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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone

    Another newbie here. I'm sat here, stuck indoors on a beautiful sunny day, feeling like crap and cringing at the embarassing texts i managed to send yet again last after drinking the best part of 2 bottles of wine for the third time this week. I have to stop this. Now.


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nestlers.

      Gosh, a lot of new newbie's. Sally, Sante, Henri, Davenc-:welcome:- The nest was the first place I found when I first came to MWO. Have you also introduced your selfs on the main boards so everyone can get to know you as well?

      Poppa R-You are one of the few people I know who is probably glad when the week end is over! Well besides "G" cat, who misses you too! Hope the rest of your week end is quiet.

      SweEty-I hope your college is going well.Are you still carrying your red bag?

      SD-Sorry about your week from "hell" You have got to know there are families out there that you have helped. Right? Hang in there. Hope your son didn't beat you too bad in checkers! LOL!

      Chops-Year long football! Yikes! You sound like my HB. I live in In. where March Madness is the THING. Even my 89 yr Mom watches it!

      Sea-Is the guy in the avatar a pic of your electrician? If so, I think my lights are flickering. I may need his phone #. :H

      Dill-Thanks for the ST (special twig) It was very comfy. Since you picked the GGT (grumpy, grouch twig) I'll bring breakfast this morning. How about pecan pancakes?

      I have discovered something about getting ready for a trip sober. It doesn't take nearly as long to do! I am all ready to go and we don't leave until Wed! I'm usually still franticly getting ready to go late the night before we leave. Gives me time here at MWO that I haven't had in awhile. But means I'll have to clean those darn bathrooms again before we leave!

      Coffee's on and I brought pecan pancakes. Hope everyone enjoys their week end!
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        Newbies Nest

        Hi All - just a quick pop in. Welcome New Nesters.

        Lilmea -you are so good at remembering what's going on with everyone!

        My college is going ok, but tricky because its the first time the course has run, so some problems to sort, but its keeping me busy! Am also going on a trip Wednesday, I'll be ready because its JUST ME! Woo hoo.

        I've been dreaming about a little black cat like the one in your avatar lilmea - anybody good at dreams?

        Sea - glad you've got you'r electricity back - and I much prefer that avatar - the boobies gave me a bad back just looking at them lol!

        Enjoyed the Grand Prix this afternoon, that's the sum total of my sports watching though.

        I'm on the slow slide into Monday - but enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone. Bxxx
        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          Newbies Nest

          Welcome Sally! :welcome:

          Sweaty, Glad I could set the record straight over on the ODAT thread! LOL! As for dreams: I had the wildest, craziest dreams last night, but not good ones. The kind where I was hanging off the edge of a tall concrete building while pieces of it were crumbling off beneath me. Yiikes! I wonder what that was about! Anyway, would have been nice to be dreaming of a sweet black kitten. In real life, the two cats I have right now are enough for me!

          Sea, I'm with Sweaty about the avatar. The last one made it near impossible for me to log on at work for fear my coworkers see and wonder what kind of website I was on!!! LOL! :H

          Lil, I will always keep a special twig for you! :hYou, too PR. Hope you are rested from your crazy shifts. "G" missed you.

          Today was nowhere near as difficult cravings-wise as yesterday, so I am officially off the GGT. I hope to find a quiet, comfy twig and enjoy the peace of the nest.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Newbies Nest

            Hey Nesters!!!
            Omigosh thank you all for your well wishes...they were all so wonderful to means the world to me!!! Before I went to bed Friday night my mom and step dad called and told me to be ready by 9AM Saturday...they were coming to get my son and I and getting us out of town for the weekend!! We just got back....we had such a great time...just hanging out, eating, shopping and relaxing...I so needed that!!!! But it was so AWESOME coming home to the nest to all you and your support. Thank you all so much:l :l
            Also WELCOME NEW COMERS:welcome: As you can tell this place is AMAZING!!!!! :h
            Hey were in for yet ANOTHER blizzard so I may have no school tomorrow and possibly I'll be around...CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!??! We'll be going until JULY :H
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              Newbies Nest

              Welcome New Nesters!!!

              I am glad that you are all pleased with looking at my BF.LOL. I wish. It is Chris Cornell in his younger days. He was the singer in a band called Soundgarden and is now solo. Thanks for the coffee and pancakes. Trip to Florida all set. I just wish that I had a job to come home to. Gonna jump on the COT (chilling out twig). Rainy evening here, daughter is at work, so nice to be home in my PJ's.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Newbies Nest


                Where did you get my high school pic Sea?? Well goodnight my little ones....sleep tight.


