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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning all,

    Hope everyone is well rested and ready to go!
    SD & Dill, you both have your dance cards filled for the day, good for you, I'm still deciding what to focus on today - we'll see
    I did enjoy my lunch out yesterday with my grandson. He keeps me smiling & honest!!
    Sunny, I've been using the Hypnotic CD the past few nights myself. I find I sleep much better when I do.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nesters! Sounds like everyone is staying busy, in good spirits, and tackling a load of stuff! Good for us!!!

      PR, G will be well loved over the next few days.

      Sunni, how did the CDs work for you? I have never tried them, maybe something to look into.

      SD, WELCOME BACK!!! I am super proud of you for taking on classes as well. I have only 6 more to go until I finish my degree. I can't wait! Sorry to hear about your step monster. Thankfully, I was blessed with great stepparents. It is nice to have your dad in your corner.

      Dill, sounds like you have a lovely day planned. After work, I have to tackle my dad's garden. This could prove to be quite interesting :H

      Lav, glad you had a great time with your grandson. It is important to keep smiling How's business going for you?

      Well Nesters, I must get to work now. One more day until Friday!!!


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nestlings!

        I know, I know, it's barely morning anymore. I ended up with my son in the hospital last night and back for chest x-rays this morning. *sigh* Could be, that he had an asthma attack.

        Hence, I did NOT end up listening to CDs... oh well - maybe today? LOL

        SD, so sorry about the tiff with the step monster... need me to go kick her butt?

        Well, birdlings, busy day here as well (and just starting NOW.. at around noon) - keep smiling, keep safe and stay happy!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Hey hey hey, birdlings!

          This really is turning into an empty nest here! What gives? I think I need to ruffle some feathers!

          Hoping you all have a fabulous Friday (TGIF, yay!)... pop in and say 'peep' on your way to the weekend, ok?
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Friday Nesters Hope everyone has exciting plans for the weekend. It is going to be beautiful here, and I am going to soak up the sunshine.

            Looks like my recruiting campaign is not going so well. I don't like empty nests. Went through that already with my boy when he left :H

            Hope you all have a great day :l I am off to give G some loving!


              Newbies Nest

              Good Afternoon Nesters,

              I'm still here, just a bit late checking in. I rolled out of bed and right into my shop this morning. Actually have some business going this week - thanks for asking Chops!
              Sunni, I sure hope your son is feeling better. Poor kid shouldn't have to deal with that........asthma can be tough.
              Dill hope your day is going great. How was the movie yesterday??
              I'm going to do a little recruiting this afternoon. I'm sure I can find a few newbies to join us.
              Have a wonderful AF weekend one and all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks Sunshine_gg for the welcome and inviting me into the nest! Like I said in my 1st post on another thread, I am on Day 2 AF. I am still waiting for my deliveries of the Starter Pack, CDs, and Baclofen so I can use all the support I can get. So far Day 2 is going well. I cut the grass and did laundry. Trying to stay busy. I have been lurking in these forums for about a week now and finally decided to jump in. Thanks to everyone for your support and I hope to be there for you all too. By the way, my first grandchild is due any day now! That should definitely be motivation to stay sober I think (and hope)!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters! Late check-in here as well. I never did pick those green beans yesterday, so that's how I started my day today! The beans were plentiful. I think I will take a mess down to BIL's (brother in law) this weekend when we travel down there to visit. I tell you, we've had a TIME with our garden this year what with the deer, raccoons and potato bugs! OK, get this: we put electric wire around our corn to keep the 'coons out. Well, it's working, but the 'coons were so mad they went over and picked all our ripe tomatoes and threw them on the ground! Sheesh! Then the deer at the sweet potato plants!

                  Chops, did you get your Dad's garden taken care of?
                  Lav, as I said on the Jamboree thread, I highly recommend the Star Trek film, if you are a Trek fan.
                  Sunni, the nest needs more birds in it, to be sure!
                  PR, how're you holding up with the killer shifts this time?
                  Guys, I'm going on a trip this weekend to visit family. I will not have computer access:upset:. Have a good weekend.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Mommabird!:welcome: That's a perfect name for a Nester! And grandchildren are PERFECT motivations! Just ask Lav!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning Nesters!

