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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hoppy Easter, Eva body!
    Ava, what a visual of you crawling in a window! You’ve still got it! I have no agility whatsoever. Glad you got in ok!

    Slo, a party of 5 sounds fun. What did you have for dinner? I haven’t had dinner with anyone in forever. At night, hubs and I do our own thing. I have an apple and he usually has a leftover from one of our lunches. I eat at 5:30 and he eats at 8! I’m hoping for an outcome that makes you happy with your marriage.

    Wags, stress is weird, isn’t it? At my first wedding rehearsal dinner, we were both a raw nerve. He didn’t eat and I did. I ate my whole dinner and his, too! Yikes!

    I made German chocolate cakes today, Lav, some in my bunny pan and others in tiny bundts. German chocolate requires frosting and those bunnies don’t lend themselves to frosting, I should have known better. I may crumble them up and make cake pops. Here are the tiny bundts.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Glad things are working around here again
      Happy Easter to all celebrating today. It has been sunny & in the 60’s here, very nice.
      No dinner company today but that’s OK. I’m hoping this summer maybe we can get the family over for some BBQs.
      Everyone sounds pretty good today, living life the way it was intended. That was our goal, right?? We have done a pretty good job :yay:

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Kensho - yes, that's how al works - it wants you to forget that you were addicted. Glad to hear we've been helpful for you here and that your kids are on the same team too!

        Pav - that book Breathhas been on the lower shelf of our coffee table for two months. Sounds like I should pull it out and take a look!

        Sounds like a good weekend for folks. Hope the new week starts off well for everyone!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, All:

          Yes, it is James Nestor, Kensho. Worth a look. No one thing is ever the panacea these books make them out to be, but if each one helps a little... My nose is very crooked and I have a deviated septum - I have always wanted to get it fixed but I am afraid of surgery. That book may push me over... (probably not)

          Kensho, yes, remembering the addiction part is a good way to think about it. On a morning when I am up and enjoying my coffee without a hangover it can't imagine EVER wanting to drink again. Thank goodness.

          Not much else to report. Happy SOBER Monday,


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy Un Hung Monday everyone!

            G, you are so sweet. Just sayin'

            That story about the relapse was interesting and scary Ava. These kinds of stories definitely keep me from drinking. I find myself thinking that I could have a glass of wine or two after being sober for 10 years, and then I read a story like the one you posted. We have seen many relapses after a lengthy sobriety, I don't want to be one of those stories. "I can have the life I want or I can drink"
            Ken, that is so interesting about what your kids said to you about drinking. That must make you so happy you quit.

            Byrdie, I LOVE the necklace but I think I might love the chocolate cakes even more...haha. Wags, I am with you on the weight gain thing. I guess we could both eat some of Byrdie's cake and then go for a walk...

            Pav, I am going to check out Breath. That sounds interesting and I do not want to get hypertension which runs in my family. Maybe that will help me too.
            Stress is a big factor in increasing my blood pressure.

            Lav, I bet you enjoyed your chickens during Easter. Such a nice time of year.

            Slo, you sound good. Sorry for all the crap you are going through, it is such a hard time.

            Ava, I am also waiting for the book you are going to write. I can imagine you climbing through that window, lol. WHAT a woman!

            So our numbers are going up crazy and there are all sorts of experts giving warnings of Covid getting really bad if we are not careful. I am very busy at work so that is telling. The people I talk to are usually very nice and very sweet. Yesterday I talked to a teacher who worked one day while infectious. The day before that, someone who works two jobs 1. at a manufacturing plant and 2. at a school. He worked the whole 14 days before his symptoms started. So it is no suprize that this is still spreading.
            We are getting vaccinated but do not have as many doses as the U.S. because that is where the vaccine is manufactured.
            Anyway, that is my story for the day.

            Have a good one everybody!
            Oh, and don't drink today.

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              It took a few tries to get on the site but here I am
              Nice day in these parts, sunny & 70 degrees, can’t ask for more than that!

              Narilly, I heard on the news today that children are mainly responsible for the spread of Covid right now - no surprise there as they have always been little germ factoriEs & super-spreaders of everything.
              There are still plenty of people here in the 1 A category (65+) that haven’t been vaccinated yet. Getting appointments is damn near impossible. The only reason we got our first shots is because I complained to a local politician. This mess isn’t going anywhere soon unfortunately.

