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UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

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    UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

    Well done Rebecca. I'm hopefully gonna be starting back next week. I was hoping to start back this week as my meds just arrived but I had a mad week last week and I feel like my insides are about to pack in. I'm usually a beer drinker but hit the vodka at the weekend and boy am I paying for it. I seriously don't think I'd last very long if I drank spirits.

    Damage control is my goal but total abstinence is what I'd love. I'm hoping to have the quick success I had last time.


      UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

      Congratulations Rebecca, that's so awesome! Sounds like your drinking is well moderated and within normie limits. So cool


        UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

        Well done Rebecca, see it does work!!!

        Reflecting on what I wrote above, I know that if I hadn't gotten a handle on my drinking, sorted the problem out I'd never have cultivated such a relationship. Both of us agree that if I'd continued as I was we'd have never been able to get close and have a functioning, developing relationship. Sure he'd have gotten involved, and put up with me for as long as he could, but it wouldn't have been long before I'd have told him to get lost, or vice versa. During my final months of alcoholic drinking prior to TSM I had resolved not to have another relationship for a long time, and this was one reason I refused to acknowledge it in it's early days, nor acknowledge the love that was developing.
        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

        AF date 22/07/13


          UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

          Adding a bit more on the above, at first I thought it was a showing off post (the one about my relationship), but I think the whole point is that once I removed alcohol from my life I was able to make better choices, build better relationships. The power shifts.
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13


            UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

            Shameless bump for interested members.

            Currently over 7 months continuosly AF and feeling fine.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

              I'm proud of you. 7 months is a long time.
              Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

                Thanks Xadrian.

                Don't forget I had just shy of 2 years of moderation prior to those 7 months, and there were many spells of 3-4 months when I was completely AF or only drank perhaps 2 or 3 drinks (units) in all that time - lots of AF time in there.
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

                  Ukblonde;1634677 wrote: Thanks Xadrian.

                  Don't forget I had just shy of 2 years of moderation prior to those 7 months, and there were many spells of 3-4 months when I was completely AF or only drank perhaps 2 or 3 drinks (units) in all that time - lots of AF time in there.
                  I'm even more proud of you.
                  I tried several times to stay AF, but until baclofen came along, I was not able to do so.
                  Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                    UKBlonde's Sinclair Method journey

                    Xadrian;1634762 wrote: I'm even more proud of you.
                    I tried several times to stay AF, but until baclofen came along, I was not able to do so.
                    Prior to TSM I managed just under 6 months twice in the last 10 years but I chose to drink again and was out of control just short of the 6 month mark. Majority of those 2 x 5 and a bit months I was crawling up the walls with cravings, pacing up and down - it was really very hard work.

                    TSM broke that bind, allowed me to reduce my intake to the point where it wasn't affecting my moods, or mental capacity and allowed me to learn how to live sober. Most of the time I was drinking on just 2 or 3 times a week, then as I've said there were weeks and even months with out it. No problem at all. I did have to make an effort but it was a lot more possible thanks to TSM.

                    I now no longer take Naltrexone because if you don't drink, you don't need to take it and there's been no return to the cravings.
                    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                    AF date 22/07/13


                      UK Blonde, I so appreciate your thread. I have just read Babylon Confidential, a book that Claudia Christian wrote about her life. The last part is about her very positive experience with TSM. She has since filmed a documentary about it and started a foundation. I ordered a couple of bottles and am excited to get started. In the documentary I like how she said that she knew she couldn't pray the addiction away, but was able to pray about it and she was led to this answer. I feel the same way. I've prayed and I think this is coming at the right time for me. Your blog really helps. Thank you


                        Originally posted by Marnie View Post
                        UK Blonde, I so appreciate your thread. I have just read Babylon Confidential, a book that Claudia Christian wrote about her life. The last part is about her very positive experience with TSM. She has since filmed a documentary about it and started a foundation. I ordered a couple of bottles and am excited to get started. In the documentary I like how she said that she knew she couldn't pray the addiction away, but was able to pray about it and she was led to this answer. I feel the same way. I've prayed and I think this is coming at the right time for me. Your blog really helps. Thank you
                        I'm really glad it's given you hope. I think it takes a lot of courage to take on TSM, a lot and I can feel that in your post.

