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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Point(s) taken, Jdizzle.

    (I didn't want to have the last word. )


      Progress thread for ne

      Oh, sleeplessness. What a pain in the ass you are.

      So I'm up way too late. Fell soundly asleep, and woke, I mean WOKE up when my book hit the floor.

      I've spent part of today reading up about baclofen based on some stuff posted by terryk. Anyone looking for legitimate information about this medication could look no further than what he's posted, and the links in his signature.

      I also got on The Fix (Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Recovery News | Resources ?€“ The Fix) which led me to a bunch of blogs. Including this one: The start of soccer season part-2 | Living with an Alcoholic. Interesting stuff. It's a man writing an account of his alcoholic's wife behavior. I know the point is (I suppose?) to feel sorry for him. But I can't stand him. My heart breaks for her, though.

      There is one paragraph on the page I posted that really resonated. He wrote:
      She’s told me that she wishes she was normal like me. I get to drink when ever I want. I get to order a beer for dinner, or have a drink with friends. She doesn’t wish she could stop drinking. Just wishes she could be normal about drinking. I tried to explain to her that being normal means you don’t care if you drink or not. She didn’t understand what I meant. How could you not want to drink?

      He doesn't get it. Obviously. I understand why he doesn't get it, because I don't get it anymore either. I cannot imagine wanting to drink more than I want to do everything else in the world. I really can't. On any given day, I would rather do almost anything than drink. I cannot even fathom how amazing that is, because I don't remember--at all--what it was like to feel compelled to drink. (And this is not to say that a cold beer doesn't call out on a hot day. Or whatever. But that isn't the siren song that had me crawling into the backseat at a child's soccer game, just to get out of the sun and away from the people, because I had a "migraine".)

      Which isn't to say that everything is always unicorns and rainbows. Or rather, disco balls and glitter. It isn't. Life is just...normal. Whatever the hell that means! (I suppose it means, among many other things, that I just can't sleep in spite of the fact that I'm exhausted and have a busy day tomorrow. bummer. But whatevs. Right people? It's a small thing.)

      I also logged on to post about the fact that I'm going on a little sabbatical from the internet. It has to do with time, and focus. It doesn't have anything at all to do with trolls and haters. Or really, anything to do with MWO at all. It's easy enough to log on here and post when I'm sitting on my duff and get bored with studying, but I don't have to do that for the next month. (Thank all that matters my summer class is over in FOUR days. woot!)

      I'm not trying to make this a big, "I'm leaving and blah, blah, blah" thing. How many of us are ever far from the internet? But I'm gonna try hard to stay out of my study and off my butt.

      Don't let the haters get you down. They suck. And they lie. But they're sick and not what is important about this place.

      Baclofen works. Rock on.


        Progress thread for ne

        To be honest, the only thing the lying pants-on-fire liars like that guy ^^^ inspire me to do is to make sure that I stick around and keep posting the truth.

        But I think I'm going to take my unaddicted and relatively contented self to bed to try for at least a good 6 hours or so of sleep before I wake up without a hangover to face the world without a bottle (or pill).

        Hope the same is true for everyone who reads this today. :l


          Progress thread for ne

          liquorlost = Chaos = Baclofan = desperados = Benzo Control Board

          liquorlost;1529178 wrote: Hi Ne,

          How's the combo of Adderall & Xanax treating you ?

          I know legitmately prescribed to you, so could be heavy duty opiates to me...and we would be still soberly offer support to a recovering soul 7/24 ha ?
          chaos;1508703 wrote: Don't you have anything better to do in your 'sober' time XXXXX than qoute one by one all of my posts from my thread that I wasn't going to must have been quite time consuming...

          Btw, who's infamous of deleting own posts on this forum...Eva?

          Ne, or is it's the combo of xanax and adderal treating you these days?!
          baclofan;1373229 wrote: Dear XXXXX, I hate to be mean but you sound like going through adderall overdose and/or xanax w/d again.

          chaos;1379613 wrote: The good ol' mirta is taking me away, goodnight!
          baclofan;1366072 wrote: Apparently the good ol' Mirta could be quite helpful again:

          chaos;1508737 wrote:
          I do understand HDB concept, but recently this forum evolved into sleeping pill 'cabinet'
          with predominant brand mentioned as seroquel...

          Dear members of this forum...just google a bit

          There must had been a valid reason for FDA to fine sero manufacturer astronomical sum of $$$ for 'misbranding' it as a sleep aid...!!!

          It is a heavy duty antipsychotic, with a hole bunch of of SE in the long run.
          baclofan;1492559 wrote:
          Rapid tolerance build up, addiction potential, horrible w/d...just 'google' a bit
          baclofan;1493532 wrote:

          The ol' good mirta just quit on me after 3 - 4 months and it's quite common.

