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Dumb idea or no?

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    Dumb idea or no?

    Hi there. As some of you might have read, I was already on bac (only 80 mg - the most prescribed by my doc), but basically stopped taking it when my life got hectic and I kept forgetting. Never reached anything approaching indifference, only reduced cravings. Anyway, in the midst of a big relapse, I had the presence of mind to refill my prescription a couple weeks after I was eligible to do so, even though I didn't need it, in the hopes of temporarily increasing my dose beyond what my doctor will allow. Now that I'm finally keeping to a regular schedule of taking it, I have a stockpile that will allow me to bump up my dosage to at least 120 mg for a couple weeks before coming back down. Is this even worth it or am I just being stupid?

    Dumb idea or no?

    I don't know if it would be 'worth it' in terms of doing anything other than using up the extra bac you have lying around. Though you never know until you try - who knows, maybe your switch dose is somewhere between the 80 you have and the 120 that you could get to for a couple weeks?

    Stranger things have happened. Lots of alcohol does not necessarily mean a high switch dose, nor does body weight affect it or gender or anything like that.

    Just make sure to count your pills! (You've mentioned having a tough time staying organized in the past.) You don't want to get backed into a corner where you're dropping 120 to 80 overnight, though after only a couple weeks that probably wouldn't be that bad even.


      Dumb idea or no?

      Lostinspace;1673263 wrote: Hi there. As some of you might have read, I was already on bac (only 80 mg - the most prescribed by my doc), but basically stopped taking it when my life got hectic and I kept forgetting. Never reached anything approaching indifference, only reduced cravings. Anyway, in the midst of a big relapse, I had the presence of mind to refill my prescription a couple weeks after I was eligible to do so, even though I didn't need it, in the hopes of temporarily increasing my dose beyond what my doctor will allow. Now that I'm finally keeping to a regular schedule of taking it, I have a stockpile that will allow me to bump up my dosage to at least 120 mg for a couple weeks before coming back down. Is this even worth it or am I just being stupid?
      I am actually getting ready to do the same thing. I was at a steady 80mg for a couple weeks, and hadn't moved up because I was short on meds. I now have 4 bottles (100 tabs at 10mg each) available and I am ready to really press in with a more agressive titrate up. Like you, the cravings are eased for me at 80, but I am looking for indifference too.


        Dumb idea or no?

        Thanks Stuck. Yeah, I'm thinking it's probably not worth it, either, but I guess I don't have anything to lose by trying. I will, though, keep close track of my pills to make sure I don't have to go down too quickly.

        beckty - I?m glad you finally got the pills you need to move forward. Good luck in titrating up and I wish you the best on your journey to indifference!


          Dumb idea or no?

          Lost and Becky- just my opinion, but I think that it's more worthwhile to save the extra Bac for the future rather than using it up now, and like Stuck said, then realizing that you have to drop from 120 to 80 too fast. Better to have extra 80mg doses for the future (you may need it, it happens pretty often!) than to mess with titration, in my opinion. But this is because I've heard so many horror stories of people not being careful and suddenly not having enough for the dosage they've become accustomed to. I know others may have differing opinions though...


            Dumb idea or no?

            skullbabyland;1674021 wrote: Lost and Becky- just my opinion, but I think that it's more worthwhile to save the extra Bac for the future rather than using it up now, and like Stuck said, then realizing that you have to drop from 120 to 80 too fast. Better to have extra 80mg doses for the future (you may need it, it happens pretty often!) than to mess with titration, in my opinion. But this is because I've heard so many horror stories of people not being careful and suddenly not having enough for the dosage they've become accustomed to. I know others may have differing opinions though...
            I hear you. Totally aware of how bad that would be. I have the Bac in my budget to order every other week, to be sure I have plenty ahead. If I have trouble getting any, I'll have to slow down.



              Dumb idea or no?

              My reasoning for what I said about trying out 120mg for a few weeks if it's feasible:

              Since the switch dose is so drastically different for everybody, it's impossible to tell if Lis is maybe almost there. She has said 80mgs is making a noticeable, albeit small, difference in cravings, and you just never know. It would suck balls to be 50 or so mgs from the switch dose all this time and never realize. If 120 isn't the magic number, she can always come back down, no harm no foul. If it is, or at least a marked difference in cravings/drinking, then she'd have even more personal experience to talk with her doc about, and maybe increase the script.

              Anyway, whether or not this all sounds like a good idea, that's what I was thinking. Keep in mind I am not a doctor, this is not advice, etc. etc.


                Dumb idea or no?

                StuckinLA;1674108 wrote: She has said 80mgs is making a noticeable, albeit small, difference in cravings, and you just never know. It would suck balls to be 50 or so mgs from the switch dose all this time and never realize. If 120 isn't the magic number, she can always come back down, no harm no foul.
                Since I am at 80, and I am also feeling some of those same effects, that was my line of thought for myself as well. Makes total sense. And with the lack of knowledge for our doc's here, I'd say this is probably more sensible advice than a medical professional would give at this point!


                  Dumb idea or no?

                  Thank you, both Stuck and Skull, for your input. To be honest, at this point, I'm kind of stuck on the idea of trying to see if 120 mg might me the "magical" dose for me, as that's all I can do for now. I will try to work on my doctor to see if I can't win him over to the idea of high dose baclofen as a means of treating people like me. We have a long history. He knows I've tried everything else under the sun and am still struggling, so I hope I can win him over with the studies I bring him. In the meantime, I do have a legit prescription for 80 mg, so I'll never be down to nothing overnight.

