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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    MOrning nesters

    A beautiful day here yesterday so did some gardening and planting and washing and cleaning. Today it is pouring with rain so cave day i am thinking. i am knitting a throw blanket for my sofa chair so that keeps me busy. trying to knit a dog coat but needs three balls of wool or the leg bits so a bit anxious about that but need to put on my big girl pants and at least try.

    Wags, purple is my favourite colour too and red, never thought a red head could wear red but we can!

    Lav, lovely that you are having the fam over, life just gets so busy these days.

    NS, i need to tell you my arm is 80% better from acupuncture, this lady is brilliant, still aches a bit but nothing like before. next is my back as catching flights the other day really aggravated it, maybe she should just needle my whole body lol. Glad you got to spend time with your dad.

    Having a cuppa then going to get some dog food, fuel and a picture done of my friend that i want to frame. i need to put away her funeral doobie, it just makes me too sad.

    take care xxx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Ava - Sorry if this is a dumb question (I don't know how to knit) but when you say the dog coat needs "three balls of wool for the leg bits" do you mean three all at once coming together in the knitting stitches? That sounds tricky!

      Lav - it's amazing how much the land/yard/acreage can require time and energy, huh? I sometimes dream of having a few acres shared with a handful of other families where we all have private living spaces but then lots of shared land and building spaces too where everyone chips in on the labor and cost of maintenance. Yes, like a commune of sorts, but where you choose all of your own community members and they're all easy to "commune" with

      Had a good day here. Beautiful weather and time with very dear friends. Every single one of us is going through at least one difficult thing right now, so we all just came together to be in good company and know we weren't alone. With all the shit happening in the world and in individual lives, it's wonderful to remember that there are really good people out there (kinda like here in the Nest too!).

      Hope your weekends are easy.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters,

        Had the son & grandsons here, it was nice to see them. Sent them home with leftovers & extra dessert too
        Turned cloudy this afternoon but it was still a nice day to cook out.

        Ava, working your way thru a loss isn’t easy but you’ll get there in time. Glad you have your special fur friends to keep you company.
        So what are you planting as the cold weather approaches? Are your chooks ready for winter? I’m not getting as many eggs these days, don’t know what’s going on with my crew.

        Wags, nice you were able to connect with good friends this weekend. Yes, we all suffer from the human condition from time to time. It’s nice to have company, support & understanding at these times.
        We have 2 1/2 acres here which isn’t a lot around all these big farms but for a couple of oldies like us it is a lot. We were 20 years younger when we bought this lot - big difference Lol
        It would be cool to have a more communal thing going but that’s not going to happen. I guess we’ll just stay put until one of us goes to heaven. I can get a lot of steps in just walking the perimeter a few times a day though, haha!

        Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Had a good visit with my dad today. I'm sure we'll have hard ones again, but I'm learning to appreciate every single positive moment and day. I took our dog along and she was once again a big hit with the other residents. At the very least they smile when they see her (it's hard not to -- she's super cute!). Several asked if they could pet her and she handles stuff like that like a trooper. What a good girl!

          Happy Mondays everyone.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            evening nesters

            Back to work Monday and as good as it was to keep me busy, as soon as someone asked how i was i cried. i am not a crier so being vulnerable is not what i do best but i am just going with the flow. i have been speaking to my friends daughter daily to see how she is, its just so hard when someone dies so suddenly, no goodbyes, no i love you, no i will miss you. Just that surreal feeling that its not true but it is.

            Wags so glad you had some YOU time and your dad had a good day. Its amazing how people just have a better day by seeing and petting a fur baby. It sounds like your baby is doing well atm which is great. Carl is sleeping behind my head atm, he is keeping nice and close to me, too close maybe. I will let you know how the knitting goes, there are so many stitches on each needle and thats as far as i am thinking lol. i need to be able to concentrate so maybe tackle that this weekend. I would love to live in a farm environment with friends and live off the grid basically.

            Lav, i have broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage and beans. i thought the plants were big enough yesterday to not have wire over them but then the chooks dug up a few plants and i swear if i had an axe! back went the wire. Seeing how i go with celery and spring onions also. I am still getting one egg a day so i am happy with that.

            Bindi is having her teeth removed on Thursday so a big day for her. We are in the process of lessening her insulin dose and she is doing really well, she has come a long way from when i first picked her up from the pound. She is a beautiful little girl and i love her to bits.

            my son is here visiting for work, nice to see him but told him not to expect me to wait on him, my mum seems to do that!

            take care xx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              It was a good Memorial Day here. We went into town to observe the ceremonies at the veteran’s section of the cemetery, very moving.
              Weather still pretty decent, I know the heat will catch up with us eventually. Lots of people will be having BBQs with lots of drinking to celebrate. I never did understand that myself. It’s not a day to ‘party’.

              Wags, glad to hear Dad’s mood is holding, that’ s great. Your pup probably made lots of folks happy today, nice

              Ava, your garden sounds perfect, all the necessities. We also have some celery growing now, last year’s attempt didn’t turn out all that great but it was tasty.
              I hope Bindi does OK with her dental extractions, poor girl. Enjoy your son’s visit & have him wait on you for a change :hug:

              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Ava - I hope Bindi's extractions go well later this week. That'll be rough for her to go through but ultimately she'll be more comfortable and healthier. I'll stay tuned for knitting updates

                Lav - sounds like the Memorial Day ceremony near you was really nice. Things were pretty quiet in our area, which surprised me because usually it's drinking and partying all around.

