Is there anyone who posts or reads this forum who tried Baclofen, found it didn't work, and gave up on it?
I got up to 240 mg and everything was far far worse - I was still drinking - in fact, I think my drinking went up as the Baclofen gave me the most awful crippling anxiety all the time. I felt so lethargic all the time that at weekends I wouldn't get out of bed until 1 pm, and became so depressed I didn't want to do anything, see friends, or even go out. I did manage not to drink many days, indeed up to a week at a time, but mainly because (I think) I just couldn't be bothered to go out and buy any booze.
I started tapering down very slowly over the last 12 weeks or so and am now on 30 mg/day with the intention to be free of it completely before Christmas. I am now so much happier - no anxiety and drinking less per day, according to what I call my "spreadsheet of shame" in which I track daily units and try to keep a weekly running average below a certain number. I am going out and doing things. But still drinking.
I wonder if there is anyone who reads this, what they tried to do to reign in drinking post-Baclofen?
I check in here every day and enjoy reading everyone's posts but tend not to post much and wonder if there are any other lurkers in a similar position to me?