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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Clear & cool today & we have a frost warning up for tonight, geez. It did get pretty cold last night too.
    Enjoying the visit with my grandson, he showed off his cooking skills by scrambling eggs for himself this morning. Not bad for 9 1/2
    Trying to sneak in a little sewing too, making progress.

    Anjicia, I’ve been to NYC, it’s seriously hectic there! I made a stop at the airport in Denver on my way to Idaho many years ago where my brother was living at the time. I think I would prefer a few days out in the clean mountain air myself, haha!

    Byrdie, not every attempt to cook/bake comes out perfect. I baked a loaf of sourdough bread today that was much better than the last attempt, Lol
    A while ago I found a recipe for a one pot Swedish meatballs & noodles meal. My grandson asks for it every time he’s here & it’s easy. Yuo can find it on Pinterest if you’re interested.

    G, nice to hear you’re cleaning the place up haha. Hope your recording session went well

    Hello to everyone & wishing a safe Night in the nest for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      G - hope the vocals sessions went well, and great job on the cleaning/clearing beforehand!

      Anjicia - glad your meetup group walk went well. I hope you are able to visit Colorado sometime in the next few years. New York is wonderful too but the beauty of the Rocky Mountains is hard to beat, especially if you like walking/hiking or similar.

      Byrdie - sorry about the scorched dish. It's amazing how quickly things can go south if you walk away for just an extra minute.

      Lav - hooray for your grandson scrambling his own eggs

      Nar - that sounds pretty cold for October!

      Tomorrow is a day off from teaching for me so we'll probably tackle some gardening stuff (buttoning it up for the fall mostly) and then hopefully a bike ride.

      Have great Sunday days and eves everyone!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Evening nesters

        I am finally on two weeks holiday and while my sleeping pattern is still shite, i dont have to do a damn thing and i dont plan on checking a single email. We have a new headache nurse and she has been too busy for me to train so she is thrown in the deep end.

        i have started some spring cleaning and as long as i do a few hours a day i think i will have it conquered in two weeks.

        G, i am enjoying this spring weather but i did get sunburnt last week. thats what 10 minutes in the sun does to you, or me.

        Going to read back now. Take care xx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Everyone,
          It has been an interesting experience trying to find an alcohol dependency therapist. I decided to contact 2, and was upfront that I was meeting with both of them. I really liked the first one and she reminded me of tools that I had forgotten about. Like EAT and HALT, basic stuff, but things I had to be reminded of due to all the other upheaval in my life. For the life of me I feel like I have been hardly eating. How did I gain the quarantine 15?

          This past Friday I met with the second therapist (who by the way, her first question in email was "are you paying out of pocket or with insurance". Well that was off-putting. Apparently I sent email to her 'other' email address explaining that I was consulting 2 therapists and apparently she does not read that email. I sent it 6 days in advance of our appointment. I reminded her in session that I had consulted with someone else and wanted to decide who was the best fit for me. Yesterday she sent me a nasty gram about how it would be 'unethical' to work with me if I was working with another therapist. And how 'high risk' I was because of some of the medications I take for fibromyalgia. Well to hell with her. I wrote back, with a copy of the email where I told her I was consulting with another therapist. And how off-putting her 'how are you going to pay me' question was. Needless to say, we canceled each other and she made my decision on a therapist easy.

          Like someone who finally realizes they need to reach out for help and try another way needs this kind of treatment. If I wasn't so angry I would cry.

          And honestly almost makes me sorry I reached out for help. Perhaps I will write her a 'review'.

          And I have been and will do just fine without that bitchacha.

          As usual I need to read back. hope all are doing well.

          Alcohol does me no favors.

          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi friends,

            Hi Belle. That is poor behaviour from that therapist. Bizarrely there are quite a few here too who just don't seem to align with the job or people at hand! Keep reaching out if u need to. There are some really good people out there still. However.....the old saying 'if u want something done do it yourself' comes to mind. What i mean is we can do a lot ourselves to change and heal. e.g. basic meditation/breathing every morning and some kind of simple exercise daily. Keeping connected is very helpful too. Hope you have a nice week.

            Big waves to evabody.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              The Lav house is kidless once again, haha! Grandson went home, he was well behaved which I really appreciate.
              It was 33 degrees this morning, chilly just as predicted.

              G, good to see you as always

              Belle, sorry you had to deal with all that. I know from running my own business for 15 years, people aren’t always ready to pay. Not even when you knocked your socks off to deliver as promised, they just don’t care. I’m not trying to excuse the 2nd therapists behavior, just offering a bit of understanding. I like what G said - there’s an awful lot we can do on our own but you need to whip up the commitment!
              Wishing you the best as always.

