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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    That sounds like a perfect dinner for this type of day [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION]. We did have some icy roads this a.m. but nothing too bad.

    [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION], my son will finally be finished with his degree in May. He ended up putting in an extra year, but yeah, that five year plan, plan. He did his last year virtually and couldnÂ’t have liked it more because heÂ’s such a homebody. I think thatÂ’s the perfect thing for your son to do. If my son was just starting, IÂ’d have recommended that. So much money spent without the real college experience. ItÂ’s a damn shame what it costs for a college education.

    IÂ’m glad IÂ’m on the road that gets easier. It doesnÂ’t feel that way now. I have those niggly feelings, of course, when I get home from work. I look forward to nicer weather. The cold and overcast skies never do me any good. WeÂ’re going to Florida in February and itÂ’ll be great to feel that sun. No drinking for me. Dad hasnÂ’t drunk in 3 years, and my boys know what I donÂ’t need in my life. IÂ’ll keep reminding them in case I forget one day.:egad:

    We have been talking about getting another dog. Well, lots of ideas are flying around. We miss our little friend so much, so so much, as it hasnÂ’t been a week yet. But I felt a little excited as I was looking at pics of different breeds and reading about their characteristics. WeÂ’re also thinking of getting two. But not two from the same litter or same time. I read that itÂ’s good to get them about 8-12 months apart.

    Have a good night. 😴


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Lav & Kensho - we had a similar non-event snow storm here today. The funnest part was our neighbor across the street, who is from Mexico, had never seen it actively snowing before, so it was fun to experience it through her eyes and those of her 4-y.o. daughter.

      Pav - I think it's a fantastic idea for your son to take a term or 2-3 off from school and work. I did something similar and it was one of the best decisions ever.

      Neen - I hope the sun in Florida is wonderful for you when you go there in Feb. I really miss sunshine and warmth myself right about now!

      Hellos and waves everyone. Happy almost-hump-day!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Afternoon nesters

        Happy 8th sober birthday NS, such a happy time for you. I am so glad you got me on the right track to sobriety and i left my ego at the door and finally listened. I needed your persistent nudging and advice.

        Jvo, sorry to hear about your dog, its like losing part of your family.

        Just had a four day weekend which was lovely though a very hot couple of days. i did manage to go for a nice 2 hour walk, one hour of that was finding the car. thankfully that wasnt on a hot hot day. Managed to do a lot of op shopping, i need to stop buying dresses. Carl was at home with my daughter and was so happy to see me and now wont leave my side. His side kick, Cardi, has moved out with my son so he is a bit lonely sometimes. Im hoping to foster dogs when i get my side fences fixed to 6feet.

        Work has been super busy, we have a new rotation of registrars next week so i will need to go to work for a few days.

        take care and hello to all. xx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, All;

          Oh, Cardi and Carl - separated. Glad they get to visit each other...

          We got a lot of rain and wind over night - good we need it! And it snowed at a lower elevation than usual in some places. Yahoo.

          Lav - I think you don't eat dairy, right? What do you put on your sweet potatoes?

          Happy SOBER Hump Day,


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy Un Hung Wednesday everyone.

            I start work at noon today so have time to post this morning. I got my first paycheque today which is great. I hate being broke all the time. Thanks for all the good wishes about my job everyone. You are the BEST.

            NS, is it true? 8 years? OH YEAH BABY!!!! Way to go NS, you are amazing and thank you for helping me to stay sober. What a woman!! Love you NS :heartbeat:

            Like everyone has been saying, Neen, the first 30 days is probably the hardest. You CAN do this! I highly recommend getting another dog. It will really help ease the pain of losing Ramsey and he will always hold a special place in your heart.

            Lav, your cooking sounds delicious, it is cold and snowy here too. -13C this morning, I don't mind it though. It sounds cool for most of you guys too- Ken, Lav,Wags, rainy for Pav, and HOT for Ava- of course

            Julia, way to go keep up the good work!

            Hey everyone, I am signing off now. Have a good one and don't drink today.

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Lav, your cooking always sounds so comforting. Now I want a sweet potato.
              Neen, great job on those 30 days. There’s no if’s, and’s, or but’s, those are the hardest. Just as the Wise Sugar Babe said, the last 30 Ijustdid were 1000 times easier than the first. Keep up the great work! :rara:

              So this past year, I haven’t been to a doctor or dentist. I was nervous about the doctor stuff, but confident about my teeth. As a former hygienist, I stay after them. I was working on some coffee stain on the backside of my front teeth and discovered a cavity. It appears that the tooth has a crack and it is the crack that’s the problem. Lordy. I’ve had dental insurance for the last 35 years and now that I don't, I have an issue. Dammit. I have a cleaning scheduled for March 7 so I guess I will go. Covid is just raging, I’m so nervous about getting out in this, but that tooth needs attention. Ugg.
              Rainy and cold here. A good day to be inside and sober!
              Hugs to all, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Greetings Nesters,

                Chilly7 mostly cloudy here. Tomorrow is supposed to be REALLY cold, I’ll stay inside. Today I went with my husband to his doctor appointment, I waited out in the truck, haha. It’s starting to look like he has a possible hiatel hernia so some xrays are in order. His GERD symptoms are pretty bad. He grew so much garlic last year but i’m using less & less these days, for my comfort as well. Stopped at our daughter’s house for a quick hello & drop off 6 dozen eggs which she will share with a neighbor. Got a quick glimpse of my happy granddaughter too between her virtual classes.