              Hi to Pav, Wags & everyone.

              Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                I definitely eat rather than lose my appetite when stressed!

                Byrdie; we had ham, mashed potatoes, broccoli, corn pudding, fruit salad, and deviled eggs for Easter dinner. And raspberry pie for dessert.
                What’s interesting is that these two particular guests (HB’s uncle and sister) don’t really take to booze like ducks to water, and don’t “need” it -so Uncle Don said he’d like a soda when asked what he wanted to drink, and she followed suit like she always does with what the person before her “orders” —so we had an AF Easter! No wine with dinner or anything! Only HB drank beer. Uncle Don really doesn’t need it -he’s relaxed and very talkative without the “social lubricant”. I wish I was like that. It was a nice experience though, having an AF Easter nearly all around!

                Sounds like little grandson really suffered through his bout with COVID, but luckily his fever broke and he’s on the mend. Daughter’s MIL is there now for the week, so luckily very pregnant daughter can now get extra rest and try to recover from COVID. Good thing that mother/grandma will do that, because this one doesn’t have a self-sacrificing bone in her body: I don’t want to get COVID! But she’s already had it; plus has gotten vaccines.

                I might have to check out that ‘Breath’ book -but like you say, realizing it’s not the miracle cure for everything.

                Goodnight, all!
                Last edited by Slo; April 5, 2021, 08:22 PM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Nar and Lav - it's crazy to me that the U.S. is opening up while much of the world is closing down to a certain extent again. Even though I'm weeks past my second vax dose and probably have as much immunity as I'm ever gonna have, and my wife and dad aren't far behind, we're still playing things pretty cautiously in our household. I'm hopeful that we'll have an ok summer but on the news they're saying the UK variant is basically like a whole new pandemic. Sigh...

                  Not much else to report here. Another day sober is another good day.

                  Stay safe and AF everyone. You've got this!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    evening nesters

                    Had a lovely catch up with Steady and G, being EAster it was not too busy and we had a lovely lunch. The first time we met up G was just a year sober and is now powering on to 3 years. Hopefully we dont have to wait so long for the next lunch date.

                    Thanks for the tip Slo, i normally check my key about 100 times but not this time. I have a fitbit so i could slide the key on that, didnt even think of that. Glad hubs is being nicer to you, you deserve respect and love.

                    Lav, i think i pulled my hip muscle lol but still quite proud that i didnt not have to break a window or sit outside for days lol. I have those covid kgs also and still trying to get them off. i find i dont walk around as much working from home.

                    Pav, get your nose looked at, you can do anything sober. i finally got my quote for my teeth and now i need a heart transplant as it went into shock but i am going to do it. its been on my list of "to do's" since i became sober so im hopeful i will get the money to get it done. two surgeries and i have never had a GA before but im kind of looking forward to it.

                    Kensho, my kids have kept me accountable and sober through the years, it would break their hearts if i drank and im no prepared to do that, i think i caused enough damage when i did drink. Life with carl, i like that, now if i only had time to write a book! You would all get a mention in the credits!

                    Nar the good news is that your job is secure but not good that cases are rising again. it would be lovely if we could get the world under control and be able to move around again. One day.

                    I am getting my covid jab next wednesday, i was hoping most of Victoria would be immunised before they started allowing the o/s people back but nope. Mum still hasnt been told about a date to get the jab. i am going to hers for a visit on Thursday as it looks like she has shingles. going to suggest that she gets some homecare to do the vacuuming etc for her. im sure that will be rejected as soon as it comes out of my mouth. Carl has the vets for his yearly vaccination so will go after that. I get to see my vet and give her a huge hug, since Mads died i have not been to the vets much at all and i miss her though i dont miss paying the vet bills.

                    time for dinner, take care and waves to everyone xxx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning:

                      Sounds like Covid is around again. I'm glad you family are getting support SLO. Yes, Nar, I had a co-worker who was on day 13 of quarantine when she got the symptoms and came down with it. Thankfully she had been following the quarantine orders. We're still being very careful mostly but I have joined pods with my sister and mom as we have all been vaccinated. We had lunch indoors with no masks yesterday - it was pretty nice.

