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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Excellent. Just trying to keep a short to do list and trying each day to atleast clean out 1 drawer. LOL


      Re: Newbies Nest

      One day without alcohol is a huge accomplishment. Sounds like a plan that I can do. Thanks for the inspiration.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Sitting outside & enjoying that it’s not raining for a few moments, haha. Supposed to have big storms rolling in tomorrow afternoon, once again.

        Hello & welcome mountain Dreamer! Is this your first visit to the nest? Please settle in & make yourself comfortable. We’re hereto help in any way we can. Be sure to look at the tool box thread for some great ideas to help you put your plan together. Let us know how you’re doing, check in daily

        Ava, I hope you get some answers about your hand, sounds painful.
        We will soon be moving our oldest chickens out to make room for the young ones. Our farmer neighbor takes them for us. Glad your girls are doing well. Good luck getting back to work.

        Kenhso, good to see you & Happy Anniversary.

        Hello G, great to see you as well.

        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Evening nesters

          Welcome Mountain, 1 day is a great start. I never ever thought i could make it to 8+ years, not in my wildest dreams but being on here and accountable and reading reading reading, helped me immensely. Never think you cant do this.

          G, i am looking forward to going to work as much as i want a bullet in my brain! I think we are all getting very burnt out in the medical world. i have refrained checking emails in over a week so that will be an 8 hour job in itself. It will be nice to socialise again though. Hope your work is doable.

          Happy anniversary Kensho, how many years? I think i am finally past wanting to be with someone and enjoy my own company and life.

          Lav, Karen and Susan have stopped laying now but still love scratching around the yard all day. I do enjoy them and bob loves rounding them up, which they dont love.

          Happily i did 10 items today, more actually so an eventful day on my last day of holidays. i even dragged my two drawer filing cabinet out and started cleaning it, so many memories of when the kids were in school, a lot of years to sort through.

          How are you peanut? Going okay?
          Slo, i hope you are going well also.

          take care xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good Monday morning!

            That’s so encouraging that you enjoy live music concerts just as much AF if not more than you did while drinking, Pav! And this time you took the day off afterwards instead of the time before when you went into work tired after being up late at a music concert…making it more enjoyable!

            I have had a busy weekend of travel. Took my mother to her grandson’s college graduation ceremony on Saturday, since she’s having trouble with her eyes and couldn’t see well enough to drive. Then I got included in attending my nephew’s graduation and the celebratory dinner afterwards!
            On Sunday I drove to another state to visit with relatives and see my cousin who was in town from California. So I weathered two drinking events AF this weekend! Never totally easy, but it gets easier & easier with practice. My uncle is AF too, and we both brought NA beer with us. My sister was supposed to come too, but she was too drunk & hungover, and canceled. So I went alone.

            Belle, what an accomplishment for your son! He can do it! Like backing away from your daughter’s college problems; you saved your own mental health, and she was able work them out on her own!
            Sad that your husband isn’t working with you to help you stay alcohol-free. Really sad that he is testing you like that.

            Kensho, so happy for you that you and your husband are working together and staying together.

            Ugh, Ava. Good luck at going back to in to work, as well as facing all the emails. I hope it ends up being a good thing to be in work in person some days, like it did for Belle.

            My cold did go somewhere: it settled into my throat and caused laryngitis! I could barely talk all day yesterday at the event! I don’t think I’ve ever had laryngitis before, and hope it goes away soon.

            Blessings to all for the new week ahead.
            Last edited by Slo; May 16, 2022, 08:10 AM.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Belle, congratulations to your son. That is a MAJOR accomplishment. He must be so excited! I'm glad you're staying strong with your husband trying to sabotage everything. Sheesh. Lately my husband and I have been on separate pages as we deal with our last son who is a bit slow (like molasses in January slow) to launch. It feels terrible to always be at odds with someone I'm living with. I hope our 26 years will help us weather this storm. I hope you get what you want from your marriage - if not, I'm with Ava. To the shed he goes.

              Kensho, glad you're feeling better. I got a virus or something, too, with a major cough but so far COVID negative thank goodness.

