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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Ugg, colonoscopy prep is draining. OY! Hope he has an easy time of it all. There are 1000 jokes, I’m trying hard to refrain!

    Hang in, everyone, no drink is as good as being sober! Hugs to all, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters,haha Byrdie it's "draining" literally I've never had a colonoscopy but I've heard the prep is awful! LC,glad you had a nice visit with your mom,they're a pain sometimes but let's enjoy them the best we can while they're here,my old enemy insomnia is back! Can't deal with that lack of sleep yet the antihistamine I take to sleep makes me so yuck in the morning, feel like I can't win,think it's just the season change messing with my head or something, anyhoo waves to the gang and wishes for a happy and healthy day
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi, all--

        Byrdie, it is definitely not like you to refrain from a good pun! I hope you're ok? An Lav, you and your husband also.

        LC - Although I'm sure you miss her, I imagine it will be a little bit of a relief to have your mom gone and to return back to normal routine.

        Yes, California is quite a mess right now - thanks for your well wishes. I heard the best one yesterday - that this is caused by the liberals wanting our electric company to invest in renewable energy, so they didn't have enough money to do maintenance... (The private monopoly paid shareholders and executives A LOT of money while they chose not to invest in maintenance). Just goes to show that anyone can make anything political. It is amazing to me that in 2019 an huge portion of Northern California - those NOT affected by fires - can go without power for four whole days. (I am honestly horrified for those displaced by fire, and they have it MUCH worse I know for sure.) It is all STRESSFUL, and there have been a lot of "I'm drinking through this" jokes. All I can say is THANK GOODNESS I am not drinking through this! It would be a lot harder to make a grilled cheese on my camp stove if I was drunk...

        Happy SOBER Hump Day!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          I had the WEIRDEST drinking dream last night!! Somehow they made 'powdered vodka' and people could cook it into food to make alcoholic brownies, chips, candy, etc. Kind of like can be done w/ cannabis, I guess. Anyway, I was at a potluck (something I always avoid as there is gluten, crappy carbs, or sugar in just about everything!) and ate a bunch of whatever food had vodka in it. I felt so awful and was so shocked that you could cook alcohol into food (which, of course, you can't!). I got all worried about kids accidently getting poisoned, addicts getting triggered, and on and on. I swear, it seemed like this dream lasted for hours. I woke up uneasy and strangely enough, still feel a bit off several hours later. I am really glad this idea is not going to actually work!

          I hope the winds keep the fire away from you, Pav. No power is bad enough. It's a good thing you have some of the camping equipment to make food and what I would want - COFFEE!

          Hang in there, LC. You've done so well for a month and you can keep it going. No matter what happens or how you're feeling, you don't drink. xx


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
            ,my old enemy insomnia is back! Can't deal with that lack of sleep yet the antihistamine I take to sleep makes me so yuck in the morning,
            I sympathize, Pauly. My current "solutions" are 1500 mg L-tryptophan (an amino acid that the body makes into serotonin) before bed and when I do wake up, listening to the boring voices on BBC Overnight. The one good thing about it is that I have a chance almost every night to be grateful I'm not waking up at 2 am, feeling physically and psychologically broken because of having, yet again, drank too much the night before. Hope your allergies let up! (I thought allergies were supposed to be better where you are b/c of fewer plants but that must not be right.)


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters,

              I hope everyone is having a good, or at least an ok hump day..
              I'm late and on my way to bed.. so I'll respond to posts in the morning.
              I came across an instagram account that I like a lot.. teedoodler. It's sweet and affirmative and I look forward to the dailies.. here's one on thoughts, which we like to talk about here.. and one about choosing a new path.. (for anyone who isn't so familiar with instagram, on the right hand side where the comments are, scroll up to see what the person who posted has to say..) xx good night!

              @teedoodler on Instagram: “🍂5, thoughts a day🍁 This is top of mind. Something about that big number is so fascinating to me! It makes me think of my thoughts as…”

              @teedoodler on Instagram: “Which way? Both are scary but I’m ready for Another Way: My own path where I’m absolutely worthy, joyful, unapologetically me, forgiving,…”
              Last edited by lifechange; October 30, 2019, 03:36 PM.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hola nesters!

                Thanks for the links LC. I thought this post from instagram friend Teedoodler was so good i had to copy it here.

                - '50,000 thoughts a day. This is top of mind. Something about that big number is so fascinating to me! It makes me think of my thoughts as guests coming into my home. If 50,000 are visiting I’m going to set some expectations for them, take off your shoes, use kind words, close the door when you use the rest room, wash your hands, use manners etc. Same with my thoughts. Thoughts can stay if they help me and encourage me. I’ve been listening to positive affirmations and they really do help me. Some good ones today: I’m feeling good today. I trust in myself. I feel especially creative today. I will create something new today. I take daily action to get the things I want. I know what I need to do today. I welcome new opportunities in my life. Each day things get better and better. Each day I learn something new. I take care of my body and get daily exercise. I trust things work out for the best. Even challenges are opportunities for growth.' Quote from Teedoodler.

                Hope those fires ease real soon Pav!

                Hope sleep improves there Pauly.

                Big waves to evabody.
                Last edited by Guitarista; October 30, 2019, 05:19 PM.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Testing day went well but there’s going to be a bit of a wait on biopsy results. He had about 6 of them done, oh boy. Keeping a positive attitude around here is a must for all of us!

                  Pav, just watching the news about the fires, so sad. Wishing you the best!

