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Will I get sick this weekend?

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    Will I get sick this weekend?

    On day 2 AF and I have been reading everything I can get my hands on and now I'm scared to death about withdrawal on day 3 or 4 as everything says this is when DTs may kick in. Is this what I'm in for? It will fall on a Saturday or Sunday when I won't be able to reach my doctor easily. I think I may be freaking myself out with worst case scenario, but I don't know. Any advice? I've been fine until now. Thanks in advance!

    Will I get sick this weekend?

    I think everyone's reactions will be different. I was like you and read everything I could about quitting and what to expect.

    I stopped cold turkey after drinking for 20plus years to excess, and did not have anything at all happen.....not even the mildest of shakes.

    I did notice some positive effects however, as has everyone Ive heard, so whatever bad things you have to suffer through, just know it will get better, and you will be happier!

    Welcome to the club :welcome:
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      Will I get sick this weekend?

      hi wine it depends on how much and how long you ve drank, remember your taking something away from the body that its use to,many b4 and after you have succeeded,i havent been hear for a while but i do wish you well gyco


        Will I get sick this weekend?

        Hi-- I was not super long term but near the end I was up to a bottle of wine a night-- over 6 or so hours-- and no physical stuff with cold turkey for me -- very anxious at first but no shakes or any of that though after my reading I was liek you scared day 3 or 4 would be awful. Good luck!


          Will I get sick this weekend?

          I agree with everyone else. It depends on the individual. I have had no withdrawal symptoms and am on day 18.


            Will I get sick this weekend?

            Same for me, no withdrawals, just rotten hangovers. As soon as I stop drinking, all things get better. 1 and a half to 2 bottles of wine a night. Appreciate everyone is different though....
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Will I get sick this weekend?

              I drank a lot of alcohol nightly for 15 years and the only withdrawals I had other than the desire to drink was the inability to sleep for 5 days. Good luck!
              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                Will I get sick this weekend?

                I was drinking almost a full bottle of wine everynight for 5 years. The only thing I noticed was headache the third day. I guess it depends on how much you drank, and for how long.
                You can always go to the ER at the hospital, if you need to. I believe I'm correct in saying that Valium is prescribed for those going through the throes of serious withdrawal. I'm not recommending it by any means, just throwing it out there, since I don't know what your intake has been.

                Please let us know how you get along.
                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                  Will I get sick this weekend?

                  I drank at least a bottle of wine a night over 3 hours and nada-just insomnia, little shaky the next day, but that was it for me. I have been heavily drinking for 10 years with one year sober somewhere in there!


                    Will I get sick this weekend?

                    Hi Everyone,

                    Thanks so much for the responses - you all very much helped put my mind at ease. It's the morning of Day 4 AF and no terrible withdrawal symptoms other than being so irritable that I need a new word for irritable (plus some insomnia, but I'm used to that as I always wake up in the middle of the night when drinking as well). This morning I actually woke up feeling pretty great - the last few mornings I have been quite foggy, not exactly hung over, but something like it. I'm praying this feeling lasts.

                    Thanks again, friends. This site is a blessing!


                      Will I get sick this weekend?

                      The great feeling has lasted for me and I'm on day 20!


                        Will I get sick this weekend?

                        you really keep me going Fly...thanks x
                        W2W...the mornings really do start to get better, and it's lovely having energy...stick with it xx
                        ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                          Will I get sick this weekend?

                          whew ... I'm relieved to see your at day 4 without major medical problems. I just finished day 2 and am going to be so thankful to get a week down ... where that unknown anxiety of withdrawal complications are behind and I can just focus on the task at hand. Good luck ... keep us posted ... I'm right behind you!
                          Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

                          NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
                          AF - July 31, 2013


                            Will I get sick this weekend?

                            Stick with it Rita! Day 5 AF and feeling great! No withdrawal symptoms other than super-hardcore irritability Day 3 - yesterday was better - and I'm planning on today being even better. Still groggy in the morning but two strong coffees help. I even made it through a barbecue over the weekend. Actually it was the best time I've had at a party in a LONG time! No guilt or fear about what I may have said or done. THIS is the way I want to live my life!


                              Will I get sick this weekend?

                              winetowater;1156611 wrote: I even made it through a barbecue over the weekend. Actually it was the best time I've had at a party in a LONG time! No guilt or fear about what I may have said or done. THIS is the way I want to live my life!
                              I LOVE hearing this! Isn't it the best to not wonder what your said, or wonder if everyone knew how drunk you were?
                              ?A year from now you will wish you had started today.? Karen Lamb

