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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    I am grateful for the nest & all of you as well :hug:
    Mixture of sun & clouds today leading up to some big storm tomorrow, ho hum.
    I just saw on FB a former coworker & friend of mine passed away today, no reason was given. She just turned 67 last month, still young in my mind. We had some good chats on Messenger over the years, the last was on April 2 & she was fine. Wow, we just never know when its our turn I guess.

    Kensho, I think someone wrote a book about only 5 minutes a day to take care of chickens. That’s pretty much true but you do have a bigger job a couple times a year to do some serious house cleaning. We shovel out the chicken house & dump it in our compost pile & sooner than you think you have beautiful compost
    It really does take 5 min/day to feed & water them.

    Narilly, I heard about that shooting in Nova Scotia, very sad. I am so sorry for the police officer’s family.

    Hello to Byrdie, Julia & Ava!
    About feeding dogs, I found out a long time ago that most dogs have a tendency to get pancreatitis so lower fat meals are the way to go.

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Ava - Happy Belated Birthday!!! Won't that be a great feeling when you celebrate 60 sober? Not to rush the next few years along I mean...

      Nar - so sad about the shooting. Sometimes people in the U.S. point to that topic as one of the positives of being on stay home orders: our mass shootings (especially school shootings) stats are dropping significantly. Of course the saddest part is that they are normally so frequent we don't even hear about all of them. Sending support and comfort to Canada.

      Julia - hope your pup continues to feel better. Chicken is a great way to go if you can get your hands on some fairly easily.

      Kensho - sorry to hear about the regular migraines, and I hope you have a streak of better days now that it seems things have turned a corner.

      Hellos and waves to everyone!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Ava, happy belated birthday to you!

        it has nothing to do with the kind of food he gets (he gets good, biological food). most likely is that he has Cushings disease, more tests have to be doneto prove that.
        Last edited by julia1970; April 21, 2020, 12:19 PM.
        AF since Jan 2nd 2020


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Greetings Nesters,

          We were supposed to have a big storm today but nothing really developed & that’s OK.
          Filling my day with cooking & sewing face masks & that’s OK too.

          Hi Wags & Julia!
          I have fed many dogs a chicken & rice diet over the years, seems to help them when nothing else will.
          Julia, I hope your vet can provide some comfort for your dog. I hate to see an animal unwell.

          Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy belated birthday, Linda! I had a sober 60 and it was just fine! I know you will get there.
            These are stressful times for everyone. I hope that all of our great coping skills are hard at work. Besides, all these problems will still be here when we sober up. It would not be worth it. I’m trying to be mindful of what I’m doing right now. I’m trying not to worry about 6 months from now. I’m really trying to control what I can and leave the rest to work out, I am finding that in spite of my best worrying, I can’t change some things.
            I CAN control not drinking.
            Hugs to all you chicks and chickens! (Tiger King, Oy). Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Morning nesters, Byrdie, think I'm the only person who hasn't watched the Tiger King so alot of the jokes and memes are over my head haha, Ava, did you do anything for your birthday? Cake? Bbq? I'd hate to be having a b-day while everything is closed, we did Kells when all this first shut down and bbq'd and her bf bought her the phone she wanted so I think she was happy but still sad at the same time, I don't know when our governor plans to reopen, he was talking about "phase one" yesterday where some business will open but less than 10 people, masks, etc he said bars will remain closed, dunno why he emphasize that particular business I'm just curious about salons haha, my little Spencer has been missing for nearly TWO weeks still and my house/ life just feels empty without him, I've searched all around, the shelter, animal control, I think someone just took him cuz pets are so popular right now that the shelter can't even keep any in stock for adoption, I hope when all this is done people aren't going in droves to get rid of the pets they got to keep them company while in quarantine or whatever, anyhoo waves to all and try to find some positive today
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, All:

                Oh, no, Pauly. I didn't know Spencer went missing. So sad. I hope you get reconnected with him. What's wrong with people if someone stole him?? (Also, I haven't watched the Tiger King either. I feel as out of pop culture as when I didn't watch Game of Thrones...)

