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Using a different brand

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    Using a different brand

    Hi Everyone

    Have changed from inhouse pharmacy where I just used to get 10mg pacifen to Goldpharma where I now have baclofen dura (mylan dura). Have also increased since Monday by 10mg to 140mg per day. My UK prescription has ran out so for the last two days I've been only using the new batch from goldpharma and I feel very strange.

    I feel as if I'm having a reaction via my skin (face) feels itchy and as if it's going to flush at any moment. Also feel very slightly sick, not had this before.

    Could it be that this brand does not agree with me or should I persevere?

    I've just ordered another 300!!
    Honour Thyself

    Using a different brand

    I use Aluid from Goldpharma and am going well. Going from any brand at 140 to another would cause me to be slightly concerned. I think the thing to do would to slowly mix and match brands as you switch over. Probably not much use now if your already switched over. Mylan is a solid pharma brand. Could just be the body getting used to it.


      Using a different brand

      Yeah tee, you're right, never thought that one through plus as a female it's that time of the month!! I always thought baclofen affected me more at this time, so very bad timing, have no choice but to work through it, I'm sure it'll settle down although I use to swap straight from my UK prescription bac to inhouse pacifen with no effects whatsoever. Again, maybe the monthly cycle thing.
      Honour Thyself


        Using a different brand

        I always found Pacifen to be the "cleanest"brand out there. Not as clean as self made but it was always dependable regarding side effects.



          Using a different brand

          Will see how I go, may need to sell the 300 that I've just ordered, so I can go back to pacifen.

          I've seen a couple of people from the UK doing this, (one got slated saying it was wrong to do it on the forum but it's a lot of bloody money and cash is tight for me just now) is there a UK only site? I've asked this before and no-one got back to me.
          Honour Thyself


            Using a different brand

            What brand were you getting on the NHS Emily? As far as I know its Activis or Novartis. I see you can get Novartis at Goldpharma. I'd love a script but my GP isn't really into the whole Baclofen thing.


              Using a different brand

              It's usually Lioresal in the UK I think - or generic baclofen of course. Some online pharmacies supply Lioresal, others Beclofen (I think) or Fexobac (which I have at the moment). I have never had these skin reactions which others describe, it seems to be an individual thing. But I was really interested to read the theories about isomers in another thread on this forum - not sure that is the correct term - of baclofen in different commercial brands which might make it more or less effective. I found that a bit worrying.


                Using a different brand

                I wouldn't have thought there would be much different strength wise in brands. Maybe 10% or something when you get into the high doses. I thought the drug manufacturing laws in Europe and the US where pretty strick when it came to this sort of thing.

                I've tried 2 German brands and Pacifen and couldn't really tell the difference.

                Back in my days of recreational drug use I did have friends who could easily tell one brand of drug from another. Always thought it was all in there head but maybe it was just me.


                  Using a different brand

                  I don't have any of my UK prescription one left to double check but the only brand name that seems to be written on it if I remember correctly was 'mylan' that's why I ordered the Gold pharma ones because they are mylan dura.

                  No swearing necessary Palladium, not as fresh faced as I wish I was but don't think I'm going through the change either. Positive that I've experienced baclofen appearing more potent during time of the month and yes, you could be right about feeling apprehensive about taking these ones as I was quite happy with the inhouse pharmacy ones (the customs charge being the reason for moving to Goldpharma).

                  These ones definitely feel much stronger, I feel really gripped by them, if that makes sense. It's like 'whoa, god is it time already to take more of these feckers!'

                  The perseverance continues, when you said go to my GP Palladium did you mean about my hormone levels?

                  Just to add, I've always been very sensitive to medicine, I even had to stop taking the blue nytol (the one they keep in the cabinets at the chemist) because I was like a drugged zombie the next day, just about all day.
                  Honour Thyself


                    Using a different brand

                    Its strange Emily about being sensitive to drugs. I'm usually the opposite when its comes to drugs. I can take massive amounts of certain drugs that would shock most doctors but baclofen is really doing a number on me.

                    I'm uped to 100mg yesterday and I'm really feeling it. Thankfully it seems to be working. Its more or less blocking out any cravings. I'm not even thinking about booze, its a mad feeling.

                    SEs include...

                    Anxiety highened
                    Narcotics feeling (basically feel like I'm on something)
                    Pissing like a racehorse
                    Strange dreams

                    Hopefully I won't have to go up much more and the SEs will fade over time.

                    I've just ordered Vioridon instead of my usual brand so I'll see how I fair. I'd be afraid to order from outside the EU in case I had trouble with customs. I'm living on a budget ATM and can't really afford to build up a big supply even though it would be peace of mind.


                      Using a different brand

                      Yeah Tee

                      Can totally related, my 300 goldpharma bac arrived this morning, very quick just ordered Thursday or Friday last week but I've also got a new prescription so I may try to mix the two, don't know if I should, maybe someone will advise on that one.

                      Pissing like a racehorse, yep, I got that delightful one too, it does settle down though, I'm sleeping much better, experienced the insomnia that folk talk about really for the first time ever last week, seem to be sleeping much better now though.

                      I also think you can bring about side effects - I have a horrible one where I feel I'm breathing in cigarette smoke or it feels like the air is super dry, there's just no moisture, my fingertips also go very dry.

                      After taking 2 during the night (I've started doing this due to being up to 14 tablets per day and only taking 3 at a time, 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 + 2 around 4 am when I'm pissing like a racehorse haha) I experienced the dry air feeling straight away and it occurred to me that it's not an actual side effect just my mind playing tricks.

                      Are you thinking of sticking to the 100mg for a wee while Tee?
                      Honour Thyself


                        Using a different brand

                        I've just started to get the that shortness of breath feeling Emily. I had it really bad the first time I tried but that was at a dose over 200 and it was really bad.

                        I'be upped 25 every 4 days and was going to keep going at that rate but I'm seeing results quicker than I thought I would so I'm not to sure what I should do. I might bump up to 125 or even 150 and keep at that.

                        I had to stop drinking baclofen or no baclofen just before I started as I'm having health issues so that helped. I had a few beers over the weekend but struggled to finish after 4 of them. I'm not going to make the mistake and wait for some magical switch to happen. The way I feel now I think I could go AF with not much trouble.

                        Maybe try and get hold of 25mg or 20mg tablets Emily? Sometimes fillers can cause SEs. It might mean having to take less tablets. I couldn't imagine how folks on big big doses over 200mg manage to take say 20 plus tablets.


                          Using a different brand

                          People on this site & other sites have suggested that fillers cause SE's. Liquid baclofen has been much discussed as a sort of pure form of baclofen I think. I haven't found any difference between brands. I order the 25mg tablets as better value for money as well as easier to take in larger doses.


                            Using a different brand

                            Yeah the 25 tabs are easier if you've big doses to take. I tried the liquid last year before loop sadly pasted away but I got massive headaches from it. Its just a matter of finding what works for you I suppose. HDB seems to be a strange drug when it comes to the different SEs that people experience.


                              Using a different brand

                              what are fillers?
                              Honour Thyself

