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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    WOW! It's really good to see you again, UNG! We have missed you. Settle in, take it slow and be easy on yourself.

    SD, I got my l-glut, kudzu and GABA from here. I think I'll be able to get the l-glut and GABA locally, but I've never seen the kudzu anywhere either. When my kudzu runs out, I don't think I'll replace it. I thing the l-glut and GABA help the most.

    Sea, I went to a Tea Party today. Did your sis go to one, like you mentioned a while back?

    SBetty, Chopper, juno and hidden, good to see you all.

    Lil, scoot over on the DDT twig. That's where I need to be, too! I wonder if we can manage to stay awake to say good night to PR when he gets in? YAAWN. I don't....kno....zzz.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Newbies Nest


      UNG, see how much love is here for are ALWAYS welcomed back here....after all, we are family, and this is your home. Well all, have 3 straight marathon shifts the next 3 days......I'll pop in to tuck you all in at night, but DO give my G some lovin while I'm gone..he'll miss me as I will him....goodnight cherubs.
      Papa R....and G


        Newbies Nest

        Yeppers Papa R--
        It sure feels like a 'family' here....I love coming here every morning and every evening...I feel so welcome!!! ((sigh)) I do need to turn in though....pretty tired here!!
        We will all take care of 'G' cat for ya!!
        Dill--I have to agree...I'm just about out of the kudzu as well and was thinking the same thing...I do gaba and l-glut too and it seems to work for me (well I also do topa too). Even if I didn't do the gaba....I can really tell the difference when I take the l-glut...those I think curb cravings the best!! to find my twig with my fluffy fluffy pillow on it!!
        G'night All!!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning peeps,

          Restless night on the twig last night so I've been up for a while. The coffee is on, and Diet P on ice. There's also fresh fruit and muffins. I know most of you have to go to work and are rushed for breakfast.

          PR-"G" cat can visit with my kittys if he gets too lonely. Take care while on your marathon shifts.

          Have a great day all you birds.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Nesters ~

            Hi Lil, thanks for the coffee and fresh fruit...yummy. Just what I needed this morning.

            BDD ~ Good for you for ordering the supps and books. You can do this and we are all here to help. If I haven't welcomed you before, here is a great BIG :welcome:! Stay strong and stay close.

            Hello to Dill, SD, Ung, Papa R, and all to come. Hope everyone has a great day!

            A quick shout out to the Portland Trailblazers....GO BLAZERS!! This team deserves to go far in the NBA playoffs. A young, talented, respectful, hard-working team. Portland hasn't seen this for awhile.

            Take care all!:l


              Newbies Nest

              Just wanted to say hi to everyone! Can I get a twig and a nice spot in the nest too??!!!!


                Newbies Nest

                Hey Rodeo! Welcome to the nest. Find a twig and nestle in.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome bdd and rodeo! Good to have you both along. :welcome:

                  I ran out of time this morning to check in! That's another problem with having to go to work. It interferes with my MWO time!:H

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Kind of feel like I'm talking to myself here. But, sometimes I do!:H
                    The sun is going down and I am looking for a twig. Last night I shared the DDT (dirty dog tired) twig with Lil and I'm afraid I must have tossed and turned all night or something, because poor Lil didn't get much sleep! Sorry.

                    Has anybody here ever tried Facebook? I just got on a week ago and I find it SO confusing! I'm going to keep trying with it though. MWO used to be confusing to me, too, but I sure got the hang of it!

                    OK, I see my twig! Hopping on up there!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I'm hopping on the NNT--Nighty Night Twig!!
                      :welcome: BDD and Rodeo!!! You'll love the support you get here!!!!
                      Dill-I do Facebook--it's pretty fun...I've run into a lot of friends from junior high and high school along with teachers from my first couple of teaching's pretty neat!!! I've heard some pros and cons to mixing MWO and facebook interactions may have to have a VERY trusting 'friendship' and openness (possibly) or understanding as to what is openly shared on facebook, if you would invite someone from here to "be a friend". I hope that made sense and didn't come across offensive....just not too many people I know, know that I am on this website or even struggle with mom, step dad and two sisters....and along with them on facebook I have about 70 other "friends". Am I rambling????? I am soooo tired!!!!
                      Papa R--hope your night was UNEVENTFUL!!!! 'G' cat was SOOOOO good tonight!!!!:h
                      Good night to the rest of the nest as well!!!
                      Lil (I'm just guessing)--thanks in advance for the Diet P in the morning :H
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        Newbies Nest

