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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi all,

    A bit better day in Wagland today. I'll never compromise my quit, but I could really use a break from things being hard. I'll check in more fully tomorrow after a good night's sleep.

    Take care and happy new weeks to you all.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings Nesters,

      Wags, glad yesterday was better for you, hope today was good as well. You’re doing a great job supporting your Dad & your wife while doing everything else :hug:

      It was nice here, had to travel an hour to get to the eye specialist who is keeping his eyes on my scarred cornea. It’s stable, thank goodness.

      I have to finish removing odds & ends from the rooms the carpet cleaners will be attacking tomorrow. I’ll be happy when all this is done.
      I hope everyone is doing OK & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Lav - glad your cornea is stable. Sounds like you must have a great specialist if they're worth an hour drive! Hope the week is starting off well for you and your family.

        A very productive day in Wagland. Two friends went with me to my dad's storage unit and we pulled every single box, bin and item of furniture out. I then went through every single item and sorted into Donate, Keep, and Unsure/Deal With Later categories. By the time we finished, about half of the contents of this medium-sized storage unit were loaded onto my friends flatbed truck and taken to a thrift store that benefits refugee families, most of whom arrive here (or wherever they land) with nothing but what they're wearing or able to carry. There's a lot more to go through and I need to repeat this same culling process with my own stuff, but it was a fab start and I feel a bit of weight off my shoulders.

        I also came across a book called This Naked Mind. Maybe it has been discussed here before and I just didn't realize it. It's written by a woman who was imprisoned by her own drinking and the fact that she could not control it. There's a point where she says, "Now I drink as much as I want, whenever I want." That sounds like it doesn't fit with this group - maybe more of a moderator - but her real point is that she drinks zero and never, and that those amounts and frequencies are truly reflective of her complete lack of "want" for drinking.

        Has anyone else read this book? I'm just in the early pages but finding it interesting so far. I'll update again after I've read at least half or finished the whole thing.

        Have good nights and Tuesdays everyone - catch you next time!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          I've hear about that book, Wags - I think the author has a loyal following of people who she has lead out of the abyss. She may have a website.

          It is awesome not to 'want', isn't it? I feel totally indifferent to alcohol these days. I was reading about how the diabetes/weight-loss drugs on the market like ozempic and munjaro are reducing addictions in those who take it. They describe finding themselves drinking less (in addition to eating less) and habits such a nail-biting reduce or stop. Maybe some medical help is actually on the horizon!

          I hope your dad is in a better state, now. Emotional rollercoasters are so tough for everyone and I know seeing someone you love so confused and scared is just heartbreaking.

          Lav, that needing to move stuff is stopping me from replacing carpeting that was put in in 1987 :egad:! The owners at the time must have bought really good stuff because although it shows wear, it really isn't that bad. However, the formerly beige walls are now light gray and the rooms would look MUCH better with grayish carpeting. Maybe in the fall. I should get Kensho in hear to motivate me!!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Evening nesters

            Wags, I hope you dad settles down for you but glad you achieved some culling. i am still trying to finish my damn garage. one day, no hurry. I will goggle that book.

            NS, i think they definitely made better quality carpet back in 1987, i think they made most things to last longer than 5 years.

            Lav, takes me an hour to drive 30km's in peak hour here, its shocking thus why i start work at 5am when i go in. i just cant do it anymore. So glad your eye is stable though, we kind of need them

            I was up at 4am this morning to catch a flight to NSW for my best friends funeral. i landed back home at 9pm and i am exhausted. I have not cried so much in such a long time and I miss her greatly, it just seems so surreal still. It was her birthday today also and she was 57. They had her wake at the pub she used to go to and funny enough we kept thinking she was going to walk in. i said to her other bestie that i could have quite happily had a drink today but i know Rhonda would have told me "not to be so fecking stupid", as i always think now if it had bought her back to us then i would happily have had a drink but it wont. I did catch up with some old friends and we had some great memories of "back in the day" but i just miss her.

            My kids have been very supportive which has been great, lots of cuddles and just letting me cry and talk. Tomorrow is another day and i am having a ME blankie cave day.

            take care xx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Greetings Nesters,

              We finally have the house to ourselves but still need to move furniture back into place. Glad it’s done, never again Lol

              Ava, it must have been an exhausting day, mentally & physically for you. Keep those fond memories oof your friend close to your heart :hug:

              NS, to be honest I keep thinking in terms keeping this house near market ready, just in case. As we get older it gets harder to maintain the inside & outside of this place & pretty much impossible if one of us dies. May have to go looking for a granny condo someday haha!!

              Wags, god job on the storage unit. Donating the majority of that stuff takes a huge weight off your shoulders.
              I have heard of that book but haven’t read it yet. Will definitely keep it in mind. Life is good without that want/need to drink, absolutely

              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Ava - sounds like you had a long and emotional day. Glad you were able to go and honor your best friend and connect with others. Grief is such a difficult journey. Take all the cuddles and YOU blankie caves you can get, and know that we're all here sending support as well.

                Lav - I can understand why you're glad to have such a big home project done. We're having windows replaced later this week and the work for us to clear things away and then put them back will be significant, especially since my wife has only one hand right now. Can't wait to be on the other side of DONE!

