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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi LJ - I get the new Chapter Rhodiola 300 - I have no idea what mg it is but I have found that is the best one to get. I start, if I haven't been taking it, with two tabs three times a day then the next day go down to two tabs two times a day and one tab the same day then the next day two tabs once a day and one tab twice a day - ending in one tab three times a day. IF any of that makes sense !! LOL !!! The new Chapter 300 is more expensive but seems to be better. It is very subtle - but definitely takes the edge off. Oh - and I stopped taking the magnesium 'cos of the size of the tabs. I couldn't do them !! I was also taking Calcium Citrate and stopped those too for the same reason.

    LJ - I stopped smoking for about 20 years and started again - so join the club !!! I really like the Carr books for some reason and when I do read them they work.

    Hugs, Sun XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question


      yes, give me this week to recuperate and let's restart where we left off.

      I didn't look back to read how the Antabuse experiment went.... How did it go? What about for play?

      I drank more days when he was over... He's got a really bad temper so he will need to be medicated on Zoloft or something if he's to stay w me. Otherwise I'll go back drinking like I did before!

      But now he is gone, I'm back to stress free mostly and will soon resume my diet and exercise and staying AF as long as I can. That's my plan!

      Hi, LJ,
      nice to meet you too! If rhodiola helps w stress, I'll take it! Where do you get it from?
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question


        I bought it before to help me concentrate when I am writing, but apparently it is good for stress (although I haven't taken it much yet to really know how effective it is).

        I am sure you would be able to find it at any health store, but it looks like Vita Cost carries it if you prefer ordering online:

        Rhodiola Rosea - Herbs - Vitacost

        Here is some info about it's "magicalness":

        Rhodiola Benefits & Information


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hey Space,
          Could you please PM me your address again, I've misplaced it, I'm ready to send your little Xmas present, you will laugh so hard when you get it:H:H

          Love you, xoxo


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi all

            Looks like the elves have been busy while I was asleep (which fairytale is that where the elves help the shoemaker mend the shoes?) and I'm busy and stressed so I'm going to reply to what I can today. Its just visa visa visa and then I also have an assignment that I have to hand in today. I almost have all the documents ready but whenever I start working on it, I start stressing and then I can't focus on anything else, so I'm trying to first finish my work today, then I have a day and a half to tie up any loose ends.

            Space, I think you should read the Mood Cure. I'm not in the camp that bipolar can be fixed through diet but I think that it can help a lot. I think its great that one of your meds have clicked the 'off' button, wish we knew for sure that it would help more people, but I wish we could get you to feel better now as well. Are any of your meds making you sleepy - in other words 'keeping you down' perhaps there can be a discussion on the dosage there? Otherwise I do think diet and exercise can help but I know that this is worthless noise to your ears on days you just want to lie in bed and watch movies.

            A banana is good but you need some protein with that, you need to eat some cheese, yogurt, or eggs every morning as this will sustain you for much longer.

            Sun, how cool that you saw someone with the book. Its not a cure all but I always keep it around as a reference as it contains a huge amount of information for people like us who sometimes question doctors. It does talk about diet and supplements but it also gives you all these other possible scenarios of what can be affecting your moods and what can help and sometimes the solution is simple. You don't have to do the questionnaires and I very much doubt you will tick all the symptoms anyway.

            You *can* do the two a night, now you must just work on the *wanting* to do it every day or at least every weeksday. I mean as in preventative, take the L-glut beforehand as you're not going to feel like taking it after your first can.

            Hi Ally, welcome back. :l My dad is just as tricky and he's only 66 this year! My therapist once said if I want a hope in hell to stop drinking I'd remove myself from my family situation as caring for elderly parents can sometimes be very tricky. Whats going to happen with your dad now, is it perhaps time for him to move in with a care community or is he still healthy enough to live on his own? How are things with your husband?

            Oh and everyone, jeez, I agree with all the pills thing. I sometimes have like 6 on the go and then I just run out and throw my shoulders up. Usually I can't feel the difference. Now because of the insulin resistance I'm taking a multivitamin plus some chromium and magnesium. I did have lots of other stuff but now I'm eating veggies and sprouts with every meal so that I can get in my vitamins the natural way.

            - no drive throughs allowed, we miss you.

            , thats good of your friend to be understanding. I recently had a coffee date with 4 girlfriend turn into a wine date so now I try to stick to breakfasts or I go someplace like Starbucks where wine isn't on the menu. Whats great about a breakfast as a freelancer who works from home is it gets you out of bed early, puts you in a good mood, and then you still have the rest of the day ahead of you. Well perhaps you get up early anyway but sometimes even when I'm working I still find myself in my PJs at 3PM :H

            Wow, you're so talented with your picture and then you write as well. Did you write in your job or which one do you usually focus on? Sorry if you already said, there is so much happening on the thread its hard to keep up.

            And yes, the insulin does cause hangovers sometimes on its own and worse hangovers when drinking a lot as drinking then causes severe hypoglycemia. If you have type I diabetes you can actually go into a 'sugar coma' after a few drinks as in pass out and possibly die if you don't get the right medical attention. I'm not that bad but drinking is bad for me even though it is sometimes the only thing that makes me feel better. I don't mind sharing my experiences, its therapeutic for me too and I remember how happy *I* was when I first found this thread.

            Hi ho hi ho, and off to work I go



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              LJ: thanks! I'll go order mine.

              Dr. Dizzy
              : you certainly know a whole lot about stuff! So nice to read your experiences. I keep buying herbal supps and a lot of them don't seem to work, but some do. I hope you get your assignment in. I'm the same way, if there's a deadline I can't focus on much else.

              I've started to read the Allen Carr book people here talk about. He sounds arrogant and annoying at times but he definitely has some good points.

