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Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

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    Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

    OK - here we go.

    PAST - I am a 50yo something male Caucasian. Divorced, unemployed, homeless --- living off the charity of others. I have an 8 year history of acute/dysfunctional alcoholism. Up to 1.5 US QT per day. This, interrupted by jails, institutions, and not yet death. Previously, I was a successful athlete, scholar, father/husband, and well paid medical researcher.

    During the past 4 years, I have failed numerous alcohol rehab programs as well as medications including: antabuse, naltrexone, campril, and gabapentin(experimental).
    No major psychological co-morbidity. No other drug abuse.

    PRESENT - I spent the past 2 months researching baclofen. I read everything and tried to learn everything. I spent 1 month educating my physician. Today, I start baclofen 10mg TID under daily physician supervision and weekly medical appointments. I plan to titrate up from there until cessation of craving. Alternative therapies include: EFT tapping, supplements: Multi-vit, amino acids, and L-glutamine. I Attend 6 AA meeting per week. Also, church 2-3 per week as well as lots of MYO and other internet information gathering.

    FUTURE: I am documenting everything in minute detail and will try to post relevant information.

    God Bless

    Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

    Welcome, Scuba. Thanks for sharing your data with us. I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. Do try to be abstinent from the start if you can.
    Good Luck


      Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol


      OoooOooh! Do a graph like I did.
      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
      A Forum
      Trolls need not apply


        Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

        Good luck Scuba
        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


          Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

          :welcome: Scuba! I'm looking forward to following your progress.

          I am trying to get more into EFT. I was doing it pretty consistently for a short while, and did find that it helped me. Yet for some reason I've let it drop off. I guess it still kind of feels like I don't know what I'm doing.
          Better Living Through Chemistry

          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


            Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol


            Scuba;996619 wrote: OK - here we go.

            PAST - I am a 50yo something male Caucasian. Divorced, unemployed, homeless --- living off the charity of others. I have an 8 year history of acute/dysfunctional alcoholism. Up to 1.5 US QT per day. This, interrupted by jails, institutions, and not yet death. Previously, I was a successful athlete, scholar, father/husband, and well paid medical researcher.

            During the past 4 years, I have failed numerous alcohol rehab programs as well as medications including: antabuse, naltrexone, campril, and gabapentin(experimental).
            No major psychological co-morbidity. No other drug abuse.

            PRESENT - I spent the past 2 months researching baclofen. I read everything and tried to learn everything. I spent 1 month educating my physician. Today, I start baclofen 10mg TID under daily physician supervision and weekly medical appointments. I plan to titrate up from there until cessation of craving. Alternative therapies include: EFT tapping, supplements: Multi-vit, amino acids, and L-glutamine. I Attend 6 AA meeting per week. Also, church 2-3 per week as well as lots of MYO and other internet information gathering.

            FUTURE: I am documenting everything in minute detail and will try to post relevant information.

            God Bless
            Do U feel Hopeless?
            Long Road
            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
            Eleanor Roosevelt


              Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

              How did you do EFT? What was your routine?


                Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

                Dear Scuba,
                I have used, quite successfully, 20mg/dm Naltrexone to quame alcohol cravings. However, the pain must be endured, otherwise there is no true victory over desire. Once desire is faced and defeated, only then can their be genuine virtue.
                Long Road
                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                Eleanor Roosevelt


                  Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

                  Welcome aboard Scuba!

                  Looking forward to reading your progress. I hope Bac works as well for you as it is for me!



                    Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

                    Sunnyvalenting;997490 wrote: Isolde,
                    How did you do EFT? What was your routine?
                    I did it daily for awhile, every morning. I was doing it for a physical malady mostly, but added in some sessions for alcohol addiction and a few other random things. I would do a few rounds of the whole protocol. The one thing I didn't do was assign a number to how strongly I was feeling the emotion (since I wasn't actually EFTing for an emotion) and then continue doing more rounds until it went down to zero.
                    It didn't help at all with the physical (stubborn skin condition), but I found that I wasn't grinding my teeth at night much anymore. Unfortunately that stopped when I stopped doing EFT.

                    It worked really well a few weekends ago. I was feeling really depressed and hopeless, and was pondering having a drink to try and numb myself. I did some EFT rounds along with a few videos on YouTube, cried it out a bit, and then took my dog for a walk and actually felt better.

                    The funny thing is that I know it works from having done it first hand, yet I still feel kind of silly doing it and doubt myself. I think it's for the same reason that I don't meditate anymore, I'm afraid to go deeper and to put the work in. Yet when I push myself to do it, I always feel better afterwards.
                    Better Living Through Chemistry

                    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                      Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

                      Looking forward to seeing your progress, Scuba! Way to go!


                        Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

                        What is EFT?


                          Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

                          Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol : Update #1

                          OK - Day 4 of BAC 30 mg/day with additonal 10-20 mg prn.

                          Fought through the sleepiness, but that was all. Started feeling a decrease in craving/preoccupation today so I guess I'm on my way. The sleepiness was during the day, but still have insomnia at night, however, great night of sleep last night. Best sleep in recent memory. Lots of dreams (of the good kind).

                          EFT works for momentary craving for me. It does look a little rediculous in public, but that is the least of my problems. Lots of "tapping" tutorials on UTube. It's easy, you don't have to tap too hard. I also got formal acupuncture last Thursday but it didn't seem to effect me much. 'Will do again next week.

                          Small amounts of alcohol, but not much. I hopefully will go AF from now on.

                          God bless.:thanks:


                            Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

                            Good work. Best to use ALL your tools. Something is helping! Keep us posted


                              Scuba's Baclofen Journey/Protocol

                              What does EFT the abbreviation for? And what is tapping?
                              Keep logging, enjoy seeing your progress. Looks good.
                              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg

