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Baclofen Authorized in France - June 13, 2014

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    Baclofen Authorized in France - June 13, 2014

    Marisol Touraine autorise le remboursement du Baclof?ne pour le traitement contre la d?pendance ? l'alcool : Une grande avanc?e pour les patients

    Google Translation:

    Marisol Touraine authorize the reimbursement of Baclofen for the treatment against addiction to alcohol: A big step forward for patients
    Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs and Health, welcomed the publication date in the Official Journal (OJ), an order for repayment of baclofen in the treatment against addiction to alcohol. Minister welcomes this major advance for patients.

    This decision follows the recommendation temporary use (RTU) delivered this product on March 14 by the National Security Agency of Medicines and Health Products (MSNA). Since that date, muscle relaxant (already paid for its classic use for which it has authorization on the market - AMM), can indeed be prescribed for the treatment of alcohol dependence, within a framework Secured to doctors and patients alike. Although widespread, the use of Baclofen as such was hitherto recognized or framed.

    With the order made by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health released today, this drug is reimbursed in connection with treatment against addiction to alcohol.

    Marisol Touraine welcomes this major step forward for patients who can respond to a major public health concern. France is the first country to recognize the reality of the use of this drug and its effectiveness in the fight against alcoholism.

    Drug evaluation by the French National Health Authority for reimbursement decisions


    The French National Health Authority (NHA) is a scientific agency created by the French government in order to provide independent information and recommendations on health-related issues, and a coherent framework for improving healthcare practices. NHA's responsibility for periodically reviewing medicinal products for inclusion on the list of products eligible for reimbursement by the national health insurance system has been delegated to the Transparency Commission. The latter appraises the therapeutic value of medicinal products, based on clinical performance (efficacy and tolerability), the therapeutic contribution, and the expected impact on public health. If the Transparency Commission deems that a product has sufficient therapeutic value to warrant reimbursement, and if this opinion is approved by the Health Ministry, the Union of National Health Insurance Funds sets the refunding level according to the product's therapeutic value. The latter is re-assessed every 5 years, based on contemporary medical knowledge. The Transparency Commission also assesses the possible added therapeutic value of new products, i.e. their advantages over existing treatments. This is taken into account in setting the approved price. Transparency Commission opinions become part of the product's credentials, and are used by other NHA commissions to formulate "Recommendations for improving medical practices" and "Quality and distribution of medical information".

    PMID: 16737094
    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

    Baclofen Authorized in France - June 13, 2014

    That's another step in the good direction.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

