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Baclofen a good option? (from Poland)

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    Baclofen a good option? (from Poland)

    Hi everyone,
    Just wanted to give you a little background about myself. I have a family member more specifically a brother who is an alcholic. He has been to many, many AA meetings and even a 2 month program here in Poland which is made up of AA meetings 3 times a day and living in complete exile with other alcoholics. That helped him for about 6 months and now he is back at it again. He is 28 and he can be sober for a month at a time and the suddenly it catches him and he drinks for a week straight. Lately the breaks have become less and less and it catches him a lot quicker. Its becoming a very real and serious problem and I dont know what to do. I am very lucky to have found this site and the threads that I have read on here are mostly baclofen positive. I really believe that baclofen can help him and that it may be his and ours last hope. I have a few questions for you guys though, I would be very very grateful if you could help me out . Does anyone know of a doctor here in Poland who helps alcoholics with baclofen? If not could you guys give me an email to a doctor so I could get some information. Also do you guys think that it would be a good idea to try baclofen? any information or tips would be greatly appreciated as I am relatively new to this.

    Baclofen a good option? (from Poland)

    Hi Natka: Welcome to MWO!

    In My Humble Opinion, when anyone is drinking against their own choice and will, a motion toward baclofen is ALWAYS in order. But you have to know, without any question or doubt, that it has to be your brother's choice to walk the "baclofen trail," . . . or not.

    Have you read Dr. Ameisen's book? Has your brother read it? I hope the language issue doesn't create a problem, but, also, IMHO, reading this book is essential for EVERYONE - you, your brother, and all the family members and friends - who wants to support him to find a way out of alcoholism. Baclofen is a miracle in my life, but it's NOT magic pill.

    Here's a LOT of great information:

    And there's tons more if you just take the time to read through the histories posted by baclofentists here on MWO. If your brother is interested enough to read some of this, he might just find the freedom from alcohol that many of us have. I HOPE that he is interested enough to read and make a well-informed decision about taking baclofen, and I HOPE that he finds his way out of the hell of drinking one's self to death.

    You're a great brother, to be looking for help for him. But you can't do it for him. If you can't find a doctor to prescribe baclofen, find out if you can order it online from an overseas pharmacy. That's what I did. Try All Day or Maybe they'll ship to Poland.

    Good luck!! Tell your brother that there really IS a way out for him, and baclofen is definitely one of them.
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      Baclofen a good option? (from Poland)

      Hi red,
      I have some good news. I talked to my brother and he is up for it. We are going to order Dr. Ameisens book and are going to try and give it our best shot. The biggest problem is that there is no forums and no doctors in Poland that heard of baclofen or want to hear about it if you know what I mean. Do you think it would be better to do some blood tests or overall get a check up before starting baclofen or is that not neccessary? Do people usually do some testing or checkups when they are taking baclofen? I am asking because he just got off of a 2 week binge. He will probably be sober for a month or a little less. Do we want to get him on it as quick as possible or read the book and wait? Thanks for the help.


        Baclofen a good option? (from Poland)

        It would be a good idea for you and your brother to spend as much time as possible reading around here. We can direct you toward information when you have questions about it.

        I have no idea what customs and the laws are like in Poland, but most people order baclofen online from an internet pharmacy that usually ships from India. That will likely be the best option.

        He can start now, or wait until he's read more. I would start! It's a good idea to start slowly and with a low dose, though. While you're waiting for the book and the baclofen to arrive, it will give some time to read here and figure out a plan of action.

        It's not a difficult process, it's just a matter of managing it. Order enough baclofen, even if you just want to try it. It works, particularly if the titration is slow, the side effects are managed, and the person is committed. Whatever you do, you don't want to run out!

        If his health is good in general, then he doesn't really need any specific tests. Baclofen goes through the kidneys, not the liver, so it's less likely that he'll have problems with it. However, if he has kidney problems, high blood pressure (unrelated to drinking) or sleep apnea (which baclofen seems to make worse for some people) then he'll need to address those things before he takes the first pill. Especially the kidney problems. That's unlikely if he's spent most of the last year sober, and he's generally healthy. He's young! Baclofen isn't hard on the system...

        Good luck getting the baclofen! I look forward to hearing about the journey. And thanks for being such a great support for him. He's a lucky guy in that way.