                      Ava, Steady and G - how great that you met up. With that group sounds like there might be lots of laughs... Ava, I'm sorry if your mom has shingles. I got it and it was the worst. I don't think I've had anything more painful (for so long) happen to me. I hope she's ok!

                      Did major cleaning of my mom's yesterday - she had slowly let her place get into a mess. It was very satisfying to take two carloads out, dust, sweep and mop. I would be grateful if someone did it here for me!

                      Happy SOBER Tuesday,


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Nice spring day here for sure
                        Made a run to the market for necessities then spent the afternoon in the kitchen creating things, haha. I now have a batch of dairy free cashew/banana yogurt, a big batch of dairy free granola & made a dairy free turkey tetrazzini - see the trend?? Lol. It’s what I have to do to keep the gut quiet & the joints inflammation free.

                        Slo, sounds like your grandson & daughter are thru the worst of the infection. Hope they feel better very soon. If I lived closer I’d sit with them, it’s in my nature & bacteria & viruses don’t scare me much. I hope my immunity is as good as it was all the years I was working in the hospital.

                        Wags, I don’t care what opens up, I’m still staying away from crowds. There’s really no need to push that agenda. I know some folks want to get back to normal asap but some things can’t be rushed.

                        Ava, I just realized one of my living room windows is accessible from the deck where I’m sitting & I could get thru that one, haha! Hope your hip is OK.
                        Glad you had a nice lunch with Steady & G, cool!!

                        Pav, if you really want to you can come clean my house, haha. I have to admit I’m getting a touch lazier about that stuff.
                        My attention span is pretty short these days & I lose interest in cleaning projects pretty quickly.

                        Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings, Nesters,

                          Yes it really was lovely to catch up in person with Ava and Mr G, two of the coolest soberest people I know in this big old town! There's something special about connecting over a shared vulnerability, as everyone on this site knows.

                          As I approach 8 years sober, I'm all too aware of how easily I could slip if not on guard. Occasionally I'm *that* close, but something pulls me back. Even when it's difficult, life's too good to mess up, and mental health is a very valuable asset to appreciation of that fact.

                          Take care everyone,
                          AF free since April 29, 2013


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi all, glad to hear everyone is doing fairly well for the most part. I'm ok too, again for the most part. Our pup is still not fully well. Her pneumonia has cleared up but now we're facing the dreaded diarrhea that always seems to cause an urgent need to go outside several times throughout the night. Thus, not getting good nights of sleep. I love this little pupper but I'm pretty exhausted and just wish I had a magic wand. All the more reason not to drink -- I need to be sober and able to jump up and take her outside at a moment's notice when I hear her get up, and if I were drinking I'd probably pass out and sleep right through it all (don't want to think about the mess that'd create!). So send your healing vibes to our doggo please. She (and her mamas) could use a break.

                            Stay safe everyone!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Good vibes to the Wags and their puppers! I hope for healing and sleep, soon!

                              Lav, that sounds like a busy day of cooking - and sounds delicious. Enjoy!

                              I don't have much to report. We are heading out of town for a couple of days and I am unplugging, so I won't be posting for a couple of days. I will have your words and strength behind me - no way I'm drinking because I don't drink.



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                No cooking/creating today, just leftovers haha!!
                                My husband had a eye appointment with a specialist at 2 pm. It’s a 45 min drive each way & I had to go along to do the drive home after he had all those eye drops. That took up most of the afternoon.
                                Mostly sunny & 70 degrees again so not bad at all.

                                Steady, good to see you & glad you got to meet with Ava & G, sounds like fun
                                Staying sober really is a head game so we need to take care of our thoughts & be kind to ourselves always!

                                Wags, sorry to hear about the pup’s situation. After being on antibiotics so long anyone would have diarrhea. Maybe some probiotics would help, a little yogurt? My pediatrician always said to give the kids banana & rice when they had problems, helps bind them up. Just some thoughts......
                                Hope you get to sleep soon, it’s so important.

                                Pav, enjoy your time away, great to unplug a little too

                                Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

