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    Well today i feel quite stuffed , very tired which of course is due to the inability to take the first step..................

    i will do it , i have a holiday soon and then i will take a break from the terrible life cycle you experience when drinking , you know the one wake up feeling tired,guilty at how much you drank , upset you argued with your partner, grumpy at yourself cause you said to yourself only a couple tonight, bit of a haze a headache , rougish or sluggish till lunch time then start to look forward to wine o`clock then have a drink and all is well again only meaning to have a `couple` but a bottle later your thinking what the F%^) i may as well finish the bottle etc ................ then wake up and do it all again what a way to live a life or waste a life

    Just my cup of joe


    Why wait for holiday no time like the present.... I was on the same cycle and broke my cycle on a random Wednesday...... (yes a work day) you can do it, your body and soul will thank you, make the next evening you have a gift to your self just the one night....
    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine



      I quit on a Saturday morning. You can do this no matter what day it is.
      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.



        Stuffed, nice to meet you. Couldnt have put it better myself. Im in the same boat. xx



          Vliven's right. If you're gonna do it - just do it. The day, the date, the events - none of that particularly matters. I did it all the time. In fact I had been thinking that my first AF day ought to be Sunday Oct 7 (to fit in with events at work being finished, events that will involve an abundance of booze). But instead just woke up one morning and promised myself that for that one day i would be AF.

          In fact, if i started on my hols and got through them AF, i would see that as one of the major hurdles of beating this addictive wee b*****d... so much else might be a whole lot easier...

          The time is now - yes, the time is: now.



            thanks for your replys always good for support

            I often look at really healthy people and think what would it be like to feel and look so happy and healthy ! something i intend to find out