                  Newbies Nest

                  WOW.....Papa R....Purrrrrr...I had no idea?!?!?! LOL!!!! I'm heading to bed too....I'm thinking no school tomorrow...blizzard warnings everywhere!!! APRIL REALLY???? I haven't even put my son to bed's almost 11:00!!!! Watch....not even a flake...hahahaha!!! Well ladies and gents....I can get breakfast ready in the morning...anyone up for...let's see...we have.....coco puffs, trix, or lucky charms!!! I know...on a real health kick hear in SD!! Oh wait...I have bananas!!! I better head to bed...just in case I don't get that call in the AM...night nesters!!!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Nestlers,

                    PR-Your school pic? Wow! No wonder "G" cat misses you so much when you're gone! Glad you made it through another week end safe and sound. As usual, thanks for the tuck in.

                    SweEty-Are you really dreaming about a kitty? Maybe you're seeing "G" cat perched on PR's shoulder when he comes around to tuck us in? LOL!

                    Dilly bird- UHOOOO! I don't like your dream. I got something for you to keep in the draw of your night table in case you have a dream like that again. :chute: We don't want you falling off a twig in your sleep!

                    Sea-I'll bet you're excited about your trip. When are you leaving? I know it's soon.

                    SD-You guys are really getting hit with the snow. I've been watching on the weather channel. Where's it all going to go when it melts? I'll start the coffee so you can sleep in this morning.

                    Okay peeps, time for me to get started around here. The coffee's on-but try not to wake SD up. She's having a snow day and sleeping in.
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Day Nesters

                      PR, if you look like that, I am having my flight diverted in your
                      I am leaving very early on Wednesday morning. I will be very busy the next two days. I have not packed a thing yet and I have phone calls to make, bills to pay....yadda, yadda yadda
                      SD, sux that you are still getting snow. I think that we are out of the woods as far as snow goes, but you never know in NH. It has snowed in May before.
                      Well, I better get off my butt and get something done. So hard to decide what to pack with all the rules and baggage restrictions and fees. Ugh.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Mooooorning, gremlins of the nest!

                        Oh my, look, I'm away for a couple of days and all these new birdies show up! Welcome!
                        I've had a great weekend - would you believe it, I never even checked email or turned on the puter! We did some island sight seeing on Saturday (oh, and house work, but we'll just skip that part) and yesterday I went shopping with the girls. A horse supply store had their anniversary sale but I was very conservative. Mr. Wonderful told me to get what I want and it'll be my birthday present, so I got myself some new breeches and half chaps (the first ones in like 30 years!) and of course, a bunch of little things for Miss Sophie. Very, VERY nice weekend - haven't done this sort of thing in ages! The bad news is... ahem... I STILL haven't started my taxes. Oh, dear, I can just see it... I'll be pulling a couple of all nighters (and not the good kind, either) just before the deadline.

                        No time to address everyone individually... hope you are all well and well off into your Monday!

                        Oh... real quick... Sea, I add to the general consensus here... the hunk is definitely an improvement over the jabbers! :H And, I remember Sound Garden!

                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning ALL!!
                          Just as I thought...not even a flake last night...CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!!?!?!? My son is so beat this morning....there goes my Mother of the Year Award!! I don't like coffee but I may have to have a pot or two this morning to keep awake:H My son should be ok....once that ADHD kicks in he'll be off and running in no time:H Oh...that wasn't nice....he really does have that but with meds does wonderfully at school!!! Anyway...we're still in the path for a blizzard tonight though....yeah....we'll see Have a great takers on the cereal huh?!?!?! No suger rush for anyone????:H
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                            Newbies Nest

                            Lil, thanks for the parachute! I truly needed that! :H
                            Sea, I'll be thinking of you this week! We leave on Thursday morning and will be in sunny FLA, just like you!
                            Sunni, glad you had such a very nice weekend and got to pick out your b-day gifts. Now it is time to get down to business and get those taxes done! :upset:We still haven't heard back from our tax guy. No news is good news!
                            SD, Stop talking about snow! My hands are over my ears and I am shouting "La-la-la-la!" 'cause I don't want to hear it!!:no:
                            PR, how's it going? Did you get to watch any b-ball this weekend?
                            I'm claiming my twig for the evening. (Grabbind my parachute) Talk to you tomorrow!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello friends
                              I am trying to come in for a landing, but am still kinda hyper; been on the go all day, and still have so much to do!! Talked with a couple of Healthcare recruiters about jobs today and when I went to get my resume in my files, it was gone!! I had to do a whole new resume. It really sucked, but I did it Sunni butt so do your taxes!!
                              Dill what part of Florida are you going to? Please forgive my aged
                              It just dawned on me that my Dad is definitely gonna see my new tatoos. He is not gonna like them. Oops. Sweet dreams all. I will be on the FTTP (frantically trying to pack) twig. See you all in the morning.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                                Newbies Nest


                                Gonna tuck you all in a bit early tonight.....hope your week got off to a good start. If not.....tomorrow is a new day! Oh, Dill, yeah, I watched some hoops yesterday...had to work Saturday. Scheduled to work this coming Sat which means missing the Final four....buuut, will be able to watch the final on Monday, which just so happens to be Opening day of Baseball season....loooove my baseball! Okay, well goodnight from 'me & G'........................Pops

