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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Another damp, gray, cold, cloudy day here.

    [MENTION=18541]rednose[/MENTION]: I remember you! And you are in the right place! Stick with us as we all be alcohol-free together.

    Ava, thank you for sharing about your SIL’s friends who are dying from alcoholism (if indirectly…still) -and on top of her husband, your brother. And wasn’t your SIL your drinking buddy, too? It helps us to know that we’re doing the right thing: we got out, before death from it!

    Vet bills are absolutely atrocious these days. And the pharmaceutical industry charges so much for the heart worm and flea & tick prevention meds. They’re gouging us.

    Speaking of, my twin sister’s cat is actively dying now. She has been rocking him all day & night, and will take him in this evening to help him pass if he doesn’t go on his own today. I feel so badly for her, as it’s so close to her dear friend’s death. Too many major losses in a row.

    Nar, the reason I didn’t think my sister & I looked so much alike anymore is different hairstyles, different weights, glasses/no glasses, etc.

    I just rocked Mabel to sleep for her nap: heaven! I love rocking babies. My granddaughter turns 1 next week! She can take a few steps alone now! And her 2 y/o brother said a five-word sentence to me this morning: “Let’s-go-watch-Coco-now”. Then thankfully he went off to the daycare family for the day -he has too much energy for me. I love watching them change & grow each week!

    Happy Tuesday to all.
    Last edited by Slo; May 3, 2022, 11:34 AM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Very nice day here today but changes are on the way, of course.

      Hello & welcome back rednose, glad you dropped in today. Please make yourself comfortable & let us know how we can help you!
      Have you made your plan or revised your old plan? Don’t forget the Tool box is full of helpful ideas. Take good care of yourself & stay hydrated while the alcohol leaves your system. Stay close to the nest, we’ve all been where you are today :hug:

      Wags, so glad you are feeling better. I have no patience for being sick either, too many years the nurse haha!!!

      Slo, the grands sure do grow fast. I’ve loved seeing mine often & watching them grow. Wait until you receive an invitation to visit their classrooms on grandparents day - it’s the best

      Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hey, thanks for the congratulations on my 9 years, folks, much appreciated. It's true that the more AF time I clock up, the more reason I have to hold onto my quit with both arms.

        I had a 'rapid atrial fibrillation' (heart) episode yesterday & ended up in emergency, so pretty tired today. It explains why I've been particularly anxious & with a sense of impending doom lately. Having tests & stuff now. Yet another reason to hold onto sobriety.

        Best wishes to everyone, and will check back in when things have settled down a bit,
        Steady xx
        AF free since April 29, 2013


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Originally posted by rednose View Post
          another try at quitting drinking
          There is a thread in one of the forums about quitting for the umpteenth time. I'm not sure what it's called, but you'll recognise it when you get there. I think that quitting is a process and there will be times when you have to untangle yourself from alc, but with a clearer head, it will be easier.

          Originally posted by STEADFAST View Post
          Have been struggling a lot lately, but have just ordered home-delivery Indian food as a treat
          Keep ordering... Nothing like a good feed, and it's quite a treat not to have to cook, and you'll probably have leftovers for lunch the next day.

          Hi everyone,

          Have skimmed through the last few pages. Glad those feeling unwell have / are making a recovery.

          I don't have much to report, except that to this day since 17/3/22, I haven't had a drink. All the usual triggers are there (tiredness, stressed, overwhelm, and wanting to "escape"), but most of the time I am too tired or unorganised to buy alcohol, let alone have a drink. Needless to say, my food consumption and ice cream consumption has been out of this world!
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            [MENTION=3075]Change[/MENTION], you are doing great! Relying on delicious food consumption and ice cream are very helpful tools early on when quitting. I love Indian food too!

            [MENTION=19460]STEADFAST[/MENTION], oh no! Are you being diagnosed with chronic A-fib? No wonder you have been feeling anxious. Your anxiety and your heart condition have been feeding each other.

