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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hey all! Had a taste for apple pie so whipped up some little something with apples and cake. I call it a Fool, not really a cobbler, but it got the job done! Hot as heck here 104 heat index, 93 actual degrees.
    Not much goin on here, that’s a good thing, no drama!
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters

      mmm that looks yummy Byrd.

      Not a lot going on here in Ausland. Cases going up, people complaining. Not sure what they dont understand about this virus but the government is doing all it can.

      Had a quiet weekend, weather here cold and crappy. I did manage to clean my bedroom in preparation of the new carpet.

      My fb feed came up with "going shopping with my SIL with a heavy head". Oh i dont want those days back, the throbbing in my head like it was going to explode, swearing i would never drink again, 5pm arrived and off i would go. It seems like a different life now.

      Yes Bryd it is quiet on the nest, hope everyone is doing ok.

      stay safe and take care xx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good Sunday evening Nesters,

        Having a hard time navigating the site tonight for some reason. So I’ll just say hello & wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

        Ava, yours is the only post I can read right now.
        I’m kinda glad I didn’t join Facebook until after I ended my drinking career, haha! Some memories are better left in the past & for good reason
        Enjoy the new carpeting when it arrives.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, All--

          Not much new here. I, too, have had some hard times logging on here so I give up. I also don't have much to say!

          LC - That sounds like fun - to actually travel. I hope they have safe and exciting journeys.

          Belle - I'll bet those other boys' parents are a little ticked off at the boyfriend. I would be, anyway. That happened to a friend of mine - her father in law had symptoms and took a test but didn't tell anyone. He ended up infecting a bunch of the family before he finally got the result. I hope that three days was it, and glad your family's symptoms are mild.

          California is experiencing a steep rise in infections so we've slowed everything down. We stayed home this weekend (husband was off quarantine yesterday - no symptoms so I think he's fine) I did a puzzle, cooked, baked and cleaned this holiday weekend. Plus I did many crosswords and watched some of The Great British Baking Show (I found a season I hadn't seen somehow - or maybe I saw it drunk??) And hiked. It was a full but very quiet weekend. I don't like setting my alarm on a Monday...

          Happy SOBER Monday,


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            We’ve got a thunderstorm going on, sure hope it brings some relief from this endless heat & humidity.
            Went no where today & decided to spend a little time working with my sourdough starter SO I will be baking up cinnamon buns in the morning. Not that I need the extra calories or anything, haha!

            Pav, you filled your holiday weekend nicely, good for you

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone,

              Just a quick check-in from the cabin by the river. We've got two more nights and one more full day here before heading back to the city. Reports from friends and my dad are that the fireworks were the worst they've ever been (and they're usually really bad), so we're glad we escaped for several days. It has been nice to have a change of scenery and with one set of rapids literally about 50 below our cabin's back deck, we get constant "mountain river" background noise (which I love) and we also get front row seats to watch the kayakers tackle a pretty fun part of the river. Some rafters too - the rafting companies are open and running, although it appears that their bookings are down and they're only taking out intact groups instead of letting people just sign up for public trips.
              Rahul - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend/colleague. It's scary how differently this virus affects people, even when they have no other pre-existing conditions. What an unfrotunate turn of events that his accident ended up being fatal.

              Belle - that's great that you let the BF stay with you, as it sounds like it would have been quite risky for him to go home and be around his sibling, although I understand your concern about possibly too much company keeping with your daughter. I hope you all are feeling better as the days go by.

              LC - hope you enjoyed your weekend with the chickens!

              Byrdie - I'm definitely going to try turmeric and will be sure to give it a month or more before deciding whether it helps.

              Hellos and waves to everyone, and Happy July (how can it already be JULY???!!!)


