give birth too. Avail, I sure hope that son doesn't think that I am manipulative but I think that GF is making him think that way. It is just best if we have little communication with each other for now, just pleasantries now and again, check to make sure everyone is okay and leave it like that. I am being a bit manipulative, I think, by not telling him about the cruise. I waffle back and forth on that. I had no idea, but holiday cruises fill up fast and I really don't plan to tell him about it till he starts talking about the holidays, they will not be able to book the cruise then. It is kind of a 'gotcha' but we don't want them to join us in any fashion. We want to enjoy our holiday this year no drama and no bad health for me. They can so turn the table on us because in a way they would be right. It is awful, but that adorable son I had so long ago and loved holidays with, I don't want to be around as long he is with GF. I sure hope he doesn't marry her.

      Lav- be safe in this weather! I do hope you have a basement to go to. Mother nature is not fooling around.

      Bryd, thanks for the support and I will feel free to rant :egad:. Good for you on putting your foot down with your coworker! It is a hard thing to do but it is best.

      Narilly, I am vicariously feeling your pain with the job situation. I feel so bad for my daughter, she thought she had the camp job in the bag, though the living there situation was not really appealing to her. She puts so many resumes out there and tries so hard to stay somewhat local. She is now thinking that she has to start thinking about the city of Orlando. It is a city again, hard commute, and children with all sorts of back grounds. Most of the schools she has been substituting in are all rural children with about the same family situations. You get into the city and there are children that go through things that a lot of adults never go through. The diversity is great, but the circumstances some come from are challenging.

      Guitarista, have a great flight! Do check in and tell us of your adventures!

      I have another play day today! I do love it when hubby is home, he is such a joy to be around. I am lucky that I had such an awful ex because he has made me appreciate my hubby all the more. I guess good comes from everything even if you don't see it at the time.

      Good Sober Thursday all!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters,

        Today I saw an ad for Gin & Tonic POPSICLES. What’s next?? Who in the world needs that sh*t?
        I guess the young drinkers will fall for that, not me LOL
        We had another thunderstorm late this afternoon, not quite as bad as yesterday’s storm. Grateful we upgraded our generator this year. When the power goes out around here it tends to stay out for days. When you’re dealing with well water, you need the power to stay on.

        Pav, if you don’t like the juice boxes maybe the popsicles would be better. Can you believe that dumb stuff? Crazy! Maybe we are AF trendsetters. I’m OK with that

        Hello to Wags, Narilly, Slo, the traveling G, Byrdie, Ava, Pauly& everyone!

        It’s hot & muggy here so I’m just staying inside as much as possible.
        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi nesters!

          Just quickly checking in - other than weather, employment and families (quite a trifecta indeed), everyone sounds well.

          I'm doing well also. My brain fog is lifting a bit and I feel very well overall except for this excessive fatigue. I think that's easing a bit too, mostly in the first half of the day. But by late afternoon I'm craving my bed (although not sleeping too too well). All this I pretty much expected, in fact I probably expected a bit worse than I've had so far. But it's early days yet I guess and there's a lot of healing ahead.

          Aside from craving bed and sleep, all my other cravings are manageable so far. I'm well aware that the AV and the addicted part of my brain could be cooking up something major between them so I'm very vigilant. I won't be blindsided by this monster!!!!!

          Have a peaceful night in the nest everyone!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hello everyone, thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it, xo I know I will get a job soon enough and then I will be complaining that I am stressed out.

            Ava, that is a scary story about your step dad. Holy crap! And then asking you to drive, unbelievable.

            Way to go Feral, I think L Glutamine helps with cravings, maybe that would help.
            Lav, Pav, yeah how many ways can you drink. They are finding all kinds of ways. Gross.

            Have a great trip G, I know it will be hot wherever you go.

            New sun, you are sounding great, I am glad the family stuff has calmed down.

            Have a good night everyone. Go Raptors!!