                      Hope everyone is well this fine Saturday morning! I'm still sitting here with my coffee deciding how to spend my AF day. I really need to get back outside and continue the shrub trimming job I started last evening and clean up all the clippings I will, I promise..........

                      Welcome to you Mommabird! So glad you are here with us! Wow, you are going to be a grandmother soon - good for you. My grandson is 7 months old now and he absolutely has been my prime motivator In the months before he was born I knew I needed to get control of my wine habit but didn't do too well. After he was born I found I was 'scared' to be around him if I had a hangover (which I always did). My son finally got in my face one day and confronted me.........if I didn't straighten up immediately, I wasn't going to be seeing the baby at all!! Needless to say, that did it for me! I have not had a drop since and haven't missed it. When you get right down to it - it was an easy choice! I am enjoying spending lots of time with the grandbaby, watching him grow and seeing him bringing joy into all of our lives - so worth it, you'll see! Dill knows how happy I am these days

                      Wishing everyone a great AF day, see you all tomorrow!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Saturday Peeps! How is everyone this morning?

                        :welcome: mommabird. So glad to have you in the nest. Congratulations on the impending arrival of the grandbaby! Like, Lav, my grandson has been a huge motivator to stay sober My grandson is 18 months old and just a joy to be around.

                        Dill, I hope you have a lovely visit with family. Yes, I did get my dad's garden taken care of. I am about to head out this morning for more gardening. It actually is quite relaxing.

                        Lav, good luck with the shrub trimming and clean up. Thankfully, I only have to do watering and raspberry picking. Enjoy your coffee (I am doing the same)

                        PR, how are you holding up? G is being well taken care of.

                        Hello to Sunni, SD, and all others. Have a fantastic weekend! :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy Saturday, fellow nestlings!

                          Despite a rather discouraging weather forecast, it is sunny and quite warm here! Could this be summer, after all?

                          Lav, I find trimming lots of fun... but the cleanup after - hmmm.. not so much! :H
                          Chops, glad you're finding your dad's garden relaxing! I do too, even though my 'gardening' often involves weed whackers (but I use them as bush hogs) and chain saws! :H
                          Mommabird... SO glad you found a twig in the nest! And congrats on the impending arrival! How exciting for you and your family! And, definitely a great motivator!
                          Dillaroony... Great idea-the electric fence! Hmmm.. wonder if I should try that with my 'feeding station'. The squirrels keep chewing through my food bin (horse feed and oddly, just one out of 3) and that same bin gets 'moved' (up to 10ft) by coons! Grrrrrrumble. With the weather having been as miserable as it has, my garden is not doing too well yet. I did see the first bell pepper, though, and it looks as though the taters are going to start blooming pretty soon.

                          SD, Papa, and all - hope your weekend is an awesome one!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello All
                            Another newbie reporting. The thread is quite long so hope I'm not too late.Today is Day 6 I guess. I made a complete prick of myself at a family wedding a week ago, not for the first time I should add, and I have been thinking about doing this for the best part of a year. So now its time.

                            I know deep down if I moderate I'll be back making a prat of myself. I don't seem to be able to drink properly. Once the demon drink starts all moderation or sensibility goes out of the window.
                            So I'm here to watch and learn.

                            Happy Weekend all


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey there Serenitytobe,

                              Welcome! Glad you are here with us, this nest is quite'll see! Congrats on your 6 AF days, that's terrific Each day gets better, I promise!
                              We probably can all relate to your making a spectacle of yourself at a family event............that's why we're all here. No judging, just a lot of understanding. My last performance was Christmas Eve - never, ever again!! Check in with us every day, let us know how you're doing!

                              Wishing you the best!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thank you Lavande, i appriciate your support x