              Lav, yikes. I didn't think about snakes in the hen house. A couple of weekends ago when we were at a house up in the mountains we woke up to a rattlesnake slithering across the patio - probably three feet long.

              Ava - that sounds like a productive day. How is YOUR knee feeling?

              Big waves, Mr. G. I hope you're catching a few.

              Slo you're sounding strong. Keep it up!

              Welcome, Dreamer. I hope you're ok. Let us know what's up!

              Peanut, yes, I lost a few posts. Now if I write a long one I highlight and save it before I click post. If I get kicked out the post is usually on my clipboard. Back in earlier days I also used to reply on a separate document and then cut and paste it here.

              I'm sure I missed a few. Hiya to NS, Wags, Byrdie and everyone else.



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Belle... I forgot to say congrats on NY Fashion Week for your son!! That's amazing. I don't know if you tell him about this site, but you can tell him that I am in awe and admiration. I would have gone into fashion if not interior design. You must be a proud mama!

                Hi Mountain Dreamer! I like your name. Welcome. You can do this!

                Ava, I have felt the medical burn-out here, trying to make appointments last week. Our system has been taxed to a breaking point. I am so grateful that you and others stay committed. Health care is SO important - such a shame that so many people didn't believe in vaccines here. I just read that Australia has 1/10th the covid death rate of the US, due to better procedures and less vaccine hesitancy.

                Slo, after 18 years of marriage and 4? years of sobriety (I'm losing count), I would not stick with my marriage if my husband crossed certain lines. The good thing is that when he gets close, he becomes receptive to discussions and works on changing. I would leave if this wasn't the case. Life is too short to be in an abusive situation.

                PAV, it's so hard when on two different parenting pages - or in two completely different novels. I feel that at times. I've learned that even if I think I'm right, it is hard when our kids see a rift between us. I'm not sure how to solve it - but I feel your pain.

                Hi G. Glad you got logged back in.

                I'm still feeling UNmotivated to do my design work and would prefer to continue studying reiki and playing in the dirt of my flower gardens, but I will pay for it if I don't get at least a few hours in today. Igniting self-discipline. Hi to everyone, and don't believe for one minute that your life is better with alcohol in it.
                Last edited by KENSHO; May 16, 2022, 10:06 AM.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Wild weather day here. So wild, in fact they dismissed the schools early to be sure the kids got home safely before the storms moved in. It’s just starting up now, tons of rain & wind so far.
                  No snake sightings today so that’s good

                  Ava, my chickens lay all winter although at a decreased rate & that’s OK with me.
                  I think I’ve exceeded the 10 things today as well. I like being busy, old habit I guess.

                  Slo, wow, you have been busy! Nice of you to drive your Mom to the graduation. Sorry your sister was out of sorts for the event. I don’t seem to have much problem finding other AF folks at a gathering these days. It didn’t seem like that when I first quit. Guess people are getting smarter.

                  Pav, I am so grateful we do not have rattlesnakes here on the east coast. That would definitely put my chicken project on hold forever, haha!
                  My son graduated from high school & we rarely saw him again even though he lived at home & commuted to college, LOL. Once he graduated he was out for good & has never returned. Our daughter, on the other hand seemed to be on the path to self-sufficiency but ended up returning time & time again. She ended up with crappy roommates not wanting to pay their share of rent, etc. but, they’ve both been married since 2006 & have not returned yet,haha. Some kids just take longer to launch than others. Hang in there!

                  Kensho, hope you found your mojo today. It is hard to self-motivate some days, I totally get it too.

                  Belle, hope everything is OK with you!

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Evening nesters

                    well work was pretty good, started at 5am so had 3 hours of quiet time. lots and lots of registrars other than mine so i am thinking it will be covid heaven working in an open plan area in winter. down to 170 emails from 250 so not too bad. i will be meeting my boss tomorrow and telling her i cant cope with the workload. Pay me overtime or its an 8 hour day for me from now on. Jasper is in ICU and not sure what will happen there, his little body may not be able to take much more but with him you just dont know. Got the diagnosis of carpal tunnel so if doesnt settle will get a steroid injection, it may take a few weeks after the drive to stop annoying me.