                Happy belated, Ava. I hope your kids, Carl and Bacardi treated you well.

                I wanted chickens but ultimately decided we have too many close neighbors and the coop would have to be close to the house. We're afraid of smell. I know I've asked before, Lav, but what is the smell factor?

                T, I don't know how big your town is, but if I lived in a beach town I would want to walk on it. I do live close to the coast, but we'd have to drive and all of the parking lots are closed.

                Belle - my young-adult kids are going crazy, too. They are mostly patient and accepting, but I know that this is not where they want to be. We are having some fun together, and trying to stay tolerant of each other, but I do feel sorry for them. For my college kid, I wonder if next year will even be back to some semblance of normal. I fear they'll have to be online again. What a bummer for him.

                I don't have much to add. I have had headaches, too, and haven't been sleeping well this week. That makes all the difference - my anxiety is higher and my tolerance is lower. I look forward to getting back in sync.

                Happy SOBER Hump Day.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Pav I haven't been sleeping right either and yes headaches! I was blaming hormones but I think it's stress which I try to avoid during the day and I think it hits when I'm sleeping
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Morning nesters

                    Pauly, i am so sorry to hear that Spencer is missing, why dont you fb it and ask to share, i am on a rescue site and post lost dogs and rescues etc, fb certainly has its uses. I remember when my rupey used to go for random walks to find a nice new house and i was beside myself and that was in my drinking days. There seem to be a lot of dogs going missing here also. A little girl got a puppy for her birthday and someone broke into their backyard and stole it but the mum put it on fb and it was returned so there is good news.

                    I didnt do much for my birthday, had chinese for dinner and cheesecake with two of the children. I seem to be becoming less of a fan of birthdays now! Thank you all for the birthday wishes though x

                    Julia, how is your puppy going?

                    I have to take bacardi to the vets, carl keeps licking inside her ears and now i think she has an infection. I mean who does that! She needs desexing but they are not doing that atm.

                    I have not watched Tiger King either and im managing 4 hours sleep at night. I just try and go with the flow and hope it gets better. I dont feel stressed but i do feel unsettled with all of this.

                    I woke at 5am and started working and a co-worker asked why i was working, apparently i still have a day off. At least i have done 3 hours work. Now i will go and finish knitting carl a dog coat.

                    take care xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Count me as another one who hasn’t watched Tiger King, Game of Thrones & most TV shows for that matter. I just don’t have much interest as I age - go figure. If I’m going to sit I would really rather be reading something, haha!
                      Nice day here, just had my walk with the dog. I’m a bit grossed out because she picks up trash & eats it as we walk, including someone’s used tissue, yuck!
                      Sleep has been rough for me as well this week. Funny that a lot of us experience the same things at the same times.

                      Byrdie, Eckhart Tolle’s ‘The Power of Now’ taught me to stay present like nothing else ever did. I highly recommend his book

                      Pauly, have you tried posting a reward for the return of Spenser? A little cash could make a big difference. It’s hard to count on people’s sense of doing the right thing.

                      Pav, like any animal if you keep their quarters clean there is little to no smell involved. They get fresh pine shavings dumped on the floor inside their house & it keeps things fresh

                      Ava, why work when you can be knitting? LOL
                      I’m sure Carl will look handsome in his new coat.

                      Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Ava, my dog is not doing well.
                        i might be not so much on the forum until this is over. i find myself not available to your stories right now. and i cannot have too much opniions from a distance about my situation.
                        i am in no way tempted to drink, and am taking care of myself well. so not to worry if i'm silent.
                        AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Juila - take care of yourself and your dog. I am so sorry. What a time.

                          Lav, good to know. Now I have no excuse... So many people have recommended The Power of Now to me - I'll have to check it out next.