            I have no patience for being sick either, Lav & Wags. I don’t take it in stride very well.

            It is a brilliantly sunny and sort of warm day here today! I have actually been able to soak up some sun! Love it -been missing that nutrient.
            Last edited by Slo; May 4, 2022, 02:19 PM.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Mostly cloudy & damp all day here but I was busy & didn’t let it bother me. Went to one of the local greenhouses & came home with more flowers to plant for a colorful summer.
              Just found out today that the son of one of our oldest friends was the victim of a shooting yesterday. He’s still alive, has had several surgeries & is in the trauma unit. He’s the married father of 4, this is tragic. When will we get a grip on the gun violence in this country?

              Steady, sorry about your episode, it must have been frightening for you. Good luck with the testing & be sure you take any meds ordered for you :hug:

              Change, good job your quit, keep going, it’s worth the work!

              Slo, glad someone had sunshine & bright skies today

              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Steady - sorry to hear about your heart scare, although maybe you'll get some clarity on what's contributing to your anxious feelings and sense of doom. Rest up and keep us posted when you can.

                Change - good to see you!

                Red nose - you're def in the right place. Welcome (back)! We're here to help support you on your quit, and as others have mentioned the Tool Box has loads of great posts too.

                Ava - safe travels!

                Hellos and waves everyone. We made it through another hump day!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Evening nesters

                  Steady, 9 years, wow, that is wonderful to hear. sorry to hear about your heart but hopefully all will be okay for you.

                  Change welcome bac and settle in. Great work on your sober days, i think accountability was one of the major tools i used in the early days and even now. I know MWO will always keep me sober.

                  Welcome Red Nose, you are definitely in the best place to stop drinking. post away and tell us about yourself. i was a 2+ bottle of wine a day drinker and drank every day that ended in a Y. There is nothing i can imagine that would make me want to drink now but the early days were hard.

                  Slo, yes my SIL was my best drinking buddy but she has slowed down a lot too and when i was there last time she had one glass maybe and my mother isnt drinking now and seems a lot happier but that could change any minute lol.

                  Lav, i have my daffodils planted and some other bulbs, just waiting for spring though not even winter yet lol.

                  Going on our road trip tomorrow, all packed and ready to wake up at 4am. need to beat the peak hour traffic. My sons flatmates girlfriend is looking after the dogs and chooks and cat. Cant wait to see the family and Jasper. We are only there till next Wednesday then back home. I need to have a few days at home before i go back to work.

                  Kensho, good to see you pop in and life is keeping you busy.

                  take care xx
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, All:

                    I read back a bit - away for the weekend and then all of a sudden it is Thursday. How'd that happen??

                    Congratulations on 9 years, Steady! What an amazing accomplishment! Thanks for sticking around and being a steady, sober presence for us all. I hope you get your heart situation figured out. My mom has had a fib for 25+ years - it is a manageable condition for sure. I hope the diagnosis will help your anxiety as well.

                    Kensho, community service might help your kids. When teens experience giving and work, and they see others lives that may not be as fortunate as their's, it can help. Of course, it didn't help my kid, but maybe yours>> Busy is good.

                    Sorry the fair was a bust, Lav. What are you doing with your 50/50 proceeds?

                    Ava, that Carl is too cute. Exciting to think about being a grandma. I hope it goes ok for your daughter.

                    I've done an old lady thing and wrenched my back - biking or doing yoga. I've been hobbling around for two days - doing some stretching and taking advil. This will pass, but it is good reminder to keep moving and keep my strength up - the body give away so easily!

                    Happy SOBER Thursday!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Today was the last of the nice days for probably about a week, ugh. Rain & wind storms moving in tomorrow. Continued on with planting today in hopes of a very colorful summer
                      Grateful to be alive & well so I can not only do all this but enjoy myself at the same time.

                      Wags, hope you are doing well!

                      Ava, enjoy your trip & visit with your family. Wishing you safe travels.
                      I think I am giving up on planting tulip bulbs, the squirrels just like them too much, haha.