                    Kensho, i would prefer to play in dirt than work too lol. i put some flowers in my vege garden on the weekend so i can look out at pretty things instead of cabbage leaves. I found my ex would not come to the party and thus why i walked away. parenting x1 with 2 in the relationship was just too hard.

                    Slo sounds like you had a busy weekend, sorry to hear you lsot your voice. i lost mine once and the kids thought it was hilarious. My SIL's friend died the other day from al related medical conditions. just so sad but she wanted to drink even in palliative care. Dedication if nothing else.

                    Lav, i keep hoping for an egg on occasion. when i was away i was told to freeze eggs and give them to dogs, they love them apparently so will try that in summer.

                    No 10 things today, too tired lol. I must say its getting quite chilly here now.

                    take care xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning everyone. I take two hours in the morning to do work before my work... make lunches and breakfast, drive kids to school, walk the dog, water the outdoor flowers that I planted. I think others could do some of that. Though I don't readily ask for help, I DO realize that I can't be bitter about it if I volunteer. I do like the ride with the kids because it's special focused time with them, and my husband does the afternoon walking. Watering the flowers is meditative. It helps to either focus on the positives, or request help - I realize that it's up to me.

                      I've been doing more meditating and reiki and it is making me feel calmer, more connected to my needs, and generally happier. Highly recommend it.

                      Off to my functional Dr., then I MUST make a dent in my work stack. Have a good day everyone.

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Just wanted to drop in and say how proud I am of you all. Thank you for all your inspiration… 10 things is all … ? You are all loved and very kind .
                        "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          We had a really nice day for a change. I hear the weekend will be sweltering in the 90’s, oh boy, not my favorite weather.
                          Had a recheck on my corneal scar today, the ophthalmologist said it hasn’t changed in 6 month so that’s good news. I’m learning to see ‘around’ the scarred area. It’s all good

                          Shades, nice to see you & hope you are well.

                          Ava & Kensho, you both sound so busy. Isn’t it good to have a clear head to manage all those tasks at once? We’ve done ourselves a huge favor!!!!

                          Hello to the rest & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hello gang,
                            Just a quick hello to say I am still here and doing well on day 12. No probelms at all. Not sure if it's the Topa or just a change of heart/attitude this time around, but I am doing great. And the biggest miracle of all. I can fall asleep at night!!!! All that "I can't sleep unless I drink wine" thing was a crock after I got over the hump!!! So tired all the time, and almost two weeks in and haven't lost a freakin' pound even with the drastic calorie reduction and 1-2 hour daily walking. That's ok. I guess that's not the point really (but it would be nice )
                            Lav - the weather you endure sounds quite ridiculous!!!!! I tried to remember where you are in the world, but can't quite pin it down!
                            I don't know the story behind little Jasper, but it sounds quite heart breaking.
                            I am not managing the 10 things a day thing yet, as I am just so sleepy all the time, even though I am getting fairly good night's sleeps. Probably making up for years of sleep deprivation from passing out rather than actually resting.
                            OK - I left work early to get 10 things done and I shall go do them!!!
                            I shall keep reading later to catch up!
                            xoxo Peanut


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Well it’s going to rain all night long so it won’t bother anyone. At least that relieves me of having to water all my plants tomorrow

                              Peanut, great job on your 12 AF days, almost 2 weeks already!
                              I’m another one who never lost a single pound when I quit drinking, then I gained some when I quit smoking, Lol. In the end, it’s all good & I have been slowly losing some over the past 8 months or so. We are so much better off without AL in our lives so it’s all good! I’m located in SE corner of PA, just steps from the MD state line where we have supremely weird weather for some reason.

                              Hope everyone had a good day & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              Last edited by Lavande; May 18, 2022, 06:01 PM.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hello evabody,

                                Nice to see you Shades. Hope you're well.

                                Hi Peanut. Wowza on 12 days booze free! Great job. Even if you do one thing today that's in line with your better self, i reckon that's a bonus. 1% extra per day = 30% better you in a month. Well, something like that. :-)

                                Big waves to everyone. Surf's up!

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

