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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi everyone. This is really hard for me but I have decided to use every tool possible. I drink too much and I need to stop. For me. For my kids. I started on 25 mg of topa last week and nothing. So I think I will up it today. This is one really long thread! I am impressed by all of you and all you have been through. My dh is out of town and that is a big risk factor for me to drink too much after the kids are maybe I will try to be accountable here for that. He comes back tomorrow, so just tonight to be in control. wish me luck!


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Very quick reply as I am getting ready for work - welcome mommy - do not become discouraged if the Topa does nothing for you at such a low dosage - it took me a much higher dosage for it to 'work' for me. Stay with us - lots of support on this thread and lovely to have you here......

      Shu - you can get L-Glut in tabs or in powder - I think the powder is best - I either have it in my mucky drink or in an inch of water - the powder you get where they sell body building powders and stuff. I bought a smaller container and it was about $24.00. But I (for me anyway) think the powder is better and gets absorbed by the body faster.

      need to get ready for work - back later,

      Hugs, sun
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Shu - I did a quick search on the forums of this site for advice on lglut. I bought the capsules they sell on this site and take about 30 minutes before my cravings start. I might add a dose earlier in the day too.

        Mommy - know how you feel! I have a 2 and 4 year old and I panic sometimes when my SO is not home because I wonder how I would get anywhere in an emergency. I always look at my neighbors house who I think knows enough about my drinking (but likely not full extent). It is such a terrible feeling. I am down I enough in my drinking though that I think I would be ok. So you are on 25 mg topa. Anything else? I did find the topa with supps too most helpful. Just my opinion.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi All. Just a quick pop in. Hey Houtx great to see you here!!

          And welcome to all the new folks. I haven't posted much lately - been a little busy, but must report that for me the higher doses of Topamax have been a miracle. It's the only thing that has made this THE QUIT. And I tried Naltrexone (like you Houtx) and although it did what it was supposed to do, I soon stopped taking it, and continued to drink.

          The Topamax does have much more severe side effects that I expected even though I read the book. I call it the Topa-Coma, and I don't know if I would have been able to go to work while taking it. But as I said it was the only thing that stopped me even wanting to drink - and it happened when I went up to .50 twice a day. I'm waiting for a shipment now and I'm out, but today is day 31 for me and I'm over the worst part so I'm ok to wait a while.

          Anyway, just wanted to stop in and say hi. The posts move so fast it's hard to keep up! God bless everyone and have a great day.
          Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
          (quote from Bean )

          Goal: Survival


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Everyone, welcome Shu and Mommy, just a quick check in for me, we are meeting with the doctors on Monday to find out the test results and go from there. I'm holding up well, I have many thoughts to share but am just too tired tonight. I think tomorrow I will have a few minutes to myself and can catch up with all of you. It's so wonderful to know that you all are here, it helps me immensely.
            Goodnight for now, talk tomorrow.

            Much Love, play


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Thank you for the welcome. I went up to 75 today. I don't plan to drink. Yeah. Really too tired From poor sleep last night. Maybe a cup of tea.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Mommy - are you titrating up by the schedule in the book? I am just curious - I found it much better to take it slowly rather than rush it as that way, any SE's seem to not be as bad. if you do get SE's, slow down the titrating up. Good for you though with planning not to drink this evening!

                Hi Play, Lady and Midnight - just a hi from me for now - I am cold and tired and will post more tomorrow.

                Hugs to all,

                love, Sun X
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi Mommy - I hope you had a good night. We need to do it for ourselves, not for our partners, our kids, our our cats...or it just doesn't work. I had a day with some bad news and some drinks but didn't get blotto - but wish I hadn't drunk at all. But the old me would not have been able to type this, so I guess that is progress. Take care of you. S


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi. I'm new here, but am on my 3rd week on the program and up to 75 of Topa. MWOLady, you said you were feeling stoned by the aminos. Can you explain. I'm not feeling many side effects from the Topa except really mild tingling and a couple of missed words a day....but I'm REALLY tired. Is it Topa? Is it detoxing? Is it aminos.

                    I also wanted to add some of my experience to all those who are saying that the Topa is not kicking in for them and they are still drinking. Hang in there and know that everyone is different. It will all come together for you in time.

