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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Belle - yep, dust yourself off and get right back on track. Urge surfing is such a useful and valuable skill.

    Kensho - great suggestions about nutritional approaches to symptom management and/or overall wellness.

    Lav - I was caregiver for my mom through pancreatic cancer and I know from that experience how truly amazing hospice can be for support and expert guidance. As of right now, my dad doesn't want help from anyone else.

    Hellos and waves to Hyper, Ava, LC and everyone else hanging out nest-side. Happy almost weekend to you all. As Byrdie used to say, just cuz it's almost Friday doesn't mean you should buy tickets to boozeville!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      evening nesters

      well 7 more work days till i am off work for a MONTH. i am so looking forward to it, just to wake up whenever, do whatever or do nothing. Happy days ahead.
      my GP apt on Sunday will be to get a referral for an ultrasound guided steroid injection, i decided it was a good idea this afternoon to mow the lawn as the foster dog lady is coming tomorrow for a property inspection. not the best move i have ever made but had to be done. We have had some glorious weather lately and a big 18C on sunday, heat wave at this time of year.

      Lav, 39c is definitely not doable. i can do 30 but after that i hate life in general. i hope you get some relief soon especially for the girls. I am lucky my mum has everything organised for her funeral down to the music, no family bull as there is only me. If my brother was alive i am sure he would have been as useless as your family members!

      Wags, i have a stubborn parent also, still drives herself shopping etc at 85, no home help, i am going to have a chat to her when i am visiting and try and see if she will accept something. my son lives with her so i am lucky in that respect but sometimes she makes his life a misery!

      Belle, drinking when i was stressed was my go to but in time we learn new coping strategies, mine is chocolate. maybe that is why i want to put so much in my mouth atm due to my shoulder pain. Paracetamol is just not cutting it really. You have done really really well not drinking so stay positive and you WILL do it. I am sure the al didnt make you feel better! When i first stopped drinking, i had a box in my mind and when that f'ing annoying voice started on me, i would open the box and mentally put it in their and close the lid. took a bit of practice but that voice seemed to stop when i did that.

      Hyper, great work on 26 days, that is so close to 30, you should be feeling very proud of yourself. the reasons to drink will get less as time goes on. Glad your pup is on the mend.

      Kensho, work doesnt take long to feel the holiday feeling go but then you can plan for your next one.

      take care xx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good morning, nestlings

        What a difference a day makes. Even the slightest bit of AL can throw my sleep off, make me sweat, bad dreams, etc. On to day 2. Might take a day trip with my son to see the cousins who are visiting my brother and family which is about an hour drive away. But right now I am waiting for the air conditioning tech to show up for the yearly checkup.

        The air fryer was great! Not only did we make the frozen nuggets (which turned out nice and crispy outside and perfectly cooked inside), my skeptic husband cooked some frozen samosas in it and he was pleased also. Now I have to go on a recipe hunt for easy weeknight meals to make in it. The recipe book that came with it is all about "fancy" foods which I don't have time for during the week (or weekends that is husband and son's territory)

        Have a great day all.

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          hi Nesters..

          Happy Friday.. no ticket to boozeville here!

          Belle, great job getting right back in here.. not allowing 1 day to turn into a week or a month.. i think staying close to the Nest and posting every day (though not enough atm) is helping me tremendously. this is our safe spot. i'm sorry to hear about your problems with fibro..that sort of physical pain and discomfort sure is hard to deal with on top of the emotional stress..:hug: nice that your hubs found something nice to cook in the air fryer as well.. maybe this can be something to bond over! :congratulatory:

          Ava, i'm excited to hear how it goes with the foster care woman! better go well seeing as you mowed the lawn with a messed up shoulder!! hopefully you'll feel some great relief next week after the shot, just in time for your vacation're pups looked adorable after their haircuts..

          Kensho, thank you for introducing us to Terry Wahls.. super interesting. i got caught up in her videos and website this morning which is why i'm so late here.. you're right that i'm all or nothing and i am trying to go easier on myself and set attainable goals.. but i'm super frustrated with my nutrition (lack of good at the moment) which affects me greatly.. roller coaster emotions, sugar and carb hangovers, lack of energy.. i started some b vitamins a while ago and got some l glutamine.. and today i started to eat better. i'm going to not limit myself on amounts but pay more attention to what my body needs and fill up on the good stuff.. whole foods! let's see..

          Hyper, well done on 26-27 days!! glad to hear your pup is on the up and up.. 4 weeks is a long time for rehab.. but that was no small problem/OP! how has it been being back at work? i guess you can leave (what's your dog's name) him alone for periods of time..

