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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Julia - congrats on 7 days!

    Nursie - congrats to you on 25+ days, woohoo! Good job sitting with the sad feelings and just letting them be. Sometimes that's the best thing to do.

    Byrdie - yay that the call went well! Your hard work is paying off and I'm sure the lucky shirt helped a bit too We'll keep all things crossed for you into next week and hope to hear the final good news.

    Dublin - great to see you and glad things have started off so well

    Nar - plane crashes are always incredibly sad, and I'm sorry in this case that so many of your fellow Canadians (and 30 from your province) were lost. Sounds like we won't ever know what actually happened given the lovely tension we have again between the U.S. (and thus Boeing) and Iran.

    I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the news and life right now. Not worried I'll drink - there's no chance of that, and thank goodness cuz there would be plenty of excuses just in the last two weeks, but needing a break for a little while. I'm looking forward to our 3-night escape to the mountains - lots of fresh air, exercise, and a mini break from the internet and other media. I'm planning to take a couple of good light-reading types of books and some of my Spanish learning materials (I'm intermediate but working toward fluency or at least advanced). We'll be hiking and snowshoeing and curling up by the wood stove in the evenings. Our pup is coming with so there'll be plenty of doggie snuggles. Sounds like just what I need right now!

    Hope you're all finding ways to do self-care too, regardless of what your level of need is. Have great days and nights in the nest everyone!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Wags, that escape to the mountains sounds really nice. I feel like I am living in the mountains right now, it’s snowing and going down into the minus double digits.
      Yeah, I just basically stopped watching the news today. It is easier just not to watch right now.
      Nursie, 25 days, oh yeah!

      So glad your call went well Byrdie, you deserve some good days at work.

      Off to sleep, goodnight everyone.

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Re: Newbies Nest

        that sounds really great Wagmor...! i hope you'll have a wonderful time in the mountains!

        congratulations on your 25 days Nursie! admirable to me how you've bounced back after slipping.

        today might be a bit of a challenge to me, as yesterdag i already felt craving for tonight (and now i write about it, i feel this yearning in my stomach), and i noticed myself giving me permission to smoke a joint tonight (because "quitting everything at the same time is a bit much" oh poor Jules... what nonsense). i withdrew the permission again by the way.
        on Thursday evenings i always got my 'reward' for working my ass of for a few days.
        this morning i also noticed looking forward to going to the gym tomorrow and having an energetic day able to take care of lots of stuff that i've have been procrastinating for months and months (and months), and i believe there's firm counterforces as well.

        i don't feel like i'm in real danger. but i thought it good to share it before witching hour to help keep me focused. been there, done that! it never brought me anywhere.
        Last edited by julia1970; January 9, 2020, 02:38 AM.
        AF since Jan 2nd 2020


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Afternoon nesters

          Julia, great job on 7 days and many more to come. The witching hour was a killer for me, i started planning my drinking around 3.30pm at work. which bottle shop i would stop at, how much money did i have, what could i not pay so i could have my wine, wondering what the traffic was like, how much time did i have to spend feeding the dogs before i could drink and on it went. Nothing like a good cup of tea or glass of water, now. I always swore in the mornings i was going to stop drinking but by the afternoon something would have occurred that i deserved a drink or 10. I dont miss those days. Weight powder sounds like a good plan and i will post some of my excess to you, not a problem at all.

          The news is awful atm, i am trying not to watch it. our fires have flared up again due to minimal rain and its heating up again. A never ending cycle which doesnt really seem to be going to end soon.

          Byrd, glad you phone call went well, i hope you get to retire soon.

          Wags, your time away sounds ideal, im very envious and taking your fur baby too. life cant get any better. dont forget your new slippers. I washed my 3 pairs today. Carl likes to take one outside and leave it there.

          Nursie congrats on your 25 days, good to see them wracking up.

          I worked from home today which was nice but need to go to work tomorrow. i will for a few hours and then come home to work. its going to be hot and i dont do hot very well.

          Time for a walk but its 28 degrees so i dont think it will be a long one, carl hates the heat and keeps stopping and looking at me. he is way to heavy to carry.

          take care xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Byrdie - I was nervous with anticipation as I was logging in wondering how your call went. I'm SO glad it went well. Let's hope for no goal-line fumbles. Do you have your lucky shirt clean for the next one??

            Julia - good on you for posting here. What is your plan? I know Ava went home and put on her PJs so there was no way she'd go out and buy wine. I took a lot of nighttime baths, and always ate ice cream on Fridays - that was my reward for a tough week. Congratulations on one week - keep it going!

            Wags - that weekend sounds PERFECT. Have an amazing time. I agree - the new is too much these days. Depressing.

            Nar - That crash was sad. I can't imagine walking anywhere in double digit negative numbers temperature - good on you for helping out your mom. That is the upside of unemployment?? I will go with one pound a week - that sound doable. On their way to you, Julia! I lost a lot of weight when I first quit, but I had a bit to loose. Protein shakes sounds good, Julia.

