Hola friends!
I'm not checking in as often as i used to. I wondered why and it's simply because my life is busy.....but, busy with good things i like to do. I hear yiz on balance and family. This is super important for our general wellbeing and stress levels. For me it's been essesntial to identify what is important (to me) in my life and make sure i take care of it all regularly! Self care - Relationships/family/friends/romance - Personal development/education/study/action - Music making - Community work. This also = connection. I had to employ google calendar to help out, and it is.
Congrat's on day 53 Julia!
Great to see you LC. You raaaawk mi amiga! Never forget it.
Friend Kensho....lovin the blueberries!
Hi Nar!
Good to see you Rahul! Happy 6 years. Wowza!
Big waves to evabody. Zoomin to work.