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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, Nest

    Just keep dismissing those dumb thoughts that come into your heads. They are nothing but bursts of bad energy that you don't have to honor.
    It is a drag when they come frequently like they are doing right now for several of us but we still have all the power.

    Belle, I wish wrapping gifts was my big association - mine was cooking! I still don't really enjoy cooking and suspect I never really did. I enjoyed drinking and to do it while cooking a wholesome meal somehow made it seem ok :chargrined:.

    I'm so glad your dog is ok, Wags! I hope each day brings improvement.

    Our latest Covid adventures seem to have calmed down but given that our grandsons near us go to day camps and will be back in school next week, I suspect another round is on the horizon. I hope you haven't gotten sick, Slo.

    I'm STILL not able to walk correctly, which is really frustrating. So glad not to be adding to my problems with alcohol!

    Let's hope for a better 2022 all around! xx, NS


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Wow Slo, I certainly wouldn't last in the traditional gender roles you describe. I do a lot around her, but I make my husband tow his weight. We are ALL humans, as I see it and no one should do more work than the other unless they choose to. There are a lot of people out there who do not follow the roles you are used to, and now you get to decide how you want to live and surround yourself with those kinds of people. It's a fresh start. Have you ever done a vision board or visualized what you would love your life to be like?

      Ava, are chooks chickens?

      Lav, thanks for the positive vibes!

      Wags, belly rubs are where it's at! I love those moments with my pup. Such simple bliss. Glad she's hanging in there. And you are so right about the pretty package of alcohol. I had a dream about drinking "just one" glass of wine last night. I was eating out with my husband in some city and I decided I could have one and stop. Like THAT would happen! I'd love it and want two more - and immediately, I'd be thinking about the next night and getting more. That is what it was for me - always thinking about getting more. What a waste of time. No thanks!

      Belle, hope you enjoy your lady-gathering. It's nice when you enjoy the people you work with!

      We have "cleaning day" in my house. We are going to tackle a few closets and drawers. Maybe even file cabinets! I'm really enjoying some time off of thinking about work. I'm just not in that headspace right now. And SLEEP! I Loooooooove sleeping in!! Have a good day everyone.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters,

        Not much going on with me, still waiting to feel like a normal human again after this head/chest stuff, yuck. Lots of clouds again today, not helping matters much.

        Wags, glad your pup continues to improve. I have noticed with my own dogs that the light in their eyes just seems to go out when they are nearing their end. It’s a sign I take to step in & help them along as gently as possible. Sounds like you two are not ready for that step, I’m glad,

        Slo, please try to keep your focus on what’s ahead for you. It’s just not possible to keep a marriage going when one partner has lost interest. From my own experience I know my husband needed to get his chronic depression treated before anything could be decided one way or the other. Everything from now on will be new & different & that’s perfectly OK. It’s your life, make it yours.

        NS, I have a feeling the schools getting back after the holidays is going to be a big problem. My grandson’s schools have dropped mandatory masking & that’s a mistake.
        Are you doing any PT to help your walking? I hope you feel better soon.

        Kensho, yep Australian chickens are chooks. Never knew that until I found MWO. I’ve learned a lot, haha!
        Have fun cleaning out/organizing. I’m ready to do some of that myself, very therapeutic

        Belle, hope you are well & hello to anyone I’ve missed.
        Have a safe night in the nest everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Greetings on a snowy December morning! I love the snow!

          Gathering together for visits over the holidays sure is hard this year, Belle. Everyone from the extended hosting family here on Christmas Eve (HB’s brother’s family) took Covid tests before we gathered -and HB who was sick tested before going over there -and now the majority of people from that gathering are sick with Covid!

          My daughter & her husband took their babies to visit his family on Christmas Day. They really weren’t welcome because his brother did not want them coming since Beckett & Mabel have colds; because he did not want their same-age babies to get sick. But they were eager to meet the other new baby, and get the little toddler cousins together finally; so went anyways. But then the news of the Covid exposure from HB (they stayed with us over Christmas Eve) came through (never mind all the other exposures at the Christmas Eve gathering here) -and son-in-law’s entire family is absolutely furious with them, and sent them packing.

          I haven’t gotten Covid yet. But I am taking Zinc, and also colloidal silver as an anti-microbial, and going to bed early every night to keep my immune system in peak shape.

          I think it’s a mistake that your grandsons’ schools have dropped mandatory masking too, Lav. Especially in this time of the Omicron variant spreading rapidly.
          Last edited by Slo; December 30, 2021, 09:29 AM.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Didn’t do much today but I am starting to feel slightly human, thank goodness.

