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1st day being a good boy

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    1st day being a good boy

    hey this is so cool. i just got up and showered (gettin ready for work) and thought id check out this thread and already im inspired to continue being a good boy lol. usually around this time im thinking about what time i can get to the liquor store, now that thought is all but difused. awesome...
    beatle: yeah i think your right about the detox thing. i mean i wanna clean up and my addict hates that too, but i think its my spirit that doesnt wanna go to detox. detox is pretty good for breaking ones soul and destroying any self esteem i have =-(. so yes i know what i need to do, i think i can do it here with you guys! I will definately start taking the suppliments, next paycheque that is (spent most of my last cheque on drugs and alcohol)
    rachel 28: yes, i have had some hard drug addictions, but i seem to be better at kicking those than the booze. it always starts with the booze. I hope to get to know you well too! this is neat its like an international 24/7 support group. I dont even have to leave my own home to find fellow non drinkers! cool stuff. Edmonton as robert smith said is in western canada. the geography here is flat, flat flat. if i go west 400 km though i hit the rocky mountains. if i go north from her about 500km i would be in the second largest oil deposit on earth (im an apprentice pipefitter in the oilpatch) so theres lots o work here!
    janice': thanks and im very glad to be here.
    pisces, kitty : thanks for the warm welcome
    id write more guys but im gonna be late for work already haha! not that late but atleast i wont show up hung over =-)
    k talk to yall later


      1st day being a good boy

      Hi Ghostman,

      I'm a bit late with the welcome because i've had a busy weekend and couldn't get on here ...... This will become your new addiction .... I had the shakes this morning with withdrawal from it, but i'm better now LOL

      Well done for your progress so far, and yes you WILL make loads of new friends here ....

      Love & Huys, BB xx


        1st day being a good boy

        Welcome Ghostman!!

        Yes, please keep reading and pondering what you read.

        Everyone on this website has chosen to try to overcome their addiction in one way or another.

        Just wanted to add one little thing. Remember, just because you have an addiction, doesn't mean you are "bad" -- opposite of first day being "good."

        I always remind my dear husband that some of the nicest people I know are alcoholics, and he kisses me and agrees.

        Best of luck and know you are definitely NOT alone!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          1st day being a good boy

          lol robert im just coming, ill b a few hrs !!!!
          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


            1st day being a good boy

            ghostman, i know u gone to work, but how come drugs r easier to kick, i have always had a habbit but if i cant get any , ill sweat an moan but getover it, bloody beer tho its a demon, nicely packaged an disguised on the shelf in the shops , drugs i supose u got to get of your arse an look 4, i think i just answered my own question,!!!! well done for not havin a hangover, an just keep walkin past the shop, later xxxx
            :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


              1st day being a good boy

              betty, i hope u r ok mate, im feelin lousy 2day as well, im off up the ladder 2 do my windows sun has come out, i been puttin it off 4 hrs, i been a good ish girl 2day, just been really lazy,well its my day off!!! i just read your post again, lol computer withdrawels, !!!!!
              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                1st day being a good boy

                Ghostman, :welcome:

                Nice to meet you!

                I hope you stick around and make some new friends here.

                Wishing much luck and health.

                :h :h :h :h


                  1st day being a good boy

                  Hello Ghostman!

                  Hello to you Kyle from Miss CDJ in the UK! :welcome: Like you I have just joined MYO and have also had my first day in a few weeks without a drink, hurray!! It's great that you're taking control of your situation, this seems such a helpful and friendly site. I am a bottle or two of wine a day girl and have found it hard to quit without any support but feel AA is too religious for me... are you further on with the book? Am ordering it tonight and am going to try the supps. Keep up the good work and keep in touch! -Miss CDJ


                    1st day being a good boy

                    Good morning Ghostman

                    Hi Kyle & welcome. No problem you'll meet loads of folk here from just about all over. Bedtime here in Switzerland, and I've just finished day 2 without 2 bottles of wine. The evenings are so taken up with reading all the posts - some are a scream. Cheers - luc.
                    Gonnabee not Wannabee


                      1st day being a good boy

                      Hi Ghostman, A relative of mine was the mayor of a little town near you...I know right where you are.... ..Welcome and glad to see a fellow Canadian. There are more of us on here. This is a good website, I hope you stay with us....Buffy


                        1st day being a good boy

                        Hi Ghostman and wlcome to mwo,
                        i think it will help you
                        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                        Marilyn Monroe


                          1st day being a good boy

                          Hi Ghostman, welcome. Just a wee hello from the Highlands. Look forward to hearing all about you.

                          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                            1st day being a good boy

                            hi a ghostman , have a good day at work, hope u kept walkin past the store, i did better than usual, ish! an i rang dr, weds i go, on maybe scare myself shitless into doin some thing about it, xx i hope so just realised its 1 am an i just had last beer, shit, i did really well intl 7 an after that 1st, well u know, wed tho im gonna b honest , do i mention anphetamines an es , i have not took any 4 5 weks, its jus the booze thats a problem, untill i give it up an ill b on the wizz again probably, or maybe just internet addict!!!! xx
                            :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                              1st day being a good boy

                              Welcome ghostman,

                              glad to hear you felt so up when you left for work. Hope you had a great day and hope to see you posting soon.

                              it's great to see younger people dealing with their alcohol problems. A lot of us oldies wish we had done it sooner.



                                1st day being a good boy

                                im totally with u on wht ur saying lad my own son is 20 and using alchohol as an excuse to getting him through his college work hes off to uni in sept though going in aug hes my only son and hes doing the same thing as i did all those yrs ago (drink to sort probs out) im still there but learning to curb it just get ur head around it and dont give in stress is a major factor in drink and drugs take one hour at a time not one day and see how u go keep busy in the stuff u like doing and keep posting here all the time i dont but when ever i have a prob in my life i know i will get support on mwo no matter what xxxxxxx