          Again just 'google' a bit

          The birth of Chaos?:

          Ne/Neva Eva;1354084 wrote:
          So for those thinking about using a short acting benzo, for a short period of time (less than a month) please do the research. For those who have been taking a benzo for a long period of time, PLEASE DO THE RESEARCH. There is only one way to come off of that stuff. A very long slow taper down, coupled with the use of a short term benzo, is the only way to avoid the chemical chaos
          of withdrawal.
          07-24-2012, 01:20 PM (Chaos joins MWO on 08-12-2012)
          baclofan;1354250 wrote:

          ...guess you meant "A very long slow taper down, coupled with the use of a long term acting benzo, is the only way to avoid chemical chaos
          The birth of desperados? (now banned):

          baclofan;1376813 wrote:
          The weight gain and unbelivable hunger...went away within 3-4 weeks, the dry mouth-lip SE is always there.

          Ps, I'm such a guinea pig trying everything outthere...combining anticraving meds, switching between generic order to figure it out if they differ, and if so what way

          Pss, I am such a hopeless case...therefore I've been called 'desperados
          TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


            Progress thread for ne

            The only response I have in the face of lying liars is to continue to try to post the truth and help others find the answers that I did.

            But I think I can take myself to bed and get at least 6 hours of sleep before I get up to face the day without the incredible burden of needing a bottle (or a pill).

            I hope all that read this can experience that too. Including you, liquorlost. Peace out peeps!

            In the meantime, hopefully the moderators will take care of that post. (Though they didn't do anything about the other ones liquorlost wrote. And they did delete the thread related to the fact that liquorlost is a troll with no purpose except to belittle or be mean. Even though I got a private message from "Roberta Jewell" saying that they were following up. Very confusing. Perhaps it's okay to slander people here? It is, actually, slanderous, isn't it? As in, against the law and prosecutable to write something that is not true and for the purpose of being malicious. just sayin')


              Progress thread for ne

              terryk;1529189 wrote: liquorlost = Chaos = Baclofan = desperados = Benzo Control Board

              The birth of Chaos?:

              07-24-2012, 01:20 PM (Chaos joins MWO on 08-12-2012)

              The birth of desperados? (now banned):
              Terryk, I used to have so much respect for you.

              BTW, where are the other bac pioneers?


                Progress thread for ne

                terryk;1529189 wrote: liquorlost = Chaos = Baclofan = desperados = Benzo Control Board

                The birth of Chaos?:

                07-24-2012, 01:20 PM (Chaos joins MWO on 08-12-2012)

                The birth of desperados? (now banned):
                what is it: XXXX ?


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Ne/Neva Eva;1529134 wrote: Point(s) taken, Jdizzle.

                  (I didn't want to have the last word. )
                  Wow!! This is the first time I have opened this thread. I went to the last page and was like oh damn, this crap again!! I always figured this was like a general information thread. I totally get it Neva. I wanted so bad to respond to that last one, but I had to follow my own rant
                  When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    [QUOTE=terryk;1529189]liquorlost = Chaos = Baclofan = desperados = Benzo Control Board

                    Nicely done, tk
                    With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                      Progress thread for ne

                      terryk;1529189 wrote: liquorlost = Chaos = Baclofan = desperados = Benzo Control Board
                      nicely done, tk
                      With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Cassander;1529573 wrote: nicely done, tk

                        From Sept 2012
                        baclofan;1373229 wrote: Dear Karen, I hate to be mean but you sound like going through adderall overdose and/or xanax w/d again.
                        xxxxxxx;1373255 wrote:

                        ...How the hell is this still going on? FTR, I'm the one who takes Adderall and Xanax. Both are prescribed by my psychiatrist who's been practicing for a coon's age. He knows my hx, he also knows that I don't abuse what he prescribes. He's been my doctor for 4 years. Unless you are a physician (specifically a psychiatrist) you shouldn't be weighing in on these matters. Not like you've ever done it to be helpful anyway!

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1373264 wrote:
                        ...But I'll try to take time from my busy day to deal with desperados' (baclofan/benzo control board) insanity


                          Progress thread for ne

                          liquorlost;1529254 wrote: y

                          It isn't my purpose to 'slander anybody here' but you have admitted of taking Adderall and Xanax (as prescribed) on this forum, even though you deleted a ton of your posts since...

                          You have mentioned about reducing baclofen dose to 80mg/day without explaining how much 'speed' you take and how much Xanax is needed to curb the Adderall high...?
                          I don't respond to these kinds of posts anymore. It's been more than a year that I've been putting up with the harassment from desperados/chaos/baclofan/etc. etc. He doesn't just have 5 or 6 usernames. He's got a dozen.

                          I don't take any medications regularly, other than baclofen. I don't abuse anything. At all. Ever. Unless we include coffee and cigarettes, both of which I partake of freely to the detriment of my health.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Liquorlost's posts and threads have finally been deleted. That doesn't mean that he won't be back. I'll leave the posts I've written addressing the issue so I can just quote it the next time.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Dammit, it looks like I have missed all the fun.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                NE -GREAT WORK. BLEEP, We have missed your posts. And darn, I had made a final comment on lol-lost-heart felt. Yea, the prick will be back-he thrives on this turmoil. The great thing NE IS ALL valuable information you posted in response -including BAC is not addictive. Almost all non-back takers (AA types-first statement: u are just replacing one addictive drug with another). I hope to be able to speak your talk one day. BACLOFEN is a FACT for me-now. Again, thanks for the recent informative post.

