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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi evabody,

    Hope those fires and smoke are clearing up Pav.

    Nora. Thinking of you and your mum.

    Big waves to all.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by Pavati View Post
      Hi, All:

      That's a great image, Nora. I read stuff to my dad sometimes which also reminded me of that circle.

      Not much to report. Lots of reports of Labor Day holiday in the States spiking up the virus load. Stay safe out there, nest.

      Yep,they're expecting 320,000 people here this weekend! Lots of CA plates around most from L.A from the people getting haircuts at the shop,I don't know why people would wanna come here right now anyways,from what I've heard it's quite depressing at the casinos cuz no shows,no clubs etc,seems at 110 it'd be too damn hot to sit by the pool but I guess it's the last hurrah of the summer,see what happens,much love to all and wishes for a happy day for us all!
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Pauly- I saw that the highway to Vegas was packed on Friday! Crazy!!
        [MENTION=22494]deedoo[/MENTION] - great job!

        Thanks for all the good thoughts. So very much appreciated :heartbeat:
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Re: Newbies Nest

          14 days AF!
          Nora thinking of you and your mum.
          G, all hand painted, very slow but I wouldn't let myself loose with a sprayer.
          Evening to everyone else.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good Sunday evening Nesters,

            Blessed with another decent day here. One more to go then the heat returns - probably coming from the west where it’s hot as blazes!!!

            Hi G, hope your day is good!

            Pauly, people Are coming from CA for haircuts? Or did I read that wrong? Haha, sorry. Personally I wish people would just stay put until this virus winds itself down

            Nora, thinking of you :hug:

            Not much going on with me, that’s oK.
            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, all.

              Quick pop in from a heat wave on a holiday weekend. Still smoke around, though it is much better. We got up very early and drove out to the coast to have breakfast and a swim and then got out of Dodge. The lineup to get to the already full parking lot was over a mile long. People are DUMB when it comes to the coast. Stay away on days like today (or go early).

              Pauly - I'm glad at least people are coming to the shop! I know that most of the US hates when Californians invade. There are A LOT of us... Hope you stay cool.

              Happy SOBER three day weekend. I remember day drinking on weekends like this in the past. Then I would forget (ha hah) to stop at night sometimes, and it WAS NOT PRETTY. Thank goodness those days are over!



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters, yep Lav most of the time they forget to get a haircut before they leave so we get tourists from everywhere all the time, we're pretty close to the strip so that's probably why they choose that shop, Pav how hot did it get where you're at yesterday? I seen CA had a heatwave too, 115 yesterday and I did see I video of Fremont Street and it was jam packed! I'm sure we'll hear something out of that, the governor here probably be pissed cuz he was just on the news a few days ago telling people not to go hogwild on labor day, waves to the gang and wishes for a fab AF day for us all!
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Pauly and Pav - we're in the same band of heat as you both are, just farther north (only getting up to 98 I think). But for the pacific northwest where almost nobody has AC that's HOT!

                  My wife and I facetimed with some dear friends yesterday and it was wonderful to catch up. It was "happy hour" time of day when we talked, and the three of them all had drinks in hand the whole time. I had my fizzy water The best part was that these friends have finally heard my message that I am not drinking anymore, and this was the first time one of them didn't ask about it. Honestly, I think she has a bit of a drinking problem (the friend, not my wife) based on what I've seen of her drinking behaviors, so it makes sense that she would be the one who couldn't quite let it go a few years ago when I first defended (ugh) my quit.

                  Well, it's Labor Day in the U.S. As a self-employed person, I was supposed to be laboring today, but all of my scheduled students decided at the last minute that they needed a day off too, so aside from a short consultation with a former student I'll be working with again, my day is free! It's an extra bonus because I had already planned to take tomorrow and Wed off as a mini-break, so now I truly have my own version of a 3-day weekend. I think today will be a long bike ride, tomorrow home projects, and then Wed up into the mountains for a gorgeous waterfall hike.

                  Happy new weeks everyone. It's another 7 days to add to your quits!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    [MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION], your description of the room and the circle of life reminded me of this book someone gave us when our son was born 36 (!) years ago: Love You Forever Book Read-Aloud - YouTube

                    I used to tear up reading it even back then when we came to the last pages and you see the circle of life, and I would think about him being a man and me being old. I cried again watching it just now. I hope your mom continues to be out of pain and at peace :hug:.

                    I'm pretty emotional I guess after spending the day with, but distanced from, my parents yesterday. My dad cares for my mom 24/7 and feels good about that but he is a very people-oriented person and is so alone and isolated. His eyes were full of tears as we were leaving. It is just heartbreaking. I hate how our country is in so many ways right now. And I'm so glad I'm no longer addicted. All of this would be unbearable.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy Labor day all!

                      No celebrations here but I have to admit it’s a lot less work, haha! I’m usually in the kitchen cooking & baking for 2 days before a holiday so I can be sure everyone gets what they like. So it was just two of us, an aging cat & dog & a bunch of chickens at various ages & stages.

                      Nora, thinking of you & your family :hug:

                      NS, I can still remember seeing my dad tear up when my mom was losing her independence as well. It was difficult & I am already hoping my kids don’t have to witness anything like that as we get older.

