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Baclofen is.....

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    Baclofen is.....

    A mind blower, a trigger, the ultimate pipe cleaner in my brain, the fertilizer compost for the earth, exhilerating, a ticking bomb. Wikileaks is child play compared to Baclofen. Once upon a time..... when I was young, I anticipated taking LSD with a friend. I was deterred when I heard the many side effects of the drug. I have never taken other drugs besides alcohol. It must have been intuition.
    I think I am near the " switch " whatever that may be. Yep...I am sticking my head out and risk it being chopped off. Or go haywire. In fact, I am surprised O. Maisen?s head has not been chopped of yet. I think I?ll buy up all the producers of Baclofen, before they are taken hostage by "the Mafia". Yes I am a great believer of the conspiracy theory.
    From childhood on, dusk has always depressed me. With Baclofen this no longer doe?s. I think night is going into the unknown, and caused anxiety. Now I look forward to sleeping and what the following morning will bring. I know now what the knock knock in my head, since I started with Baclofen, signified. It was the pipes that are being cleaned from years of pollution and sludge. I wake up with my head full with thousand and one questions and answers. Not all together coherent yet, but great stuff, food for thought enough to last me ten life times. So now I have to be very cautious, and listen more than I already did, to my mind and body, to know when to stop and titrate down. This will be the ultimate test, to see what will happen then. It?s an exiting journey I can tell you.
    Will keep you informed, if I don?t go crazy or get my head chopped off.

    Baclofen is.....

    Enjoying it then
    Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


      Baclofen is.....

      Is this a question Ig?

      In reference to my study time, when I anticipated using LDS, " those were the days my friend..... I thought they?d never end......"



        Baclofen is.....

        More of a statement Iv
        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


          Baclofen is.....

          I'm changing my brand....


            Baclofen is.....

            Why? Thought you were happy with Lioresal and why are you posting that here?
            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


              Baclofen is.....

              Oh sorry I thought I was talking to
              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                Baclofen is.....

                And Iv.

                Maybe I wasn't being clear but it sounded like you were having a good time with it for the most part like I did.

                I also had some fairly deep down troughs so I understand it can swing both ways.

                Hope the flippancy didn't come across as disrespect for your plight
                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                  Baclofen is.....

                  HA! I agree.
                  Going crazy is not one of the SEs listed for bac. Drunkenness, however, is a sure fire way to lose your mind.

                  I would guess that OA has had his head handed to him time and time again. And still he perseveres. Thank all that matters.

                  pony, you sure the brand you're taking isn't producing the same result? :H
                  Best, people. You made my morning. again.


                    Baclofen is.....

                    this is great! I just started my baclofen journey and I look forward to being where you are.


                      Baclofen is.....

                      Do you want to know developments in last 24 hrs? I want your feedback!
                      After my post yesterday, early in the morning, I was great until midday. Going on 240 mg/day then some worrying signs. I saw the fist coming at me, but I thought it was for the guy behind me. I didn?t duck in time, and took the full blow.
                      Where I am , on the other side of the pond (Portugal), it?s Paradise for is cheap but very good wine, Baclofen ( Lioresol) can be bought without prescription at the local pharmacist. However, its Hell for medical advice or support. So, ( with Pink Floyd I sing " is there anybody out there?)
                      I don?t think I would have taken advice to stop at the doses I am taking anyway. So I had it coming to me. But, I guess this is the way of alcoholics, we always feel sorry for ourselves after the deluge. The knocking in my head/ brain, became intolerable, I could? t hold things in my hands, dizzy, pins and needles in hands, reading became impossible everything was moving om paper/ computer.
                      This morning it is a little bit less, but still worrying. I decided to go down on the Bac. slowly. Hate the idea that I missed out on hitting the " switch". Or was I at the " switch" you think?
                      Should I maintain level, go slowly down, at what rate?
                      I was really scarred.



                        Baclofen is.....

                        Hi lv
                        Were you talking metaphorically about the fist or did someone actually punch you. I will presume metaphorically unless I hear to the contrary.

                        The Bac journey I had was marked by some extreme emotions, sometimes euphoric and sometimes depressing. I think Baclofen allows you to think outside the alcohol box. Overall the process was positive but at times I also felt desperate.

                        Cant remember your titration schedule but maybe you have been increasing quickly. Personally I did the same until the SEs started to get worrying and then I slowed down. Maybe took me a month to get to 160mg and another 6 weeks to get to 250.

                        I would find a level where the SEs are manageable and then slowly increase from there as and when you feel comfortable doing it,

                        Are you AF now and if so for how long.

                        It may be that you have hit your switch but don't know it. Again if this is the case then get to a level that is comfortable and wait it out AF until it sinks in that you don't actually want any more Portugese plonk.

                        It may or may not help to look at my Bac experience:
                        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                          Baclofen is.....

                          hi iv,interesting post,i was on hi doses of clanazapam and vallium and ssr s back inthe late 1990 s,panic attacks and depression,it was alchoholism,the way i was treating my body it was odd that it kept up so long,its interesting how we get on the doctors,when they dont perscribe what we want,it is even odder to think there is a cure for alchoholism,i no one way,just stop and never drink,i beleive that is the only way,many can do that,but cant stay stopped,that now brings up the term addiction,prone to over do ? over acheivers,jst think we go from to much drink to to much meds,there the biggest money makers in the world,and its legal to drink and its legal to perscribe drugs to help you not drink,little insane dont you think,i wish you well gyco and have a wonderful christmas


                            Baclofen is.....

                            I spent yesterday feeling as though I'd taken a hallucinogen. And with no end to the craving. I think, and I've gotten some medical advice about this, that the side effects will lessen over time. That said, I can't and won't stay at the same dose if I can't function. I'll go up and down as needed, but with eyes on the goal of submission of disease. Thoughtfully, though.
                            Can't speak to the switch, haven't gotten there yet. In dab's words... keep on keeping on.

                            Wish I had some good/cheap portuguese wine!

                            Gyco, all due respect for your path, taking medication to permanently suppress alcoholism is exactly what we're talking about. It's not a myth or a mystery. Definitely not more insane than searching for a higher power.


                              Baclofen is.....

                              How much baclofen are you taking , Neva? I'm sorry to hear the craving isn't going away. I suppose I have been very fortunate, reacting at such low doses without any "weird" side effects.

                              Good/cheap portuguese wine - isn't that a contradiction in terms? :nutso:

