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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Ok Kitten query cleared up, I thought it was someones photo of there own cat and was wondering why it was on a tv show here


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Ive never heard of a 5th wheel and Im not sure hwat a travel trailer is either, is it a caravan or just a little trailer thing you put things in? I would definately want to be in with the purchase of the caravan, not sure Id care about the other tho. but thats not the point is it, the point is Mimi that your upset by his behaviour and he doesnt seem to either care or notice that it bothers you. Youve been together a long time, was your relationship good at one point and then started going bad when all the bad things happened or was it just tolerable until then.

      I would love to join the sharing club but would feel guilty as I dont think I have much to share.

      I am still so tired today, I didnt get up until nearly 1pm and have been fighting the urge to go back to bed to sleep since then. I dont know what to do about this but its getting worse.

      Im out of L glut not sure whether to order more or what.

      edit: I have just ordered L Glut, I also got some DL Pheylalanine which is supposed to be a good combination with the L Glut, and some protein shake powder, the site I found is a body builders site and all three things plus postage cost ?19.92. The last time I bought L Glut alone it cost around ?17 from Amazon, so its a bargain if its ok


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Oh, Space, I'm concerned about you, is this depression around the chronic pain? medications? the pain I would imagine, well for now, I think you just have to do what you can do. And about the Club, no one needs to be left out just because they don't have something to share, we are here for each other and think of it like this: if you need something from a library, you just get a card and check out what you need. So, here you are already a member, you just pick what you want from the list. I invision the list being made up of :

        1) things that can be given away, such as CDs that we can burn from an original and I have plenty
        2) things that can be given away because we don't need them anymore
        3) things that can be borrowed for awhile and passed along to another person to borrow and so on.
        4) things that can be borrowed from the owner for a certain length of time and sent back such as books, movies, anything that can't be copied, and probably other things.

        Alot of resources out there are really expensive and we don't have the option to buy them all especially with what we have to pay for our medications and supplements, so it seems really logical to share what we do have in order to save money for all of us.

        I'm going to make a list of resources that I have on hand: things that I can burn and give away and things that can be borrowed and passed along. Anyone else that has something to share can do the same but this is by no means limited to only people who have something to share and if you are new here please feel free to join in. I will be able to start sharing when I get back home on the 27th of June and this week I will start posting my list.

        I'm pretty excited about this and also hearing about our thoughts and experiences as we use these new resources.

        Space, I'm going to pick some things for you that I think you might like and send them along to you if you will send me your address, or pick things off my list.

        Mimi, wow, a 5th wheeler is great, but I can't imagine my husband just buying it without telling me, what if I didn't think it was such a good idea or something, you must feel just very left out of that kind of a relationship, I'm sorry for that.

        Love to everyone,


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi Play, my depression is just about that, my depression and nothing triggers it, makes it better or worse it just is. My back pain makes things harder for me as I havent been able to do anything for weeks now. The tiredness seems to come along as well for no reason, it just does.

          Wow I just googled a 5th wheel, it is like a caravan thing and I would have liked to be in with the picking it, but maybe he thought it was a lovely present, if he did you cant really knock him for that. Maybe thats his way of showing love is by buying you things Mimi, it sounds like hes not good with emotions otherwise so this is his way of letting you know he is thinking and caring about you.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            That is a good point Space, and I'm sure that is probably the only way that Mimi's husband really is able to show his love. Most people who are very closed off emotionally do buy things as a way of showing love, it does really put partners at great disadvantages at understanding what the other person is showing especially when they show love in totally different ways, my take on that, I think couples counseling would be a great way to go but Mimi said her husband would never agree to do it no matter what, that is such a shame, it can really open lines of communication.



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              OH NO!!!! Can't believe I did that - I had just written the best post ever! It really was the best post that you would ever have seen - anyway I went to make sure Diz hadn't posted 'cos I was asking where she was and when I went and did that I left this post and it went!!! I tried going back but it had gone - POOF! Just gone! Oh me! just gone....... I thought I had opened a new tab but obviously I hadn't. Dear me! oh darn it. I had been so witty, so eloquent, so clever in all my responses - you really will never see another post like it from me! there is no way I can ever duplicate it. Or even hope to try to.