                        Dill ~ I do facebook. It was confusing at first, but now I love it. Great interaction between family and long lost friends. I have so much fun with it. Give it a may like it. To me, it's quite the relaxing atmosphere to escape to. I do keep ALL my MWO off facebook. MWO belongs here and facebook is to catch up with friends and family.
                        Hey SD ~ you are doing gret! Keep up the fantastic work.
                        Goodnight to all. "G" is very comfy and getting lots of love.
                        Lil, will you have the coffee and diet pepsi? If not someone will. It had been so inspriring to see all my friends...I have missed you!
                        See you all in the morning.


                          Newbies Nest


                          Phase 1 complete of 3 straight 16 hr days......phase 2 to begin shortly....'G' is mighty happy to see me....but has no idea I'm leaving again in a few hrs. SD, glad to hear he was good today. Although........he's ALWAYS good!! Have a good night precious ones....and a happy tomorrow. Me & G


                            Newbies Nest

                            Evening all! I also facebook, but I'm very careful who my friends are. Sometimes people just want to have a nose through your life, so if they don't communicate I 'de-friend' them. Most of my family have access to it, so its a great way to share across time zones. I'm my son's fbook friend but I'm pretty sure he has two versions on the go.....

                            Nearly had a little ginger and white kitten last night, but its really feral and we couldn't get near enough to catch it. It's hanging around school, the guard is feeding it, but the school admin disapprove - don't know why as there are loads of rats around!

                            Have a great weekend all.

                            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning Birds,

                              Welcome :welcome: bdd and Rodeo. There are plenty of twigs here in the nest so find a comfy one and nestle in.

                              Dill-I tried facebook but then it would never let me log back in. Both of my girls are on it so I wish I could figure out what the problem is so I could see what they are up to! My youngest has found 3 of her bestfriends from highschool. She was so excited about it.

                              SD-Yep! Your Diet P is on ice. LOL! I'm the first girl after 4 boys and I have a younger sister. Can you tell I got use to taking care of people? LOL!

                              Chops-I'm so glad to see your "little puppy dog" face on here. You're sound pretty positive. How are things going?

                              Sweaty-One of my kittys is pretty wild too. But she does come in the house in the winter to eat and sleep. But she doesn't like anyone to touch her or even look at her. Quite exciting when I have to put her monthly flea meds on her!

                              PappaR-Just one more phase after this one. Will you have to do this monster 3 phase shift every week???

                              I've been checking out those electronic cigs. They're suppose to be a great help when someone is trying to quit smoking. They seem pretty complicated though. I'm trying to decide the best one to get and if I can figure out how to use it!! :H

                              Yes the coffee is on. I've switched to 8 o'clock. I think it taste better. Hope everyone likes it.
                              AF since 7/26/2009

                              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Day fellow nesters and a Big Welcome to the new folks
                                Been staying busy, for an unemployed person, lol. My cravings were so bad yesterday that I went for three walks. It was beautiful out, so it was good for me. I went to a meeting last night, and I hate to say this, but it was the most boring meeting I almost feel asleep in my chair. The speaker went on and on in a slow monotone for a half hour. OH, well, it was good to be there and sober. We have another beautiful day on tap so I should get out for another walk today. I was rushing so much after the meeting to get home and catch the end of the Bruins game, that I forgot the half and half, so coffee is on, but milk only. My kids are off to Metalfest for the weekend, so am setting myself up with sober plans. Boston Bruins beat Montreal. Yay!!! Go Celtics tonight!!! Have a great day all. Wonderful to have you back UNG and thank you for the link about Topa. I am thinking about trying it. We did not have a Tea Party here My Sis said that NH could not get a sponsor for it.
                                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

