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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good to see so many folks checking in for another sober circle spin on our collective axis. Hang on tight and have a good one!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Jvo!!! It's about time young lady!

      Great to see you. :heartbeat: Looking forward to further convo's round here.

      Wags, i love your phrase - 'sober circle spin on our collective axis'.

      Big waves to evabody. Wow, Jvo's back. As......Super Neen!

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Morning nesters, Byrdie I was reading some of that post on FB cuz it popped up last night, that guy don't quit! They think we're "sheep" and giving up all our rights it's definitely brainwashing like Wags said! I just hope there's no more "civil war" incidents. I bought 3 candles and some lotion last night so I'm also not a stranger to that click button haha! Hope everyone has a wonderful day
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, All:

          Several of my friends from different walks of life have mentioned taking baths to meditate and relax this week. I remember that is one of my "go-to" ideas for stress relief when I was first quitting. Maybe a bath is in order?! Epsom salts, a little lavender? I think you've got the right idea, Pauly.

          Lav, I do sort of feel like staying in bed or laying low, but my work is at work unfortunately. I'm trying to remember what someone said - you're not lazy, you're in a pandemic... (and a coup, and climate change, and...) The 20th can't come soon enough. The thing that got my hide yesterday was the representatives REFUSING to go through metal detectors one week after that insurrection. And hiding out on the 6th with no masks and now their colleagues are testing positive. The utter selfishness is galling to me.

          ANYWAY... My gratitude list today: 1) a job I like that I still have in spite of the pandemic; 2) being sober through all of this with the support of this beautiful community; 3) my cup of coffee...

          Happy SOBER Wednesday,


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi Everyone! JVO-Need! So good to hear your voice! I agree about "liking myself"... that' huge. Also, just feeling so much better mentally, physically and spiritually.

            PAV, that chip argument makes me crazy. First of all, WHY would anyone want to keep tabs on someone like me? Why would I possibly be that important? I am a boring person who doesn't commit crimes. They already have my address and phone info and could find me in an instant. Secondly, how could a microchip possibly fit in the needle that vaccines are administered in? The chips in our phones and that they give dogs are nearly 1/2" in size. Imagine THAT needle! Thirdly, how could multiple, separate, vaccine research companies, funded by all different means, all over the word, by all different scientific groups, who have to publish ALL procedural data, possibly conspire to pull something like that off? The sheer amount of people and effort that would have to be involved in coordinating such a gigantic conspiracy, and the advances in science to create such a small and powerful device is nearly impossible. Where did people's ability to critically think go?!? I guess when elected leaders and media sources lie, enough people believe it. Our country seems a little lost for sure.

            Sorry for the rant. But people need to stop and think for themselves and not just believe what they hear because it's easier.

            Byrdie, I'm so glad to hear you say that you are liking retirement!! That's the first time I've heard you say that! It was a bumpy ride in, but I'm happy for you!

            Wags, I love our "sober spin on a collective axis". We ARE all in this together!

            Everyone in my family had a rough day yesterday - for all different reasons. I hope today is better.

            Sober is where it's AT Nest. I can't imagine how lost I'd feel right now if boozing.
            Last edited by KENSHO; January 13, 2021, 10:21 AM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good MAE, Nesters,

              Welcome back, dear J-vo!! I've often thought about you, hoping you were doing alright.. so happy to have you back in the Nest!:love:

              Great posts these past days.. as per usual! I've been taking lots of loooong lavender baths with lit candles and nice music, doing intense home workouts and having crazy dance sessions with old music (Depeche Mode was my last and I seem to have hurt the arch of my left foot!:eek-new, have been writing in my journal and trying out some new recipes. My bad mood lifted after a few days. I wasn't tempted to drink and let myself sit and feel the discomfort in between sessions of trying to push it away. As all of you have said, this is such a trying and difficult time.. so many things coming at us at once. And not much we can "do".. I've taken on helping a couple of friends who are quite sick (non contagious illnesses) which helps me to feel of some use..