          Lav, we had a day yesterday with weather that sounds just like yours.. hot and humid.. i almost didn't make it through.. i actually took the day off work 'cause i had such a headache.. hope your chickens are surviving the heat.. frozen peas?

          Wags, thinking of you.. and yes, my plan is to check in here AND post more often again.. i need it. i look forward to it..

          my youngest and her boyfriend are going hiking for 3 days next week in an absolutely gorgeous area of Germany.. it's divided into 8 stages with places to stay in between.. i've been with the girls several times and we love it.. so i booked the train tickets/hotel-hostels today which was so much fun.. as i can imagine the whole thing and live vicariously..:happy2:

          heading to my guys place this evening where i'll be taking over the cooking!! i'm already hungry so better get a move on..

          see you all tomorrow! have a nice MAE..xx


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hey, Nest. Life is still pretty lifey for me right now.

            I'm sorry your dad won't agree to outside help, Wags. It was such a relief when my dad finally agreed to hospice for my mom. But -- things took a turn earlier this week when they both tested positive for Covid. It wasn't surprising given all the hospice staff coming in and out but still alarming. My dad felt pretty poorly and that sent us into a panic for him and b/c we really don't have a solution for caring for my mom if he can't do it. His determination and Paxlovid apparently have made a difference because they continue to hang in there although my mom mostly sleeps. She doesn't seem to have covid symptoms, thank goodness. Now we are hoping she doesn't slip further away while none of us can be there due to the stupid virus.

            Belle, I'm sorry you drank. I remember that feeling of going out to buy wine despite all intentions not to. It was almost as if someone else was doing it. Maybe commit to posting here before acting on that urge to acquire it.

            LC, I was so glad to sign on after so many days and see that you're here, working for the life you deserve :hug:

            xx NS


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              We hit a high of 96 degrees today, feeling even hotter with all the humidity. Supposedly we have 3 more days to go until we get a break. I know most of the world is feeling the heat right now, this is a sad fact that needs to be addressed asap

              Wags, I’ll bet your dad doesn’t realize that YOU could use some help right now, I’m sorry. As things go along you decide when to bring in some help, he probably won’t fight you :hug:
              Hang in there, it’s a tough job, I know.

              Ava, keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get some good relief for your shoulder. I’m sure your home & yard look just fine, don’t hurt yourself trying to impress others!

              Belle, glad you’re back on track today. I found distraction to be the best tool in the beginning. When I was overwhelmed with drinking thoughts I would stop everything & go take a walk around my yard. Simple but very effective tool . I breaded some fresh chicken cutlets this afternoon for the air fryer because that’s what my husband wanted for dinner but then he decided we should go out for dinner, haha. So I have chicken prepared to go in the air fryer tomorrow.

              LC, working in this freaky heat wold give anyone a headache, geez. Glad you’re getting away for the weekend, enjoy yourself!

              NS, so sorry to hear what’s happening with your parents. You’re right, healthcare workers are constantly exposed to Covid & are tested regularly too so that should have been caught. I hope your dad feels better very soon, it must be rough for him :hug:

              Hello to Hyper, hope you are well, your pup too.
              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                LC - that hike sounds wonderful! I absolutely love that type of vacation and I will have to add that to my travel list of dreams. Yay for us both on posting today!

                NS - I'm so sorry to hear your parents tested positive for covid, and I hope they continue to have mild cases (or no symptoms in your mom's case). None of this is easy, that's for sure.

                Lav - I think you're right, and when the time is right I'm sure my dad will agree to hospice if needed. Right now he still has some good days when he's still interested in at least some parts of life. My wife and I are planning to have him join us for dinner this weekend. Then he also has harder days. Today he went to bed before 7pm. I honestly think he's hoping to just fall asleep while reading a book and never wake up. I think that sounds like a pretty gentle way to go.

                Ava - I hope you get relief from your shoulder pain. It sounds very debilitating. I'm sure you'll make a good impression on the foster dog mom!

                Hellos and waves to Hyper, Kensho, Belle and everyone else hanging out in the nest this weekend. Have good days and nights!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good morning,

                  I’m so excited for you that you have a month off coming up, Ava!

                  Ugh on the Covid, NS. Your parents sure didn’t need that. That’s the downside of having hired help coming in, I guess.

                  My stepfather guy wasn’t really healed from his GI issues at the hospital, basically just rehydrated. I think it’s just another chronic step down in his health, and increased caregiving woes for my mother.