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Originally posted by narilly View Post
              Go Raptors!!
              Those are fighting words, Nar! Go, Warriors! (We got game 2!)

              FP, I'm glad the fog is clearing. My drinking dreams were usually hungover dreams where I'd have to come here and admit what I did. Always felt so great to realize it was a dream!

              Hope everyone is safe from all of the crazy storms. We've had a cold May here - looking forward to warmer weather.

              Woke up late - rushing to work. Happy SOBER Friday. Enjoy your weekends.



                Re: Newbies Nest

                The exhaustion is hard at the beginning of a quit, FeralPuppy. But at least you know what to expect. You’re doing well!

                I don’t think of you not telling son that you booked a Christmas cruise as being manipulative, New Sunrise...even though I guess technically you are manipulating the situation to make sure that you don’t spend Christmas with them! It’s about self-protection & boundaries for you guys, and logical consequences for them. They don’t have to have Christmas with you anyways -they can have next Christmas with her side.

                Pauly, good job using H-A-L-T to fight through the cravings. You can’t always fix “Tired” right away, and “Angry” & “Lonely” can involve more long term issues - but “Hungry” is easy to fix!

                Yeah, the marketers are making booze look insane lately, with the goofy products they are coming up with.
                And the gifts & cards have strange phrases on them too; here’s some recent ones I saw:

                “Yoga class? Oh, I thought you said pour a glass!”
                “The most expensive part of having kids is all the wine you have to drink.”
                “I’m easy to please as long as I have my wine.”
                “I’m well red.”

                Now why would someone want a plate, plaque, or towel that says something like that on it?

                Wishing everyone a good AF weekend!
                Last edited by Slo; May 31, 2019, 04:59 PM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  morning nesters

                  Lav, those products are just horrible, way too handy for us sneaky alkies and of course they look as if they are aimed for the young drinkers. My son was saying to me yesterday that my ex hubs fiance was hassling him about drinking (her being one of us but now stopped as she saw i could do it) and he said how hypocritical it was and that at least i didnt nag. I wish i could nag but i told him i was leading by example and at the end of the day it was his choice to stop drinking and nothing i do or say will change that. Banning al from my house has worked wonders though.

                  FeralP the fog will lift. i had such bad headaches and my al brain told me that these would stop if i drank. Well yes they would but then i would have the other issues of drinking. so glad i stuck with the plan. you are doing great.

                  Sunrise protecting you quit is your first priority and always should be. When do you plan on telling your son you are going on a cruise. He may realise you wont be walked over or he may think your being manipulative but it doesnt matter, your health and happiness is all that matters.

                  How are you G? hope you are having fun.

                  Nar, what choir are you singing in, i meant to ask but it has slipped my mind.

                  Yesterday i had two friends tell me that someone they knew had died of addiction, one a young girl of 30 from drugs and my cousins step son at 40 from al. Both went into organ failure. It really hits you how lucky we are to have stopped. This is when i get on my high horse of what al actually does to people and the sad reality of addiction.

                  Hoping to get out and walk today, they say no rain but looks very overcast. Im taking osteo-eze for my hip which i think is starting to work. a slow release paracetamol which is way better for my guts than anti inflammatories etc.

                  take care xx
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hello? Is the anybody in there......

                    Hey freaks! Missed your faces, great to see some of the usual suspects. All is well here, still holding on and approaching 5 years.. . I've been involved in another support group that has a mixed bag of first responders of all types (Police, Fire/EMS and military)
                    It was definitely right up my alley and I feel as if it took my struggles with sobriety to a next level, in a good way. Never will I forget where I came from MWO.
                    Plan in reading back a bit and plugging myself back in. Do glad to see all the regulars and so many new faces!
                    AF 08~05~2014

                    There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Greetings Nesters,

                      Great to see you Matt & happy that you are doing well. Almost 5 years already? Wow, very nice!

                      Feral Puppy, hang in there because it takes time to heal the damage we’ve done to ourselves. You’re doing a great job staying on plan & that’s most important right now.

