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    im so tired gottago getsome sleep, head is pounding, havent toldwife shes in bed, pissed at me for drinking, will talk in morning
    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson



      Good Max - I hope you can get some good rest. It can all be sorted out . It's awful when meds make you feel crazy. I've been there too. Please check in later and tell us how youre doing. and I hope the doctor can help ASAP. Hate that you're feelng so bad.
      Big hugs:l :l
      wonder xx



        Max be careful coming off Effexor. I took it for over a year. It did help with depression/anxiety, but coming off of it was a bitch. Good idea to talk to your doctor.



          cant bring myself to go to bed some reason feel like shit ? 11 30 have to work tmoro dont want any nightmares soaking already
          feeling outof it out of my control no drinkl for7hrs. bit scared upset
          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson



            Try and get some can do this.



              And drink lots of water right now if you can. This will pass Max. It really will. It's not you, it's your chemsitry going haywire. Everything is alright. You are safe. Your family is safe. Everything that's happening right now will pass. You will be okay. Nice deep breaths. We're all here.
              :l :l :l
              Wonder xx



                OH man

                Max, I was wondering how you were, yeah, be careful coming off stuff, I can't take ANY antidepressants, they all mess w/ my sensitive system..........:upset:

                Be careful, WE ALL CARE ABOUT YOU!!!! Drink plenty like wonderworld said, try to get a little rest.................

                Lots of love sent your way from here!!!:h HUGS too!!!:l

                Mary Anne
                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                  I also am on Effexor, and am slowly...SLOWLY weaning off of it....I went off it cold turkey before (thought I was *cured* and flushed the remaining meds down the commode) and it was hell on earth. I thought I was going INSANE for three days...anxiety...electrical pulses in head, and arms...a serious feeling of being *not attatched* to my surroundings...YEEESH...have you taken a lesser dose lately?....forgotten your meds?...the withdrawl from them are brutal....for me to get off them will take 36 weeks or more, and I was taking 150 mg once a I am doing 112.5 a day for 12 weeks...then will go down again, etc.
                  please see your doctor asap....and try to not drink...maybe they can help with meds for anxiety to help you rest?....

                  please check in, I am worried about you...
                  love and hugs,
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



                    I agree with the others, maxman. Go and see you GP and get him/her to put you onto something else.

                    Both my husband and I were on Effexor a while back... coming off of it cold turkey almost killed us both. It is extremely potent.

                    Please take care. Drink lots of water.



                      Max - I hope you're feeling better.....

                      OMG........and PLEASE tell your wife from me that it so sounds like the meds 'making' you like this.....don't let her think it's the drink.....

                      .....cos I am sad to read so much about Effexor and the awful times some of you guys are having/have had on it..... and to realise 5 years too late that the ex (love of my life) I spoke of was as Jekyl and Hyde as he was, probably from it....and that I believed him when he said endlessly that it was all me and that I was the horrible person who was' too damaged for a relaitionship'....... He left with me that - wonder where he is now - hope he's better now.....that stuff is dangerous!!! Even if it helps a seems to do untold damage elsewhere....

                      Max - I hope your doc can find you something that works well for you.....

                      Really, really thinking of sounds truly horrible...I remember Colin suffering terribly on it.....remember that we know you as a great, steady, strong guy.....hang in there with that until you 'find yourself again''re gonna be ok...

                      Love FMS xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



                        How are you doing this morning Max?



                          Max I am thinking of you as well, hope you are alright.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                            didnt drink enough for a hangover and stopped early, feel like crap still, bit surreal ,still got bad headache will ring doc this morning thanks
                            "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson



                              Good to hear from you Max. You sound better. Have you tried taking something for the headache? Do you have aspirin? Aspirin is best for headaches if you've got it -
                              Hang in there :l . Hope the doc is helpful.
                              Keep us posted-
                              Wonder xx



                                dont know how to tell my wife, shes gone out, Im not going anywhere untill I have made doc appointment. still stressing heaps, taken meds already this morning need to snap out of it. hard to explain what Im feeling right now
                                "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