                        Any questions don't hesitate to ask, this is also a way I believe to take control and stop the control alcohol has over you.
                        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                        AF date 22/07/13


                          Originally posted by YouKayBee View Post
                          I'm really glad it's given you hope. I think it takes a lot of courage to take on TSM, a lot and I can feel that in your post.

                          Any questions don't hesitate to ask, this is also a way I believe to take control and stop the control alcohol has over you.
                          YouKayBee -The more that I read and hear about TSM, the more that I become a believer in the fact that this may truly be one 'way out' for some. Thank you for your post.



                            UK Blonde - thank you so much for sharing your journey (and for the person who bumped it up). I had seen your references to TSM for many years but really didn't understand what it was all about and certainly never thought to try it.

                            I am now two weeks into TSM taking Selincro (the new version of Nal) and am already feeling fantastic benefits. I went from drinking almost 60 glasses of wine a week to just 16 last week (including two AF days without any effort) and 20 this week. I no longer have those climbing the wall cravings, I don't feel deprived, because if I want a drink I can have one (as long as i take the pill one hour before). More often than not these past two weeks, once I've had two drinks, I really can't be bothered to drink any more.

                            It is very early days for me, but I'm living in hope for a cure. I can't wait to get to the point when I no longer feel the need to drink at all.

                            Claudia Christian is on the new TSM UK website and has personally answered many of my questions there. For anyone wanting more information about TSM in the UK I would definitely recommend a visit.
                            Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                              I Snap -I am curious to know if one takes naltrexone before drinking, does that person still get that "buzz" feeling? Is the "buzz" reduced or is just totally eliminated so that one does not continue to drink because the alcohol is not doing anything? Thanks for any feedback. SW

                              Originally posted by Snapdragon View Post
                              UK Blonde - thank you so much for sharing your journey (and for the person who bumped it up). I had seen your references to TSM for many years but really didn't understand what it was all about and certainly never thought to try it.

                              I am now two weeks into TSM taking Selincro (the new version of Nal) and am already feeling fantastic benefits. I went from drinking almost 60 glasses of wine a week to just 16 last week (including two AF days without any effort) and 20 this week. I no longer have those climbing the wall cravings, I don't feel deprived, because if I want a drink I can have one (as long as i take the pill one hour before). More often than not these past two weeks, once I've had two drinks, I really can't be bothered to drink any more.

                              It is very early days for me, but I'm living in hope for a cure. I can't wait to get to the point when I no longer feel the need to drink at all.

                              Claudia Christian is on the new TSM UK website and has personally answered many of my questions there. For anyone wanting more information about TSM in the UK I would definitely recommend a visit.


                                Originally posted by Snapdragon View Post
                                UK Blonde - thank you so much for sharing your journey (and for the person who bumped it up). I had seen your references to TSM for many years but really didn't understand what it was all about and certainly never thought to try it.

                                I am now two weeks into TSM taking Selincro (the new version of Nal) and am already feeling fantastic benefits. I went from drinking almost 60 glasses of wine a week to just 16 last week (including two AF days without any effort) and 20 this week. I no longer have those climbing the wall cravings, I don't feel deprived, because if I want a drink I can have one (as long as i take the pill one hour before). More often than not these past two weeks, once I've had two drinks, I really can't be bothered to drink any more.

                                It is very early days for me, but I'm living in hope for a cure. I can't wait to get to the point when I no longer feel the need to drink at all.

                                Claudia Christian is on the new TSM UK website and has personally answered many of my questions there. For anyone wanting more information about TSM in the UK I would definitely recommend a visit.
                                I too found NAL and the film whilst it was in production. I even spoke to the director of the film.

                                Although NAL worked for me I needed strong pain relief and had to make a choice between NAL and the pain meds.

                                I now have had surgery on my back , I still have to take some pain relief, so I've settled on Baclofen (yesterday). Baclofen works on different receptors in the brain therefore I can take pain medication also. Baclofen is also good for anxiety which will suit me as well.

                                So all in all fingers crossed! The doctor that is prescribing for me is as confident about the BAC as he is this space!!

                                Claudia Christian was also a great support to me answering any questions I had. I read Dr Roy Eskapa's book about the Cure for Alcoholism, and it all made complete sense to me.

                                I may still have a copy in my email if anyone wants to read it? It is very enlightening, and if it gives anyone a glimmer of hope it is worth a read!!