                      Pav, time does fly when you’re busy. Keeping track of what day it is can be confusing when you’re retired, LOL
                      I think I am going to add my 50/50 winnings to my fundraiser for Ukrainian Relief. They need it much more than I do. Injuring yourself doing everyday things is a hazard of aging, oh boy. One wrong twist or turn can really mess things up. Take care.

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Back to cloudy & damp here too. But that one sunny day was really nice!

                        Lav, that is such a tragedy about your friends’ son. Another life ruined needlessly. My 38-year-old (same age) cousin died needlessly at his job as a firefighter, all due to the incompetence & negligence of his fellow fire chiefs and fire fighters. But, maybe it’s a blessing that he died instead of living with injuries, like your friends’ son is doing. I hope he can heal.
                        You are enjoying life with planting your flowers. I guess that’s the key. Find things we love & enjoy, in place of drinking.

                        I just talked to someone who’s about 70 years old, who grew up in a “dry” state here in the U.S. She enjoyed teen parties that were centered around going bowling together, or mini-golfing, or swimming…she was shocked when she moved here as an older teen, where the culture is, and always has been, all about drinking. She couldn’t believe that a “party” here only meant getting wasted together! She enjoyed growing up for as long as she did in her “protective bubble”.

                        Thankfully your back injury should pass, Pav. Painful & debilitating in the meantime. I don’t know how well my knee ligament injury will heal, as it might be too stretched out permanently. Still hoping it will heal.

                        Safe travels to Ava & Narilly!
                        Last edited by Slo; May 6, 2022, 08:41 AM.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters, happy Friday

                          Cool & damp here just as predicted but everything is getting a nice watering.
                          I made another pierogi pizza for dinner tonight just to lighten the mood around here, haha! Lots leftover too, yum.

                          Slo, just the two of us so far today, glad to see you!
                          The teens in our day not only drank they were also tip toeing into pot & other illegal substances. I/we basically left our group of high school friends because of that. We both had jobs/careers back in the early to mid 70’s where we were subject to random drug testing so it was a no brainer for us. The friends were all screwing around with jobs, non-career types. We were very open & honest with the kids & they. Knew if they wanted their college educations paid for they had to stay out of trouble with the law. That method worked great with them
                          I hope your knee eases up when we finally get into drier & warmer weather.

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hello Lav and everyone. Peanut here. I have returned. I joined this site in 2008 - 14 years ago. Geez! I MUST do this NOW. I am starting a detox regime tomorrow, with Diazapem and all so will have to take a couple of days off work. I have to succeed or else the 2L of wine per day will kill me. So, day one tomorrow!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              It’s not just us, Lav: PEANUT is here!! Welcome back, Peanut! Yes, it will kill you if you don’t stop. You can do it! Give it all you’ve got. Good that you have a plan in place to get through the initial withdrawals.

                              It is so nice to be having Spring now, with daffodils, blossoms, and green buds on the trees. And today is sunny!

                              I have a party to attend today to celebrate my mother’s 80th birthday this month. Well, I’m sort of hosting it too, although I haven’t been a major player in the planning of it. I have some good AF beer for me to bring along, and I hope I stay centered, and feel conversational.

                              I hope you all have good AF weekends too! And Peanut; lay low, rest, and good luck as you embark on your final quit.
                              Last edited by Slo; May 7, 2022, 07:08 AM.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Saturday greetings Nesters,

                                Chilly & rainy here, not like spring at all, oh well.
                                Finding indoor projects is easy & I baked up a big batch of snickerdoodles because I know the grandsons will be here tomorrow

                                Peanut, wow, welcome back to the nest!
                                Now is the best tine to quit, once & for all, stay close to the nest, you know how we work & will support you any way we can. Take good care of yourself & stay hydrated during your detox :hug:

                                Slo, happy 80th to your mom! I hope the party went well & glad you have decent weather.

                                I went this morning & got my 2nd Covid booster shot, so far so good.
                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