                Re: Newbies Nest

                hey dear people,

                i too have problems seeing this site over the last weeks. it hardly loads into my browser. and when on my phone it's even worse.

                had a nice surprise this weekend: after going to the gym me and my man sat down on a terrace and ordered some fries and an af beer (i love non-ipa). after having a few sips, my man said "don't you think this tastes like alcohol?" and i realized it had tasted strange, and actually kinda gross. turned out it was indeed an alcoholic beer. :egad: i was just so tired, hungry and thirsty that i hadn't actually tasted what i was drinking.
                very weird. it appears i got so used to non alcoholic drinks, that the taste of alcohol has gotten quite disgusting. then i got a non ipa instead and it was sooo much better... who'd have thought that?
                Last edited by julia1970; July 7, 2020, 03:47 AM.
                AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  So quiet here. I hope everyone is ok. Still having trouble getting on the site?

                  Wags, so jealous of your river cabin. What river are you on? I used to raft a little when I was younger but I haven't been in a long time. I love rivers.

                  I don't have much to add. I DO know that staying in touch with a sober community is a key part of avoiding relapse. I have done a lot of research on that topic because I don't want to be that statistic. When I first started here a person who had a quit date very near mine (not my Ava who is one day away) drank after 6 months. It threw me for a loop because I didn't see it coming and it made me feel very vulnerable. The wise Byrdie wrote that just because relapse is part of this disease it wasn't necessarily MY destiny. That set me up looking into how and why people relapse (especially after a sober blogger I followed drank after FIVE years - starting with a bottle of vanilla in her pantry!!)

                  So, here I am. I am reporting that when I get depressed and anxious during this pandemic I do think of alcohol. It was a very good way to ease that anxiety so so quickly. It is the memory of what happens after that that keeps me away - the heavy head Ava described above, regret, guilt, fear. I am so glad to be rid of that and to keep vigilant against it coming back into my life.

                  I had a socially distant drink (seltzer) and far too much cheese with two friends/colleagues who I worked with four years ago. It remains one of my most fun work teams ever - and I love them so much. It was a lot of good laughing and catching up. Just what the doctor ordered.

                  Happy SOBER Tuesday,


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Happy Un Hung Monday everyone.

                    I don't have much to add. I DO know that staying in touch with a sober community is a key part of avoiding relapse. I have done a lot of research on that topic because I don't want to be that statistic. When I first started here a person who had a quit date very near mine (not my Ava who is one day away) drank after 6 months. It threw me for a loop because I didn't see it coming and it made me feel very vulnerable. The wise Byrdie wrote that just because relapse is part of this disease it wasn't necessarily MY destiny. That set me up looking into how and why people relapse (especially after a sober blogger I followed drank after FIVE years - starting with a bottle of vanilla in her pantry!!)

                    So, here I am. I am reporting that when I get depressed and anxious during this pandemic I do think of alcohol. It was a very good way to ease that anxiety so so quickly. It is the memory of what happens after that that keeps me away - the heavy head Ava described above, regret, guilt, fear. I am so glad to be rid of that and to keep vigilant against it coming back into my life.
                    This is exactly why I am here (besides I love y'all). Keeping a sober community around is like a vaccination against relapse and it is painless. I am thankful you are all here and posting.

                    Wags, the cabin sounds really nice. That is the best thing to do right now instead of hanging around with a bunch of crowds.

                    Ava, the post about shopping while hungover, ugh. I did that so many times and am grateful to be out of that. My daughter was hungover the other day and I could just see how I used to be. Thank goodness she is not like me and does not drink often and seems to have an awareness about it that I didn't.

                    Take it easy everyone, and don't drink.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Greetings Nesters,

                      Slighly better air temp today after last night’s storm. I won’t be truly comfortable until at least November, haha!! What can I say, I’ve always been a winter girl
                      We grabbed lunch at a place not too far away, nice t o get out & nice that there were only two other tables occupied so it was very socially distant! I also got more fabric to get back to mask making since it looks like we’re going to be needing them quite a while longer than originally anticipated.

                      Pav, good to know your triggers & good to know how to address them! We’re just human so there’s always going to be something bugging us one way or the other. Having a full Tool box is our best defense. We have all learned so much about ourselves during the quitting process & now we know we can handle anything provided we remain focused. You’re doing just fine

                      Wags, sounds like you are having a greta time down by the river. Keep on enjoying yourselves for the remainder of your trip!

                      Julia, I have found I cannot even stomach the smell of beer or wine anymore. Never thought that day would come either! Glad you are out & about & doing well.