              Okay - joking apart - try to recap the high points...
              Space - sorry you are depressed - are you on an AD? I am getting depressed - can feel it coming on. It might be the high dose of Topa so am going down again. The L-Glut and supps help with the Al. Re the not having anything to share - it matters not - I have some stuff and I know play does. It is nice for us to share with you - it is sort of selfish actually as it makes US feel good when we can share......

              I would like to send you all a copy of "getting in the gap" - a meditation CD by Wayne Dyer - a nice one that I like...... if you would all like a copy......

              Play - would really like a copy of that AL hypnosis Cd that you mentioned before - what might I have that you might like? how are we going to know what each of us have that others might like?

              I want to know where Diz is..........

              Oh - need to go - back later or tomorrow......

              Love and hugs, sun XXXX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Yes, where are you Dizz? I think you too weren't feeling good, check in please.

                So, for now I am going to try to remember some of the titles that I have that I can burn very easily and when I get home next sunday I will go thru them and add new ones. I have stuff on just about everything. So, I'm thinking I will just make a list and maybe we might all make a note of the page number that our list is on and then we can go back and add things to it by editing it and others can go there and if they find something they want they can just send a post or PM with details of where to send. It's about the only way I can think to do it. I would be difficult to search back thru all the posts but seems easy to make a note of where we put it, each of us our own, and each of us make a note of each of us each others if that makes sense. If anyone has any other ideas about how to go about it please put it out here , this is just what I have come up with for now.

                Yes, Sun, as soon as I get home, I will burn that CD for you, you will love it, to start with I would like a copy of the Wayne Dyer meditation, I adore him. I will PM you my address and send me yours.

                In fact I would really like to send that particular CD to all of you, I think it is really a good one.

                Ok everyone, talk after while.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Oh BTW SUN, please keep searching for that lost post, I'm not sure if I can make it thru the night without reading it. I'm sure it would bring me the ultimate post reading joy and I might never ever need to read another post if I can just read that one, so please please keep searching.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Dear Space,
                    I was reading back in the posts about the meds you are taking and about your chronic back pain, I guess it flares up at times and then gets a little better, I call that chronic pain.

                    I mentioned awhile back that when I had health insurance I went to a 10 week chronic pain class 3 hours one night a week and found it really helpful. One of the things I liked most was the stretching part of the class. I was always very athletic in my previous life in Colorado before my divorce, then moved to SF to be near my daughters and started a new life. I walk miles a day but have become very stiff since the onset of neuromas (from years of nursing) in my feet and arthritis in my shoulders and hands and hips, and found the stretching to be so refreshing and such a great benefit to me.

                    We did all kinds of other things like meditation, biofeedback, relaxation tapes, positive self talk, it really was a great class. I have a big workbook that we used in class that I would like to send to you and you could maybe keep it for a few months while I am gone to spain and make copies of things in it that you like, or copy the whole thing, or buy it online or whatever, it has alot of good ideas in it. I have found that some exercise every day in the fresh air, even walking, is so beneficial for chronic pain, 15 or 30 minutes a day in the sunshine is all it takes. I don't have a car so I am forced to do alot of walking. I have to be careful because my feet hurt, I wear Dansko shoes all the time, but when I don't walk I can tell that I feel worse. The depression that goes along with chronic pain is the worst part of all as well as the pain of course. Let me know if it sounds like something you might be interested in as part of the "Club".



                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      playland;1319433 wrote: Oh BTW SUN, please keep searching for that lost post, I'm not sure if I can make it thru the night without reading it. I'm sure it would bring me the ultimate post reading joy and I might never ever need to read another post if I can just read that one, so please please keep searching.


                      Do I detect just a teeny tiny touch of sarcasm here??? LOL :H:H Seriously - it was THE BEST POST EVER - absolutely out of this world - just amazing - I am just gutted that it was lost ...... it might have even ended up as a sticky at the top of the page it was so good !!!!
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        OMG, I Do Believe You, I Really Can't Bear It:H:H:H:H


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question



                          I can't






                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Firstly, Dizz is fine, she mostly checks in in the morning as she is on the other side of the world from you guys which means (Sunny..) it’s beginning to feel like Winter and therefore she has been hibernating a bit. I know, you'll just have to bear with me.