              Byrdie, hows your family that has/had covid doing? I sure hope they are ok. :hug:

              Sending everyone extra strength and energy and peace of mind (needing that for myself, too!!:happy2
              Big fat hugs from afar.. that's something I miss the most. Hugs!! I can imagine how hug crazy we'll all be when we're able to again. xx
              Last edited by lifechange; January 13, 2021, 02:37 PM.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                It was sunny today, makes me happy
                We had lots of errands today, a doc appt for my husband & a run thru Costco for paper towels which they actually had today, haha!

                It’s a good thing I am not a member of congress because I’m sure I would be booting certain individuals thru those metal detectors & telling them to man up or something, Lol
                What a bunch of whining babies, geez. In the absence of strong leadership & truth it seems paranoia has weaseled it’s way in to people’s psyches. The utter nonsense people are spewing & reacting to is just ridiculous! Apparently there are more US citizens living in the twilight zone than I thought!

                Anyway, hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Evening All,

                  Byrdie, IÂ’m glad you got to retire last year. God knows you deserve it and put in your time. How have you been filling your time besides making goodies?

                  I didnÂ’t know that they refused to go through metal detectors pav. Whiney babies in right, Lav. So much more difficult than our
                  Kids going through metal detectors. ItÂ’s a rule. Do it and shut up.

                  My tough time is after work until around 6:00. IÂ’ve been filling that span of time with meditation and exercising, then shower. Seems to get me through that icky time. I made a new playlist of songs on Spotify. The only thing is I hate the commercials. IÂ’m on the verge of getting premium!

                  IÂ’ve loved the evenings, knowing I donÂ’t need to pass out at 7:30. I love relaxing with the fireplace on and candles lit. So peaceful. I can sit on my butt for hours watching tv or reading. IÂ’m very low maintenance when IÂ’m t comes to entertaining myself. DonÂ’t need much more than this except nice weather and longer days. Sunshine would be amazing.
                  Our city is one of the top cities in US that has most cloudy days and rain. Actually, the second. Seattle is first.

                  LC, I am at the end of a really good book entitled, “the naked mind” by Annie grace. Really
                  Great book. Has a lot of science in it and reminded me of Jason ValesÂ’s and CarrÂ’s books.

                  Again, thank you for accepting me back. IÂ’m grateful.

                  Last edited by Neen; January 13, 2021, 08:12 PM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Evening nesters

                    Welcome back Jvo, always a good place to settle in and be accountable.

                    4 days back at work and a migraine already. I am trying to remember if i did have 3 weeks off and relaxed.

                    Finished 1st coat on the bedroom so that is good, garbage pickup on Saturday so i have to drag rubbish out of the garage tomorrow as well as work. I did tell the kids, i want them home and to help, at this stage they will be here so that is a positive.

                    Having a big chat to my daughter about her drinking this weekend. I look at her and see me when i drank, thats sad. Its awful to watch her drink and not love herself. Im sure we will get there but she has been avoiding me like the plague as she knows that i am watching and doesnt want to face the reality of her drinking. Denial and lying are a big deal with us alkies and if we can get away with it then great but you cant get away with it with an ex alkie. I am so grateful for my 7 years sobriety but i do wish i had never drank when the kids were younger but its a regret i live with.

                    Such a worry about you guys in the US atm. That president is a psychopath, i am just amazed at what comes out of his mouth. I hope that life starts getting better for you all in the near future.

                    We are getting the vaccine available in February apparently and has a 60% success rate. seems to be going down in %. They dont think it will give herd immunity unless 80% of us get it. Not for me at this stage, i need more of a guarantee.

                    Time for a cup of tea and to wind down. Take care xxx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Greetings Nesters,

                      We had a mix of sun & clouds & 50 degree temps - I’ll take it
                      Got my brain back to working mode today, filling embroidery orders, that’s a good thing. I can’t wait for things to settle down here, hopefully after the inauguration. I am silently but joyfully enjoying the reports of arrests of last week’s terrorists. This can never happen again

                      Jvo/Neen, glad to hear you are filling your witching hour time with solid self-care activities. I can remember going outside & walking the perimeter of our 2 1/2 acre lot over & over to get my mind off of wine. It worked, it’s simple to do!!

