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    new here

    Hi, newbie here.

    Nice bunch of people here. Refreshing approach.

    Little story: years ago I talked to a doctor about my consumption of alcohol. I cannot describe the look of utter contempt and disgust that came over her face. In an instant, I was sitting in front of someone who was shaming me. I was a "user" and had to get "clean". End of discussion. I'll never forget how bad that made me feel. I think how different that meeting could have gone, if she had been like Dr. Garcia.

    Anyway, look forward to talking with you all.

    new here


    Welcome CatBusiness
    We are glad to have you. Its sad that you were met with such contempt when you had obviously been reaching out for help. That is truly sad and I am sorry to hear that such a person is practicing medicine. Who knows how many other people were made to feel the same way and will never find this program or turn for help again? Its hard enough to sek help...
    Anyways, that aside, welcome welcome welcome.
    You have come to a great place. Feel free to ask any questions. I would suggest that if you haven't already done so, download the book and read the forum/posts - there is a ton of info here. We are here!
    Over 4 months AF :h