                NS - I remember carpet from the 80s and I'd definitely say it was made better then (most things were probably). You're lucky yours has held up so well, and I'm sure someday you'll decide it's worth all the work to get new installed. We'll stay tuned!

                Visited my dad today and it might have been the best I've seen him since I first took him to the ER 6-7 weeks ago. He had joined the other residents for breakfast in the dining room, he ate some lunch (well, a little lunch and then PIE), he had his music on in his room, and he was lucid. If all of his days could be like this his quality of life would be pretty darn good, and my heart would relax. I am hopeful that he's starting to adjust and settle in, and I'm really happy I chose the place I did for him cuz they've been pretty amazing.

                On that good note, I wish you all a happy hump day tomorrow!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  Nice weather still holding up here, go figure. We are actually very short of normal rainfall for May so I’m out watering everyday.
                  We have everything put back in place after the carpet cleaning except the basement. It’s taking a bit longer to dry down there & I really don’t need the family room space at the moment. We had a big old entertainment center down there that my husband hated. So he chopped it up with a chainsaw & had a bonfire, haha! Guess I’ll be looking for a newer style & smaller piece of furniture to replace it.

                  Wags, I’m happy to hear you found your Dad in good spirits today. We have to be grateful for these small gifts.
                  Maybe you can find a hand to help you move furniture, local high school kid?? I don’t know how many times I’ve missed having a teenager in the house to help with things like that. Good luck

                  Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Just checking in. Hoping everyone is having a good AF day!
                    Have a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      I could have worn I checked in last night but apparently not! We got our new windows today and all went smoothly. Tomorrow my wife gets her stitches out and a waterproof cast put on. We're hoping they can make it in bright safety orange just for fun

                      Hope everyone is doing well and having good days and nights


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Evening nesters

                        thank you for all of your kind thoughts.

                        TFIF is all i can say, i have two doctors with Covid and patients that dont care and want their appointments. Thankfully the new coworker is taking phone calls as i dont think i would have a job otherwise lol. Trying to just get through the days atm.

                        Wags, new windows and your wife in a cast, how good is life! Glad things are going a bit smoother for you.

                        Lav, you will have the heat before you know it, Winter starts here soon but has been rearing its head a fair bit. I quite enjoy the cold though not with the price of electricity these days. electric throws are the go for us this winter.

                        I can now take Carl for longer walks and he has healed so well, Bob and him play zoomies and tug of war and he is a normal fur baby again.

                        Not much to report, going into my cave again this weekend for some ME time, call my friends daughter and see how she is coping. On a good note, i did see my niece when i was up for the funeral and she is now 20 weeks pregnant and very positive which relieved my stress a lot. She is under a wonderful medical team who are very caring and fingers crossed for a healthy baby this October.

                        take care everyone xx
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, Nest
                          I went to visit my Dad for a couple days and got to spend time with my sister's grandson. Is he my grand-nephew or what??
                          I'm sorry you have such hard things to deal with right now, Ava. I'm glad you know how important it is to protect yourself.
                          Hope your dad continues to do well, Wags! That would be such a relief.
                          Lav, when I had a small house, I wanted more space and now of course, I want less space! Our home is good when we have company staying but there is too much house and yard day to day. I don't think my husband will want to move, though, unless we are physically unable to manage it. Thankfully, so far we can.
                          Have a good AF Memorial Day weekend!! NS


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            Fortunate to still be enjoying some real decent weather
                            Won’t be long before the hot & muggy weather gets here & I’m stuck inside with the AC on. We don’t go on any vacations so the AC IS my vacation haha!

                            Wags, new windows, awesome! They really save on heating & cooling bills. I hope the cast is safety orange or at least hot pink for your wife, Lol

                            Ava, glad Carl is back to himself, you can relax a little now.
                            Enjoy your cave weekend. There’s really nothing else you need to do, right? Take care of yourself :hug:

                            NS, I have quite a few great nephews & nieces. It’s been interesting to get to know them, some of them over Facebook because of locations.
                            Hope your Dad is doing OK. I doubt I could get my husband to move either but I have a real fear of being stuck with all this work that I just cannot do. We shall see

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe AF night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Ava - you deserve to just tuck yourself into your cave for the weekend and do some self-care. You've got a whole bunch of people (like us!) caring about you too, so hopefully you don't feel alone even though you're taking ME time.

                              Lav and NS - I hear you both on the home upkeep and the work it involves. Our house is fairly small but it seems to always need a lot of tending. Our front and backyards are beautiful mostly thanks to my wife, but sheesh are they high-maintenance! I enjoy living here now but no way do I want to have to do this much work for a whole lot longer.

                              Well my wife ended up choosing a purple cast (my fave color). She wanted orange, but their orange was kindof a sickly salmon color so purple it is! Hoping it'll bring her good healing energy vibes.

                              Happy AF weekends everyone!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                Hey Wags, I like purple, remember Barney (the kids show)
                                When we built this place 20 years ago we were actually downsizing. I can’t even imagine dealing with my old house anymore. We have more than twice the acreage here so there’s a lot to do outside too. How do we get ourselves in this predicament???? Haha!

                                I ended up inviting son & his family tomorrow for some burgers, etc. they haven’t been here for dinner since Christmas & they only live 7 miles away. Life is just too busy these days.
                                I hope everyone has a safe night in the nest & a good AF holiday weekend.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