              Hi, everyone else. Instead of catching up using my iPhone I'll just try to catch up from this point on....
              Alcoholic (or Ally)

              "Only a fool knows everything.
              A wise man knows how little he knows."

              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                LJ I cant believe youve read my thread, a few people have told me they have read it but I have never been able to myself, its a long time since I saw it and I have kind of forgotten all about it. I have just looked through the magicalness of rodolia and find it hard to believe all its claims but I will try it anyway. I also used to take lots of supps but got fed up with the massive amounts of tablets so have just been taking a multivit lately, a thing I have noticed about that ho is that I keep it on my table where I sit so its easy to take whereas the loads of bottles where in a cupboard and easy to forget about so I will keep my rhodiola on the table too. Im really happy you have joined us on here I dont think there is another such friendly and caring place to be.

                Play I will pm you my address but I am still waiting for tommorrow when you promised you would post and tell us all about the family week. Also how is this week going, I think you said you took the AB again on Monday, well done for remaking that decision, I was a bit worried that with taking a break so early on it would be harder to get back onto for you.

                Hey Sun hows it going with the l glut, just think all you have to do is get it down your throat and you then reap the benifits that you know you get.

                I am thinking of you Dizzy and hope today is going well for you, I know you have a lot of stress right now with the visa thing and dont understand any reason why you should have a problem with it, it really doesnt seem fair that you get so much hastle for wanting to come here. I had another banana today but do hear you so will buy some yogurts to have with it, I didnt know yogurt counted a protien.

                Ally its lovely to "see" you and hear that you a rearing to go with the healthy regime.

                Well Im off to go and put the dinner out now so will have to go.



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Wow, lots of posts! Glad to see you all out and about.

                  I am feeling a bit overwhelmed today. I did manage to get 8 hours sleep, finally. But my 4 days has been challenging because all I can do is focus on getting back on track, reading the boards, posting, etc. But now I am worried about my priorities. My house is a mess, but I don't want to clean it. I haven't worked for 4 days now, which means I am really really really behind, but can't seem to make myself get focused.

                  But I must!!!!

                  I have a business plan that I should have half written for a client by now, and a grant writing workbook that I need an outline for. So, I must get my ass in gear TODAY, and get back on track with my writing projects right now.

                  I will come back later tonight once I have gotten some work under my belt (that is my goal for today), and respond to all these great posts.

                  Hugs and all that, LJ

                  PS I am so sorry to hear about your dad Ally. It is such a difficult road. Hopefully the Rhodiola helps to ease some of the stress you are feeling.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Oh, and yes Dizzy, I told my one client that I had a very bad flu and got very behind. UGH Liar liar pants on fire.

                    xo LJ


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Coma sandwich - going to bed. love and hugs,

                      sun XXX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        What's up, peeps?

                        Haven't had much chance to read back through to see how everyone's doing, sorry. Sun and Play, how'd the AB thing go? Is it over? Was it helpful?

                        Ally, next time your dad's around, grind up the Zoloft and put it in his coffee, maybe? Then a little Jameson for your coffee, and you'll be all set for the day. Just don't mix them up!

                        Anyway, just checking in on y'all. Glad you're still doing well, Space. Big :ls, and hope you get your car back soon. Everyone else: hope things are good.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Good Morning all....

                          Stuck - you sound a tad better if I might dare to say ! As for the AB thing - it is working for Play but not so well for me. Play has done it again this week but I haven't. I am going to go with my L-Glut and keeping my intake down. I feel better when I have 1 or 2 Guinness than none. But I would like to keep it down to one or two - I always used to and so am aiming for that again.

                          LJ - hope that you managed to get yourself back on track with your work - you sounded as if you had a LOT of catch up on and I hope that you managed to make a big dent in it.

                          Space - the Rhodiola is not a magic pill - I have found in the past that it just takes the edge off of things when one is really down - it is subtle but does seem to work well. The thing is there are lots of different ones that you can get and the New Chapter 300 is the one I found that works the best and am not sure that you can get that one over there.

                          The L-Glut is working well - timing it right is key for me and as long as I remember it, it is really good.

                          Ally - laughed at you saying Allan Carr sounds arrogant at times - I hadn't noticed it - must be 'cos he is a Brit !! He is repetetive but the thing I think his whole book is about is changing ones mindset which is what he does - so keep reading !!

                          Diz - I hope that you managed to get your assignment finished and also your Visa sorted. Do you take it to wherever it is that it has to go or do you send it in? You spend so much time helping others here on this thread that I hope that you had time to get your other stuff finished !! I think you said your flight is booked for march sometime?? that is coming up very quickly !!

                          Well, as you all saw, I had my coma sandwich last night - I warned hubs and he cannot understand why I have it - but it is so tasty. He said "But it turns you into a zombie". Anyway I stayed up for a little while after having it but was no good for anything so ended up going to bed and not even reading. I feel good this morning and am raring to go.

                          Need to get my stuff ready for work so will see you all later, love and hugs,

                          sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Drive by posting .... hoping everyone is well. Will do a proper posting this weekend but I am still trying to plough my way back to being caught up with writing and such.

                            Hugs, love and positive energy to you all! LJ


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Another drive by - my visa appointment is very early tomorrow and I've been running around and stressing the whole day so I just need to chill now. Preliminary plane ticket booked for the 12th.

                              Thinking of all of you and before I forget - Space, just order Tesco online, delivery start at 3 quid, cheaper than a taxi and quite fun.



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                DizzyBee;1470056 wrote:

                                - no drive throughs allowed, we miss you.

                                Dizzy - you Crack me up ! I have not quite got the hang of multiple quotes yet ......... watch the NEXT post !!!!!!
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

