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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    Ok - I posted an update and twice I got the message "you need to log in/refresh your page" UGH - what the hell!

    So I got drunk last night with the HI and feeling guilty today. Hate that. Anyway - that's what I was trying to share to make myself feel better. We had a great time - his AC was out so after late afternoon golf, he came over & after TV, food, music & sex, he spent the night. Great fun. Then some great guilt...hate it. Again -
    Last edited by houtx770; April 26, 2015, 12:17 AM.


      just saw this, I gather I haven't been getting updates but it also appears there hasn't been many. Can't believe it is May 5th. Time is flying but I am so tired, I still have so many weeks to go and the kids are going crazy.
      Sun, got a message from you, I think you have a virus.


        I've attempted to post twice - won't fly. Pissing me off. Fully logged in - UGH

        No time to recreate them again. Will try again another time. Hope alls well.


          Hope to hear from you. The kids are not at their best and the days are long.


            Not long though Meggie and Houtx 'til summer hols - right ? Hang in there ......

            Hugs, sun xx
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              Summer is ALMOST here! Hang in there everybody.

              I managed to get hired for a single class this summer, so there will be a little money coming in. Still no idea what is going on for the fall, but hopefully will hear something soon. Other than that, I am drinking nightly and that is causing some friction with the girl, but so far things are more or less ok. I think less, if I'm being honest, but I guess I'll figure it out soon.


                Hi there everybody, I am spacebebe resurrected. I hope to try to get back in here and catch up. cant read right back tho so will start from nowxxx


                  Stuck, I hope you do figure things so out. Miss all of you guys. We need to keep this going. Good to see you space.


                    Hi Space!
                    Glad to see I'm not the only one back.



                      Not sure I'll be able to call you medusa, Space but a flower by any other name... Glad to see you're back. I'll catch up tomorrow as its way past my bedtime. X


                        Hi again everyone! Yay!

                        Space/Medusa - soooooooo happy to see you here again. Please update!
                        Meggie - let's try not to scream and claw our faces here the next few weeks! lol Mine is shorter than yours but we are over-testing these kids and it's awful. Behavior issues are the natural result but it's HELL these days!!
                        Sunny, DZB - hope alls well & we see more updates soon!
                        Stuck - glad there's something on the horizon. It will happen - I know you will make it so! Sorry the drinking causes issues. This gf I stayed with in Austin over the weekend, is on pain & psycho pills, health issues, etc She started ranting at me in private mssgs & said "that sounds like drunk talk". Pissed me off - she drinks much more than I do and to use that against me. I dunno - I'm sorry your partner isn't cool about your AL use. We function, do we not?? check

                        I really have too much to update so just am going to say hi and hope everyone takes the time to fill us in. In a nutshell: I have decided and told HI (hot Irishman) that I don't want to be part of his harem any longer. He took it as a blow to his ego, I guess, and was a bit "whatevs" and wackodoodle in his responses. I think we will continue to be friends and golf buddies after some time. What got me off the fence was his recently single friend expressed interest, paid me some attention, sent me some texts, we met for drinks...and I'm just putting him on hold while I let HI process the fact a woman in his harem actually kicked his butt to the curb...

                        I'm stressed to the max about end-of-year deadlines, but soooooooo looking forward to getting it done. My daughter graduates from UT next weekend and I am so happy about that!! Between weirdness with HI and wondering about taking up with his friend, end of year school, graduation and trying to negotiate a deal to buy the condo I'm in, and a gf in Austin who has gone bat-shit crazy on me...there is never a dull moment.

                        I'm in a good place, feel good about things in general and wish same for all of you! As I post this, on a scale of 1-5 being tipsy/turvy...I am 3. It's Friday night, long stressful week...drinking a light Vine Verde...about to turn in and watch Weeds on Netflix. Happy & content pretty much.

                        Hope so too for all of you -


                          Sorry I haven't been around.....way too much going on, plus I needed to step back again from here...sometimes it makes it harder to sort the AL somehow.

                          Am in UK visiting mum and having a wonderful time. Have had 4 AF days this week and not had much the other days...the Nal is really seeming to start doing it's thing although it is still early days.

                          Space....great to see you here again. It would be good to hear how you are doing....please post again.

                          Houtx and Meggie.....hang in there as it is not long now til summer hold ! Thanks for the catch up Houtx and good for you with HI !! Sorry about your friend ranting at you....

                 are you doing ?

                          Stuck...good about the class.....sorry about the nightly drinking. You usually manage to stop so easily. Why not try that for a while and see how it goes with the Girl?
                          Got to get going.....hard to write on this thing and didn't bring my laptop.

                          Hugs, Sun xxx
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            So glad to hear from everyone. I need the support and hearing about everyone's stories. Sometimes I feel I am the only one around me that drinks and I am the loser.
                            I drank too much Thursday and Friday, can't tell you why. I still have a long way to go till June 26th. I still have to give other tests other then the state tests and they all go towards my evaluation. The students are spent, I don't remember them getting this crazy so early. Well, off the the Amish lands to buy my flowers with my daughter.


                              Yoo Hoo?? Where is everyone?

                              Go Houston Rockets!!


                                I am about to get on a plane (mere 10 hour flight followed by a two hour flight followed by an hour drive) on my way back to USA.

                                Hugs, Sun x
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

