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Anyone ever tried

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    Anyone ever tried

    taking Bac just every other day as maintenance?
    Honour Thyself

    Anyone ever tried

    I'm hoping the lack of replies is because I was too vague on the above post, my natural default is feeling inadequate and to assume I'm being shunned, but as I'm working on my self esteem, I thought I'd update

    For the last week I've settled at 60 mg and my Doc has suggested 60 mg taken every other day. He says I'm breaking the habit, which I felt I was until last night. A Saturday night, a celebration of sorts and drank a full bottle of wine (over a number of hours and not in super quick time like I would have before) - Not a lot in days gone by but it freaks me out a bit now as I'm still very much associating AL with celebration and good times (but isn't that what normal folks do too?, confused a bit with that one)

    I think I'll go back up to 80 mg per day and as the Doc suggested - take BAC every other day which really appeals to me.

    Just wondered if anyone else had ever tried to take BAC like this and can let me know how they got on or didn't get on!

    Anyho, I'm going to build back up to 80 mg and then test out the pros and cons of the every other day approach, will let you all know how I get on.
    Honour Thyself


      Anyone ever tried


      Please don't feel shunned. It sometimes happens that the audience you are trying to reach is not online, especially Fridays and weekends.

      I am quite sure someone who takes Bac will chime in.

      I am glad Bac has been helpful. It is always good to hear a Baclofen success.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Anyone ever tried

        Hi Emily.
        Edit: It's not (NOT!) you. It has been very quiet this weekend.

        I didn't realize that you were already taking baclofen. I have never heard of a doctor suggesting that baclofen breaks the habit (a psychosocial thing, as opposed to treating the brain chemistry) or that taking it every other day might be effective.

        My take? It doesn't work that way. I think we've pretty well established through significant trials and lots of errors (haha!) that even when bac is working to curb drinking/craving the habit itself gets in the way and some of us (me!) drank (a lot!!) anyway. And as far as number 2 is concerned, well...I'm no doc and I won't presume. Oh yes, I will. Baclofen doesn't work that way. In fact, it sounds like a great way to have lots of side effects.

        But maybe s/he knows something I haven't heard of yet?


          Anyone ever tried

          Hey thanks Cinders and Ne, I appreciate your replies and feel a tad silly now, jumping to conclusions is a speciality!

          Just read over the email from the Doc again and I think, no don't think, I HAVE read it wrong. He suggests taking 70 mg and ON EVERY OTHER DAY 60 mg.

          I did think it was a bit strange as well but the thought of not having to pop the pills every single day appealed to me.

          So, you are absolutely right Ne, Bac doesn't work that way!! So once I get back up to 80 mg I think I will try 80 mg one day and 70 mg the next, see how that goes.
          Honour Thyself


            Anyone ever tried

            I suspect the doctor subscribed 70 on one day and 60 on the other because he wanted you on an average of 65 per day and this way you don't have to cut the pills in half. I cannot think of any other reason that makes sense.
            Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


              Anyone ever tried

              Hey Emily-

              I was following along too. I just don't have enough experience to advise on this sort of thing. I think you got some good advice and I'm glad you re-read the e-mail. It can be really easy to mis-interpret typed messages and I have a tendency to jump to conclusions, too. I am learning to ask for clarification if things seem out of sorts. Good job on being assertive and posting again! You are being proactive and that will serve you well. You have come a long way already.


                Anyone ever tried

                Absolutely agree Juan, thank you for the lovely message, yeah I was trying to be proactive if at tad overly dramatic with my wording!! AND it just shows the power of this forum,

                1. I would never have known about Baclofen if I hadn't stumbled onto 'meds' one day - I always imagine my guardian angel is really good with a laptop, has to be more than coincidence right?

                and 2. If NE hadn't posted and questioned what the Doc had said I would never had rechecked that email and realised I got it wrong, so all good.
                Honour Thyself


                  Anyone ever tried

                  hi Emily, what's your baclofen route been up until now?


                    Anyone ever tried

                    Hi Joanna

                    Very slow titration, not recorded exact amounts but started off at 30 mg, or built up to 30 mg and just increased around 10 mg from there, highest was 105 mg. I went on strong painkillers for a while and due to how the pain killers made me feel I mucked up my bac and so decided to settle at around 70 mg. When I did increase back I tended to not go up again for a week or 2 so SE were minimum for me.

                    I'm thinking of going back up again but will post why on my progress thread.
                    Honour Thyself


                      Anyone ever tried


                      take care :l