                          I think the reality of this is all hitting home this week for my family. Everyone seems stressed, irritated and down in the dumps. I was trying to think of something new and exciting to plan so it doesn't feel like groundhog day here. Any ideas? A SIP weekend activity for a family of four adults (two of them YOUNG?) One idea a friend had was a "Couchella" playlist party. We all share music on a theme. Or making a corn hole game. Or... Any good ones??

                          Happy SOBER Thursday. Honestly, how great is it that we don't drink. This would NOT have been a good time for me back in the day...



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Julia - sorry to hear about your pup

                            Lav - I'm not much of a tv watcher either. People talk about shows like the ones you listed or others and my face just goes blank.

                            Pauly and Pav - headaches are no fun for sure! Certainly could be stress. Are you doing anything differently during your stay home time that could contribute to dehydration? Hope you both feel better and start sleeping better soon!

                            Busy day here in Wagland - heading to be in line when the grocery store opens, three classes to teach, and loading the lawn mower into the truck to go tend the yard of a friend who is unable to stay on top of it herself. Hope you all have great days and eves!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone!

                              Julia, I'm really sorry to hear about your dog. They are such good friends. Hugs to you! Drinking will not help, so I'm so glad to hear you are not planning a trip down the rabbit hole. How are your planks? I am going to try for 2:45 today... I'll let you know how it goes!

                              We TOO have had weird sleep this week. Even my 10 yr. old is struggling. Interesting. It will shift - always does.

                              I saw the first episode of Tiger King and just wasn't interested in how it made me feel. I prefer to watch things that make me feel more positive.

                              PAV, what is SIP? Spontaneous Improv? Hmmm. Does your family like to cook? You could do a "chopped" competition in teams or individually with interesting ingredients that you have on hand. We are also feeling the Groundhog Day thing. Maybe it's a real life version so we evaluate our world and lives. I did love that movie - but we are definitely in the "irritated" part. I'm also feeling the "in-between", not knowing how the world will change, or on a smaller level, how my career may change. Just waiting out the storm and feeling a little antsy to start something. I really, really hope it is a direction that we decide to pay attention to the health of our world, the environment, and not just continue being stupid humans who consume without regard to replenishing.

                              Anyhoo, time to get the kids motivated to start their online studies. It's the hardest part of this home school thing.... keeping them on task and interested in doing a quality job. To PAV, and the other educators here, I have such respect for what you do. I really appreciate you!

                              Hugs to all!
                              Last edited by KENSHO; April 23, 2020, 09:25 AM.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Pav, I always enjoy a rousing game of Pictionary. Years ago, I had THE worst teammate of all time. He was a coworker and the head of our camera division (extremely smart). His wife was my hubs’ partner and they were incredible. Those two could read each other’s minds! Bill and I struggled. He didn’t want me to blurt, now how to you play without blurting? I had the word ‘chalk’. I drew a blackboard, a teacher holding it and I actually wrote the word CHALK (in desperation to score ANY points) and he still didn’t get it! When it was his turn, he drew a series of circles, each a different size. I guessed PLANETS or micro-organisms....the word was HUGE. Bah! That was the last time I played, I went out hard.
                                Pauly, I’m so sorry about Spencer. I hope the little fellow reappears. That must be so hard, I’m thinking of you.
                                Julia, I hope you will continue to engage here. Support is so important. I know many times in the past, I have wanted to drift away for a while. I was having other issues. I came to realize that the other issues could cause me to isolate....and that is a big deal for us here. So on the days I really don’t feel like ‘talking’, those are the days I make myself come here and post. HALT. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired are big triggers. Those times when I don’t want to post mean that I’m vulnerable. At least, this is what I have found, please do what’s right for you in your sober and smoke free journey. Hugs.
                                Not much going on here, what a change from when I was at that crazy job! Stay safe and healthy, all. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

