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Baclofen itching anyone??

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    Baclofen itching anyone??

    Hi everyone. Ive been taking bac for about nine or so months now, long story short it changed my life although Ive only been taking 30 milligrams namely for anxiety. I am an alcoholic but was able to somehow kick the beast on my own after I just got plain scared after something I did on my last bender. Anyways, baclofen has worked for my anxiety like nothing else and yes I believe even at 30 mg it is even helping me to stay sober. I have gained about 20 pounds though that Im hoping I can somehow lose. Even with that aside because it has been so transforming for me I might even be willing to tolerate that.

    The latest thing that has been happening however, that I didnt attribute to the baclofen at first was these bursts of skin itching.I thought maybe I was allergic to the detergent I was using. Then something really weird happened today, I was on the treadmill( trying to lose some of these extra pounds packed on me) and all of a sudden I started having extreme itching all over my body especially where my clothes were touching me and I started itching myself and by the time I got off the treadmill it looked like I had a red rash that went away after about 30 minutes.

    Every now and then, I still keep getting small bursts of itching. Is this a serious side effect and has this happened to anyone else? So far it hasnt been that bad but I know sometimes they say that itching and any kind of rashes are a serious SE and you should "contact your doctor". The thing is, I dont want to "contact my doctor" as I know regaurdless of how bad it is shes gonna wanna take me off and I had to fight as it is to get even 30 milligrams. Quite frankly, if I have to come off baclofen its going to be a sad thing for me because my life will not be the same, but then again I dont want to be putting myself in danger either. Anyone else had any itching?

    Baclofen itching anyone??

    I haven't had itching, but if I spend more than a few minutes in the sun, I get a pretty intense sunburn that lasts a couple of days. I'm not sure it's the baclofen, but I'm not taking any other meds and I haven't had the problem before. Have you considered using hypo-allergenic detergent and fabric softener?


      Baclofen itching anyone??

      If nothing else has changed, and suddenly this rash appeared, I'd be disinclined to point to baclofen. Rather some new fabric softener or something.

      That said, baclofen completely changes your brain chemistry, so it's capable of much more than just a simple skin rash.


        Baclofen itching anyone??

        Thanks for the input, Im hoping and praying its not the baclofen but sometimes I will be fine on a med for quite a while and then just start having side effects out of the blue. You guys are right I will try the detergent also. Bleep-when you say it changes brain chemistry rationally I know thats true hence why my anxiety is so much lower but why does that scare me?hhe I know it increases gaba in the brain VERY well. Thats why Im hoping I dont have to discontinue because right now any kind of withdrawal would be very iconvenient and my withdrawals are usually pretty bad even on a slow taper so just keeping my fingers crossed!


          Baclofen itching anyone??

          Hey, Truvision.

          I'm going to ask a friend about this who knows a lot more than I do, but I'm inclined to suggest that you talk to your doctor about it. I'll double check, but as you mentioned, that can be a sign of something wonky that needs to be checked out. (I think.)
          In the meantime I wanted to offer a thought or two about telling your doctor. If you're having a reaction that is unrelated to baclofen, she's unlikely to think it's the baclofen and she's unlikely to say anything at all about the baclofen. Why would she?

          You are taking within the normal dose, well below the maximum. It is working for you. There is no risk, no reason at all for your doctor to suggest you should stop taking it. Unless it's related to this itching, in which case you really might not want to be taking it.

          It also doesn't make sense (to me) to stop taking it just to see if it's the itching. I am very protective of my own well being. I (personally) wouldn't take time off of a medication that works unless I'm absolutely sure that I absolutely need to do it. Any decent doctor should not just respect, but also understand and agree with that decision. This isn't something you can take an antibiotic for, ya' know?

          Just my thoughts.
          Hang in there!


            Baclofen itching anyone??

            Thanks so much Ne/Neva, yea and its really not a good time for me to come off of it either. I never looked at it the way you put it so I just might run it by my doc.You know something funny that I have noticed though was with my last prescription threy put two brands of baclofen in one since they must have been running low on one. I realized last night that it seemd it was only with this precription that the itching began and so I sat aside a few of the regular pills that Im usually used to taking and only took those today. Well, so far today I have noticed no itching at all. Im wondering if perhaps the new pill although still baclofen might have something in it thats not agreeing with me.

            That might sound like a stretch but I do tend to me extremely sensitive, I am also gluten intolerant and have all sorts of other sensitivities as well.Course, this is one reason that I dont wanna lose my baclofen because normally I cannot tolerate medication at all.The only thing bacs done so far is put on an extra 20 pounds on me( and maybe like a runny nose and snoring also hhe) which I can handle and am trying to fix the weight gain with strict diet and exersice.I just keep having vision of a doc yanking me off of the bac and me being in a state of anxious delerium for months and that I def do NOT want so thanks again for the extra input for sure.


              Baclofen itching anyone??

              truvision;1488961 wrote: Well, so far today I have noticed no itching at all. Im wondering if perhaps the new pill although still baclofen might have something in it thats not agreeing with me.

              That might sound like a stretch ...
              That really isn't much of a stretch. Baclofen pills have bulking agents* added to them. You're gluten intolerant and have other sensitivities? Well, maltodextrin is a common bulking agent. I don't know where you live, or in fact where your pills were produced, but in Europe maltodextrin is derived from wheat. In foodstuffs maltodextrin will appear on the ingredients label but not so on medications. WTF is that about? But that's nothing compared to some of the other bulking agents sometimes used: a friend recently told me of peanut butter being one!!! It sounds very much like you are reacting to a particular brand but then again I'm not a doctor and you're right that a skin rash allergic reaction to medication should really be referred to a doctor.

              * A Bulking Agent is not something that is used to stop you pooping, as one member recently, rather amusingly, assumed. :H
              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                Baclofen itching anyone??

                Yea I guess its too early to tell but dang you might be right because so far I havnt had the itching since I switched back to the old ones. Im running low on the old ones now so I will have to go back to the other ones so lets see if the itching starts back up again. Im in the US but thats good to know about the maltodextrin being made from wheat.I think it all depends on whos making it because the rules seem to change all the time depending on the brand, it totally sucks. Maybe the pharmacist would know where these new ones are from and I could call the company or something.I think they should make all ingredients much more transparent because theres many people just like myself who are becoming more and more sensitive everyday. It seems the main goal most noteably in food items
                (and well lots of others things as well) is to decieve us into not really knowing whats in there!


                  Baclofen itching anyone??

                  Same problem is with me, I have anxiety and many time its very itchy and the skin becomes red for some times. Even many times there is a bleeding and it also pains. So, suggest me cream or lotion or any other treatment which must help me to get cure from this problem. I have also searched at

