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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi Byrdie, so good to see you too, however as the hotel where I work is modern with only walk-in showers, and we cater mainly for business guests, you've put this image in my mind of these women standing on one leg in the shower whilst hacking their other leg to pieces with a razor...thanks I can't un-see that in my mind now!

    I'm not having a great time right now with withdrawal, but I'm in a much better place for staying off the drink than I was last year which was extremely stressful for my sister and me as Mum's dementia worsened (she nearly burnt her house down) and we had to move her to a care home, then pack up and sell her house to pay for the home. All excuses in a way but Mum is now happy and settled and all that stress is in the rear view mirror


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hola friends,

      Good to see u Tony! Glad to hear your mum is happy and that situation sorted. That would've been super stressful mate. Are you on day 1 there now? If so, not long till stumps, then that first day's outta the way. At least you've been here before and had some solid AF time so u know how it feels. How r u going mate?

      Big waves to evabody. Take care in that wild weather in the US.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Tony - glad to see you, but sorry you are struggling so much. You know your quit has to be your number one priority right now, and it sounds like you're putting a lot of effort into it. Just one day, hour, moment at a time friend - you CAN do this!

        Pav, Kensho and Pauly -- it'c comforting to hear that you all are seeing the same horrible fire effects that we are. Not glad you're having them, I just feel a bit less alone in this otherworldly surreal time. Climate change is very very real. I don't know why some people can't face facts when they are screaming in your face, but I don't blame Earth at all for trying to purge herself of this human scourge that is killing her.

        Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. My days off ended up being consumed with preparing to evacuate. We are not at "Go Now" level but with a 90-year-old in the house and a special needs pup, we had to start planning before they told us to. Things are VERY serious here with huge fires threatening large population areas, including my big city. The evacuation warnings are creeping toward our neighborhood and it's pretty scary in addition to looking apocalyptic. It's pretty terrifying to pull up a map and see that there are fires on all four sides. I've been through many many fire seasons and this is the first time I ever felt scared I might get trapped with no way out. I'm really feeling the stress of responsibility for my elderly father during all of this too. I had a stress dream about that right before I woke up this morning.

        Thank the universe I don't drink! I can't imagine handling all of this while drinking, or with a hangover, or having to get enough booze to take along if/when we evacuate.

        I made the mistake of reading an article about the fires on fox "news" website -- the story itself was ok, but the comments from readers were gross and hate-filled. Like we all deserve to burn alive because we're all tree huggers and socialists. I am just about flattened by the level of hate and division in this country and I'm tired of the politicians and news folks who are feeding and inciting the divisiveness. If that makes me a snowflake then bring on the blizzard.

        I'll try to check in each of the next several days but if I suddenly go quiet for a few, we're running from flames. Send water and love to the western states!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Wag - so very sorry you are in the middle of fires. Stay safe.
          You are not alone, I'm a snowflake too. (Though I hate all labels being put on people)
          I actually teared up today while looking outside at the gray sky from fires. I thought about all the fires all over. And in Australia before. Heartbreaking.

          NS - good job on you doing something to help make a change. But, you always do. You are special.

          Tony - hang in there. It will get better.

          DeeDoo - congrats on Day 18

          I agree that Climate change is an emergency.
          And also agree with the question about when did dishonesty become acceptable.

          Things are about the same here. Just trying to keep her comfortable. Thank you everyone for the support.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
            Hola friends,

            Good to see u Tony! Glad to hear your mum is happy and that situation sorted. That would've been super stressful mate. Are you on day 1 there now? If so, not long till stumps, then that first day's outta the way. At least you've been here before and had some solid AF time so u know how it feels. How r u going mate?
            Hey G man, today is day 3 and starting to feel a little better. I'm really pleased to say I slept 5 hours straight ... .

            Gonna have some breakfast and take stock of what I need to do (blitz the flat looks like a good place to start) .... one day at a time once more....


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
              Hey G man, today is day 3 and starting to feel a little better. I'm really pleased to say I slept 5 hours straight ... .

              Gonna have some breakfast and take stock of what I need to do (blitz the flat looks like a good place to start) .... one day at a time once more....
              Glad to hear you're feeling better mate. Gr8 job on day 3. Keep it rolling.

              Wags! Holy moly. I had no idea you are in the midst of that. Anything we can do this end? I'm sure you're onto all the scenarios. Good luck and thinking of you and family.

