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First week of Campral Down.

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    First week of Campral Down.

    Hey folks, I just finished my first week of Campral and my first week of sobriety. I've found that I don't really notice a difference with it. Anyone else have experience taking it and possibly combining other drugs to help with the withdraw?

    First week of Campral Down.

    Sorry no advice/experience, but good luck and keep up the work on this. It's a journey.:goodjob:


      First week of Campral Down.


      I have these prescribed but I haven't started taking them yet. Interested to see what others have to say!

      Good luck


        First week of Campral Down.

        Hi, I took Campral (2000 mg per day) during a period of sobriety years ago. I found that it didn't do anything strong in the way of a buzz or sedative effect, but did appear to reduce alcohol cravings somewhat and also provide somewhat more emotional stability than I'd have trying to stay sober without it. It may have had a mild sedative effect, but if so then it wasn't obvious. It takes a week to build up to maximum levels in your system so its effects, if any, may slowly increase rather than suddenly being noticeable.

        I can't blame it for my return to alcohol, as I stupidly stopped taking it regularly about a month into it. I found that this caused noticeably increased emotional desperation, which went hand in hand with an increased desire to drink again. I would still recommend it to anyone wanting something mild to help them with alcohol cravings, as it can help some people.

        Campral won't help with acute withdrawal symptoms, but after being sober for a week you are most likely past the period when you would get these symptoms. If you were referring to "protracted" (longer term) withdrawals such as cravings then something like baclofen could be helpful. I can't really recommend anything however since I am not a doctor, and also I didn't take anything together with Campral myself apart from a small amount of Valium. Most who specialise in addictions caution against benzodiazepines like Valium, apart from during the first week of detox, because some alcoholics/addicts can get hooked on them.

        Good luck with it...I think Campral could help you somewhat (at least) with cravings.


          First week of Campral Down.

          Hey Disco,

          I took Campral for three months. From my first dose was absolutely sober! I honestly thought it was a miracle drug, thought all my dreams had eventuated!

          I don't know if it lost its efficacy, or I just was so addicted to numbing myself with alcohol, that it just didn't end up working anymore. There lies the conundrum.

          I would recommend it to anyone, and I believe that some have gone on to achieve sobriety with it. I wish you all the best........just keep trying. I am now inbetween drugs! Hah! Have tried nal, and being the wuss I am, I hated feeling nauseous all the time, but that is just me. Keep going, whilst you have the impetus!

          Best of luck with your quest!

          Missy xx


            First week of Campral Down.

            I tried it, didn't seem to effect me. The doctor at the rehab centre did say that it had more of an effect on women than it does on men. Still, good luck with it, hope it helps!


              First week of Campral Down.

              Hey folks, thanks so much for the responses. I knew that it wasn't really going to help with the withdraw symptoms that much, but I hardly noticed a change in my cravings. I have a script for 90 days and I fully intend to work on my sobriety in other ways as well as taking the Campral.

              I go to a therapist and I went to an AA meeting today - just to be around others that struggle with the same addiction. I'm not a fan of AA, but it is nice to hear others that are going through the same things you are.

              I'll keep you guys posted about my Campral experience and hopefully I can help others along the way! Thanks again.



                First week of Campral Down.

                I started taking Campral today. I took it 3 years ago. I didn't notice any side effects. I did manage to remain sober for 8 months though. The reason why I picked up another perscription of Campral today is because I need a crutch or a ray of hope. For me, it's a mindset thing.
                September 23, 2011


                  First week of Campral Down.

                  The local alcohol and drug counsellor here in rural Australia still suggests Campral to clients with alcohol cravings, but not sure if that's because she has seen good results with it or because she doesn't have much else to suggest (sorry for being a bit negative). She mentioned baclofen, which was surprising given its lack of official recognition so far. They also recommend Antabuse but only to alcoholics who are considered "hopeless" due to drinking 24/7. No mention of naltrexone whatsoever, either normally prescribed or via the Sinclair Method.


                    First week of Campral Down.

                    I took Campral for 3 months in 2007 but I'm not sure it really did anything for me. I started drinking again after 3 months on the wagon and never refilled the script. No side effects at all though for me. Like taking a sugar pill.

