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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Ne/Neva Eva;1524674 wrote: CONGRATULATIONS Murphy! xxooo How'd you do it?
    How? Well, faith in a higher power and enormous willpower, obviously. Nah, I'm just shitting yer. Champix (Chantix) and vaping. Champix works, Baby. Trust the drugs, trust the drugs.

    So glad things worked out well with your brother's visit. :l
    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


      Progress thread for ne

      bleep;1524022 wrote:
      That said, I will be going the same route tonight. I plan to walk it, slowly, so that I am brimming over with energy when the hellhound makes an appearance. I plan to run right at him, taser him first in the eye, and then on the nuts, and then leisurely make my way home. I haven't yet decided what tune I will whistle on the return journey, and am open to suggestions.
      try "I'll be around when you're gone" (with hand on hip)


        Progress thread for ne

        ifulovelife2;1526951 wrote: How? Well, faith in a higher power and enormous willpower, obviously. Nah, I'm just shitting yer. Champix (Chantix) and vaping. Champix works, Baby. Trust the drugs, trust the drugs.

        So glad things worked out well with your brother's visit. :l
        I've been vaping for about 3 years. I use a buzz pro from not cigs, my friend uses a lavatube both equally good devices, the lavatube is probably a little better, i've been through 2 buzz pros due to sweat, button fell off, etc.

        After 3 years of vaping 24mg i just recently (2 months ago) decided to order 18mg and start tapering off nicotine, in hopes of being completely and entirely substance free where i feel i need nothing but myself to live. I admit, i did order four 50ml bottles, and only one of which was 18mg. I'm almost down to it, fingers crossed hoping it goes well and i don't gain 100lbs.

        I understand your anxiety NE, for some reason i don't even want my friends to come over. Just the ones i see very very often. The old friend visiting or even my family that i don't see often, makes me very uncomfortable and nervous. I have lost some friendships due to avoidance. One old friend came by twice and i wasn't here, was told they came. I never called or went to see him. Feel bad about it, but at the same time it's uncomfortable for me.
        I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson

        Life affords no higher pleasure, than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes, and seeing them gratified. He that labours in any great or laudable undertaking, has his fatigues first supported by hope, and afterwards rewarded by joy


          Progress thread for ne


          Now you are trying to ruin someone's thread and give her distress, which is going to affect not only her, but everyone else she helps here. Why would you do this?


            Progress thread for ne

            Juan BH;1527224 wrote: On.Bac-

            Now you are trying to ruin someone's thread and give her distress, which is going to affect not only her, but everyone else she helps here. Why would you do this?
            Juan, are you tripping? I didn't see On.Bac's post as in any way disruptive or likely to cause anyone any distress.

            This troll-hunting game some of you are playing has got out of hand. Play nice now kiddies, you hear?
            "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


              Progress thread for ne

              Alright Iful-

              I was being a little over-dramatic, but the dude is irritating and making people think baclofen is unsafe. You don't have a problem with that?


                Progress thread for ne

                Iful- I was absolutely tripping out of my mind. Paranoia. I'm sorry for holding up your thread Ne. Let's move on!


                  Progress thread for ne

                  No worries, Juan. It happens to the best of us.

                  So...Progress thread for Ne...

                  I was having a debate about the nature of addiction...For instance, can someone be addicted to money in the same way that I was addicted to alcohol? I am not so sure about that. Money is (can be) it's own reward. It buys a lot! Alcohol/drugs/food? There isn't really a reward. I don't want to digress, and the truth is that it doesn't really matter (to me) but it led to questions about anxiety. Is what I'm experiencing normal-ish? Is it something I just have to learn to manage?

                  Some of _______'s recent posts made clear to me that s/he's really REALLY struggling with this anxiety thing. It's the worst-case-scenario, impending doom, OOOOMMMMMGGGG!!! mind chatter. And I've definitely got it. And baclofen definitely treats it. Or at least it did. I'm not sure anymore, but I'm going to titrate up to 120mg to find out.

                  In the meantime, I'm using other tools to deal with this anxiety I have going on. It manifests itself by making me unable/unwilling to make decisions. I really struggle with regret after even the smallest decision. If something makes me uncomfortable these days, I just avoid it. Since I know that I'm not an avoiding-type person, or at least I don't want to be, it really pisses me off when it happens. (I do realize that what I'm writing doesn't really get to this fundamental thing and sounds like human nature rather than a dysfunction. But when I compare myself to people around me, I find that I am really...nervous. And skittish. And inconsistent. These things are the first signs that I noticed a relief from when I realized that baclofen was actually working. I want them gone out of my life!!)