                            Secondly she did just wake up at 4AM and decided to catch up on the thread. If no one has told you guys this before, you’re funny! I had to keep stifling my laughs so that I wouldn’t wake up the neighbours.

                            OK, sod the numbers. And where is Wildflowers? Wasnt it she who said this thread was like a lost sunken treasure? I often do that, come here when I first wake up to discover what you guys have written while I've been asleep but this has been THE BEST so far.

                            Everyone was funny, remember that I'm a words person. I don't think someone could have paid people to have been funnier than this.

                            So I didn't log in but I was reading the posts on my (not so) smart phone. It started with Space and the kitten. Can I just please categorically state that RubyWillow used that kitten as her avatar and that Space is not crazy but that we still don’t know whose kitten it is?

                            Space said:

                            "I cant find the pic but I know Ive seen them on here, can anyone remember a little kitten wearing a jumper with its leg in cast, please tell me you do, Im not going mad I showed my son cos it was so cute, whose cat is is. It was the same pic on tv"

                            Then it is was the 5th wheel issue. LOL. Do you know, Sunny
                            , you remind me of Piglet? You come rushing in here as if your life depended on it demanding to know what a 5th wheel is. Now, to be honest I too didn’t know what it was, I foolishly made my mind up that it had to be some sort of spare wheel. Oh d-d-dear.

                            “Ive never heard of a 5th wheel and Im not sure what a travel trailer is either, is it a caravan or just a little trailer thing you put things in? I would definitely want to be in with the purchase of the caravan, not sure Id care about the other tho. but thats not the point is it?”

                            OK sorry, Space
                            , but have you considered a career in comedy? I don’t mean this to lessen Mimi’s feelings but there is that saying of a being the 5th wheel which is meant to mean you’re not needed? I just found it to be funny that he would buy her something that she doesn’t need and that everyone would talk about it in such dry tones.

                            “Wow I just googled a 5th wheel, it is like a caravan thing and I would have liked to be in with the picking it, but maybe he thought it was a lovely present, if he did you cant really knock him for that. Maybe thats his way of showing love is by buying you things Mimi, it sounds like hes not good with emotions otherwise so this is his way of letting you know he is thinking and caring about you.”

                            And then Sunny had of course had to lose ‘The best post ever’ - be still my beating heart. I had to really giggle quietly here, especially as I read she was looking for me. (it just makes it funnier when you know you are part of the comedy act)

                            Then I went to the gardening thread and read what that guy (girl?) said about the worms? I mean, how does one respond to that?

                            OK, I will calm down to a panic this side.

                            (practicing my breathing)

                            , I’m sorry about John. I can relate in some ways. My first big love died in a motorcycle accident and in some ways I never got over that. I know that I romanticize our relationship though, because he is dead, and that if he was alive it would have been easier for me to get over it. Also, I saw him after months on the Friday and we made up, he died on the Saturday on his way to me, on the Monday I heard he was dead and on the Tuesday I found a letter he wrote me in my jean’s pocket. It was very surreal and so is this post, going from hysterical to morbid.

                            Play, as I live on the other side of the world I think it would be best for me to just burn copies of CD’s and DVD’s. I also have some ebooks that I can share. I have quite a variety, my favourites are the ‘Intention experiment’ and ‘What the bleep do we know.’

                            I know we spoke about cruelty to animals but I have difficulty not harming my neighbour’s rooster. I did post about him (it must be male, eh?) on the abstainance thread and Lav said that we do not need roosters. I mean she has hens and sells eggs so I was trying to tell her that I have just never gotten around to liking roosters. It sometimes feels like God put them on this planet just to upset me. Even when I was in rehab there were not one but THREE roosters. And you know what its like when you’re newly sober, its difficult to sleep, and these three roosters were, well, roosting just outside my bedroom window and they would crow from 2AM onwards.

                            Same with this one, he starts at 2 and stop at around 6. At least if he crowed at sunrise he would have some sort of function but no, its just some sort of OCD weirdo thing.

                            Speaking of which, it is nearly 6AM here and (listening) the rooster has indeed stopped crowing so, I think I may just have written the BEST POST EVER. LOL. More like the most rambling half asleep weirdest post ever.

                            My dearest Mimi, I hope you are OK. Please let us know how you are?

                            WTE, WTF are you? You are missing out on some fun times here.

                            , same goes for you girl, in my mind you are still locked up in a hotel room with mister perfect.

                            , how are you? And I liked the way you guys discussed the piano and spanking. My mom only spanked me once but I remember it very clearly because of that. She’s a great mom though but the only thing she did wrong was to make a villain out of my dad. I mean, he is a villain, LOL but to be able to stay so kind she always had to threaten us with him and in retrospect it wasn’t fair.

                            Our geyser is busy packing up, last night when I switched on the bathroom light, water came pouring through where the light fitting was! My brother did climb up in the roof though and fixed it, or at least I think he did.

                            I’m going to try and go back to sleep now.

                            Lots of love to you all, you really did cheer me up.



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hey All … Sorry I’ve been away a bit but I have STILL not had a real flippin day off! And to be honest, not only tired but pissed off so not exactly been in a good frame of mind to write much.

                              Hugs to ALL of you! I wish I had the energy to write each of you right now, but know I have read every word everyone has written. My hugs for the struggles happening and big smiles for those that are so upbeat right now. And I LOVE the idea of sharing . sadly most of what I have is either on my Ipod or my Kindle or a book I could I could mail and lend. I am a Dyer fan as well.

                              Can you all just bare vent rant ????

                              So much going on in my life right now that I feel like I am slipping a bit. GRRR.

                              My neighbor across the road has (had) the two of the sweetest dogs, rot and labs mixes. Last Saturday night (I just found out Wednesday) that the female died from a rattlesnake IN THE BACKYARD. YIKES! They are bad this year and while I never leave Charlie at home alone locked in a yard – I am now walking the area in the morning and afternoons before I let him out for any amount of time if it’s warm as the babies are out and I back right up the hills and canyons. Just a few days ago we encountered a large snake by the fire gate entering the canyon, but it may have been just gopher snake – called him back just in case but it was a good 3 feet plus for sure.

                              Stress with my lead Designer the day after Mother’s Day so after a week solid of work that turned into another work day and then was back on again Monday thru Friday after that so that made it 13 days in a row. I’m tired!

                              So today I was supposed to be kayaking all day. I also teach kayaking and had agreed with our group (who I try to meet with weekly) to take on two newbies just so they could be a part of our group. Yesterday at the shop just ran out of control with crazy orders, and last minute orders (and great sales!) but it left my Senior Designer (who was off yesterday) with a semi-large number of corsages and bouts to finish today for prom before 1 PM this morning. So I called her to give her heads up. UGH.

                              She drinks ..need I say more? Never at work, but oh my, she can be a piece of work if I catch her at the wrong moment at home. She was pissed off, she can be nasty and moody at work, and the chit hit the fan and I got hung up on. I ended up staying at the shop until 8 PM last night (we close at 530) setting things up for her and finally said to hell with it – I’m working it. I just KNEW the other staff was going to get the wrath of her for the day if I was not there to run interference.

                              And so I came home late with my sick dog and late for his meds, pissed off, pissed that I had to cancel my 2 students for kayaking and wrote her an email saying I was coming in. AND she was NOT to come in early – that I dictated her hours - not her! Oh my! Getting pissed off again just typing this! HA! HA!

                              Got up crack o’ dawn again and headed to the flower mart and then to the shop and started in on the daily orders. Flip – WHY an I paying someone so much damn money when I can’t get a friggin day off let alone a vacation???? Smoke was coming out of my ears. To give her credit – she DID write me an email in the AM saying “ please don’t change your plans”. I typed in caps I was already dressed and headed to the mart. HA!

                              I am a very calm and patient boss and will jump through hoops for my Team. I will work my ass for to cover them for anything they need. I pay the highest wages in Southern CA in this industry. I think the problem this this person is that we have worked together for 8 years, over that time have been friends and now she almost treats me like her husband – which is pretty disrespectful.