                  LC, any positive affirmation I find is solid gold for me. Glad you found something that speaks to you

                  Hi there Byrdie, Pauly, G & everyone.
                  Think I’ll put my feet up for a while & clear my mind of any worries that followed us home today.
                  Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi all! Busy day here.
                    My coworker and I had a good chuckle today, he is interviewing for another job this week. He said, “wouldn’t you know it, my sales are picking up!”

                    Pav, it breaks my heart about all the troubles in CA. I am praying for rain and reduced winds and strength for the firefighters. They have to be exhausted. I understand the anxiety when you leave home not knowing what you will have when you return. It’s so sad. If YOU need anything, please let us know. Will you do that?

                    lav, I’m sure hubs is glad to have that behind him. :congratulatory: Did he get a double cheeseburger after the procedure? My go-to is the chicken pot pie from KFC. Wishing him well and a good report! I bet he is wiped out! :sad:

                    Hope everyone is hanging in! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy birthday Byrdie!!! And Happy Halloween to everyone !
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        LC and G - thanks for sharing the teedoodler posts and thoughts. I'm rarely on IG so appreciated the directions for finding their full thoughts, especially after G shared the full quote here. Reminds me a lot of what NS often says about "thoughts" and how we get to choose which ones to entertain, to follow, to simply notice and dismiss, etc.

                        Lav - glad your husband is through the colonoscopy and hope he gets good news.

                        Byrdie - nice puns! It has long been obvious that part of how on earth you're able to tolerate/survive that job of yours is your ability to use humor to stay on the bright side. I imagine it has helped you with sobriety as well.

                        Pauly - sorry to hear about the insomnia, and hope it resolves soon (or you find an alternative sleep aid that doesn't leave you feeling slugged when you wake up).

                        My wife and I saw the documentary "Raising Hell" about journalist Molly Ivins yesterday. Depending on your politics she may or may not have been your cup of tea, but one big theme throughout her story was the role alcohol played in her life. As a woman journalist in an era where that was still a huge rarity, she was able to gain access to stories and sources in a lot of places, fields, events etc that were otherwise all (white) men because "she could drink a lot of guys under the table." The movie included lots of footage of interviews with Ivins herself but also with friends and colleagues, and they made several mentions of how drinking both opened doors for her but also likely contributed to her health struggles later in life. It was clear from the movie that she drank for other reasons as well, but this aspect of it really struck me and I'm still processing it (and feeling deep gratitude that I'm not in a similar situation).

                        Ok, I should get started on the prep for my day of teaching. Hope you all have (or had) great Halloweens or other ends to your Octobers. Yikes, Nov starts tomorrow - where has this year gone! Hellos and waves to all


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          It's Byrdie's birthday?!?!?! Rut roh, who are we gonna have do the cake???

                          Have a fantastic happy day Byrdie!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BYRDIE!! I honestly don't remember it being on Halloween, but I'll celebrate anyway!

                            NS - I HATE dreams like that - that are so upsetting they stick with you for hours. It IS a good thing you can't bake alcohol into things, although I remember a trend a few years back with powdered alcohol. It actually IS a think, although liquid un-encapsulates the ethanol, so baking still would cook out the alcohol. I wonder what that dream was all about.

                            Wags, how did you get into your line of teaching?

                            Thanks for the well wishes, all. My home is not in danger at all, so I am ok. There are people who have lost everything. People who were renters and whose minimum wage jobs and affordable housing are now up in smoke. People whose small businesses were barely making it. People who lost pets or treasured photos. The people who were already right on the edge of survival are going to have the toughest time. Those are the people I think of.

                            I am grateful that our power came back on last night, and that I had a bed to sleep on. Take care of yourselves, nest, and don't drink no matter what.



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters,

                              Happy Birthday, Byrdie!!:heartbeat: I would love to bake you a cake.. I've seen so many of your beauties, but don't know what YOUR favourite cake is..?

                              Thanks for that film recommendation, Wags.. I watched the trailer and it looks really inspiring. Someone who is in the position to reach many people and then does stand up to tell the truth... Being a political journalist would scare me to death. Anyway, I love documentaries.. and it sounds like you're getting in a little me/us time. I was wondering when I was reading here the other day, what your specialty is, with regards to teaching?

                              Pav, still praying for rain over there. I'm glad you're not in danger.. my heart goes out to all of those who have lost their homes. I can only imagine..

                              Pauly, I hope you'll find some relief from the insomnia.. is it because of your allergies or is it something more chronic? I had some last week due to stress/worries but now I seem to be on a stretch of waking up in the night with terrible headaches that don't go away until after my 2nd coffee! At least they go away..

                              At the doctor yesterday, the nurse took my blood pressure and then measured again.. she said, "Unbelievable! Everyone has had extremely low blood pressure today.. I have no idea what's going on..".. Mine is always a bit low but yesterday it was 80/50, which is really low. Something in the air?? Crazy.. Maybe nurse Lav knows something about that?:happy2: It probably has something to do with the headaches..

                              G, thanks for reposting that.. I also thought of NS and all of our conversations here about thinking/thoughts. That's why it's also fun to look at IG accounts sometimes.. to see so many other people going through/dealing with the same issues.

                              I just got a book which I'm really excited about called, "We are the Weather.. Saving the Planet begins at Breakfast", by Jonathan Safran Foer.. It's being written up all over the place and has got good reviews.. for a book that doesn't necessarily say anything really new, but says it in a way people can hear.. So if it's as good as everyone is saying, you might all be getting a copy this holiday season!

                              Big hugs and love to you all! xx
                              Last edited by lifechange; October 31, 2019, 09:58 AM.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION], could you post the neck stretching video again? I seem to have misplaced it..:love:

