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Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

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    Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

    This is a medication worth trying if you have anxiety or depression and anti-depressants haven't worked. This pill made me feel better in one day, and my alcohol cravings have almost disappeared. I would like to attribute this to my personal revelations, but the physical craving has almost gone and I have doubts (sorry to say) that it's all due to positive thinking and spirituality. I think some of it is due to gabapentin. So I looked it up for this post: Check this out!

    From the sometimes faulty but loveable Wikipedia - some serious amazing info on this drug being used for addiction. As well, at doses of 300mg or so, I don't get all the cranky side effects that topiramate and baclofen give me. Gabapentin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I only take it once a day if that, I skipped the last two days because it made me a little buzzy like I'd had caffeinated tea before bed. But that could be me going AF too....

    This link was incredible, it's reviews of people who were depressed... Neurontin for Depression - User ratings & reviews - Revolution Health

    Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

    Thanks for the tip B.

    Can you expand on its effects a little bit? I'm curious, because I'm only on bac ATM, and it's done wonders for my depression and anxiety (as in basically cured them both), but have been looking into other supps, chiefly piracetam.

    Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
    George Santayana


      Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

      I have tried the closely related drug pregabalin (Lyrica) and it did create a depression relieving effect after only one capsule, although there seemed a delay of quite a few hours until maximum effect. Of course that delay is nothing compared to traditional antidepressants. As for alcohol dependence, I didn't take it for long enough or at maximum daily dose to be able to say much, but it's an interesting idea.

      Gabapentin and pregabalin are both GABA analogues, as are baclofen and phenibut, so they may all share some similarities in effects due to that. Pregabalin felt similar to phenibut to me, although dependence on phenibut has been warned about, so I'm just using that as an example.

      I remember reading that gabapentin has a very low toxicity level, isn't metabolised by the liver, and doesn't react with many other drugs, so it would be great if it does have an effect against alcohol dependence.

      One unfortunate thing about gabapentin is that its manufacturer pushed its use for off label indications without having enough evidence, and now some of its real benefits could be getting overlooked due to that. Maybe some doctors would still consider trying it for anxiety or alcohol dependence, and it would certainly be worth trying.


        Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

        Pete, Greg just gave out a hell of a lot more info than I could have provided, I hope that helps! Thanks Pete, that's interesting! I have been on 25mg bac for a month or two, and actually much much longer I've been on and off it (I tried to do the HDB but my blood pressure shot out of orbit). I find it helps but not like gabapentin. Maybe I'm experiencing the combination though. Gabapentin has almost no contraindications with other drugs if I recall my quick google on it, and the side effects I feel are twofold: I get a little buzzy so I can't sleep if I take too much, and if I take too much I can also experience a drunken feeling. The latter helped me the first day I was whiteknuckling but I haven't taken enough to do that again, because it made it tough to sleep for two nights after.


          Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

          I agree. Gabapentin is good isht. My doc told me not to combine it with bac but I do it anyway. It helps my back pain too.


            Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

            Bruun et al, great thread. Gabapentin is very interesting stuff. I'm going to order some; what is the required dosage?

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

              Hey Murph, this is what says regarding gabapentin when used for epilepsy:

              The effective dose of Neurontin (gabapentin) is 900 to 1800 mg/day and given in divided doses (three times a day) using 300 or 400 mg capsules, or 600 or 800 mg tablets. The starting dose is 300 mg three times a day. If necessary, the dose may be increased using 300 or 400 mg capsules, or 600 or 800 mg tablets three times a day up to 1800 mg/day. Dosages up to 2400 mg/day have been well tolerated in long-term clinical studies. Doses of 3600 mg/day have also been administered to a small number of patients for a relatively short duration, and have been well tolerated. The maximum time between doses in the TID schedule should not exceed 12 hours.

              For use in postherpetic neuralgia this is what they say:

              In adults with postherpetic neuralgia, Neurontin (gabapentin) therapy may be initiated as a single 300-mg dose on Day 1, 600 mg/day on Day 2 (divided BID), and 900 mg/day on Day 3 (divided TID). The dose can subsequently be titrated up as needed for pain relief to a daily dose of 1800 mg (divided TID). In clinical studies, efficacy was demonstrated over a range of doses from 1800 mg/day to 3600 mg/day with comparable effects across the dose range. Additional benefit of using doses greater than 1800 mg/day was not demonstrated.

              I'm not sure what doses have been used for addictions, but these guidelines could be a good starting point. Some people report fairly quick tolerance with this drug, and I encountered rapid tolerance with pregabalin, but that's only with the sedative and "recreational" effects. If it helps in other ways then hopefully those benefits don't drop out.


                Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

                Cheers Greg, you're a great resource for info on all drugs . Much appreciated.

                The unexamined life is not worth living


                  Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

                  Good luck, I hope it helps and I'd be very interested in hearing how it goes!


                    Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

                    Gabapentin Update

                    I have continued to have dramatically reduced alcohol urges. My cravings are on par with say, ice cream. AND I can control my ice cream eating thus I can control my alcohol drinking. I don't even have to take the pill every day. I'm taking 300mg every other day unless I find myself struggling with not drinking.

                    For the record, gabapentin CAN be abused so it's best to use with caution. Also, tolerance can grow so going on and off it is best. I'm taking it "AS NEEDED" which is sometimes daily and then sometimes not. I have not experienced any "high" feeling except once, and I've taken it 15+ times.


                      Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

                      DUDES! I've been espousing the benefits of neurontin (gabapentin) for years to anyone who would listen. It was first prescribed for me about 10 years ago because I couldn't take anything habit-forming (duh) for my crippling anxiety. It worked wonders on my anxiety at even a relatively low dosage. As an anti-convulsant, it seems to quiet down the electricity in the brain (I'm very scientific, I know). At that time, I was also on an anti-depressant, and it's effects on depression were unknown to me. Years later, having lost insurance and stopped prescription meds of any kind, my father sent me 3 months worth from an online pharmacy. In true drug dealer fashion, he told me he'd pay for the first shipment, but if I liked it, I'd buy it on my own after that. It helped enormously, not only with my anxiety, but also my depression, immediately, and with no side effects. It's also thought to help with medication resistant bi-polar as well. I'm still at a relatively low dosage, 800 mg, which I don't take divided, but I should. As was mentioned previously, it does have a half-life of about 6 hours. My father has devastating depression that has been very difficult to medicate. He's currently on 1800 mg/day, with no side effects. I plan on upping my dosage when my next shipment arrives. I have wondered about taking it with baclofen, since they both do act on GABA. But my research hasn't turned up anything about interactions, and I did find accounts of people with severe MS taking both. I've never heard of it being taken for addiction, but since it helps with anxiety and depression, I don't see how it could hurt. It's relatively affordable and can easily be bought online. I get mine from Global Pharmacy Canada. I highly reccomend it as an alternative to traditional antidepressants and anxiolitics!
                      "Yet someday this will have an end
                      All choices made or choice resigned,
                      And in your face the literal eye
                      Trace little of your history,
                      Nor ever piece the tale entire
                      Of villages that had to burn
                      And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                      Before you could be safe from time
                      And gather in your brow and air
                      The stillness of antiquity."

                      From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                        Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

                        Hi Bruun,

                        Great thread! I think I will follow your footsteps. Just like you I have issues with Baclofen.
                        My issues are not blood pressure related, but I have other side effects that are pretty bad.
                        So I have decided yesterday that I will quit Bac and try something else. If this does not work
                        then I might try antabuse.
                        I have a question. How long are you taking Gabapentin?
                        I also like the fact that you do not take this medicine everyday.





                          Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

                          wow, bruun, this is great news! my gosh! i am so happy you have found something that works for you.


                            Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

                            This is all very interesting. Just wanted you guys to know that others are lurking with interest. SOOOO many people have anxiety as an underlying issue and that is such a tough one. Another possibility for people to consider rather than the alkie life(death).

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Gabapentin for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

                              I have found this thread on the net:

                              What would happen if I drank alcohol while taking Gabapentin? >> Medical Questions, Weight Loss, Pregnancy, Drugs, Health Insurance

                              It looks like drinking while taking Gabapentin is a no no!
                              Two guys ended up with police problems and pass out while drinking and take this med.

                              be careful!