                    Also, if you are not doing the entire program, I recommend doing so. I got my Topa about a week before my hypno cds and my Kudzu Rescue came from the My Way Out online store...I was using Nature's Way Kudzu which is a much lower dose. That first week, I was still drinking. Once I had all the pieces in place, not drinking was hard, but wasn't any harder than anything longer a primal need. Keep with the plan and have faith in yourself.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi Mtn - good to see you - re the tiredness - I found when I was in my early days of Topa that I had to time the taking of it very carefully. Early enough in the evening so that I wouldn't still be tired the next day but not too early as to be asleep in the evening. the morning dose didn't seem to be too much of a problem as I took the smaller amount then - but I found it worked out eventually and that side effect wore off quite quickly. I take it now and don't even notice I have taken it. but then have been on it for a LONG time. And yes, the Topa took a long time for it to kick in for me - I always used to envy those for whom it kicked in so fast. So Shu - no worries - it might take weeks - it did for me and it took me getting to a very high dose to the point where I thought it would NEVER kick in, and I continued drinking all that time..... not that I am saying it is right - that is just what I did !!

                      off to work......

                      Later everyone,

                      Hugs, Sun X
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi All,
                        I have some down time right now so I'm going to try to catch up with everyone. First of all, welcome again, Shu and Mommy, I'm really happy some people are still giving Topa a try because I think sometimes for some people it can really be a godsend and worth a try.

                        Shu, you were talking about boredom being a factor in your drinking and I remember back when I was drinking heavily that I had totally lost interest in everything that used to give me pleasure, just taking a walk outside, going to the bookstore, going for a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper, browsing in the library, window shopping, and instead all I did was rush home from work and start drinking and on weekends I just stayed home and drank. When I found myself cutting down at first it did seem like I didn't know what to do, but then I found myself experiencing those old feelings of joy in the simple things that I had always enjoyed before. I do know that the evenings are the most difficult time for me and actually going to bed early isn't that bad, especially for me at my age. So, I hope as you start to experience the joy of your life not being dictated by alcohol the boredom will become less of a factor.

                        Sun, Oh My Gosh, Wednesday was your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

                        Shu, I also wanted to mention that I found some hypnotherapy tapes other than the ones on MYO that I really loved bye Wendi Frissen, "Alcohol Freedom", she has a very similar philosophy regarding AA that you talked about, look her up on the internet, or, don't know which., they helped me tremendously. And Shu, don't worry, we all have some slips.

                        Mommy, don't be discouraged by not having good effect from the Topa at a low dose, just increase according to the schedule and it will help at some point.

                        Hi Lady, it's so nice to see that you are do so so well, I'm really happy for you, I missed you, like it when you post. I'm curious about how long your serious side effects were lasting.

                        Right now I am only taking 25mg of Topa per day in the evening and just as you said Sun, I haven't had any ill effects from going off it. I have a supply at home but didn't have access to it before coming on this trip so in a few days I will be off it completely. I plan to go on again when I return home. So far the craving has not returned. Even if it does return I am going to use some of that "non-existent" willpower of mine for a change, because I'm not going backward.

                        As for me, I'm holding up pretty well here, alcohol isn't even on my mind which is a blessing. Every evening my son-in-law pours us both about a 3 oz glass of wine with dinner and that is that. It is as I said such a blessing to be able to be here and not be totally dominated by thoughts of drinking and trying to hide it as I have done for years, this is a freedom that I have not felt in years and years. I am never going back to that HELL of a life. Sun, Houtx, Midnight, Lady, and everyone else, just keep "butting" in if you see me starting to slip up.

                        See you girls tomorrow.
                        love and hugs,


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Thank you Shushu. I hope your news was not too bad. We do need to do it for ourselves, but I look at my 5 yo and it makes me think that I can really do this. I am an older mom, so I need my energy and to stay healthy for her. And I have not ordered the book, stupid reason, I don't want my dh to know I am doing this. He sees all my orders and bills. A little controlling? I was actually recently offered topa ax for a different medical reason and I jumped on the opportunity. Nerve damage from surgery. Well, dh returns today and I need to clean the house lol. That will keep me busy.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi all - I am just checking in! Have not read the posts in many days but will soon. I am so exhausted and we all are!! My college-age children about to move in w/ me...lots to get done!

                            I look forward to responding to some posts and catching up soon!!


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi All - and Thanks for all your caring advice. Now that I'm up to 50 mg, I do notice the cravings down after I take it - but the morning and afternoon are still hard. Really glad for Play. Good night. S


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Come to think of it, for me to be sober at 1 am on a Friday evening is somewhat remarkable!