                  I had my ex-HB’s sister (w/ dementia) and her caregiver (who I’m friendly with) over for lunch on Thursday. I went over to daughter’s yesterday to hold baby Huxley (bliss!), and try to help out a bit. Then joined my sister at an outdoor jazz trio concert last evening.

                  I let my daughter know that it was my 4-year sober-versary, and she gave me a specialty NA beer to celebrate the milestone. Then I had another one at the jazz concert.
                  Life is life-y, but good!
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi All! Super quick check in before we head out for the day.

                    LC, that's what I do... make sure that on average, I eat more good than bad. Enough good fuel helps all other things! Don't try to be perfect - it's impossible.

                    Ava... what will you do with your whole month?? That sounds absolutely DIVINE!!

                    SLO - 4 years? That's INCREDIBLE! Good for you - here's something for you to celebrate the amazing life you are creating!

                    Screen Shot 2022-07-23 at 11.40.20 AM.jpg
                    Last edited by KENSHO; July 23, 2022, 12:41 PM.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Greetings Nesters,

                      Still dealing with this outrageous heatwave but alive & well, haha! I am dreaming of those cool & crisp fall days

                      Slo, a BIG CONGRATS to you on your 4 years AF :yay:
                      You must be proud, we are certainly proud of you. So glad to hear you are out & about enjoying life, just as we all should. Keep moving forward with your new found strength & knowledge!

                      Wags, glad to hear your dad is still having some good days. Wouldn’t we all just want to go to sleep in our own beds & make the journey to the next realm? I wish we could all do that someday.

                      Kensho, for years I’ve been following a bone health program that requires 80/20 alkaline to acidic foods in a days time. Sometimes it’s just hard to manipulate meals to fit but I think I’m coming close enough. Whatever makes us feel better, right?

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Slo - Congrats on FOUR YEARS!!!

                        Happy weekends to everyone. Don't drink!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          afternoon nesters

                          Slo, massive hugs on your 4th sober anniversary that is a wonderful achievement with all the crap life has thrown at you. So glad life is settling down for you and you are getting into the routine of things.

                          Lav, i hope the heat goes away soon for you and you get relief, i am not a fan of summer either. we have reached our 18C today and it is just glorious. i want to go for a walk but i have my sons dog here and cant walk 3 dogs atm.

                          Kensho, we get long service leave after working in the same place for 10 years and each year after get more. i have about 5 months leave that i can take now as coming up to 15 years in November. Lots of plans to do nothing really.

                          The foster lady came around and inspected the yard and fencing/gates etc, she will now send it to the foster people and i wait to hear from them. Cant wait really. Dr said i have a tear to go with the impinge/ent/bursitis in my shoulder. wants me to avoid lifting/driving etc until i have the steroid injection, so looks like a quiet 4 weeks off. i did manage to get some good drugs so hoping to get a good nights sleep.

                          take care xx
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hello nesters,

                            Lots of life going on in these parts...And SLO!! congrats on your 4 years. You showed us how it is done even in extreme circumstances.

                            On Friday, son and I took a road trip to brother's house as the cousins from Kansas were visiting also. Took and "awkward family photo" of my son holding the crying baby (she was hot and needed a nap) with the other two girls. Too much running after the baby (and driving) so yesterday I took it real easy and spent the afternoon in bed napping.

                            Happy Sober Sunday, all!

                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Belle, I get it. I get so tired after an active day or two involving people, driving, and chasing around. And I don’t even have fibromyalgia! So I had a tired day yesterday involving a nap and not much else. Which then threw my sleep off…

                              Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone, regarding my milestone! Thanks for the beautiful cake, Kensho! Wags, I believe you have an AF anni too this week?!

                              Ava, so there is a tear in your shoulder -darn. I had to have rotator cuff repair surgery done to my shoulder in 2015. A small tear from yoga, that ripped into a big tear after a fall off my bike. At least you have an excuse to take it totally easy and do nothing for your month off work.

                              I might try your zucchini pancakes, Lav, now that the zucchini crop is in full bloom.

                              Puddles of water leaked through the ceiling of the living room of my new condo in two places during the rainstorm last night! Not happy about that!

                              Let’s enjoy our “day of rest” today.
                              Last edited by Slo; July 24, 2022, 12:12 PM.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi Nesters!

                                just an accountability check in for me today.. it's been an emotional but still good weekend..

                                Slo, big congratultions on 4 years!!:sohappy:

                                Belle, glad to see you checking in and wishing you a happy sober Sunday, too!
                                [MENTION=11645]Hypernova[/MENTION], how are you doing? How's the pup? check in when you have a minute.. :happy2:

                                big waves and hugs to everyone!! see you tomorrow..xx

