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    Once again - tomorrow - i am committing to a month sober - i have done it before- i can do it. I WANT to do it, I hate this relationship with AL
    I HATE IT!
    I will be sober for a month - cheer me up


    Hi eg-73! I've only been around for 50+ days. I haven't seen you around before. Glad you are here. I tried to quit so many times on my own but just couldn't pull it off. So many times I looked in the mirror and told myself how worthless I was. I sure don't miss that! It wasn't until I stopped lurking here and joined that I started to really make some changes that worked. Check in often and post post post!



      I am tired of this cycle. I am tired of this thing. Feeling guilty .... feeling shifty.... I DO NOT KNOW how to deal with my anxiety... I really do not. And AL is the only way I know. I am desperate

      I am tired



        When I first came here, I started at newbie nest and went back several pages and read forward to the most current. I went to the tool box and looked at things to do to get through difficult times. One of the things that really helped me was a a book recommended here called "Kick the Drink...Easily" by Jason Vale. I downloaded it to my phone and I read some every time I felt like I was slipping. It was an eye opener for me. Do you have the support of your hubby? Do you want to share your story? If so, go to the Newbie Nest and post there. You will be amazed at the support and advice you will get there.



          Hello and welcome eg. I am newly sober again following a relapse following an extended period of sobriety. Some differences this time around is that I am now in outpatient treatment and am taking AA seriously. One thing I have learned from both is that making such pronouncements can be counterproductive. This is a battle that is won by slogging through hard-fought through hard-fought day. Rather than focusing on the 30 days, just focus on each day as it comes and before you know it, your 30 days will be done.

          I too, used alcohol as a tranquilizer to ease my anxiety. It works great until you build up a tolerance and have to drink more and more to alleviate your anxiety, leading to a vicious cycle. I personally am not averse to medication and the psychiatric route - they can give you stuff to help with the anxiety. If that is not your style, perhaps you might want to choose talk therapy or even just attending AA or Rational Recovery meetings to talk things through with others. One thing I do know, though. Continuing to use alcohol as a tranquilizer is not going to ease your anxiety.
          In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased



            Welcome Eg, you've come to the right place. Good advice above. Quitting is a moment by moment experience. My only advice is to try to 'watch' your cravings from your deeper self rather than react to them in a normal knee jerk reaction. If you find yourself saying "Oh, that was a real strong urge..." or "I am feeling like drinking right now" in your head, you are on the right track. We can't stop our thoughts but we choose whether we react to them. That is the one thing I learned that made a huge difference in my success so far.

            Stay close and keep posting, even if you drink. That is Key.
            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."



              How are you doing EG? Let us know! :l
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