              Big waves to evabody. L8tr g8trs.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters, Wags, our smoke cleared out the other day with some crazy winds, you be safe! They showed San Francisco on the news and someone described it as being inside a lit jack o lantern cuz it was orange and smoky! Awful. Tony, sounds like you're rounding the corner, just keep at it, Byrdie, I always shave in the shower and yeah legs are half shaved! Especially the right one cuz I guess my left leg is weaker so I'm all wobbly trying to see and shave at the same time, had hubs buy me one of those Flawless Touch razors as seen on tv for my birthday, don't buy it! It's a scam like all as seen on tv shit! Leaves little picklys everywhere even though it has a light too, not sure what to wear today, think it's not really hot enough for shorts but pants seem over the top too, maybe my stretchy capris and a big t-shirt think that'll do, much love and wishes for a happy AF Friday for us all, do something that makes you happy
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  Wags, I'm so sorry. That must be so scary. My mom keeps talking to me to remind me that we need to get her if we have to evacuate. Of course I won't forget her but she is very worried. We are not really close to the evacuations, but she's afraid nevertheless. I am keeping my fingers crossed for cold, wet weather and no wind. So awful.

                  Pauly, we are north, but also had no daylight. It was honestly a surreal experience, literally like waking up in a post-apocalyptic movie. It never occurred to me that would happen.

                  Tony, glad you made it through to day three. Amy Winehouse died while detoxing from booze so it is nothing to mess with. As Lav said, make this your last quit and you'll never have to go through that again. What are you doing to set yourself up for success? Maybe just making it minute by minute at this point, but do what you need to take care of YOU at this point.

                  Good to see you swing by G and Stirly.



                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nest. What amazing people here.

                    Tony, you are brave and strong, and you can do this! Please do have medical people around you if you are concerned. Just remember that you are headed in the right direction! I will be there also, right in the booze isle with my arms crossed and watching - unless you reach for a bottle. I have TWO umbrellas. Not sure how big you are, but I'm pretty sure that between Byrdie and I and three umbrellas, we can stave you off! Keep going friend, you will not regret it!

                    Wags, I'm so sorry you are boxed in by the fires. They are so dirty, and feel so wrong - with the sky all dark and ash and the black they leave. I'm glad you are planning in advance, and I hope you will not have to leave. Thinking about you today! I DO wish more people on the east half of the nation were seeing the photos of this smoke. I am furious that people are making even fires political. I honestly think that half of US citizens have a different brain structure. Gosh, I went there again. Sorry. Politics is driving me to want to drink these days, so it is relevant unfortunately.

                    We are warming up a bit today from our freeze on Tuesday. And I got my website nearly done, so I have an easier day today. I'll be mostly trying to help the kiddos with school. They like being a home, but do miss the social part of in-person school. We have a neighbor who taught my daughter piano for awhile, and she is also bored and wants to teach a few kids how to knit on her front porch (for free). I absolutely love this idea and my daughter is excited too!

                    So my goals today are to try and be positive, get some exercise and love on my kids. I don't want to fall into the trap of becoming angry and impersonal myself, so I'll focus on spreading the love.

                    Best to all, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. We DON'T need alcohol in our lives to be happy, and once you get far enough away from it, you won't WANT it in your life either!

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi all - just checking in. Day 26 and doing pretty well. There have been a few tough moments but I've found things to do to get my mind off of it. So far so good!

                      I haven't gone back to read but will do that. Wanted to check in while I had a moment. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Originally posted by frances View Post
                        Hi all - just checking in. Day 26 and doing pretty well. There have been a few tough moments but I've found things to do to get my mind off of it. So far so good!

                        I haven't gone back to read but will do that. Wanted to check in while I had a moment. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!
                        Well done, Frances! Almost a whole month under your belt. It feels so good to see that number getting bigger doesn't it?:sohappy:
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Great job, Frances! Getting that first month in the rear view is such a relief. Keep up the great work!

                          Kensho, thank you for the back up in the booze aisle! Poor Tony, between the whole razor thing and two women beating him with umbrellas, he may run for the hills! Sounds as if you are doing everything right, Tony, Day 3 is a biggie, you are operating under your own power! Keep up the basics, they work. Maybe clean out that drawer in the kitchen? That would keep me busy for another 3 days, there’s no telling what is in there and I’m afraid to find out. I had bread ties from the 1990’s until my hubs made me throw them all out, now I’m hand to mouth on the darn things. You never know when you’ll need a bread tie. (The plastic coated wire things). I think I have hoarding tendencies. My closets look like landfills (organized, but still). Oy. It’s on my list of things to work on.
                          Nora, thank you for your update. We are thinking of you.
                          Wags, my heart goes out to you. When we have evacuated for hurricanes (some of which were supposed to be catastrophic) I went through the house asking ‘What is irreplaceable?’ I have a box with photographs, my high school year books and a Bible my parents gave me when I was 10. It’s hard to fit your life into a box or two. I am thinking of you and praying that these fires will be contained. I wish I could help you.