                      Pauly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you :balloons:
                      I imagine it doesn’t really matter where the customers come from just so they are there, right?

                      Wags, I used to love a mid-week ‘weekend’ when I was working shift work! The supermarkets & malls were practically empty & I could get my shopping done while everyone else was at work, LOL. Enjoy your time off!

                      Pav, I hate crowds on a normal day but during a pandemic - eeww. Glad you’re getting some cleaner air to breathe!

                      Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Evening all,
                        Sticking with the daily posting and reading,Day 11 posting, day 15 AF. Away mad painting though so I haven't the energy for much more.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hey all. I agree, NS, the US has a big set of problems at the moment. I long for a sense of normalcy again.
                          Nora, thinking of you and praying for your strength and peace. What a difficult milepost to experience. I wish I could sit with you and hear those creeks. My heart aches for you in that tough situation.
                          A tad cooler here today, just hot, not Africa hot. Yes, the beach is just too tempting to keep people away. We had bumper to bumper traffic all weekend and the beaches were packed. Many retailers said they had record breaking sales. This makes me anxious. Our covid numbers aren’t great either. It’s depressing. I guess if you are young and healthy, the world is your oyster, even in a pandemic.
                          Not much going on here. So glad to be sober, holidays used to be a ticket to BoozeVille! Glad to be off that crazy train!
                          Great job DD!
                          Happy Labor Day, all! Put the white shoes away! Byrdie

                          Edit to add: Happy Birthday, Pauly! Hope you’ve had a great day!
                          Last edited by Byrdlady; September 7, 2020, 06:12 PM.
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning, All:

                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pauly! Did I miss it yesterday?

                            Nora, I hope you and your mom are ok. xo

                            NS - So sorry for your dad. It is so sad. My mom keeps saying "I can't believe these are the last years of my life..." She's a people person, too, and quite lonely. I am not sure your mom's condition exactly, but I'm glad you were able to see them, even from a distance.

                            Good to see you checking in, DeeDoo.

                            I LOVE a three day weekend. I had a lazy day yesterday - worked on a puzzle, did laundry and otherwise stayed away from crowds and celebrations.

                            The weather here is hot and windy and we're expecting possible blackouts today as we venture into distance learning.

                            Happy SOBER Tuesday.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone.

                              We camped and got away from the smoke. Driving home yesterday, we passed through what looked like the end of days... dark orange sky and ash falling. I'm hoping that our cold snap calms the multiple fires we have burning in our state. I'm tolerating it like I'm tolerating other uncomfortable things... a skill I learned when I quit drinking.

                              Well, the spicy chai is working out nicely. I was able to have a little coffee over the weekend and was fine. Still a warm thing to drink. Maybe I can just do a yummy coffee drink on the weekends.

                              Back to work today and I have a busy week. Tying up loose ends with clients, getting August billing out the door, and finalizing my new website so they can optimize it. Feeling good about these undertakings, but I just want it all done right now. Like, I'd stay up all night if I could... but I have learned that is a slippery slope that leads to me drinking. I have actually felt down enough a couple times in the past week to consider just throwing the towel in and drink to get through. But then my senses return and I remember how desperate I was to stop and how very fleeting the pleasure was. Not an answer.

                              Dee, great project, and a tough one! Banisters are hard. I'll bet it is really transforming your space though! Great work on your 2 weeks!!! That was a turning point for me! All alcohol out of the system and repairs can start to happen. You're doing great; just one day / hour / minute at a time now, and you will see the days rack up and life gets better and better!

                              LAV, did you get that walk? Great to hear that I'll still be worrying about my 14 yr. old son, like, forever... :egad: Hope your son stays out of harm's way. Great service he's doing!

                              WAGS, hope you had a great day off!!

                              NS, I'm with you on the state of the country. I'm struggling to understand willful ignorance and dishonesty. It's generating a lot of disappointment and frustration and sadness for me. I think we are displaying our weaknesses right now.

                              BYRDIE, packed beaches and busy shops? Yikes... stay away!

                              PAV, we have the fires and smoke, but not the blackouts. I keep feeling like... what other challenges could we POSSIBLY face, and there's one. Hope it's very temporary for you.

                              Off to work and keep the young'ns on top of their schooling. Keep your chins up and your alcohol-free brains working. I have a feeling we are going to be needing them.
                              Last edited by KENSHO; September 8, 2020, 09:20 AM.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Belated Birthday Pauly!!!

                                NS, Pav, Nora, and others I'm not recalling at the moment - It sure is hard to watch and/or help people we love age, especially parents. My heart goes out to each and every one of you, including your parents who are the ones aging. So much better to do all of this sober, even if not 'easier' per se.

                                Very high winds, a heat wave, and fires are the big news here in our corner of this round orb. Not a good combo that's for sure. Kensho, we have the same orange ashy sky, and it does look and feel like end times. We'll have to play things by ear regarding how we spend our days -- maybe not the hiking and biking I had hoped for -- but it'll all involve fingers crossed that people and planet are not injured.
                                Last edited by wagmor; September 8, 2020, 09:20 AM.