                      Ava, are you sure it’s work setting off your migraine? I always react to fresh paint with a headache, an allergy reaction I think.
                      I’m sure you’ll get thru to your daughter. She has. To be proud of your accomplishment & want to do the same for herself. Stopping now while she’s young would be the best thing for her in the long run.

                      Hello to the rest of the nest & wishing everyone a safe night!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi All,

                        Yeah, Lav, scheduled activities helps me. I bought a treadmill over Xmas, as I’m not one to walk around the neighborhood. Too many massive hills and nosy people I’d have to stop and chat to. I was never one to do that. My husband, on the other hand, will talk to the first person he sees.

                        I lost it on my classes today. Too many excuses for everything, and it was just my frustration because 13 year olds need so much more than I can give through a computer. We go back next Tuesday. Pav, have you been working remotely?

                        Ava, sorry to hear about your daughter’s struggles. She has a good role model to follow and she’s lucky for that.

                        Have a great night.



                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Ava, where did you see 60%? The data I've seen is around 95% effective? I am in line to get it as soon as I can! Good luck with your daughter. I'm dealing with weed with my son. He sure does like it and is not in the mood to hear what it is doing to him in the long run.

                          Neen, my school is very small and we have had small groups of kids back since April. No on-campus spread, and it is so much better on campus. They only come once or twice a week which isn't enough - we're losing some of them for sure. Many have had to go find work because their families are losing housing or food. Very sad situation.

                          TGIF for sure! This was a very challenging week for me. I still did my daily yoga though, and I think that helped get me through. Onward!



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            JVO, I love the idea of meditation in the shower. I can't seem to find a quiet moment in my house. Shower could be a great option! You sound good. My kids are 11 and 15 - and the zoom school has been a challenge for sure. They feel distracted at home, and without a peer learning environment in person, they struggle. I can't imagine how hard it must be for educators right now and I have the utmost respect for how you all have risen to the occasion. In-person is something I value more than ever now!!

                            AVA, your kids are lucky to have your expertise on the addiction matter. It's their journey, but you are a model of a better life.

                            LAV, agreed that stopping young is the way to go. NO need to hit absolute bottom. Get on to living! What are your embroidery orders? Things like napkins, shirts, etc.?

                            My day yesterday felt like wading through setting concrete. I worked and worked but felt I made little progress. UG! I feel behind. It's good to have work, but I gotta do some serious catch up today. Beautiful sunny morning, warming the frost and I'm watching the bunnies and squirrels chase each other. It's a quiet morning, but not for long!

                            Weekend is here - ice skating on the mountain lake for us!

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Jvo, I was just looking online to figure out why you were getting a capital A with an accent when you typed an apostrophe. I see you fixed it! All I could find said to press CRL + the space bar to toggle between International to USA. Glad you fixed it because I didn’t have a high degree of confidence in that solution.
                              My brother (26 cats) has told me to prepare for an apocalypse in the coming days. Oy. If he weren’t so lazy and broke I would strongly suspect he would be participating in the uprising. My stars. Not sure how to even respond to his messages anymore. He is on the crazy train.

                              It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! :rara: Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                It’s supposed to starting raining soon, haven’t had any for nearly 2 weeks, haha!! I knew there was something different out there, no mud!
                                I made a pot of vegan lentil vegetable soup, yum. Soup makes me happy

                                Neen, good on the treadmill! We have one too although I do like walking outside but sometimes it’s too lonely & creepy out here.
                                Hopefully your 3 day weekend will allow some ‘me’ time for you.

                                Pav, glad you have your daily yoga, certainly can’t hurt anything & hopefully it helps a lot.

                                Kensho, this week I’ve been working on reading pillows with embroidered pockets & sweatshirts with llama designs, cute. These are the things I take to craft sales & some people get in touch thru out the year looking for gifts so I do my best
                                I don’t know how my kids would have done with this online school thing. They went thru high school in the 90’s & there wasn’t any option like this yet. Good luck!

                                Byrdie, I don’t know but I imagine I have a relative or two on the crazy train right now as well. I don’t have any contact with them for good reason.
                                We need to look out for ourselves!!

                                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