                      Narilly, I continue to come back here every day because I am grateful for everything I have learned & put to good use all these years. I love seeing others finding joy intheir success, makes me happy too

                      Well hello to everyone else & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Duplicate post
                        Last edited by Lavande; July 7, 2020, 06:38 PM.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, Nest

                          I've gotten out of the habit of signing in as part of my morning 'routine' b/c so often at that time of day the site is unavailable. I miss being here, though, and I agree that it is important to stay connected w/ people who know the truth about me. No one in my real life does. Because I tend to forget/minimize the bad stuff, I know I could easily convince myself I had exaggerated my problem, how silly that was, and how of course I could have a drink now and then if I wanted to... We all know where that would go. Like Lav, the smell grosses me out now but I'm sure I'd get over that if I let myself feel the effects again.

                          Take care everyone, NS


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Wags, your mountain stream sounds so relaxing. I’m glad you were able to get away for a change of scenery.
                            Pav, I actually spoke from personal experience. At 6 months, my quit buddy fell. She was 2 weeks ahead of me and her thoughts seemed to be mine. When she fell, I felt doomed. I pulled myself up by the arse and said this does not have to happen to me! Let her trials be my lesson! I’m so glad I had Lav’s tail feathers to latch onto. Gosh, I was so lost. Those weren’t the days.
                            Groundhog Day here. Same stuff, same day! At least I’m not dealing with that god-awful job!
                            Hot as heck here. Stay safe and healthy, eva’body! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Same deal here Byrdie, hot & humid & yucky.
                              Boy I am glad I was close enough for you to grab my tail feathers - I needed you to become a 2nd nest mum & you certainly did
                              For me, my quits were close together so I know damn well there cannot be one glass of wine or 1 smoke, nope! I was & remain convinced that this is the way it has to be & I am grateful!

                              NS, I used to log on first thing in the morning & again late in the evening, did that for years. Then I cut it down to once a day right after dinner & it’s worked out fine for me.
                              I need to stay honest with myself & that means staying away from my addictions, no room for negotiation, none. I miss seeing people when they don’t check in but don’t assume the worst. Sometimes life just gets busy. I think a gentle reminder of why & how we all got here each day is helpful

                              Grateful that my son stopped by this morning because I sent him out with half of the cinnamon buns I baked yesterday, haha! I get a lot of joy out of baking things but I don’t need all the extra calories.
                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                last time (and the only time) i succeeded to be 6 months without alcohol i did start drinking moderately again. which i (kinda) managed to do because of the baclofen. i had tapered down to half of the dose that stopped me from drinking by then.
                                baclofen helped in not relapsing into the nightmare of the decades before when i was putting away a few bottles on week days. but still, why would anyone still want to drink after having experienced these decades? no more and no less then plain old addiction. this realisation is there now.
                                i have no arguments in my mind about drinking right now (same with drugs by the way). i just want to be present. sometimes i feel a little like wanting to, but that is just because i'm in a situation that makes me nervous, or anxious, or one that i've never experienced without alcohol before (or a combination of the three). i'd rather live through the experience and find new ways of dealing with it in a creative way so that it is an experience of novelty and maybe growth instead of same old same old.
                                i'm having the opportunity now to develop all kinds of other ways of taking care of myself and make something out of life. even if i would be able to drink moderately, i would take this opportunity away. it's just a boring old answer to everything.
                                not wanting to sound arrogant by the way. there'll be challenges again.

                                last week when i accidentally had a few sips of the alcoholic version of the non-ipa i like to drink, i actually panicked a little, thinking "i don't want this stuff to affect me!!!" i had to reassure myself that it wasn't enough to get me anywhere near feeling an effect.

                                i've had some wonderful news. i was in a very stresfull (and shamefull) law suit over the last year involving a situation in my past, the outcome of which would be decicive for my creative carreer in a big way. yesterday i got word that the decision was for my benefit. i am relieved of a HUGE burden. gates have opened. again some ugliness can be left in the past.

                                i hope you are fine dear people.
                                Last edited by julia1970; July 9, 2020, 04:33 AM.
                                AF since Jan 2nd 2020