            Slo, I’m now hearing talk on the news of schools possibly going virtual for a few weeks until this latest surge is under control. I know that’s a pain for working parents but may be the best idea.
            Any large gatherings, just as you mentioned are problematic I think. My son-in-law’s family had someone sick with Covid last year at their party & didn’t tell anyone until afterwards. He hasn’t talked to his parents since. He was so mad at them for exposing our granddaughter before she was eligible for vaccines. I hope everyone is OK.

            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

            Last edited by Lavande; December 30, 2021, 05:47 PM.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hola friends,

              New years eve morning here. I'm using this time to reflect and congratulate myself and many others on a grand job in 2021. It often amazes me how much a human being can take! Throw covid shenanigans a'top relationship and personal woes and it can be a heavy load to carry. I hope y'all will be gentle with yourselves in the next year and focus on what we can do and how.....rather than on what we can't do or have/control. Take it easy and see youse on the flip side.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                G, Ava and Steady - you all are leading the way for the nest heading into 2022. Let us know how things look once you get there ok? Fingers crossed that we are all turning toward better days in the very near future.

                Kensho - I can't remember where you are in Colorado but I hope you are safe with the fires that are near Boulder. Please check in and let us know how you're doing.

                I'm gonna just check in sober and move along for tonight. Nothing in particular is wrong -- I've just had a rough day for various reasons and I'm emotionally pretty drained. See you all here again tomorrow!
                Last edited by wagmor; December 31, 2021, 12:36 AM.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings on New Year’s Eve!
                  And thank you for that, Mr. G. You’re right, we can congratulate ourselves on doing as well as we could with 2021!
                  I have been dreading 2022, with the divorce being real & final, possibly as early as January.
                  But you all are right: I need to now turn my focus to what I can do and have, not on what I can’t do or have/control.

                  Sorry about the rough day, Wags; and I hope you were rewarded with a good night’s sleep, like Kensho is getting.

                  And now New Year’s Eve -but no pressure to go out and celebrate this holiday that is devoted to drinking this year, thanks to Covid -which is kind of nice for us!

                  Ava, glad your mother is coming around in her time of need. You’ll even be able to drive there when she has her tests done if need be, since you have your new car.
                  And yes -you medical personnel do look like ducks in your special masks!
                  I too learned the hard way not to take our male dog into the pet store, since he marks his territory all over the place.

                  I’m sad that your walking is still impaired, NS! This is going on too long. Hopefully a physical therapist is helping you.

                  Kensho, I like how your family is ushering out the old year and welcoming in the new one by clearing out old stuff in closets & drawers, and making room for the new Christmas stuff. And it’s like as if you’re a family, and you all live there! So you all work together!

                  Thanks for being here, my friends. I’ll see you next in 2022.
                  Last edited by Slo; December 31, 2021, 09:37 AM.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Happy New year, to those in the nest that have arrived. Please pave our way to a better year...I know...that sounds like a lot of pressure.

                    I have no plans for tonight...and especially no drinking plans. I'm not a New Years fan. In my younger days I used to say "why should I drink on New Years like everyone else...I can drink anytime". That was way before my problems with AL started, but could have been a foreshadowing. I plan to be in bed by 10.

                    Slo, I hope 2022 is the best year ever for you, starting out on a new path. Your kids will always be your kids and you're there for them and they are there for you!

                    Lav, glad you are starting to feel human again. I haven't had a cold in a while, and now would be an especially bad time to get one because who knows what it could be.

                    While I was struggling with the AL voice last night, I found a new tactic. Whatever that AL voice (why is it so real?) said to me, I would either laugh at or some idiot friend telling me stupid things. Good thing I was alone because I sounded like an idiot. saying things like "yeah sure..." "if you think I believe that you are a dumbass." and on and on. It was comical and made me feel stronger that the AL bastard...which I am.

                    On to figure out the day. Trying to schedule a driving school for my daughter to finally get her she can GET A JOB, and stop asking me for money. Though I will pay her for jobs around the house. If I'm gonna give her cash I want something out of it. She did a great job of sorting out my sock drawer the other day! I have been avoiding that for years.

                    See y'all later.

                    Alcohol does me no favors.

                    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Slo, that description of your husband making you clean your house when you were injured is enough to make me very mad at him. I hear that you don't want a divorce because of the house, but every description you give us of him is terrible. I know there were probably good times, but I say good riddance, judging from what I hear here. I know it is tough...

                      Lav, glad you're feeling better. Several people I know have gotten quite sick with something other than COVID - those germs are still out there!

                      NS - I didn't realize that was STILL going on. So sorry. And Ava, too. Being hobbled is so awful!