                  Taking care of myself is a royal pain in my big toe, especially eating. I am starting Chantix today. I have two goals this month: Get rid of the sugar-belly (from the plethora of MnMs I live on) and quit smoking. Actually, there's a third goal: I gotta get strong enough to water ski without hurting myself and I damn well better look good in my wetsuit. And everything else I'm going to do and wear when I'm in Tahoe, Napa and San Francisco next month. Woot!

                  btw, we bought a Prius and without incident or altercation. I was pretty amazed that I didn't have to punch anyone. (Kidding. I usually just start swearing. Loudly.) Ed loves his new car, despite the fact that it's a Prius, which threatened his manhood for a little while. It helps that he gets to keep the gas-guzzling super-truck (11mpg, y'all! The gas savings pays for a good portion of the car payment!!) It also helps that the one we bought has all this fancy nonsense like a fan that cools the car when you're not in it, and a hologram-type-projection on the windshield of the speed and whatever of the car. It's pretty ridiculous, but it makes me feel like I'm in a (much) smaller version of the USS Enterprise. That moves at a snail's pace and looks like a misshapen turtle.

                  I'm off to the gym for leg-day. Hope it's a good day for you all.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Oh. And despite the fact that I'm at 80mg (down from 320mg in Feb 2011) and there is booze aplently in the house, and I have been irrationally and unreasonably stressed and anxious, not sleeping, barely eating and generally pissed off and in a funk, I have no interest in drinking myself silly or into a stupor. Had a lovely glass of wine last night w dinner in our fave restaurant and though I expected to want a bunch more, one was enough.

                    Baclofen works.


                      Progress thread for ne


                      Had some friends over last night (unexpectedly) which was really, really nice. I was feeling lonely and out of sorts because we didn't have any plans for the holiday.

                      I had my first beer before they got here, though. (It was that kind of day! Except, when isn't it? Right?!) I had 3 or 4 more beers after that. That's not the rub or the worry, though. The rub is that I've got stuff to do and I usually take that into consideration before I drink. Last night I just wanted to keep drinking. Which is the worry.
                      I don't like drinking a couple of times a week, even if it is just a glass of wine and 4 or 5 beers. (In total.) And Ed has been drinking more often than that because he has schmancy wine dinner things for work pretty frequently now.

                      Add to it all that it isn't going to help the wetsuit/bathing suit situation at all. :upset: No more booze for me until Cali.
                      Oh, and rather than titrate up to 120mg, I started there yesterday. We'll see how that plays out with the sleep and mood/energy. Started Chantix too. I really hate switching things up, and I really, really hate taking medication. :H

                      Did anyone notice that I posted a thread about the troll(s)? It's the second time I've done that. The thread was deleted by the moderator. I was also sent a PM to cease and desist with starting threads to get the situations addressed. The thing is, it seems to work. just sayin'

                      Hope it's a good, sober, unhungover day for you peeps.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1528504 wrote: Did anyone notice that I posted a thread about the troll(s)? It's the second time I've done that. The thread was deleted by the moderator. I was also sent a PM to cease and desist with starting threads to get the situations addressed.
                        Yesterday, I made a new account with the nick name "Troll Patrol", with accompanying avatar "Mission failed. You have been spotted" that I could use when a troll exposed him/herself.

                        The account was deleted within 5 (!) minutes.

                        Anyway, it's a sign that there apparently are moderators which I hope, will keep the trolls under control also.
                        Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Xadrian;1528552 wrote: Yesterday, I made a new account with the nick name "Troll Patrol", with accompanying avatar "Mission failed. You have been spotted" that I could use when a troll exposed him/herself.

                          The account was deleted within 5 (!) minutes.

                          Anyway, it's a sign that there apparently are moderators which I hope, will keep the trolls under control also.
                          The irony is that the troll's posts remain. (I'm not referring to the one who is a real person and who got off on the wrong foot and then pissed everyone off. I'm referring to liquorlost, who only has a few posts and they are all antagonistic. This place sometimes...grrrrrrrrrrrrr.)


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Hey Ne I understand ..but why .. The bac threads we get so manny trolls .. Seems like a inordinate amount of dick heads want to spoil our party ?


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Holy Guac, Reggie. Sheesh. But thanks. Love ya bac.

                              So how about some details to follow up on that lovely thread you started eons ago???

                              Not this one:

                              But this one:


                                Progress thread for ne

                                You wrote it. It's really good stuff. And what the hell are you waiting for? Hasn't it already happened? Whatever IT is?