                Pav, you asked what I put on a sweet potato - nothing. Salt & pepper, that’s all. I’ve learned to eat without butter on everything & I always have Earth Balance or some other non-dairy alternative on hand if I need a butter sub

                Byrdie, I think it must be an aging thing developing cavities in weird places. I use my Oral B brush 2x & more daily & still have issues, who knows? I found my dental office to be very careful since the pandemic started, I think you’ll be fine.

                Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Evening All,

                  Well, we got notice that our high school has to go remote again. Several teachers and students contracted COVID. Nothing for our middle school...yet.

                  I have been really tired, my mind isnÂ’t feeling sharp, but I know itÂ’s party because weÂ’re in the dead of winter. Since I eat lunch about 10:30 (brunch!) I have been coming home and eating almost right away, by 4:00. When My stomach is satisfied, I have fewer cravings for alcohol.

                  We got new phones and now I have Face ID. Today, I was staring for a good while to open it, until I realized my mask was on and it obviously would not recognize me. Seriously...IÂ’m so used to wearing masks. IÂ’m sure it feels normal to most of us now, which is kinda sad.

                  Was talking to a friend at work. She said this, which is good stuff...

                  The thing about booze is —- it is a false escape. SOMETIMES you can escape your feelings for a couple of hours. Sometimes. And then you pass out and sleep. And have about 10 more problems that you have created because of the drinking (hangover. Shame. Stupid acts. Sick liver )
                  But MUCH of the time —- booze just INTENSIFIES the feelings. So you get a couple of hours of feeling WORSE, pass out, sleep, then 10 problems.
                  In reality —- booze is a false escape. Cause you only escape for a couple of hours. And only SOMETIMES at that. And then the 10 other things come with it —- and you have to feel bad about THEM.
                  Sleep is a safe escape when it seems too much to bear.
                  It gives your brain a break. Gives your body a break.
                  LetÂ’s everything process
                  And it doesnÂ’t come with 10 additional problems

                  [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION], that tooth thing stinks. Get fixed! And I don’t think dental insurance is too much, but I can’t remember. I haven’t been to any docs including mammo, gynecology,mdentist, reg doc all year either.

                  [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION], sorry to hear about your hubby. Good things there’s so many ways to diagnose these issues. Coffee makes my heartburn go wacko, as well as chocolate. I hate that.

                  IÂ’ve been going to sleep super early. Part because I am exhausted, partly because I donÂ’t feel like doing any more hours in the day.

                  Have a good night.

                  Last edited by Neen; January 27, 2021, 06:29 PM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Byrdie - sorry to hear about the cracked tooth! Yep, it's hard to go to appts of any kind right now, but I had to do a similar dental appt last Oct/Nov and found that my dentist office was being super cautious. It was very reassuring to see all of the protocols they had in place and that they clearly had been using for months.

                    Neen - that's funny about the facial recognition with your mask on. Can you have two faces entered? Like you with mask and you without? What your friend said about SOMETIMES sure is true. And our brains seem to make us remember the 'sometimes' as being the majority of the time when it's probably more like 10% of the time. I hope your school stays safe. It seems like a huge number of schools that have resumed any kind of in-person teaching have had cases increases almost immediately.

                    Ava - glad you had such a great 4-day weekend. It's hard to imagine it being HOT right now but I hope you're able to stay cool. Give Carl some extra snuggles from me and my pup (see profile pic)

                    Hellos and waves to Lav, Pav, Nar, G, and everyone else stopping by the nest for a spell. Happy almost-end-of-the-week everyone!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Evening nesters

                      Well heat has gone but humid which is just as bad or it could be menopause.

                      J, i meant to congratulate you on 30 days, great job.

                      Byrd, i hope the tooth isnt too costly. when i got my filling it cost $400 but $100 of that was for sedation. I am going back next week to get xrays done and to see how much fixing my teeth will cost. As i have a dental phobia i can imagine it will be costly but they will give you a general anaesthetic and i have never had one but sounds like heaven to me.

                      We are doing great covid wise, zero cases. as soon as any cases pop up in any state then every state closes their border to them, they give you 24 hours to get home otherwise you have to isolate for 14 days. still wearing masks in victoria for some reason but only in shopping centres or at my work.

                      Have orientation for the new medical staff next wednesday, have to be there at 8am, i havent been out of the house that early in a year, though i do wake at 6 to start work. I jsut hope i never have to go back to work and just pop in one day a week for socialising, oops i mean work.

                      Pauly did i see that it snowed in vegas?

                      Hope your hubs is ok Lav, age doesnt do us any favours.

                      take care xx
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Yea it snowed in the outskirts Ava, it's only snowed once citywide since I've lived here and that was 2008,Louie was pissed cuz he wanted snow in his yard poor kid, waves to the gang and I hope everyone has a wonderful day, Byrdie, sorry about your tooth, I hope you're not in any pain
                        Last edited by paulywogg; January 28, 2021, 08:48 AM.
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Neen, all that sleeping is good for you. Heal your brain. Of course too much sleep is not good and can be a sign of depression. I think we're all feeling a bit flat. I have noticed a lot of people getting fatigued by all of this staying at home and away from each other. Take care of yourself. Were you only open for three days? Or was it 8? What a shit show compared to Oz.

                          Lav, I guess I would have to get used to eating things without butter. I eat sweet potatoes with greek yogurt sometimes, but most often with a little butter and salt. I am in that stubborn phase of life where it doesn't seem to matter what I eat or not - I'm stuck with this body for now. I'm going to have to get to acceptance. At least I'm eating fairly healthy food and exercising.

                          Byrdie, sorry about your tooth. I hate teeth problems. I used to love the dentist because I love the feeling of clean teeth and have the kind of mouth with few cavities. But now my teeth are very sensitive and I hate going. BUT I did go at the beginning of this month and I felt very safe. They don't want to get sick either, so the precautions they took made me feel fine.

                          I don't have much to add. Happy Thursday, Sober Style.

                          Last edited by Pavati; January 28, 2021, 10:20 AM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Cold & windy, currently at 27F going down to 21 with single digit wind chills, Brrrrr!!!
                            The chickens don’t seem to mind at all, bless their little cold blooded hearts, haha. Looks like Monday will be a snow day here, oh boy.

                            Pav, I am also eating healthy, trying to get some exercise but I know it’s not enough. It’s age related waistline expanding, damn
                            I also seem to be having more & more lower leg & foot neuropathy & it’s been waking me at night. It’s frustrating to say the least.

                            Pauly, I’ll send you snow pics for Louie, happy to share

                            Ava, glad to hear your Covid numbers are way down. We could be there too if people would just cooperate with the mask & distancing mandates. So much loss of life over here, sad.

                            Wags, my granddaughter is doing all virtual school by choice where my grandsons have been back in school 2 days/week - so far so good. Keep yourself safe!

                            Neen, catch all the sleep you can, nothing wrong with that. We heal when we sleep
                            My husband is going to have to learn to eat smaller meals, eat slower & make sure he stays completely upright afterwards. Teaching him anything new is always difficult, haha! He will learn or continue to suffer symptoms.

                            Hello to the rest of the gang & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest


                              Long day. After work, I went to my nieces house to tutor her five year old. HeÂ’s so sweet, as is the two year old and the newborn. Man! ThatÂ’s some energy my niece has to have. And sheÂ’s a hair stylist.

                              Wags, trying to have two Face IDÂ’s is a good idea but someone said they tried and it didnÂ’t work. Yeah, that sometimes is so much lower and our addicted brain tells us that itÂ’s much more when itÂ’s a lot less like you said.

                              Ava, I canÂ’t even imagine zero cases here. The US and their ballooned egos screw everything up by not listening to the CDC. So stupid. I hope Carl adjusts without his friend.

                              Hi Pauly!

                              Pav, itÂ’s prob depression. That happens every year around this time. But I love my sleeping now. ItÂ’s a more peaceful sleep. Our high school had to go remote and IÂ’m at the middle school. 7 teachers/students have contracted COVID. Our principal had it, and is still exhibiting signs of symptoms even though sheÂ’s not contagious. SheÂ’s been coming to work though.

                              Lav, itÂ’s brrrrr here, too. Yes, men are a bit challenging when it comes to learning new ways. Well, itÂ’s not easy on anyone. But good luck to him...I mean, you! Stay warm.

                              Have a good night,


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone, I think I already know the answer to this, but have any of you ever had days/weeks/months where you simply felt tired of 'adulting' and wished you could ignore ALL of your responsibilities? I feel that way right now. Like I just want to have fun for awhile -- if not for covid I would *love* to travel someplace far away. Even with covid I'd take a road trip (car or bike) with no real itinerary. Go camping (in warmer weather). A few days at disneyworld and epcot (without the crowds -- ha!). I would take any/all of these. I think this past year of the pandemic has reduced the amount of play or recreation or rejuvenation most people have been able to do, and has left the majority of us with lots of chores and tasks, even grocery shopping is more difficult. I'm REALLY ready for covid to go away, or at least for us to get on top of it.

                                Thanks for letting me vent a bit. I'm sure I'll be fine, I'm just tired. We got a new refrigerator today (finally delivered from ordering back in Oct and having delivery rescheduled FOUR times). It's all fine now but there were several glitches, like the fridge being about 1cm too wide for the space we have (had to pop a piece of tile trim off the wall) and the water not being connected right (so sprayed everywhere in the basement when we turned the main back on).

                                But tomorrow is Friday and then the weekend and then we're on to the next month. So there's that!

                                Take care everyone. If you find where to hire substitute adults for a few hours/days/weeks or even just for specific gigs, pleeeeeeeeze let me know!!!