                              Anyways – she shows up at exactly at 900 AM al chipper and jumps in and I know she is regretting all that she said on the phone n her “martini state” … again. *sigh* But I can’t keep on doing this or doing it to my staff. Something has to break soon.

                              So I finally left the shop today at 230 and it is a 3.5 glass day (over limit again) and yesterday was a 5 glass day (way over limit). Pissed at myself. Third day at 50/100 but pretty sure I forgot my Topa last night as I was SO tired when I finally got home and got Charlie fed and got his medication in him – the poor thing!

                              Saga Two: Feel free to skip to the next post as I can bore anyone to death with my rant! HA!

                              Remember “My Buddy” Guy wish I could be with but can’t and now has new GF? Guy I spent all the time/money in helping him get the new Golden rescue the day after Valentine’s? Did I tell you guys about that part of the story? That he transported her back to AZ in my Jaguar and was going to sell it for me – so it was a win-win?

                              Yeah well … the plot thickens.

                              “Buddy” owes me a boatload of money. Yep – dumb on my part, but sounded right at the time and this certain situation goes back 7 years ago. “Buddy” never seems to EVER have his act together with money which is the main reason I can’t be with him – he makes me NUTSO.

                              So, a year or so ago, I was selling my Town & Country and he offered to sell it for me. I hate selling cars because I live in the boons and don’t want weird guys coming up here and test driving it and do I go with them? Or they drive off with it or what?? So he said he would clean it up, I said I want $XXX out of it, and he said any extra minus what he outs into it would go to “the debt”. Deal. So he sold it. I got the money I said I wanted for it – but nothing towards the debt. Soft heart I am (I need training here girls! TOO soft of a heart!) I just let it go. I know he struggles and so I said nothing.

                              Now the Jaguar. Same deal. When I bought my new Jeep Grand the dealer offered me $AXXX. I knew it was worth a lot more so I passed. Carl agreed to sell it and we agreed what a great idea in adopting Gigi and he could take Gigi (dog) back in it and sell it for much more and I said give me $BXXX and he agreed anything more and it it would go to the “debt”. DEAL! I was just trying to be nice and try and help the guy get rid of what he owed me! FLIP!

                              So I get a call this week from him .. I joke.. “Tell me someone bought the Jag as a Mother’s Day gift!” He says “I have the cash in my drawer!” YES! How much did you sell it for??? Drum roll …..

                              LESS THAN $AXXX … Because he SOLD IT TO HIS GIRLFRIEND and “you can’t make money off your friends”

                              If it was possible to choke people through the phone I would be in jail. This is a high performance, classic V-8 Jag thathe sold for $1000s under the Blue Book. Not only did he screw me for what I wanted minimum out of it as a gesture to frigging HELP HIM but no money towards the debt.

                              I was literally almost speechless. All I could say was, “ You sold my Jag to your GF? Really? For $AXXX? Really? OK. Umm I have to go.”

                              The funds showed up in my bank account the next day. We have not spoken. He has sent me a few emails with silly pictures of Gigi and some silly political stuff (we debate Obama & Romney) but I have not replied to any. I am speechless. What happened to the man I used to know for almost 20 years go?

                              OK. Rant over. Thanks for letting me get it off my chest. Sometime just feels go to put n in black and white. Must say the “buddy” thing kept me awake the 1st night and now I guess I am getting used to the idea, just like him and the new GF.

                              OK – Tomorrow is a NEW DAY and the damn shop is CLOSED HA! I am OFF. And if everything has not died in my garden by now I may try to get it watered. LOL

                              Hugs to all and promise to check in tomorrow. I need all of you and your energy to stay on my path!

                              With tons of love from Chuck & WTE


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                FYI a 5th wheel is basically a RV. It's an RV that hooks onto your truck hence the name 5th wheel. You tow it around so think camper without an engine. They have basic ones to high end ones that are nicer than most apartments. Of course you need a big truck to have one.
                                Me, if I am out camping I either tent it or use the back of my truck since I have a topper and can make it like a bedroom.