              Ava, two weeks off sounds great! Don’t spend the whole time cleaning though. Honestly, the older I get the less I care about that stuff, LOL

              Wags, enjoy your day off & get out for some fresh air, nice

              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Ava - hope you have a fab two weeks off, and definitely don't check email! If you're able to relax/have fun AND get that spring cleaning done then that'll probably feel like a great two weeks!

                Belle - ugh, sorry to hear about the one therapist. I think you're smart to talk with at least two, and I hope the other one turns out to be helpful. Will you meet through video chat? If so, you could expand your search quite a bit, depending on the insurance question. Maybe there's someone who'd be a perfect fit for you in another part of the country. And, as G and Lav said, there's a lot you can do for yourself as well, so finding a therapist who can complement what you know (or remind you, as was the case in the first visit you mentioned) might be just what you need to make this quit stick. Sending you support on this journey :hug:

                Hellos and waves to G, Lav, and everyone else hanging out in the nest. Happy new week!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good morning nesters chilly start here in Dublin and overcast. Its 11c here we tend to get our weather in centigrade so i will check how it fares in farenhet it sounds better in higher numbers lol. Belle also sorry to hear about the expericence with the 2nd therapist i guess i can it now from both sides but she did came across a bit unprofessional but its good you tried two so would going with the first one be a option? also agree we have to do some work on ourselves no matter what other way to take. Its not just about giving up the drink we have to change behaviour our thinking and even ditching some people who enablers or were not really friend just drinki g buddies. Yesterday i got to a train to a seaside town North of the county. It was ok a smalll beach but nice area to walk. The was quiet and no coffee shops open only a hit on the beach selling drinks soft drink tea and coffee. Today at 12 pm i am going for another coastal walk with a differant meetup group this a flat walk as Saturdays was a lot of hills lol which i have not been used to for some time but good. That could be taken away from us for some time as we are waiting news to see if we are in to stricter lockdown up to level 4 or 5. I don't fear this virius bug or whatever the heck it really is i fear our goverments the quack scientists and so called medical experts and what they are doing to people.
                  Don't be fooled in to thinking they care about you or your health this is all about control and money. Hello to Belle Mr G Lavande Pavai Narilly Wagnor and anyone i left out as i don't always get to read back. Have a good day xxx
                  Last edited by Guest; October 19, 2020, 02:52 AM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Anji. I agree that I miss normal! Stay positive… I feel things will be a lot better in a year or so. I know three people who have lasting (and really problematic) health issues from their Covid infections back in March, so I’m reminded that it’s not just about dying. Our ICU hospital beds are getting close to running out too, which is scary for those who may need it this winter (for Covid or other issues)! What is dizzy rain?

                    LAV, time has flown for sure. I feel it was just February when the pandemic got real. Glad you are getting so much grandchild time!

                    G, the air is not fresh here now Two new fires… I feel like someone is starting them. No weather, but a lot of pissed off people. Fracking and traffic have created a lot of pollution too. We DO have a thing called Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland - polar plunges and all. Maybe you can participate someday!

                    Wags, we just learned that the trail we backpacked this summer is burnt up. There are others of course, but that one was nostalgic, as it was the one we did often before even getting married. It survived the flood of 2013, but not these flames. Enjoy your day off and hands in the dirt!

                    Ava, are you IN the hospital often? What are they doing there to prevent the spread?

                    Belle, there’s no excuse for that behavior from the second therapist. She may need therapy herself. Focus on the one you like and chalk the other up to an unhappy person! Writing reviews is cathartic too!! Good on you for taking the next step - don’t get derailed by Miss Pissy Britches.

                    Our fall colors are lovely, so I have been enjoying that. We are doing some work on our house, so it is all torn up. New flooring means cleaning closets (so they can put new flooring in), and we decided to paint some walls before the new carpet. So a busy home improvement weekend.

                    Other than that, I have lots of design work to keep me busy. People are testing positive in my husband’s office, so I am bracing for where it goes from there (our house?). His boss doesn’t take it seriously… which I feel very frustrated about. I know someone who doesn’t know if she will ever regain her sense of taste and smell. Tragic!

                    Anyway, hello to all - drinking will not help anything. I am thankful each day that I gave it up. I have so much more to live for, and you do too!
                    Last edited by KENSHO; October 19, 2020, 09:10 AM.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Kensho - sorry for what your state is going through. I have a cousin in Jamestown - she had to evacuate but it looks like the town is ok. Hope it clears and rains to help you out!

                      Belle - that was smart, to interview two. I went for the first therapist I found and stuck with her. Her temperament wasn't exactly a fit but she was good and didn't let me get away with anything. I know we can do a lot on our own but that 1:1 in-person accountability where I could tell ALL really helped.

