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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    There we go never remember our anniversary. It's always me that has to remind you.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Progress thread for ne

      HA! Not so. Look again. I was busy emailing you and responding to your post on another thread. Fair to say it's all about you this month.


        Progress thread for ne

        Hey, Ne: You mentioned something about headaches on another thread. I have a friend who does cranio-sacral work and when she had her hands on me she said I seemed to be de-hydrated and asked if I was having headaches. Hmmm . . . yeah, I had been having something like a headache off and on for a while. Not something I usually experience.

        She gave me some herbs for kidney support and told me not only to drink more water, but to add electrolytes. So now I drink "Re-Charge" from Knudson's, or some of the vitamin waters with electrolytes that are ubiquitous these days. No more headaches, no more de-hydration, which actually showed up as wrinkly fingertips and changes in my skin texture before starting the electrolytes.

        Maybe that will help :h
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          Progress thread for ne

          yo, ne!

          glad you got your bubbler. sis has one and how great! i've been drinking lots of the stuff lately, and i hate using all that plastic, and knowing that drinking fm plastic is baaad makes it extra-hated. now you've given me an idea, so thanks. we're one for one (at least). let's keep them coming.

          yeah, that star thing. i think alls it takes is for someone to rate the tread, even just one person. so you probably just have one fan. don't let it get to you. and i know you won't overthink it.

          yep, headaches are oft from dehydration. but you've said, i think, that you're chugging insane amounts of seltzer (now even more!), so maybe you DO think too much. cut it out! (teasing.)

          what's the anniversary thing? let us in on it. or should i know?

          happy day, lovies.


            Progress thread for ne

            RudyB;1141473 wrote:
            what's the anniversary thing? let us in on it. or should i know?
            Both Ne and I reached what we called the 'switch', but then called 'indifference' but now call 'a good level of indifference' (maybe) on 04 Feb 2011. Our titrations were also identical...well not really. Ne took many months of slogging through debilitating SEs and I did it in just 8 days and rather enjoyed the experience. It rocks being me! :H

            I'm off to walk the dogs and graze on wild plums. Have a fine celebratory day peeps!

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Progress thread for ne

              wait a minute, ne, you have chickens???!!!


                Progress thread for ne

                :H I'd rather be me.

                Check this out:

                Guinevere Gets Sober | news, reviews, and straight talk about addiction and recovery

                Left a comment. Wonder if they'll post it?


                (the chickens are a metaphor. my dog'd eat 'em and I'm pretty sure they're not allowed in my city. )


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Your city doesn't allow chickens? Why would your city care if you have chickens?


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Happy Anniversary Ne and Murph!!!
                    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                      Progress thread for ne

                      taw;1141613 wrote: Happy Anniversary Ne and Murph!!!
                      Thanks! That's pretty cool, isn't it? Despite my blaaaaah.

                      The last week has been fairly dreadful, I DO mind telling you. Don't wanna rehash it, and who cares, really?
                      Two things though:
                      I craved alcohol. Bummer. Quickly sorted and bac on track effortlessly. .... I know I mentioned this before, but want to state, for the official record, that craving is gone, completely,
                      More importantly, I looked to the bac. Again. Every single time something comes up, a bruise, a welt, a headache, I look to the bac. In spite of the fact that I have no SEs, sleep like a happy baby, and life is pretty damn good.
                      And every month I think, "well, the lesson is learned."

                      Apparently not.

                      I wanted to say this about full pm boxes: It's completely possible to download them and save them in a couple of different formats. I've been guilty of leaving it full, myself. I've since realized that sometimes pm's are of the moment and can't be replicated later. I've only ever received one nasty pm and that's from a troll. SO...if your box is full, and you are in need of a word of encouragement, empty your pm box. Please.
                      (And what EXACTLY do you think is going to happen? It's a lovely feeling, an empty pm box. Like a christmas tree before the presents go down. You know they're coming, but have no idea what santa's going to bring. Sorry if you don't celebrate christmas and have no idea what I'm talking about!)


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Wow. Just got a comeuppance on the blog

                        Guinevere Gets Sober | news, reviews, and straight talk about addiction and recovery

                        oops and yikes. Hers was a well thought out response. Mine, not so much. Lesson learned. Must think before I write. dammit.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Really nice post, Neva. Cravings SUCK. Glad you are back.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            hey, ne, i go through simmilar stuff every month. but i'm getting better at figuring out what i'm going through; i feel sad, i look at my calendar, and i relize that it will pass in a day or so. like clockwork, it is. i think tha'ts waht you're referring to.

                            am i too literal, or do you think bac might make bruising more happeny?

                            what are your thoughts on possible jobs? how about editing?


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Me too, damn hormones. I have to say this month was the exception, although possibly because EVERY night was like PMS this past month or two.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                I think bac might make a lot of things more happen-y, Ru. Maybe with the bruising. Maybe it has more to do with the clumsiness, though, and the feeling out of it.

                                Thanks, Bru. It does. Glad it's gone. Hang tight.

                                Severe hormonal fluctuations suck.

                                I had some hard knocks yesterday, came home to find Ed really enjoying his day off. bac'd out, putzing around the apartment, sober.

                                Turns out he finds the thought of alcohol is suddenly a little nauseating. Turns out he just really doesn't want any and has been forcing it recently. Turns out he's indifferent to alcohol.
                                How 'bout that? Let the games begin!

