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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hola friends!

    I'm not checking in as often as i used to. I wondered why and it's simply because my life is busy.....but, busy with good things i like to do. I hear yiz on balance and family. This is super important for our general wellbeing and stress levels. For me it's been essesntial to identify what is important (to me) in my life and make sure i take care of it all regularly! Self care - Relationships/family/friends/romance - Personal development/education/study/action - Music making - Community work. This also = connection. I had to employ google calendar to help out, and it is.

    Congrat's on day 53 Julia!

    Great to see you LC. You raaaawk mi amiga! Never forget it.

    Friend Kensho....lovin the blueberries!

    Hi Nar!

    Good to see you Rahul! Happy 6 years. Wowza!

    Big waves to evabody. Zoomin to work.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Re: Newbies Nest

      morning nesters

      Every time i read a post my mouse goes to where the "like" button used to be. Habits are hard to break apparently!

      I had my mum overnight on the weekend and the only comment i received from her was "you do go to bed early". Yes i do, when i get up at 4.15am i go to bed early 7 days a week. That alkie who wanted to stay up partying is long gone. We did do a fair bit of op shopping and i am grateful she is still active and still has her mind. deaf as a bloody post though. its funny as you say something and get a completely different random answer which is highly entertaining on occasion. She did buy me an air fryer for my birthday in April, a bigger version to the one i have now, and i love it. it does everything except the dishes and there arent many of those now.

      I have started to look after a friend of my sons dog and carl is not a happy boy. Its like when a new baby comes into the house the other child is jealous. Its funny to watch. When this pup goes i will then start my foster fur baby journey and i cant wait.

      Byrd, i cant believe you dont get paid out for vacation leave. We do here although not sick leave if we resign/get sacked etc. i have 20 weeks holiday up though i am too busy to take any of it. i do plan on taking time off over easter. Work is so busy and stressful but it cant possibly last. Great post also, i cant believe its nearly a year since i stopped smoking and looking after the body i live in.

      LC so glad you finally managed to get back into the site, i was getting worried but NS said there was nothing to worry about.

      Pauly, its funny isnt it how we look at that "like" button.

      take care xx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        It still feels weird without the Like button but I think we will survive

        Sunny & 60 degrees here today ~ no complaints from me!

        LC, glad to see you back in the nest. I figured you were OK but I always feel better when folks show up in the nest

        Great to see so many folks checking in today. The nest is starting to feel fuller & cozy.
        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, All--

          LC - we missed you!! I am glad you found your way back. Hope all is well in LC land.

          Missing you, Mr. G. As long as you're committing to your sober self, all is well. Just don't wander too far astray from the nest!

          Ava - glad you and your mom are getting along. Don't know what an air fryer is, but I'm intrigued. I'll check it out. It is good for Carl to have company - keep him humble.

          I have over worked most of my life, but my work is also where I get great satisfaction and an opportunity to serve the community. I work hard to make the time with my family quality time, but every once in a while I get up to my neck and it all suffers. Mostly, my well being suffers because exercise seems to be the thing that goes first. I will ALWAYS look back and thank myself for quitting drinking.

          I saw old friends this weekend - one of the women I haven't seen since 1996! It was fun catching up, laughing and sharing memories. It is amazing the memories that stick with each of us - mostly very different.

          I "like" and "thank" all of you every day.

          Happy SOBER Sunday.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            day 54. still not much to say, i don't want to nag. still sober though. the 'deamon' is there now and then, though i'm not pushing or playing much. it's like a boring old neighbour that's kind of drawing attention, bla bla bla, especially when she sees i'm a bit upset, of course, there you have her, sometimes i'm tempted to respond or even step into her hallway, to think nahhh that would be so boring.. and in the end i just lose attention.
            Last edited by julia1970; February 24, 2020, 04:52 PM.
            AF since Jan 2nd 2020


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Monday evening Nesters,

              Not much to say but hello & I hope everyone is doing well!

              Pav, I really worked myself to the bone over the years, think that’s a large part of what pushed me over the edge. I have no need to do that anymore so I remain grateful for everything, especially my quit!
              We really owe it to ourselves to be extra careful, avoid burnout at all costs!

              Julia, don’t give your demon any time or attention. You are looking after yourself, that’s where your attention needs to be. Great job on 54 days!!!

              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Just a quick check in.
                Nice to see you GMan, you sound GRate!

                Yeah, I keep trying to work myself to the bone but then I get laid off, haha. I kinda like working 6 months and having 6 off as long as I get Unemployment. Sometimes it scares me that I may like it too much. I paid into it my whole working life so whatevs. It is stressful being unemployed though.

                Ya, Ava, my mom can't hear the best but she wont admit it. It kinda drives me crazy but I just have to let it be.

                Have a great night, and don't drink.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hello all, nice to see familiar faces. Happy to see sobriety abound. I'm well and sober. No scares, no close calls. Kinda boring but so satisfying. PS. Going on 7 years. Yikes
                  Last edited by TJAF; February 24, 2020, 11:28 PM.
                  Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                  William Butler Yeats


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good morning, Nesters!