                      Wags, hope you got a bike ride. It is so beautiful up there - enjoy.

                      Mr. G - cold showers? No thanks...

                      Lav - I'll try the daily om. I get so many emails that things get lost, but if you recommend...

                      Byrdie - I ALWAYS set a timer if I'm using high heat. I am so easily distracted that I've burned too many things.

                      I went for a short trip this weekend. We stayed in a clean motel with covid certification, went to the beach, wore our masks, and otherwise were as safe as we could be. It was very nice to get away but I will say that I feel a lot safer and more relaxed at home.

                      Happy SOBER Monday,


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Happy Un Hung Monday everyone.

                        G- I smiled when I read your reference to Wim- my son and his friends were swimming in the river all summer and they are all into the Wim Hof stuff. My son even went to a weekend workshop about it. Right now it is -8C and the river is not frozen yet, I bet they don't go swimming in it though. Cold showers do feel good but I would rather have a warm bath right now!

                        Ken, that is awful having all that smoke again. ugh

                        Belle, good that you skidded the second therapist. What a tool. It is weird that people who need therapy themselves become therapists

                        Hey Pav, glad you went on a short trip. I know how much you like to get away but yeah these days it seems safer at home.

                        Wags, I think it is a lot warmer where you live than where I live. It actually snowed here the day Lav said "at least you don't have snow". It is -8C here now and going into the - double digits tomorrow (-12C which is aprox 10 degrees F)

                        Ken, I really hope that the 'Rona' as my son calls it does not come to your house. That would really suck big time. How can his boss not take it seriously? Crazy people.

                        Hello Byrdie!

                        Have a good day everyone and don't drink.

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Thanks for all your supportive comments about my therapist fiasco. I really do like the first one I talked to anyway. In fact she told me that she is in recovery herself. So she 'gets it'. The second one was a RN with a lot of other letters after her name. I guess she thinks she is too high and mighty to know how to talk to an alkie. 'Tis true that there is a lot I can do on my own, but like someone said, it is good to be accountable to someone. My brain feels sharper, perhaps due to better sleep and all the AL is well out of my system. As I think Byrdie says "I'm operating under my own power". Unfortunately work is slow today so my brain is going to waste. Perhaps I'll get my mail-in ballot out and figure it out and get the voting done, but I am waiting for my daughter to work through it with me. I think it is a good exercise as she is taking "Government" class this year. She surprisingly has many political opinions and thoughts. I was completely clueless at her age and probably barely knew who was president.

                          Take care everyone, and as Nar says "don't drink". I love that little reminder you give us Nar, thanks!

                          Alcohol does me no favors.

                          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi nesters,

                            Kensho and Nar, i'm in. I haven't quite got to the ice bath stage yet, and don't think i will lol. But i still dive into the bay here during winter when it's very cold, and it's refreshing and invigorating. My cold showers aren't too stressful lol. Only a minute or 2 after a warm one. The science is interesting re benefits to the immune system.

                            Lav and Wags, my decluttering last saturday was a hit with me. A nice change to the feel of the joint.

                            take it easy out there. I hope those fires and smoke ease up soon.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Seasonable temps here today so not complaining
                              We have a large Amish community here & my husband is a driver for them. October is wedding month so they’re all calling him for rides to & from these weddings. Weekday weddings apparently is normal for them. Keeps him busy & out of my hair, haha!

                              G, now that yo’ve de-cluttered the challenge is to keep it uncluttered, Lol

                              Belle, glad you have settled on the right therapist for you! Wishing you the best!

                              Narilly, you definitely have some cold weather, Brrr!! Stay warm friend.

                              Hello to Wags, Kensho, Pav, Anjicia & everyone.
                              Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Nar - you for sure have colder weather (and climate) than we do here! You're near Calgary right? I remember you talking about Stampede over the past several years.

                                Kensho - I'm sad to hear that your trail got burned up in a fire. So much land out here in the western U.S. is in the same situation - burned and scarred. Nature has a way of recovering, it's just not always on our human timeline (like, "in time to go backpacking on the same trail next year" or similar).

                                Pav - your weekend away sounds wonderful and rejuvenating. I hope you feel refreshed.

                                Anji - the two meetup walks both sound lovely. I hope the possible upcoming lock-downs don't take too many things away like that.

                                Lav - that's so interesting about the weekday weddings in the Amish community. I didn't know they were that common. How is Covid impacting all of that? Are you aware of any trends where the Amish are experiencing more or fewer covid cases? Are they masked and distancing? I would think yes, but I know very little about their way of life or beliefs.

                                Hellos and waves to G, Belle, Ava, Byrdie, NS, LC (you around?), and everyone else perching in the nest. Don't drink!