            Off to work. Things are a bit more manageable right now. We're still having a weird personnel issue, but it doesn't affect me on a day to day basis. It will get weird in the spring.

            Happy SOBER Thursday,
            Last edited by Pavati; January 9, 2020, 09:39 AM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              One appointment was cancelled, so i have some free time in between meetings to be aware of what's happening. The little demon is still there. I don't feel well at all today, and next to witching hour this is a trigger as well. When i feel sick like today, i'm used to intoxicating myself (dissappearing in a hole in the ground) instead of taking care of myself
              Thanks for reminding me i need a plan to stop this dangling in unsafe territory Pavati!! And for giving hints like pj's and ice cream. I didn't even think of inventing alternative rewards!

              When i go home at 7.30 pm, i'm going to the supermarket and buy some AF beer. I have found a brand that i like. I need crisps with the beer.
              Drive straight home after that!
              At home first have a little walk with my dog. Breathe. Nestle on the couch with AF beer & crisps. Hot water bottle on belly.
              Am i going to cook dinner tonight? Yes, keep it simple. I have enough food in my house already. But let's buy chocolat mousse for desert!
              I just looked up a (scary) movie on netflix i'm going to watch. DO NOT WORK AFTER GETTING HOME.
              Walk the dog early for a last round. Drink relaxing tea. Read biography of Susan Sontag.
              Post here: "i made it through day 8".
              Go to bed early. I'm exhausted. Wake up fresh tomorrow.

              Yes, AF beer&crisps and chocolat desert sound good. Get comfy. I can see myself doing this.
              Last edited by julia1970; January 9, 2020, 11:27 AM.
              AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Julia, You've got this! I love your plan, it sounds just right. What movie are you watching on Netflix? I binge watched Unbelievable and it was really good. I am watching Peaky Blinders with my son for the second time, it is SO good. I love the English/Irish accents.

                Hey Pav, you would be fine here in the cold, I would just bundle you up. I have lots of jackets to keep you warm (this is the upside of this weather, lots of jackets). Ava has +28C and I have -28C (actually -15C right now going to -28C). Ava I hope the fire situation gets better soon. It really sucks.
                Yes Pav you are right, being unemployed allows me to spend more time with my mom and MIL. Yesterday I went for lunch with my friend which was nice. I try and look on the bright side of being unemployed because I know soon enough I will have a job again.

                I can't even take my dogs out in this weather, I have to push them out the door and they do their business quickly and come in. When it is in the -30's my daschund, Elvis, pees right outside the door which is annoying but understandable since he does not have much hair. Poor guy.

                I am so grateful to be sober and grateful to all of you who have helped me get here, xo.

                Don't drink today xo.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I'm watching The Gift. It was on the netflix front page and it looked scary.
                  5 mins into the movie and Jules is thinking "Please you people, really...? Are you stupid!? Anyone can see that this guy is a f*ing psychopath..."

                  anyway, i've made it through day 8.
                  Last edited by julia1970; January 9, 2020, 04:11 PM.
                  AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Netsers,

                    Still below freezing here in Lav-land but it was sunny
                    Still can’t believe it will be 66 or more degrees Saturday.

                    Julia, great on your 8 days!!

                    Nursie, great job on 25, yay! Keep going

                    Narilly, I just read that the Iranians shot down that Ukrainian plane with Russian made missiles
                    Such a sad waste of life, so many families affected.

                    Wags, wishing you an extremely good getaway, you certainly deserve one.

                    Ava, I don’t deal well in heat either, I feel for you :hug:

                    Hello to Pav, Byrdie, G & everyone. Where’s Kensho?

                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Quick post tonight... Seems like folks are doing well. I've finished my last hard day and now just have three easy ones before we head to the mountains on Monday. Yes Ava, I'll definitely be taking my new slippers!

                      I'm gonna crash early tonight so I'll say goodnight to you all. Will check in again tomorrow am or pm. Sleep well and have good days everyone (or vice versa!)


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone,

                        Very well done everyone and to Julia- you’ve got this!!

                        Well day 5 bring alcohol free. The longest break in years. Not missing it so far and keeping very active. Evenings / night time when the kids go to bed is being taken up with Netflix- like a few others here! Binged on the second series of “You”. Must check out some other recommendations above!

                        The real test will be tonight as I’ll be at a function where everyone else will be drinking and I know I’ll get the typical “ah go on it’s the weekend” encouragement to have a drink. I’d planned on driving to this event so that I wouldn’t have a drink, but unfortunately there’s no parking whatsoever at the location so I’ll have to take a taxi.

                        Trying not to overthink tonight, as it will make me stressed and want to drink even more.

                        Appreciate any advice. It’s not something I can get out of either, I have to go, so not being around drinkers and alcohol is not an option.

