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    Positive thoughts coming your way mama bear :l Glad to hear you feeling better :h
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.



      I use whatever box is in the drawer - my never ending question is what color should my hair be this month? It's as close to my natural medium brown as I can get, but the 'highlights' are courtesy of mother nature!

      This thread is a good one. I've led a double life all my life. I have never told people the REAL truth. When I've tried, they simply don't believe me - even when I've been in trouble - they've acted like it was some 'abberation' - like it would never happen again. So, I gave up on trying to tell anyone anything.

      They'd simply comment on my bad behavior when it was bad, and talk about how "fun" I was when my habits suit people. When I don't drink, I am told I'm being too quiet or too boring. . . . .so, I am glad this forum is here. It's saving my life.



        Thanks Panno!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          MY NEW FAMILY

          Funny Girl;813140 wrote: When I don't drink, I am told I'm being too quiet or too boring. . . . .so, I am glad this forum is here. It's saving my life.
          I have heard that so many times FG - I am coming to the decision if a friend supports me they are true friends any other can now walk the other way
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            MY NEW FAMILY

            Spuddleduck, I totally agree with you. This feels like family to me, too. I've never found a place where people actually understand me, support and love me. It's so awesome! I'm here for you anytime you need someone to talk to. Love you!
            I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
            but I'm sure not who I used to be!

            There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



              MY NEW FAMILY

              Funny Girl;813140 wrote: I use whatever box is in the drawer - my never ending question is what color should my hair be this month? It's as close to my natural medium brown as I can get, but the 'highlights' are courtesy of mother nature!

              This thread is a good one. I've led a double life all my life. I have never told people the REAL truth. When I've tried, they simply don't believe me - even when I've been in trouble - they've acted like it was some 'abberation' - like it would never happen again. So, I gave up on trying to tell anyone anything.

              They'd simply comment on my bad behavior when it was bad, and talk about how "fun" I was when my habits suit people. When I don't drink, I am told I'm being too quiet or too boring. . . . .so, I am glad this forum is here. It's saving my life.
              yep FG. seems to be the way for a lot of us. i think people have a pre concieved idea or something. some peeps think im great when im at a tiddly stage. oh such fun, life and soul etc etc... but when the real shitty hell of living with AL comes out there is no one to understand. even good friends have walked away (yes i will still call them good friends. this thing is so alien to them that it must be difficult to understand, and to be honest i probably havent soberly explained how i feel). anyway were here now and its so good to realize we are not alone in this.. people are just gonna have to get used to the new improved me (i do hope thats who im going to be)
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                MY NEW FAMILY

                "New & Improved" - that's good - that's the way I'll try to start thinking of myself! Thanks!


                  MY NEW FAMILY

                  Hey Guys - Just wanted to add that I was describing myself this morning to a good friend and said that probably i would appear boring now... we then looked up the definition of boring which was UNINTERESTING

                  Im sure you will all agree that there is nothing more uninteresting that someone propping up the bar slurring and repeating themselves as they get louder and louder... How interesting is it to have long conversations which the next day we remember nothing of? How about the interesting way we behave that leaves us embarassed and mortified.

                  Could it not be that now we can hold an intelligent conversation, be articulate, clear headed and focused that we might just be a bit more interesting?

                  "NEW & IMPROVED" is the perfect description
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    MY NEW FAMILY

                    I'm only 5 ft 5", (skinny, size 8) with red hair.. my family come from wales and scotland!

                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      MY NEW FAMILY

                      Having a MWO "Family" is huge. Especially if you are lucky enough to start out with a particular group and make your journey together. I'm here to tell you its really great. Best of luck.