                I've had a few days totally off from teaching and it has been very nice. I'm moving my teaching space into a bigger part of the house (where my dad used to live) so I've been taking many many loads downstairs, but just a few at a time. I haven't figured out a good way to arrange the room yet so things will probably be moved around a few more times, but I'm ready to go for tomorrow and that's all that is necessary for now.

                Hope your weeks are all off to great starts!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  All good here, quiet-ish day for me
                  I really hope all the missing Nesters are happy & doing well. Drop in & let us know what’s going on.

                  Wags, I hope your teaching schedule is easier for the summer months, you are such a hard worker. You new space will come together eventually, it doesn’t have to be done all at once. Getting older has taught me not to sweat the small stuff just make your space a happy & comfy spot for your tecahing.

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Lav - I've come to the same conclusion about my new teaching space: that it will come together with time and there's no reason to rush or get stressed about it. Fortunately I am not bothered by a bit of chaos around me so I don't feel a compulsion to DO everything immediately. I want to get a feel for the room and then slowly decide what resources I'd like to have where.

                    I hope all the missing nesters are doing well too! It would be great to hear from all of you.

                    Happy almost-hump days to everyone!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Wags, we’re keeping the lights on in the nest - again
                      Funny how priorities change over the years. I no longer have the desire to beat myself up to get a room completed, garden planted, etc. I pretty much do what I want, haha! Glad you’re giving yourself time to get your teaching space put together, no major rush.

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Stop in & tell us how you are doing
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Yep, here we are again Lav!

                        Hellos and waves to everybody, and Happy June to all!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Evening nesters

                          Just a check in to say that I am glad i am working as it keeps my mind off life. I will be glad that its friday tomorrow so i can go into my cave.

                          I have my son staying for the week so that is nice though damn he is lazy. turn the lights off liam, put your shoes away Liam so i dont fall over them, wash the dishes liam, wipe the cupboards down liam. good thing i like his name.

                          Lav, i start to beat myself up then stop. I am learning that it doesnt matter is there is crap on the dining room table and i cant see the table cloth. its more important to look after myself at the moment.

                          How is your dad Wags? Hope he is having more good days now.

                          Bindi was supposed to have surgery today but was postponed again. apparently the power company told the shops on the street they are on that their would be power outages between 9am and 4pm. they would not give a specific time so all surgeries were cancelled. Thats ok, not their fault but i am sure their were some very unhappy owners. Booked in for next week.

                          take care xxx

                          Weather has not been bad here, did manage to get my sheets washed and dried outside today. i love fresh sheets.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey, Lav, Wags, and Ava. I'm bummed about all the missing people. I hope they are ok. Hopefully Kensho is having a fabulous time in Italy.

                            Summer has definitely arrived here. Very warm with no rain. I like the heat but not having to water plants already! We are leaving in a week for a bit over a week - hope the plants survive my absence.

                            I went to the pool with my grandsons yesterday and ended up being there until 5:30 pm. I occurred to me that if I were still drinking, I would have insisted on taking them home about 4 pm so as not to miss my witching hour. I just can't believe I ever let something so stupid control my life.

                            I also would be dreading the upcoming week with the other 2 grandsons at Disney World if I hadn't escaped. It is now a really Big Deal to go there - not like the days when we took our kids and just wandered around the parks, deciding what to do in the moment. Now everything is scheduled, apps have to be used, extra $ paid, etc. etc. I hate dealing with all that stuff so I'm just going to do what I'm told!



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hello Nesters,

                              Nice to see some familiar faces
                              I’ve been wondering if possibly it’s time to close the nest. We really haven’t seen many newbies for quite some time. I always thought it was a good idea to keep the lights on here - just in case. What do you guys think?
                              Since I am a serious heat wimp the AC has been turned on ahead of the 90+ degree heat coming tomorrow, Lol

                              NS, I have to water outside daily too. We had no rain in May, very unusual. Do you have a neighbor that could help out maybe?
                              Have fun at Disney World, not sure I have the stamina for that place anymore haha. The kids will have a ball.

                              Ava, we don’t need to worry so much about the clutter. No one else seems to care, right?
                              Sorry Bindi’s surgery had to be postponed, annoying for sure!

                              Wags, hope you are doing well

                              It’s true kids, we wouldn’t be doing the wonderful things we are doing now if we had remained drinking. I will be forever grateful for kicking AL to the curb along with all of you.

                              Have a safe night in the nest all!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Lav - I hate the thought of closing the nest but you might be right. This is the only place I currently post on MWO but I'm sure I could find another place that's warm and welcoming.

                                NS - I've not been to any of the Disney parks since the apps and scheduling became necessary, so I don't know for sure, but part of what used to be fun about going was spontaneously deciding to stop and check something out, or getting off a ride and immediately running to get back in line and go again. Sounds like those things aren't possible now (or at least very difficult). Regardless, you're right that this is yet another example of something that you or any of us would have dreaded in the past. Not drinking is freedom!

                                Ava - sorry to hear Bindi's surgery had to be rescheduled but it definitely sounds like the wise decision. That would be terrible for the power to go out midway through a procedure. As for stuff on your dining table, I say leave it and do some self-care. You're making a good choice that honors yourself.

                                Pretty tired here - I taught three long classes today and also went to visit my dad. He has had quite a few good days in a row now - he hasn't seemed fabulous, but he's been very steady and stable and content. I'm calling it a win!

                                Take care everyone.