                      Slo, the AL industry has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Even when I go online looking for new embroidery designs I have to filter out all the wine & beer related designs. It’s just ridiculous!

                      Ava, sad about those two young folks. You just wonder why they let the addictions go on for so long. Their lives could have been saved.
                      I hope you get some decent weather this weekend. We had no storms today for a change.

                      Pav, Narilly & everyone, I hope you have relaxing weekends.
                      We get to go watch our granddaughter’s dance recital on Sunday afternoon. I’m really looking forward to that

                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Well hey Matt! I’m so proud of you coming up on 5 years August 5th! It takes support to reach these milestones. I’m so glad to hear from you and look forward to seeing you around!!
                        Hugs to all! It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone. Chaos here with kids home and Mom trying to work (me)!! Hanging in there - no big complaints. Happy it's Friday but I have to work this weekend a bit!

                          G - I missed your send off - have a fab time dude! Can't want to hear all about it!

                          My husband is at a drink fest tonight. I mean a baseball game. HA! I could tell he was excited to start drinking at noon - said he won't be home until very late. I used to get excited to have unrestricted drinking planned. He'll be a bear tomorrow. I watch it and cringe. That's all I can do.

                          Not much else here for now - time for dinner! Have a good night!

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Originally posted by Slo View Post
                            I don’t think of you not telling son that you booked a Christmas cruise as being manipulative, New Sunrise...
                            Not even a bit. The dictionary definition of manipulate is "control or influence a person or situation cleverly, unfairly or unscrupulously." All you are doing is arranging your life to actually work out for yourself - which we are supposed to do, right?

                            Anyway, I may have spoken to soon about the brain fog - it looks like PAWS has set in for me at least a little bit. Dammit! Oh well, just proof that my brain is trying to fix itself. (Why, oh why, did I do this? Again...)

                            No tickets to boozeville here. Good sober night to all. :hug:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters!
                              Stopping by to say hello to old friends and welcome to the new faces!

                              Matt - great to see you and congrats on the approaching five-year birthday. Ava — I know you recently passed 2000! Outstanding! G-man — you’re sounding mucho bueno; looking forward to your travelogue! Brydie-your work situation could easily be the basis for a new sitcom. I really really hope you win the lottery or come into good fortune soon so you can tell them so long suckers. Pav, NS, Lav, Wags, Cowboy, Kensho, and friends I’ve not listed — hello and hugs. (LC?)

                              This sober life continues to be delicious. I got together tonight with four other women, all AF, for game night. OMG - we played a game called Cards Against Humanity. It was hysterical! And extremely blue. Hubs and I are heading to NC in a few weeks to see the grandkids (so fun). My stepdaughter has no issue leaving the kids with us when we visit. I’m so grateful for that - totally due to my sobriety which is totally due to the support from those here! My mom is doing amazingly well - she’ll be 96 this July. She’s close by and I’m lucky to get to see her, and help her, when I want to or she needs me. (Another freedom from not drinking.)

                              I hope everyone has a sweet, sober weekend.
                              Mary Lou

                              A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Marylou - great to see you! Sounds like AF life is continuing to treat you well, and that you're having good times with family and friends. Hope you have a fantastic and fun trip to NC in a few weeks.

                                Matt - good to see you too, and really glad to hear you found a group that really understands your particular circumstances. First responders of all types have tough jobs and both see & deal with hard things, and most people outside that community can't fully understand. Great job on nearing 5 years!

                                Pav & Lav - wine juice boxes and G&T popsicles??? Ugh... Next thing we know they'll be promoting AL in sippy cups!

                                Kensho - hope you're able to get some work done AND enjoy your kids being around for summer. Here's hoping your husband isn't too bad off tomorrow (now today I think).

                                Nar - yep, the job for you is just around the corner!

                                Hellos and waves so Byrdie, Ava, NS, Sunrise, Slo, LC, Belle, Pauly, G, and everyone else stopping by the next this am/pm.