                    Also not so much to say! I'm running around baking a birthday cake for my ex husband, with my daughter!, before work. Cross your fingers! :happy2:
                    Nar, I would love to work 6 months on, 6 months off.. I can see there being some stress in it, though. The work in your neck of the woods is quite seasonal, right? Glad you're enjoying your time off!
                    Lav, you're enjoying your retirement to the fullest! So nice to hear..
                    Pav, as we know, we're the same when it comes to exercise! As long as I'm keeping up with that, I seem to be ok. When I let it fall to the side, seems that the stress of life builds up quickly. How nice to meet up with friends from back in the day! I'm often amazed at how different our memories of the past are..
                    Ava, I hear you with the getting up early.. I love the promise of the new day!
                    Hi to TJAF! and Julia! and everyone else stopping by today..
                    Let's make it a good Tuesday..xx
                    Last edited by lifechange; February 25, 2020, 12:44 AM.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi all, just checking in after my weekend with family at the memorial for my aunt, and happy to say I didn't drink. It was a challenging and wonderful weekend in many ways. There was plenty of al everywhere and I was faced with my first drink offer almost immediately. I just said, "I don't drink anymore" and they left me alone for a little while. Later on, I had a side conversation with another aunt who LOVES wine (she loves food, she loves indulging, and she's "very alive" I would say). She said she'd feel less than fully alive if she didn't drink moderate amounts (and I believe that is truly the amount she drinks - just every single day). That gave me my opportunity to clarify my position - I said, "that's the difference - I can't moderate, and so none is the only amount that is healthy for me."

                      Mostly people accepted my non-drinker status and it was fine. The gathering was beautiful and I had wonderful conversations with my cousins and other family members, all of which I'm glad to say I will remember because I wasn't drinking. Wow it brought up some unfinished grief over my mom though... I stood up during the part where people made toasts and shared stories and I don't think I got three words in before tears started and my voice cracked. I am not a person who is nervous speaking in front of groups and I wish I could have kept my composure but I'm glad I spoke anyway, and there were quite a few people who cried during their stories as well. I guess I still have some work to do though.

                      Thanks Nesters for being there with me. Add this anecdote to the mound of evidence that we really can get through anything without drinking.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone! Glad your gatherings went well Wags. I love telling people who are nosey that I don't drink. Like NS recently said, they are sometimes amusingly confused. HA!

                        Nice to see you TJAF! I actually wonder about "boring". Is it really fun to be stupid drunk? I may have been willing to do more outside the box when drinking, but most of those things were not smart or adding to my life.

                        Not much going on here. I can't wait for the Whole30 to be over. I have increased my workload substantially, while the family just relaxes and eats what I give them. I really wanted them to see what it feels like to eat well, and that is a gift I have given them. The healthy eating from her out though will require more help from them.

                        I saw a functional doc yesterday who confirmed my neurological symptoms - we will do some tests to see what may be causing them. I would love some answers. What was once annoying was becoming really bothersome in January. Eating well helps, but doesn't eliminate them.

                        Full day of work here, then a concert to hear my daughter sing tonight. And it's COLD! Have to walk the dog now but might go just around the block because the wind is not my friend.

                        Hope everyone has a good day.
                        Last edited by KENSHO; February 25, 2020, 11:04 AM.

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.

                          Wags, that family function sounds good. You did so well, way to go Wags. It sure is nice to remember conversations, what a concept. I have had so many deep conversations that I don't remember.

                          Ken, way to go on the healthy eating. It definitely makes a difference.

                          Well, off to a lunch date, taking mom to chiro and the COSTCO! Yippee!

                          Have a good one and don't drink today.

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            So I finally had a conversation with the Dire tor if HR yesterday. She said that because I quit, there was nothing she could do. I explained that I quit because my commission was cut. She said her hands were tied.
                            This morning, I wrote a letter to the president of the company. Im sure it won’t help, but if I can call attention to what happened, then so be it. I also sent a text to Paul, the salesperson who pushed for getting a cut of my commission. I told him I hope he can look himself in the mirror. His greed.cost me my job, enjoy the commission. He wrote back, “Wow....I committed myself to helping you all along. I was as invested in your success as mine. I am sorry you feel that way.”
                            So at least I got that off my chest.
                            TJAF, so good to see you. 7 years is just amazing!
                            Julia, addiction IS just like a beast waiting outside the door. As long as we don’t feed it, we’ll be a-ok. Yes, it is something that’s always in the background running, but I’m happy to say that the updates become automatic! After a while, not drinking and smoking will be your normal and you’ll wonder how on earth you lived the other way.
                            I have a haircut and color this afternoon. That always perks me up.
                            Happy Fat Toozday, all. Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              day 55. still not feeling too well. but i'm taking care of myself as good as i can, yes, though this would be easier if i'd have some more energy. not feeding any beasts (except for my dog, who is definitely not a boring disaster like AL, but is getting a bit on my nerves at the moment because he is a bit of an attention addict).
                              happy to hear your family meeting went well Wagmor. brave to me, how you handled that.
                              i hope you all are fine today
                              Last edited by julia1970; February 25, 2020, 04:12 PM.
                              AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                It was a yucky damp & dark day here but that’s OK. I can always find plenty of inside projects to keep me out of trouble

                                TJ, great to see you & very happy you are staying true to your quit
                                You know, sometimes life is a bit boring but there’s nothing stopping us from finding new interests. You’re never too old for a new hobby, haha!

                                LC, baking a birthday cake for your ex - you are way too kind I’d say! Hope your day was good!

                                Hello to Kensho & Narilly!

                                Byrdie, glad to hear you got your message across to the company. It may not change anything but it will help move you toward some well earned peace :hug:

                                Julia, hang in there, your energy will return. Your body is healing, it does take some time. Be proud of your accomplishment!

                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