                      Wags, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I know you won't drink because you don't drink, but I think it is important to share when the thoughts come. I hope you have a better day and get some time to care for yourself. I haven't used my SAD light over vacation, but I have been getting plenty of exercise and sleep and feel pretty good. I'll start again next week.

                      Mr. G, thanks for the prompt - we did make it.

                      Belle, hope your daughter feels better and mono stops there.

                      Kensho, that is so interesting that working for a DIYer general contractor would be so hard, but of course it would. That's a complicated job.

                      Happy NYE to you all. I am planning a long hike and a delicious fish soup with my our vaccinated best friends, all of us cautious and tested. We'll see what happens...



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi Belle! We just did socks too.... I can't believe how full my drawer is now! Feels good to tidy. I like your approach to talking to "the alcohol voice". It really is like a deceiving, evil toddler that must be put in its place. Good job!

                        Well.... we are pretty near the fires. Two of my clients and my step-sister were evacuated - none of their homes burned, though one came within about 1000 feet. SO weird and devastating that a city can burn like that. We are used to forest fires, but this takes the cake for a wake-up-call. We are lucky, and life can change in an instant. As we cleaned closets yesterday, some that hadn't been touched in about 15 years, I realized that up to 1000 homes now have no closets to clean. I can't imagine and am looking at ways I can help. Im sure some families could use the toys I've put in the donation pile.

                        I also got a Covid Exposure Notification this morning. So there's that. I was exposed on the 16th - and I'm sure many more times since then, because there are a lot of people who don't use the app. Wake up call for humanity. What is important? How can we take care of each other and the earth?

                        It feels like it could be a really easy thing to just slip into drinking and numb to the challenges, but of course that's simplified. Numb may feel easy at first, but then it's harder, and sadder. Be careful out there, and here's to a new year of growth, introspection, celebration, art and love.

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          I’m glad you are OK , Kensho. I’ve been thinking of you ever since I heard about the fires. The destruction is astonishing.

                          I am working with a PT. I was hoping for a quicker recovery. Trying to be patient…

                          Everyone around me (me included) seems off - a little sad, angry, depressed. Understandable but I wish the new year could start off on a lighter note.

                          I also will be in bed early and hope for a new beginning tomorrow. Let’s end this year sane and sober!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good morning on a bright new years day over here.

                            Wags, i see hope for 2022. Here the sun is shining, but it wouldn't matter if it was grey and raining. my heart is warm and full of optimism. The alternative viewpoint take too much energy and don't feel good none.

                            Hi Sugar babe. Sheesh! Wishing you a full and speedy recovery you legend. How are you doing? Any big hairy plans for the new year?

                            Friend Kensho, sorry to hear of devastation from fires. Geez, i thought it'd be snowing over there by now, or at least cold and wet? Unless it being a city fire, maybe there was human error or intervention? Hope you and fam are ok.

                            Hi Belle. Great words to the AL voice. It does come forth with dumbass ideas! And i used to be an even bigger dumbass by following them. Not any more.

                            Happy new year to evabody. Big waves to you all with lots of love and huge appreciation for every one of you. Thanks for being here and maintaining such a cool and lifesaving thread.

                            Take it easy. x

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              New Year’s eve 2021 - can’t wait for it to be over! What a year this has been for the world. Hoping for a better & brighter 2022/
                              Sad to see the beloved Betty White passed today, just a few weeks before her 100th birthday. I thought she was going to live forever.
                              No plans for us for tonight & that’s fine with me.

                              Great to see everyone checking in & I hope we all have a safe & cozy night in the nest! Happy 2022!!!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Afternoon from me nesters and Happy New Year.

                                Had a quiet night with the fur babies which was just how i would like to celebrate although my sons dog barked at leaves falling i think, didnt get much sleep but woke up grateful to be sober and head into another sober year. Its really too hot to do much atm.

                                Wags, hope life lifts for you soon and really how bad can 2022 be after 2021?

                                NS, i think i am as patient as you are with my injury. i have been walking without a brace but today my knee is saying"mmm have a break please".

                                Belle, when i first got sober that al voice drove me nuts. i pretended i had a box in my head that i would put it in and close the lid firmly and its still firmly closed. he visits very rarely thank goodness.

                                Kensho, thinking of you in the fires, stay safe. Oh socks, the odd socks here sit in a basket and then about once a year if none are paired out they go, they have obviously been eaten by the washing machine. which reminds me, i have a load of washing to hang out but its 37 degrees outside so i am not keen.

                                Back to work next week, i have actually had a really good break and feel recharged to start the new year. we have opened up another ICU for trauma and covid cases. doesnt leave much room for patients with medical emergencies or problems.

                                I hope you all had a lovely new years and take care xx
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