                        Anyway wishing everyone else on here a great alcohol free weekend. Weekends are the toughest I’m sure, alcohol was always part of my weekend treat even before things got out of hand in recent years.
                        Last edited by Dublin Girl; January 10, 2020, 06:28 AM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Dublin - here's my advice:
                          1. Eat something substantial BEFORE you go so you're not hungry.
                          2. Have a glass of something in your hand. I went with bubbly water with lime. For all anyone knew or cared it was a gin and tonic. (turns out no one really knows or cares much, really, anyway).
                          3. Have an exit strategy. Sounds like you can call a cab. Get one on speed dial - don't get stuck there.

                          I know you'll do fine.

                          Julia - now THAT is a plan. I never got into NA beer - I feel like it would just make me want the real thing. How'd it go for you?

                          Nar - I know, I'd have a jacket, warm shoes and double-paned windows. But we're all "freezing" here and it is in the low 50s (11C). I might be with the doxy.

                          Friday - so ready for this first full week after the new year to be over. It has been LONG. We had a lot of sick staff members again - so hard when that happens. I am looking forward to some hiking, rest and laundry this weekend... A sober (and non-hungover) weekend is so amazing.



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nest! I’ve been sleepy this week, and trying to get back in the swing! Having trouble keeping up with all the ambitions I have… but grateful for my family and trying to focus on the people that I can impact in my life. It always makes me feel better than getting in my head and trying to “be it all”.

                            Julia, your plan sounded well thought out and solid. How did it go?

                            Wagmore, enjoy your easier days before your Mountain trip. Sounds wonderful!!

                            Dublin Girl, well done on 5 days! This is just the beginning to an amazing adventure. Don’t get derailed tonight. You DON’T drink - so pack your belly before you leave and keep a non-alcoholic drink in your hands all night! Make frequent bathroom trips if you can and get on this site if you need to. What's your time zone... are you in Ireland? What time do you need a check in... let me know and I will be here!

                            Thinking of you AVA, G and anyone else in Australia. The fires are so sad. Sending hugs.

                            I’m SO glad it’s Friday. I need more sleep and the weekends bring that for me.

                            Keep working your plans people! It’s worth it!
                            Last edited by KENSHO; January 10, 2020, 10:17 AM.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi all,

                              Dublin, 5 days is great! Good of you to post here before going to the function!! I wish you all the luck. If it turns out to be too dangerous: get out of there. I'd say sustaining your sobriety and making it firm, building confidence, is far more important right now than staying at this one social. There'll be other socials. Of your life there is only one.

                              Pavati, i have a doubt about AF beer, wondering if it'll keep me in the same sphere. But until now, i notice that it helps me in redirecting my want for a beer, to the taste of this AF beer (it's belgian beer). It doesn'tmake me want the real thing. Didn't expect that either.

                              Thanks Kensho! The plan went well! After coming home with that, i didn't have anymore severe cravings. Felt too sick for the chocolat mousse because of feelingsick, but the thought of having it waiting in my fridge is very nice as well

                              The Gift on Netflix is a nice movie. It's a psychological thriller with good unexpected plot changes. Not as scary as i'd thought, more suspense. I did shout out loud once though

                              I'm still not feeling well. Trembly inside, cold with hot flashes (though no fever), very tense & stressy body, very nauseous. And i feel exhausted. It's not the flu or anything (also not menopauze). I'm familiar with this feeling, but not as strong and lasting as it is now. Maybe overly stimulated. I'm rather high sensitive and suddenly so much means of suppressing the senses is out of the door.
                              Fortunately i'm at home today. I'm making myself as comfortable as possible. Slept for 1 1/2 hours on the couch just now!
                              I'm trying different things, head stands (work a bit for a while), walks. None really work.
                              Well, i'll survive. At least, if it is stress related (no physical cause was ever found) now i'm sober i can work on ways of dealing with it, and processing the stress.

                              This is day 9. Wednesday morning i noticed i had a much harder time keepig clear from AL that fromsmoking pot. To see it completely turn around on that same day. Not that i'm intending to smoke. I'm way too happy with my clear head.
                              Last edited by julia1970; January 10, 2020, 11:43 AM.
                              AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Un Hung Friday everyone. I will always be greatful to wake up without a hangover. I must have been hungover thousands of times in my life, I never thought I would get rid of that AL monster.

                                It is getting colder here everyday. Pav you crack me up, I understand though, it is pretty f'n cold here. I remember one year the Jamacian Bobsled Team came to Calgary and when they went outside at the airport they all started screaming, they were in their shorts,lol.
                                Temps are going into the -20's and then 30's next week. I am taking my MIL to buy groceries today because it is warm (-8C). My temps are totally opposite to Ava.
                                Ava, I was listening to a program about the wildlife in Australia, it is so sad. The people there are so heroic, its unreal.

                                Julia, day 9. You are doing great, just keep on living your new life that AL is not a part of. I love Pav's suggestions to Dublin. We can all use those.

                                Happy Friday everyone- Ken, Byrdie, Paulie, Wags, Lav, NS, everyone.

                                xo Don't drink today.

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