                          A somber day all around as we remember this date 19 years ago. I had just bought a new shirt and wore it that day. Ever since, when I look at it in my closet (see above where I have an issue with letting things go) I wear it occasionally but I always wear it on this date each year. It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! Stay safe evabody! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey, Byrdie, your hoarding story made me think of my Mum. She and Dad separated in 1974. When my sister and I cleared out her house, we found every bank statement, every utility bill, every insurance certificate,every piece of official paper for 45 years!!!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Greetings Nesters,

                              Remembering those lost today on 9/11. I still get teary thinking about that day :hug:

                              Wags, I sincerely hope you don’t have to evacuate but we do want you safe & will be thinking of you!

                              Tony, great job on 3 AF days! Keep yourself as healthy as possible & keep moving forward!

                              Frances, awesome on your 26 days, that’s wonderful!

                              Nora, I wish a peaceful transition for your Mom, will be thinking of you.

                              Kensho, Pav, G, Pauly, Byrdie & everyone - hello to you all.

                              Nothing new with me, just maintaining & that’s fine with me.

                              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              Last edited by Lavande; September 11, 2020, 04:53 PM.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good MAE all. I’m so glad I checked in yesterday because I think it helped me later in the evening. We went out to visit our daughter and have dinner outside with her yesterday. She asked if we could pick up some wine for her, which we did, and my husband got wine for him to have with dinner. Then when we got to her apartment, when she came down she brought down two White Claws (a drink we drank together over the summer on vacation) and put one in my hand. I put it in the cup holder thing on the chair I was sitting in and tried to ignore it. It was hard but after a few minutes I felt a lot better. I really wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do it, but I did! I’m pleasantly surprised �� – eventually my daughter asked if I wanted to drink it and I said no and so she had it for herself. Nobody thought it was odd (or at least they didn’t say anything).

                                I’ve been reading back this morning. For those with elderly parents dealing with difficult circumstances, I really feel for you, and being sober is 100% the best thing in any circumstance but especially now. I’m so glad I was sober when my mom was sick and passed away in September three years ago.

                                Nora, I’m sorry for what you’re going through and like others, wishing a peaceful transition for your mom.

                                NS, I saw your post about your father tearing up on your call and it breaks my heart. I’ve often think about elderly people these days and I feel terrible that at this time in their lives, they are having to experience this terrible crisis with so many horrible things going on. I hope it gets better and I think a very positive step will be getting Joe Biden elected and I thank you for the help you are doing for his campaign!

                                Wags and everyone else affected by nearby fires, I’m hoping you’re safe and that things get better very soon. With everything else going on, adding that stress must be terrible. Handling it sober is so much better than the alternative.

                                Kensho I agree – when did dishonesty become acceptable?! I don’t get it. Why do so many people back a president who lies the way ours does, not to mention all of the other negative things he does. I am distraught, disgusted, and depressed about it. Very hopeful for a change and hoping it doesn’t cause even more mayhem.

                                Byrdie – Your post made me laugh - I have a shower, but it has a bench and I can stabilize my leg on that when shaving! Also about hoarding the bread ties…it made me think of my brother, who I learned a few years ago saves (among other things) that sticky stuff that makes the credit cards you get in the mail stick to the paper…what in the world he thinks he will use that for in the future is beyond me! But he is pretty handy, so I’m sure he had some potential use in mind when he saved it.

                                Lav – I picture you as an excellent cook and baker. Sorry for you and the family that there was no Labor Day get together as usual where everyone could have their favs. But true…less work for you! These days without the usual socializing have been very difficult. I’m imagining the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays will be even harder.

                                Tony - keep it up! You’ll never regret not drinking.

                                Same to Deedoo too – I feel like we started around the same time. We got this!

                                Hi to Pav, Stirly, Guitarista, Pauly, Narilly and everyone else – and for everyone on here, thanks for being here and helping others. Stay sober and stay safe!
                                Last edited by frances; September 12, 2020, 09:03 AM.

